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2017-12-26 05:11:34 +00:00
# Exploit Development References
## Tutorials and Examples
* [Shellcode Tutorial](
* [Shellcode Examples](
* [Exploit Writing Tutorials](
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* [Exploit Exercises](
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## Hex Editors
* [HexEdit.js]( - Browser-based hex editing.
* [Hexinator]( - World's finest (proprietary, commercial) Hex Editor.
* [Frhed]( - Binary file editor for Windows.
* [0xED]( - Native macOS hex editor that supports plug-ins to display custom data types.
## File Format Analysis Tools
* [Kaitai Struct]( - File formats and network protocols dissection language and web IDE, generating parsers in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.
* [Veles]( - Binary data visualization and analysis tool.
* [Hachoir]( - Python library to view and edit a binary stream as tree of fields and tools for metadata extraction.
## Reverse Engineering Tools
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The following are some of the most popular reverse engineering tools. HOWEVER! GO TO THE [REVERSE ENGINEERING SECTION]( for more references.
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* [Interactive Disassembler (IDA Pro)]( - Proprietary multi-processor disassembler and debugger for Windows, GNU/Linux, or macOS; also has a free version, [IDA Free](
* [WDK/WinDbg]( - Windows Driver Kit and WinDbg.
* [OllyDbg]( - x86 debugger for Windows binaries that emphasizes binary code analysis.
* [Radare2]( - Open source, crossplatform reverse engineering framework.
* [x64dbg]( - Open source x64/x32 debugger for windows.
* [Immunity Debugger]( - Powerful way to write exploits and analyze malware.
* [Evan's Debugger]( - OllyDbg-like debugger for GNU/Linux.
* [Medusa]( - Open source, cross-platform interactive disassembler.
* [plasma]( - Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax code.
* [peda]( - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB.
* [dnSpy]( - Tool to reverse engineer .NET assemblies.
* [binwalk]( - Fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images.
* [PyREBox]( - Python scriptable Reverse Engineering sandbox by Cisco-Talos.
* [Voltron]( - Extensible debugger UI toolkit written in Python.
* [Capstone]( - Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.
* [rVMI]( - Debugger on steroids; inspect userspace processes, kernel drivers, and preboot environments in a single tool.
* [Frida]( - Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.
## Implant Creation
* [Exploiting CVE-2017-0199: HTA Handler Vulnerability](
* [CVE-2017-0199 Toolkit](
* [CVE-2017-8759-Exploit-sample](
* [Window Signed Binary](
* [Wepwnise](
* [Bash Bunny](
* [Generate Macro - Tool](
* [How To: Empires Cross Platform Office Macro](
* [Excel macros with PowerShell](
* [PowerPoint and Custom Actions](
* [MS Signed mimikatz in just 3 steps](
* [Hiding your process from sysinternals](
* [Luckystrike: An Evil Office Document Generator](
* [The Absurdly Underestimated Dangers of CSV Injection](
* [Macro-less Code Exec in MSWord](
* [Multi-Platform Macro Phishing Payloads](
* [Macroless DOC malware that avoids detection with Yara rule](
* [Empire without powershell](
* [Powershell without Powershell to bypass app whitelist](
* [Phishing between the app whitelists](
* [Bypass Application Whitelisting Script Protections - Regsvr32.exe & COM Scriptlets (.sct files)](
* [Bypassing Application Whitelisting using MSBuild.exe - Device Guard Example and Mitigations](
* [Windows oneliners to download remote payload and execute arbitrary code](
* [Week of Evading Microsoft ATA - Announcement and Day 1 to Day 5](
* [AMSI How Windows 10 Plans to Stop Script-Based Attacks and How Well It Does It](
* [AVSignSeek](
* [Keying Payloads for Scripting Languages](
* [Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 1 of 2)](
* [Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 2 of 2)](
* [Microsoft Office NTLM Hashes via Frameset](
* [Abusing Microsoft Word Features for Phishing: “subDoc”](
* [code signing certificate cloning attacks and defenses](
* [userland api monitoring and code injection detection](
* [In memory evasion](