
Badges are little identificators to let you know more about a specific YouTuber. 0 or more badges can be attached to a YouTuber. These badges only serve as extra information for you while navigating through this list.

Badge for verified YouTube channels

Verified YouTube Channel

This badge is attached to the YouTubers that have a verified symbol on their channel. Learn more about verified YouTube channels here.

Badge for YouTubers that upload videos weekly

Weekly video upload

This badge is attached to the YouTubers who upload at least 1 video per week.

Badge for English-speaking YouTubers

English speaking YouTubers

This badge is attached to YouTubers that make their content in English.

Badge for French-speaking YouTubers

French speaking YouTubers

This badge is attached to YouTubers that make their content in French.

Badge for Spanish-speaking YouTubers

Spanish speaking YouTubers

This badge is attached to YouTubers that make their content in Spanish.

Badge for Portuguese-speaking YouTubers

Portuguese speaking YouTubers

This badge is attached to YouTubers that make their content in Portuguese.