import pathlib here = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent file_readme = here / '../../' with open(file_readme, 'r') as read_readme: content_readme = read_readme.readlines() def content_about(): """ Looks for trailing slashes and words separated by commas at every "Content about:" section found in the file (this is, the list itself). result (str): return value of the function. checker (str): detector of the line corresponding the file. """ result = 'No errors found.' checker = 'Content about:' for line, value in enumerate(content_readme): if checker in value: # Check for trailing slash if value[-2] != '\\': if value[-2] == ' ': content_readme[line] = value[:-1] + '\\' + '\n' with open(file_readme, 'w') as write_readme: write_readme.writelines(content_readme) else: content_readme[line] = value[:-1] + ' \\' + '\n' with open(file_readme, 'w') as write_readme: write_readme.writelines(content_readme) result = "Trailing slash wasn't found.\nFixed." return result print(content_about())