This list contains youtubers whose content is based in the tech field and teach about tech stuff. Please, take a look at <ahref=""></a> to know what the badges mean. The order of the youtubers doesn't mean the quality: all of the youtubers below are awesome. Every youtuber is in a specific section/subsection, though it may involve other topics that are not the ones according to the section (but the section the youtuber is in is its main content). Note that this <strong>is not</strong> a promotional list of any kind.
[<img align="left" height="94px" width="94px" alt="Tech With Tim channel's avatar" src=""/>](
[**Tech With Tim**]( [<img height="16px" width="16px" alt="Badge for verified YouTube channels" src="media/badge-verified.svg" title="Is a verified YouTube channel"/>]( [<img height="16px" width="16px" alt="Badge for youtubers that upload videos weekly" src="media/badge-weekly.svg" title="Uploads videos weekly"/>]( \
Featured playlists: `Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches`, `SAPIEN PowerShell Training`, `PowerShell Tips, Tricks, and Snippets`.
### Web development
Web development include frontend development: the very basics (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) as well as the most modern frameworks (React, Vue, Angular). It also includes backend development topics (Node, GRAPHQL, SQL) and more basic things (DNS, URLs, Deployment). You can also find freelancing as a web developer an other related stuff.
[**Flux**]( [<img height="16px" width="16px" alt="Badge for youtubers that upload videos weekly" src="media/badge-weekly.svg" title="Uploads videos weekly"/>]( \
Content about: Web design, Design, Freelancing \
Featured playlists: `Free Web Design Course 2020`, `Portfolios: Case Studies & Reviews`, `How To Start Freelancing`, `FREELANCE TIPS: How to find clients & grow your business`.