diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1f6459d..159ac74 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Web archiving is the process of collecting portions of the World Wide Web to ens * [IIPC and DPC Training materials: module for beginners (8 sessions)](https://netpreserve.org/web-archiving/training-materials/) * [UNT Web Archiving Course](https://github.com/vphill/web-archiving-course) * [Continuing Education to Advance Web Archiving (CEDWARC)](https://cedwarc.github.io/) + * [A Whirlwind Tour of Common Crawl's Datasets using Python](https://github.com/commoncrawl/whirlwind-python/) * The WARC Standard: * The [warc-specifications](https://iipc.github.io/warc-specifications/) community HTML version of the official specification and hub for new proposals. * The [offical ISO 28500 WARC specification homepage](http://bibnum.bnf.fr/WARC/). @@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ This list of tools and software is intended to briefly describe some of the most * [WS-DL Blog](https://ws-dl.blogspot.com/) - Web Science and Digital Libraries Research Group blogs about various Web archiving related topics, scholarly work, and academic trip reports. * [DSHR's Blog](https://blog.dshr.org/) - David Rosenthal regularly reviews and summarizes work done in the Digital Preservation field. * [UK Web Archive Blog](https://blogs.bl.uk/webarchive/) +* [Common Crawl Foundation Blog](https://commoncrawl.org/blog) -- [rss](http://www.commoncrawl.org/blog/rss.xml) ### Mailing Lists @@ -235,6 +237,7 @@ This list of tools and software is intended to briefly describe some of the most * [IIPC Slack](https://iipc.slack.com/) - Ask [@netpreserve](https://twitter.com/NetPreserve?s=20) for access. * [Archives Unleashed Slack](https://archivesunleashed.slack.com/) - [Fill out this request form](http://slack.archivesunleashed.org/) for access to a researcher group of people working with web archives. * [Archivers Slack](https://archivers.slack.com) - [Invite yourself](https://archivers-slack.herokuapp.com/) to a multi-disciplinary effort for archiving projects run in affiliation with [EDGI](https://envirodatagov.org/archiving/) and [Data Together](http://datatogether.org/). +* [Common Crawl Foundation Partners](ccfpartners.slack.com) (ask greg zat commoncrawl zot org for an invite) ### Twitter