1. Find a link to the package you consider is awesome. Use the link from [marketplace.visualstudio.com](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/) instead of a link from its GitHub repository.
2. Find the appropriate place for your package. If it belongs to a certain section, put it there. If it doesn't belong to a specific category, you should put it in the `uncategorized` section. Make sure to put your package in the alphabetical order.
1. Submit a link to [vscodethemes](https://vscodethemes.com) if applicable, otherwise use the [marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/) link.
2. Add your theme in alphabetical order.
3. Only one theme per publisher (you may change a featured theme).
4. Submit a similar-style screenshot. You may use [this sketch file](./themes/screenshots/awesome-vscode.sketch) with [this template](./themes/theme-template.js) to help (**tip**: line up vscode with the canvas).
Failure to comply to these contributing guidelines will result in your pull request being rejected.