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synced 2025-02-02 17:44:44 -05:00
Justin Garrison
Added status bar section
Moved existing plugins that fit status bar usage.
Awesome Tmux
List of helpful tmux links for various tutorials, plugins, and configuration settings.
Table of Contents
- Tutorials
- Cheat sheets
- Configuration
- Tools and session management
- Themes
- Status Bar
- Plugins
- Books
- Miscellaneous
- Automatically start tmux on SSH
- Tmux crash course
- Tmux primer
- Using tmux for semi-interactive demos
- Tmux and Vim together
Cheat Sheets
- Advanced tmux config Powerline like theme, vim bindings, SSH aware, improved maximize pane, ...
- Example tmux config 📗 Example tmux configuration - screen + vim key-bindings, system stat, cpu load bar
- Guide to customizing tmux.conf
- practical tmux
- tmux-extra Configuration and scripts for sane Tmux default behavior
Tools and session management
- libtmux Python API for tmux
- powerline Statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications including tmux
- tat Tab completion for tmux sessions
- teamocil a simple tool used to automatically create windows and panes in tmux with YAML files
- tmux-cssh TMUX with a "ClusterSSH"-like behaviour
- tmux-up Bootstrap new
sessions without complex tools, DSLs, or dependencies - tmuxifier Tmuxify your Tmux. Powerful session, window & pane management for Tmux.
- tmuxinator Manage complex tmux sessions easily
- tmuxomatic Intelligent tmux session management
- tmuxp 💻 tmux session manager and python library
- tmuxpair Command line script for setting up a temporary tmux session for pair programming
- vim-tmux-navigator Vim and tmux intigration
- tmux-base16-statusline Statusline based on base16-shell
- tmux-colors-solarized A color theme for the tmux terminal multiplexer using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme
- tmux-themepack Various themes for tmux
- tomorrow: 5 flavors of Tomorrow theme based on specifications from Tomorrow Theme (i.e. dark/blue and light).
Status Bar
- tmux-battery Plug and play battery percentage and icon indicator for Tmux.
- tmux-cpu Show CPU load with easy icons
- tmux-cpu-info CPU usage guage to status bar
- tmux-maildir-counter Plugin that counts files on a specific mail directory
- tmux-mem-cpu-load CPU, RAM memory, and load monitor for use with tmux
- tmux-online-status Tmux plugin that displays online status of your computer
- tmux-prefix-highlight Plugin that highlights when you press tmux prefix key
- tmux-spotify-info Spotify track info on your status bar
- tmux-weather Add weather status via forcast.io
- tmux2html 🐈 Render full tmux windows or individual panes as HTML
- tmux-better-mouse-mode A tmux plugin to better manage and configure the mouse.
- tmux-fingers copy pasting in terminal with vimium/vimperator like hints.
- tmux-1password Access your 1Password login items in a tmux pane.
- tmux-simple-git-status Show branch and number of changes in current git repository
- tmux-plugins Official tmux plugins
- tmux-continuum Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on.
- tmux-copycat A plugin that enhances tmux search
- tmux-fpp Quickly open any path on your terminal window in your $EDITOR of choice!
- tmux-logging Easy logging and screen capturing for Tmux.
- tmux-open Tmux key bindings for quick opening of a highlighted file or url
- tmux-pain-control standard pane key-bindings for tmux
- tmux-resurrect Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
- tmux-sessionist Lightweight tmux utils for manipulating sessions
- tmux-sidebar A sidebar with the directory tree for the current path. Tries to make tmux more IDE like.
- tmux-tpm Tmux Plugin Manager
- tmux-urlview Quickly open any url on your terminal window!
- tmux-yank Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard. Works on OSX, Linux and Cygwin.
- vim-tmux-focus-events Make terminal vim and tmux work better together.
Development and testing
- tmux-example-plugin Example Tmux plugin that actually demonstrates how to build plugins for Tmux
- tmux-test A small framework for isolated testing of tmux plugins.
- Statically linked tmux Install new version without root access
- sublime-tmux Sublime Text plugin to interact with tmux sessions
- vim-tmux vim plugin for tmux.conf
- vim-tmux-navigator Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
- tmux-tail-f A tool to tail multiple files using tmux