* **[CompVis/Stable Diffusion](https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion)** - The official release of Stable Diffusion with cli, an AI-based Safety Classifier to (detect and suppresses sexualized content and all the necessary files to get running.
* [stability-AI/stability-sdk](https://github.com/stability-AI/stability-sdk) - The official SDK to build python applications integrating against StabilityAI's cloud platform instead of hosting the model yourself. Operation requires an API Key (🖊️💵)
* [Public Release Announcement](https://stability.ai/blog/stable-diffusion-public-release) - StabilityAI's public announcement on the release of Stable Diffusion.
All forks listed here add additional features and optimisations and are generally faster than the original release as they will keep the model in memory rather than reloading it every prompt. Most forks seem to remove the Safety Classifier which may be a risk in conjunction with third party services such as discord bots.
* [basujindal/stable-diffusion](https://github.com/basujindal/stable-diffusion) - "Optimized Stable Diffusion", fork with dramatically reduced VRAM requirements through model splitting, enabling stable diffusion on lower end video cards. Includes GradIO web interface, prompt weights.
* [bes-dev/stable_diffusion.openvino](https://github.com/bes-dev/stable_diffusion.openvino) - Fork for running through CPU which is compatible with OpenVINO
* [hlky/stable-diffusion](https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion) - Very active fork with optional, highly featureful [Gradio UI](https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion-webui) with support for txt2img, img2img inpainting, GFPGAN, ESGRAN, prompt weights, optimized low memory version, optional [textual-inversion](https://textual-inversion.github.io/) and more.
* [lstein/stable-diffusion](https://github.com/lstein/stable-diffusion) - Very active fork adding a conversational cli interface, basic web interface, GFPGAN, ESRGAN, prompt weights, img2img, [textual-inversion](https://textual-inversion.github.io/) and Apple M1 support.
* [lowfuel/progrock-stable](https://github.com/lowfuel/progrock-stable) - Fork with optional Web GUI and a different approach to upscaling (GoBIG/ESRGAN)
* [txt2imghd](https://github.com/jquesnelle/txt2imghd) - Fork of progrock diffusion that creates detailed, higher-resolution images by first generating an image from a prompt, upscaling it, and then running img2img on smaller pieces of the upscaled image, and blending the result back into the original image.
* [stable-diffusion-jupyterlab-docker](https://github.com/pieroit/stable-diffusion-jupyterlab-docker) - A docker setup ready to go with jupyter notebooks for stable diffusion.
* 🖊️ [Official Model Card](https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion) - Official Model Card Hugging Face with all versions of the model. Download requires sign in and acceptance of terms of service.
[stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original.chkpt](https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original) - The latest model from the model card, required to run Stable Diffusion.
* [RealESRGAN Models](https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN/releases/) - Download location for the latest RealESRGAN models required to use upscaling by many forks implementing it. Different models exist for realistic and anime content. Please refer to the fork documentation to identify the ones you need.
* 🖊️💵 [Offical Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/stable_diffusion.ipynb) - The official, optimized colab for running SD on Google Cloud. Due to VRAM requirements required Colab Pro to create images.
* [textual-inversion](https://github.com/rinongal/textual_inversion) - Adding your own personalized content to Stable Diffusion without retraining the model ([Paper](https://textual-inversion.github.io/), [Paper2](https://dreambooth.github.io/)).
* [hlky/stable-diffusion-webui](https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion-webui) - GradIO based web UI from the hlsk/stable-diffusion fork with support for txt2img, img2img (with basic mask editor), GAFPGAN and RealESRGAN.
* [Stable Diffusion GRisk GUI ]([https://grisk.itch.io/stable-diffusion-gui]) - Windows GUI binary for SD.
* [lama-cleaner](https://github.com/Sanster/lama-cleaner) - Content aware AI inpainting tool with useful for removing unwanted objects or defects from images. Python: ```pip install lama-cleaner```
* [GFPGAN](https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN) - Face Restoration GAN included in several forks for automatically fixing deformed faces commonly found in SD output.*
* [CodeFormer](https://github.com/sczhou/CodeFormer) - Another Face Restoration Model [Paper: Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer](https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11253).
* [rom1504/clip-retrieval](https://github.com/rom1504/clip-retrieval) - Reverse searches prompt keywords into the image dataset used by Stable Diffusion and other models. [Online GUI](https://rom1504.github.io/clip-retrieval/) available.
* [Stable Diffusion How To](https://www.assemblyai.com/blog/how-to-run-stable-diffusion-locally-to-generate-images/) - A basic tutorial on how to get Stable Diffusion up and running.
* [Running on M1 Apple Silicon](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/wx0tkn/stablediffusion_runs_on_m1_chips/) - Reddit thread with instructions on how to run Stable Diffusion on Apple M1 CPU and GPU.
* [Easy CPU-only Stable Diffusion](https://rentry.org/cpu_stable_diffusion_guide) - Easy CPU-only stable diffusion without littering too much your GNU/Linux system
* ["Ultimate GUI Retard Guide](https://rentry.org/GUItard) - Tutorial for installing the [hlky fork](https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion) along with it's [WebUI](https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion-webui).
* [Stable Diffusion Akashic Records](https://github.com/Maks-s/sd-akashic) - Comprehensive curated list of guides, studies, keywords, promts and artists.
* [Sunny's Tips & Tricks](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1K6EqcsRut0InU-8jB0yOvBMGesf5Dndg5FwyuaYLqNc/mobilebasic) - Sunny's SD Tips & Tricks Google Doc with lots of visual comparisons and useful information.
* [AI Image Generator Comparison](https://petapixel.com/2022/08/22/ai-image-generators-compared-side-by-side-reveals-stark-differences/) Visual comparison between Dall-e, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney by PetaPixel.com
* [Gettint great results at Stable Diffusion](https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/x41n87/how_to_get_images_that_dont_suck_a/) Guide on how to get images that don't suck.
* [Building a SD Discord Bot](https://replicate.com/blog/build-a-robot-artist-for-your-discord-server-with-stable-diffusion) - Tutorial on how to build a stable diffusion discord bot using python.
* [1 week of Stable Diffusion](https://multimodal.art/news/1-week-of-stable-diffusion) - Curated list of SD services, adaptations, user interfaces and integrations
* 🖊️💵 [Dream Studio](http://beta.dreamstudio.ai/) - Online Generation Platform by StabilityAI, the creators of Stable Diffusion. Similar to services like Dall-e or Midjourney, this operates on a credit model with some free allowance of credits given to signed up users on a monthly basis.