- [aimeos/aimeos-typo3](https://github.com/aimeos/aimeos-typo3) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. TOC for easy navigation. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Links for further reading.
- [alichtman/stronghold](https://github.com/alichtman/stronghold) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. GIF Demo. TOC for easy navigation. Badges. Links for further reading. Simple install instructions.
- [amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify](https://github.com/amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify) - Project logo. Minimalist description of what it is. GIF demo of the project. Key features. How to install guide. Credits.
- [choojs/choo](https://github.com/choojs/choo) - Badges, clean, clear. Beautiful little menu above the fold with useful links. An FAQ inside of it for the main questions. Backers. Good language.
- [Day8/re-frame](https://github.com/Day8/re-frame) - Badges, logo, TOC, etc. Stands out by being a giant, well-written essay about the tech, how to use it, the philosophy behind it, and how it fits into the greater ecosystem.
- [github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator](https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator) - TOC for easy navigation. Concise project description. Installation and usage sections. Output example. Great feature overview. List of alternatives. FAQ.
- [Hexworks/Zircon](https://github.com/Hexworks/zircon) - Dogfood in readme. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. TOC for easy navigation. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Links for further reading.
- [iharsh234/WebApp](https://github.com/iharsh234/WebApp) - Project landing page. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. Simple install and usage sections. Includes an examples section with common uses and a mobile demo section.
- [jakubroztocil/httpie](https://github.com/jakubroztocil/httpie) - Description of what the project does. Demo screenshots. Project logo. TOC for easy navigation. Build badges. Quick and simple installation and usage sections. Includes an examples section.
- [karan/joe](https://github.com/karan/joe) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. GIF demo. Easy install and usage sections.
- [Martinsos/edlib](https://github.com/Martinsos/edlib) - Informative badges (build, version, publication). Concise description. Feature list. TOC. Screenshots. Concise instructions with examples for building and including in your project. Common code examples to get you started quickly.
- [nhn/tui.editor](https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor) - Project logo. Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. TOC for easy navigation. Colorful icons in front of titles.
- [sidneycadot/oeis](https://github.com/sidneycadot/oeis) - Overview. List of required dependencies. Complete list of all files in the repo and what their function is. Visual graph of how it all ties together.
- [React on lambda](https://github.com/sultan99/react-on-lambda) - Project logo, comics to present the main idea, badges, examples with code snippets, demo projects, api documentations, editor configurations.
- [rstacruz/hicat](https://github.com/rstacruz/hicat) - GIF demo. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Build badges. Great examples of use cases.
- [shama/gaze](https://github.com/shama/gaze) - Project logo. Concise description. Feature list. Usage section. FAQ. Great API documentation. Release history.
- [sindresorhus/pageres](https://github.com/sindresorhus/pageres) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. Build badges. Demo screenshot. Simple install and usage sections. Includes an examples section with common uses.
- [thelounge/thelounge](https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge) - Project logo. Useful badges and links (website, docs, demo). Screenshot. Feature list. Step-by-step instructions for installation, development, and testing. Link to the contributing guide. Good mobile summary.
- [release-it/release-it](https://github.com/release-it/release-it) - Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. Expandable TOC. Usage description and examples. Contribution guidelines. Detailed releases.
- ["Top ten reasons why I won’t use your open source project"](https://changelog.com/posts/top-ten-reasons-why-i-wont-use-your-open-source-project) - *Adam Stacoviak*
- ["What I learned from an old GitHub project that won 3,000 Stars in a Week"](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-i-learned-from-an-old-github-project-that-won-3-000-stars-in-a-week-628349a5ee14/) - *KyuWoo Choi*
- [Hall-of-fame](https://github.com/sourcerer-io/hall-of-fame) - Helps show recognition to repo contributors on README. Features new/trending/top contributors. Updates every hour.
- [Standard Readme](https://github.com/RichardLitt/standard-readme) - A standard README style specification. Has a generator to help create spec-compliant READMEs, too.
- [Zalando's README Template](https://github.com/zalando/zalando-howto-open-source/blob/master/READMEtemplate.md) - Simple template to help you cover all the basics.
Embedding an animated gif in your README quickly demonstrates what your project does and catches the reader's eye. Here are a few programs that can help you quickly create gifs for your project:
- [feedmereadmes](https://github.com/LappleApple/feedmereadmes) - Free README editing+feedback to make your open-source projects grow. See the README maturity model to help you keep going.
- [maintainer.io](https://maintainer.io/) - Free README standardization and feedback, if you click on 'Book an audit'.