2023-01-08 20:21:29 -07:00
2022-04-07 01:27:10 -04:00
2022-04-05 08:35:47 -04:00
2022-04-05 08:35:47 -04:00
2023-01-08 20:21:29 -07:00

Avesome Qubes OS Track Awesome ListAwesome


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A curated list of awesome Qubes OS links

Table of Contents

Qubes OS Websites

System Requirements

Downloading, Installing, Upgrading and Building

How-to guides


Networking Server


  • Ansible - Automation with Ansible


Video & Screen Sharing

  • qubes-video-companion - Qubes Video Companion is a tool for securely streaming webcams and sharing screens across virtual machines.

Desktop Customization




  • Whonix
  • i2p-whonix
  • Lokinet - Lokinet is the reference implementation of LLARP (low latency anonymous routing protocol), a layer 3 onion routing protocol.
  • ipfs - A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.






  • eBPF - eBPF is a revolutionary technology with origins in the Linux kernel that can run sandboxed programs in an operating system kernel.
  • Sel4 - seL4 is a high-assurance, high-performance operating system microkernel.
  • OpenXT - OpenXT is an open-source development toolkit for hardware-assisted security research and appliance integration


  • Awesome-unikernels - Secure, lightweight and high performance approach to application delivery
  • qubes-mirage-firewall - A unikernel that can run as a QubesOS ProxyVM, replacing sys-firewall.
  • ClickOS - Efficient network function virtualization platform, optimized for Xen and developed by NEC.
  • Clive - Research project from Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid), developed in Go.
  • Mini-OS - Reference kernel distributed with Xen.
  • HaLVM - Port of Glasgow Haskell compiler producing Xen optimized unikernels.


  • Drawbridge - Research prototype platform from Microsoft.
  • Graphene - Library OS optimized for Intel SGX.

Exploitation Tools

  • libvmi - LibVMI is a C library with Python bindings that makes it easy to monitor the low-level details of a running virtual machine

  • microlibvmi - A cross-platform unified Virtual Machine Introspection API library

  • awesome-virtualization - A curated list of awesome resources about virtualization.

  • radare2 - Libre Reversing Framework for Unix Geeks

  • American Fuzzy Lop - Fuzzing is one of the most powerful and proven strategies for identifying security issues in real-world software

  • Bonzai - It's like a modular, multicall BusyBox builder for Go with built in completion and embedded documentation support.

  • CodeQL - Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL

  • joern - Joern is a platform for analyzing source code, bytecode, and binary executables. It generates code property graphs (CPGs), a graph representation of code for cross-language code analysis

  • awesome-fuzzing - A curated list of references to awesome Fuzzing for security testing. Additionally there is a collection of freely available academic papers, tools and so on.

  • Volatility3 - Volatility is the world's most widely used framework for extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples.

  • MemProFS - MemProcFS is an easy and convenient way of viewing physical memory as files in a virtual file system.

    • MemProcFS - This repository contains various non-core plugins for MemProcFS - The Memory Process File System.
  • LeechCore - The LeechCore Memory Acquisition Library focuses on Physical Memory Acquisition using various hardware and software based methods.

    • LeechCore-pluins - This repository contains various plugins for LeechCore - Physical Memory Acquisition Library.
  • memflow - memflow is a library that enables introspection of various machines (hardware, virtual machines, memory dumps) in a generic fashion.

    • qemu_procfs - access QEMU Physical memory
    • Kvm - kvm memflow connector
    • pcileech - access pcileech interface
    • coredump - access Microsoft Windows Coredump files

Xen Exploitation




Advanced Topics

Qubes OS Legends



  • xn0px90 - Your's::Trully!::First::Full::Time::Info::Sec::Qubes::OS::streamer!
  • infosecstreams -A (hopefully) actively maintained activity-based-autosorted list of InfoSec Streamers

Companies using Qubes OS

  • Qubes Partners - The Qubes Project relies greatly on the generous support of the organizations, companies, and individuals who have become Qubes Partners

Social media

The Qubes OS Project has a presence on the following social media platforms:


Contribution guidelines can be found here


Adventure Further


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                           :|: ADVENTURE FURTHER :|: HACK ALL THE THINGS :|: TRUST NOTHING :|: WITH <3! ~X
A curated list of awesome qubes os links
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