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# Awesome Qubes OS [![Track Awesome List](]([![Awesome](](
2023-01-06 08:22:14 +00:00
2023-01-06 08:26:53 +00:00
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## A curated list of Awesome Qubes OS links
2023-01-06 19:31:45 +00:00
A security-focused desktop operating system that aims to provide security through isolation.
2023-01-06 19:31:45 +00:00
This list is a collection of tools, projects, images, and resources conforming to the [Awesome Manifesto](
2023-01-09 05:02:10 +00:00
Contributions *very welcome* but first see [Contributing](#contributing).
2023-01-06 19:31:45 +00:00
## Table of Contents
- [Qubes OS Websites](#qubes-os-websites)
- [System Requirements](#system-requirements)
- [Downloading, Installing, Upgrading, and Building](#downloading-installing-upgrading-and-building)
- [How-to guides](#how-to-guides)
- [Templates](#templates)
- [Qubes OS Server](#qubes-os-server)
- [GPU](#gpu)
- [Desktop Customization](#desktop-customization)
- [VPN](#vpn)
- [Darknet](#darknet)
- [Crypto](#crypto)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Security](#security)
- [Kernels](#kernels)
- [Unikernels](#unikernels)
- [Unikernel-like](#unikernel-like)
- [Exploitation Tools](#exploitation-tools)
- [Xen Exploitation](#xen-exploitation)
- [VM-Hardening](#vm-hardening)
- [System](#system)
- [Services](#services)
- [Advanced Topics](#advanced-topics)
- [Qubes OS Legends](#qubes-os-legends)
- [Training](#training)
- [Companies using Qubes OS](#companies-using-qubes-os)
- [Social media](#social-media)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Releases](#releases)
- [Adventure Further](#adventure-further)
- [License](#license)
2023-01-06 18:50:31 +00:00
2023-01-07 22:57:01 +00:00
## Qubes OS Websites
- [Qubes OS]( - Qubes OS is an operating system built out of securely-isolated compartments called qubes.
- [Qubes OS Development Documentation]( - Qubes OS development documentation.
- [Qubes OS Documentation]( - Qubes OS main documentation.
- [Qubes OS Github Documentation]( - Qubes OS github latest documentation.
- [Qubes OS News]( - Latest Qubes OS News.
- [Qubes OS Onion](http://www.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion) - Qubes OS onion address on the Tor network.
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## System Requirements
- [Certified Hardware](
- [Community-recommended hardware](
- [Hardware compatibility list (HCL)](
- [System Requirements](
## Downloading, Installing, Upgrading, and Building
- [Building]( - This is the second generation of the Qubes OS builder.
- [Installing]( - Qubes OS installation guide!
- [Qubes OS 4.1.1]( - Qubes OS 4.1.1 download.
- [Qubes OS 4.1.2 Weekly Builds]( - Qubes OS 4.1.2 Weekly Build download.
- [Upgrading]( - These guides are for upgrading from one version of Qubes to another.
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2023-01-02 17:13:18 +00:00
## How-to guides
- [How to back up, restore, and migrate](
- [How to copy and move files](
- [How to copy and paste text](
- [How to copy from dom0](
- [How to enter fullscreen mode](
- [How to install software](
- [How to update](
- [How to use PCI devices](
- [How to use USB devices](
- [How to use block storage devices](
- [How to use devices](
- [How to use disposables](
- [How to use optical discs](
2023-01-02 17:13:18 +00:00
## Templates
- [Creating a NetBSD VM](
- [Customizing Fedora minimal templates](
- [Customizing Windows 7 templates](
- [Debian templates](
- [Fedora templates](
- [Minimal templates](
- [Pentesting: BlackArch](
- [Pentesting: Kali](
- [Pentesting: PTF](
- [Pentesting: Parrot](
- [Template: CentOS](
- [Template: Gentoo](
- [Template: Ubuntu](
- [Template: Whonix](
- [Template: Windows](
- [Templates](
- [Tips for Using Linux in an HVM](
- [Xfce templates](
## Qubes OS Server
- [Ansible]( - Automation with Ansible.
- [Qubes-network-server]( - Turn your Qubes OS into a networking server.
- [Qubes-remote-desktop]( - SystemD services for creating VNC server session in dom0 or any qube.
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2023-01-09 02:59:16 +00:00
## GPU
- [GUI-configuration](
- [GUI-domain](
- [GUI-troubleshooting](
- [GUI-virtualization](
- [How-to-use-pci-devices](
- [Install-nvidia-driver](
- [Nvidia-troubleshooting](
- [Windows-gaming-hvm](
## Desktop Customization
- [AwesomeWM (window manager)](
- [Brightness-Ajustment](
- [Custom icons](
- [i3 (window manager)](
- [KDE (desktop environment)](
- [Suckless dwm]( - How to install dwm in Qubes OS.
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## VPN
- [How To make a VPN Gateway in Qubes]( - Qubes includes a number of tools that can make the client-side setup of your VPN more versatile and secure.
- [Qubes-Tunnel]( - Manage, run, protect VPN connections in Proxy VMs.
- [Mullvad VPN]( - Privacy first VPN provider in Qubes OS.
- [WireGuard]( - WireGuard: fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel.
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2023-01-07 19:53:43 +00:00
## Darknet
- [i2p-whonix]( - Temporary way to run i2p on qubes-whonix.
- [ipfs]( - A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
- [Lokinet]( - Lokinet is the reference implementation of LLARP (low latency anonymous routing protocol), a layer 3 onion routing protocol.
- [Whonix]( - Qubes-Whonix ™ is the seamless combination of Qubes OS and Whonix™ for advanced security and anonymity.
## Crypto
- [Split Bitcoin Wallet]( - A "split" bitcoin wallet is a strategy of protecting your bitcoin by having your wallet split into an offline "cold storage" wallet and an online "watching only" wallet.
- [Awesome-DeSci]( - A curated list of awesome Decentralized Science (DeSci) resources, projects, articles and more.
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## Videos
- [3mdeb](
- [Explaining Computers presents “Qubes OS: Security Oriented Operating System”](
- [GPU Virtual Machine (GVM) - An OpenMdev Project (Qubes OS Summit 2022)](
- [GPU Virtual Machine (GVM) - An OpenMdev Project (Qubes OS Summit 2022)](
- [Micah Lee presents “Qubes OS: The Operating System That Can Protect You Even If You Get Hacked”](
- [Ninavizz]( - Qubes OS UX Designer.
- [Qubes OS summit 2022: Day 1](
- [Qubes OS summit 2022: Day 2](
- [Qubes OS-3mdeb mini-summit 2021: Day 1](
- [Qubes OS-3mdeb mini-summit 2021: Day 2](
- [UX Bessie]( - Qubes OS AppMenu Design Direction. Part of 2020/21 MOSS funded UX work.
- [UX Jackie]( - Qubes OS AppMenu Design Direction. Part of 2020/21 MOSS funded UX work.
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2023-01-02 17:15:46 +00:00
## Security
- [Anonymizing your MAC Address](
- [Anti evil maid (AEM)](
- [Data leaks](
- [Device handling security](
- [Firewall](
- [Passwordless root access in Qubes](
- [Reducing the fingerprint of the text-based web browser w3m](
- [Running Tails in Qubes](
- [Signal](
- [Split GPG](
- [Split SSH](
- [Split dm-crypt](
- [U2F proxy](
- [Using Multi-Factor Authentication with Qubes](
- [Using OnlyKey with Qubes OS](
- [Whonix for Privacy & Anonymity](
- [YubiKey](
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2023-01-06 16:06:56 +00:00
## Vitualization
- [Awesome-Virtualization]( - A curated list of awesome resources about virtualization.
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2023-01-06 15:56:05 +00:00
## Kernels
- [eBPF]( - eBPF is a revolutionary technology with origins in the Linux kernel that can run sandboxed programs in an operating system kernel.
- [OpenXT]( - OpenXT is an open-source development toolkit for hardware-assisted security research and appliance integration.
- [seL4]( - seL4 is a high-assurance, high-performance operating system microkernel.
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## Unikernels
- [Awesome-Unikernels]( - Secure, lightweight and high performance approach to application delivery.
- [ClickOS]( - Efficient network function virtualization platform, optimized for Xen and developed by NEC.
- [Clive]( - Research project from Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid), developed in Go.
- [HaLVM]( - Port of Glasgow Haskell compiler producing Xen optimized unikernels.
- [Mini-OS]( - Reference kernel distributed with Xen.
- [Qubes-Mirage-Firewall]( - A unikernel that can run as a Qubes OS ProxyVM, replacing sys-firewall.
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## Unikernel-like
- [Drawbridge]( - Research prototype platform from Microsoft.
- [Graphene]( - Library OS optimized for Intel SGX.
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## Exploitation Tools
- [American Fuzzy Lop]( - Fuzzing is one of the most powerful and proven strategies for identifying security issues in real-world software
- [Awesome-Fuzzing]( - A curated list of references to awesome Fuzzing for security testing. Additionally there is a collection of freely available academic papers, tools and so on.
- [Bonzai]( - It's like a modular, multicall BusyBox builder for Go with built in completion and embedded documentation support.
- [CodeQL]( - Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL
- [Joern]( - Joern is a platform for analyzing source code, bytecode, and binary executables. It generates code property graphs (CPGs), a graph representation of code for cross-language code analysis
- [LeechCore]( - The LeechCore Memory Acquisition Library focuses on Physical Memory Acquisition using various hardware and software based methods.
- [LeechCore-Plugins]( - This repository contains various plugins for LeechCore - Physical Memory Acquisition Library.
- [Libvmi]( - LibVMI is a C library with Python bindings that makes it easy to monitor the low-level details of a running virtual machine.
- [Memflow]( - memflow is a library that enables introspection of various machines (hardware, virtual machines, memory dumps) in a generic fashion.
- [Qemu_procfs]( - Access QEMU Physical memory.
- [Kvm]( - KVM memflow connector.
- [Pcileech]( - Access pcileech interface.
- [Coredump]( - Access Microsoft Windows Coredump files
- [MemProFS]( - MemProcFS is an easy and convenient way of viewing physical memory as files in a virtual file system.
- [MemProcFS]( - This repository contains various non-core plugins for MemProcFS - The Memory Process File System.
- [Microlibvmi]( - A cross-platform unified Virtual Machine Introspection API library.
- [Radare2]( - Libre Reversing Framework for Unix Geeks
- [Volatility3]( - Volatility is the world's most widely used framework for extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples.
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## Xen Exploitation
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2023-01-09 13:38:14 +00:00
### Video Presentations
- [Advanced Exploitation: Xen Hypervisor VM Escape](
2023-01-09 13:38:14 +00:00
- [Attacking Hypervisors Using Firmware And Hardware]( - [[PDF Slides]](
- [Blackhat 2010 - Hacking the Hypervisor](
- [Lessons Learned from Eight Years of Breaking Hypervisors]( - [[Website Slides]](
- [Ouroboros: Tearing Xen Hypervisor With the Snake](
2023-01-09 13:38:14 +00:00
- [Software Attacks on Hypervisor Emulation of Hardware]( - [[PDF Slides]](
- [The Arms Race Over Virtualization]( - [[PDF Slides]](
- [XenPwn: Breaking Paravirtualized Devices]( - [[PDF Slide]](
### PDF Papers
- [Bluepilling the Xen Hypervisor [PDF]](
- [Hypervisor Vulnerability Research - State of the Art [PDF]](
- [Preventing and Detecting Xen Hypervisor Subversions [PDF]](
- [Subverting the Xen Hypervisor [PDF]](
### Web articles
- [Glitches in the Matrix Escape via NMI](
- [Xen exploitation part 1: XSA-105, from nobody to root](
- [Xen exploitation part 2: XSA-148, from guest to host](
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## VM-Hardening
- [Kicksecure](
- [Qcrypt](
- [Qubes-VM-hardening](
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## System
- [Architecture](
- [Audio virtualization](
- [Networking](
- [Qubes core admin client](
- [Qubes core admin](
- [Qubes core stack](
- [Security design goals](
- [Security-critical code](
- [Storage pools](
- [Template implementation](
- [Template manager](
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## Services
- [Admin API](
- [Dom0 secure updates](
- [Inter-qube file copying (qfilecopy)](
- [Qrexec: Qubes RPC internals](
- [Qrexec: secure communication across domains](
- [Qrexec: socket-based services](
- [Qubes memory manager (qmemman)](
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2023-01-02 17:13:18 +00:00
## Advanced Topics
- [Config files](
- [Disposable customization](
- [How to install software in dom0](
- [How to make any file persistent (bind-dirs)](
- [How to mount a Qubes partition from another OS](
- [Installing contributed packages](
- [Managing qube kernels](
- [Qubes service](
- [RPC policies](
- [Resize disk image](
- [Salt (management software)](
- [Secondary storage](
- [Standalones and HVMs](
- [USB qubes](
- [Volume backup and revert](
- [Windows qubes](
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## Qubes OS Legends
- [Core Team](
- [Joanna Rutkowska]( - Founder of Qubes OS.
- [Marek Marczykowski-Górecki]( - Lead developer at Qubes OS.
- [Unman](
- [templates](
- You can be one too! You've got this! Keep Qubing!
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2023-01-02 22:48:21 +00:00
## Training
- [training-materials]( - A Collection of training materials for Qubes OS
- [qubes-artwork](
- [xn0px90]( - Qubes training every second and fourth weekends of every month, from Friday to Monday, covering beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
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## Streamers
- [infosecstreams]( - An actively maintained activity-based-autosorted list of InfoSec Streamers.
- [xn0px90]( - Your's::Trully!::First::Full::Time::Info::Sec::Qubes::OS::Streamer!
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## Companies using Qubes OS
- [Qubes Partners]( - The Qubes Project relies greatly on the generous support of the organizations, companies, and individuals who have become Qubes Partners.
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## Social media
2021-08-16 10:17:02 +00:00
The Qubes OS Project has a presence on the following social media platforms:
- [ClubHouse](
- [Discord](
- [Facebook](
- [Forum](
- [LinkedIn](
- [Mastodon](
- [Matrix Discord Bridge](
- [Matrix:Qubes OS](
- [Reddit](
- [Twitter](
- `#qubes` channel on via traditional IRC clients.
- `#qubes-os` channel on via traditional IRC clients.
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## Contributing
Contribution guidelines can be found [here](
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## Releases
- [Release notes](
- [Release schedules](
- [Supported releases](
- [Testing new releases and updates](
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2023-01-06 19:48:18 +00:00
## Adventure Further
- [Adventures start here --->]( - All the awesome list.
**[⬆ back to top](#awesome-qubes-os-track-awesome-listawesome)**
2023-01-06 07:32:03 +00:00
## License
[![Creative Commons License](](
2023-01-06 07:32:03 +00:00
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 Generic](
2023-01-09 04:43:09 +00:00