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Awesome Quantum Computing 
A curated list of awesome quantum computing learning and developing resources. The goal is to build a categorised community-driven collection of up to date, high quality resources.
Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines and quality standard first. Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and it wouldn't be possible without you!
- Documentation for Forest and pyQuil - Tutorials for Rigetti Computing's SDK.
- Documentation for Strawberry Fields - Background information on the photonic continuous-variable approach to quantum computation, as well as tutorials for Xanadu’s SDK.
- IBM Q Full User Guide - Short tutorials providing a gentle introduction to quantum computing and IBM Q.
- John Preskill's Notes on Quantum Computation - Notes of Caltech's Quantum Computation Course Physics 219/Computer Science 219 by John Preskill.
- Nielsen and Chuang - Worked examples on quantum algorithm problems.
- QISKit Tutorials - Jupyter notebooks simply demonstrating how to use QISKit.
- Quantum Algorithm Zoo - Comprehensive catalog of quantum algorithms.
- Quantum Computing Playground - 3D quantum state visualisation tool able to simulate up to 22 qubits.
- Quantum in the Cloud - Four qubit photonic quantum simulator and computer.
- Quantum Katas - Programming exercises for learning quantum computing and Q#.
- Quantum Machine Learning for Data Scientists - Explanation of quantum machine learning algorithms.
- Quirk - Browser-based drag-and-drop quantum circuit simulator that reacts, simulates, and animates in real-time.
- MIT Quantum Information Sciences - Series of lecture notes on the MIT quantum information sciences course.
- Quantum Cryptography - Learn how quantum communication provides security that is guaranteed by the laws of nature.
- Quantum Information Science I, Part I - Foundational course on quantum information and computation.
- The Quantum Internet and Quantum Computers: How Will They Change the World? - Learn the principles and promises behind developments in quantum computers and quantum internet and how they will impact our future.
- Quantum Machine Learning - Learn about the benefits quantum technologies can provide to machine learning.
- Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation - Conceptual introduction to the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics.
- Understanding Quantum Computers - Introduction to the key concepts of quantum computing with minimal mathematics.
- Quantum Quest - A web class for high school students, organised by QuSoft.
Development Tools
- Cirq - Python library for writing, manipulating, and optimizing NISQ circuits to run on quantum computers.
- IBM Quantum Composer - Online quantum composer to run experiments on real quantum computing hardware.
- Project Q - Framework for implementing quantum computing in Python.
- pyQuil - Python library for quantum programming using Quil.
- QCL - Older, C like language for quantum computers. Only has a simulator and debugger.
- QISKit SDK - Software development kit for working with OpenQASM and the IBM Q Experience.
- Qrack - High performance LGPL-licensed C++ quantum simulator library, documentation, and test code.
- Quipper - Embedded, scalable, functional programming language for quantum computing.
- QuTiP - Quantum toolbox in Python for simulating dynamics of open quantum systems.
- Q# - Microsoft quantum development kit and Q# programming language.
- Algorithmic Assertions - About quantum computing and computing in general by Craig Gidney - a member of Google Quantum Computing Team.
- Bits of Quantum - By the QuTech institution, sharing their research and daily life.
- Decodoku - Interesting posts on quantum computation, by James Wootton.
- Quantum Frontiers - By the Quantum Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, sharing behind the scenes research insights.
- Quantum Weekly - A weekly correlation of all things quantum - computing, cryptography, entanglement.
- Classical and Quantum Computation - Introduction to fundamentals of classical and quantum computing.
- Problems and Solutions in Quantum Computing - Easy to advanced quantum computing and information problems with detailed solutions.
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information - Comprehensive textbook for those with some prior knowledge in mathematics, computer science and physics.
- Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction - Explains quantum computing with only basic college maths knowledge needed.
- Quantum Computing Explained - Conversational approach to explaining quantum computing with worked solutions.
- Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists - Quantum computing explained using an approach accessible to undergraduate computer science students.
- Opportunities and Challenges for Quantum Machine Learning - Opportunities and challenges for quantum-assisted machine learning in near-term quantum computers.
- Quantum Machine Learning - Quantum machine learning and what quantum computing means to data mining.
- Introduction to Quantum Programming - The why and how of quantum programming with a focus on the Python Forest SDK from Rigetti.
- Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists - Microsoft Research Talk on introductory quantum computing for computer scientists. Duration: 1 hour, 28 minutes.
- D-Wave Leap Community - D-Wave System's Leap Community Forum.
- IBM Q Community - IBM Quantum experience Community Forum.
- IBM Q QISKit Community - Slack Channel for QISKit and quantum computing discussions.
- Mike & Ike Subreddit - Discussion about the book Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.
- Pennylane Discussion Forum - Discussion forum for quantum machine learning, both using simulations and on near term hardware.
- Quantum Computing StackExchange - Question and answer site for quantum computing.
- Quantum Information and Quantum Computer Scientists of the World Unite - Facebook group for quantum research discussion.
- Rigetti Community - Slack Channel for Rigetti and quantum computing discussions.
- Strawberry Fields Community - Slack channel for Xanadu and Strawberry Fields photonic/CV quantum computing discussions.
- Quantum Computing Slack Community - Slack channels for discussion of quantum computing.
To the extent possible under law, Desiree Vogt-Lee has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.