# Awesome PowerShell > A curated list of delightful PowerShell [packages](#modules) and [resources](#resources). Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing. ## Modules ### IDE - [PowerGui](http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/powergui/w/wiki) - Powerfull IDE to execute scripts local and remote. - [PowerShell Plus](https://www.idera.com/productssolutions/freetools/powershellplus) - An all in one IDE. ### Package Managers - [PsGet](http://psget.net/) - Set of commands to install modules from central directory, local file or from the web. ### Security - [File System Security](https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/1abd77a5-9c0b-4a2b-acef-90dbb2b84e85) - Allows a much easier management of permissions on files and folders. ### Frameworks - [Carbon](http://get-carbon.org/) - DevOps for automating the configuration of Windows computers. - [PowerShell PowerUp](https://github.com/janikvonrotz/PowerShell-PowerUp) - A powerfull server management framework. - [PSCX ](https://pscx.codeplex.com/) - Useful set of additional cmdlets ### SharePoint - [Client-side SharePoint](https://sharepointpowershell.codeplex.com/) - API for SharePoint 2010, 2013 and Online. - [AutoSPInstaller](https://autospinstaller.codeplex.com/) - Automated SharePoint 2010/2013 installation script. ## Resources ### Blogs - [Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog](http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/) - Popular Microsoft blog. - [Learn Powershell | Achieve More](http://learn-powershell.net/) - Personal blog of Boe Prox aka the Scripting Guy. - [PowerShellMagazine](http://www.powershellmagazine.com/) - Awesome magazine.