# Awesome list of Important Podcasts for software engineers
List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
## Table of Contents
- [.NET](#net)
- [Agile](#agile)
- [Android](#android)
- [Angular](#angular)
- [C++](#c)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
- [Data Science/Machine Learning](#data-sciencemachine-learning)
- [Devops](#devops)
- [Functional Programming](#functional-programming)
- [Free BSD](#freebsd)
- [General Software](#general-software)
- [Go Programming Language](#go-programming-language)
- [iOS](#ios)
- [Python](#python)
- [ReasonML](#reasonml)
- [Ruby/Rails](#rubyrails)
- [Kotlin](#kotlin)
- [Java](#java)
- [Swift](#swift)
- [Rust Programming Language](#rust-programming-language)
- [Security](#security)
- [Web development](#web-development)
## .NET
- [.NET Rocks](https://www.dotnetrocks.com/)
- Description: .NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness.
- Frequency: Two episodes every week
- [HERDING CODE](http://herdingcode.com)
- Description: show covering a broad range of .NET-related topics in considerable technical depth.
- Frequency: Monthly once
## Agile
- [Agile For Humans](https://ryanripley.com/agile-for-humans/)
- Description: Interviews people about Agile and becoming better at Agile
- Frequency: Once a week
## Android
- [Android Developers Backstage](http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/AndroidDevelopersBackstage)
- Description: Podcast interviewing Google engineers about the latest Android APIs
- Frequency : Monthly once
- [Android Snacks](http://androidsnacks.com)
- Description: The TL;DR of last weeks Android developer news
- Frequency : Weekly once
- [Fragmented Podcast](http://fragmentedpodcast.com/category/episodes/)
- Description: An Android Developer Podcast
- Frequency : Weekly once or twice
## Angular
- [Adventures in Angular](https://devchat.tv/adv-in-angular)
- Description: Developments in the Angular community, tools, techniques, and ecosystem.
- Frequency : Once every week
## C++
- [CppCast](http://cppcast.com/)
- Description: All about C++ and many great interviews with prominent library and tool authors.
- Frequency : Once every week
## Clojure
- [Defn](https://defn.audio/)
- Description: Interviews with leaders and folks of the Clojure and ClojureScript community.
- Frequency : Every other week
- [Cognicast](http://blog.cognitect.com/cognicast)
- Description: Interviews with leaders and folks of the Clojure and ClojureScript community.
- Frequency : Monthly twice
## Data Science/Machine Learning
- [The AI Podcast](https://blogs.nvidia.com/ai-podcast/)
- Description: Interviews with the world’s leading experts in
artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine
learning to explain how it works, how it’s
evolving, and how it intersects with every facet of
human endeavor, from art to science.
- Frequency : Weekly
- [Data Driven](http://datadriven.tv/)
- [Data Skeptic](https://dataskeptic.com/podcast)
- Description: High level concepts in data science, and longer interview with researchers and practitioners
- Frequency: Weekly
- [Linear Digressions](http://lineardigressions.com/)
- Description: Data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence
- Frequency: Weekly
- [Machine Learning Guide](http://ocdevel.com/podcasts/machine-learning)
- [O'Reilly Data Show](https://www.oreilly.com/topics/oreilly-data-show-podcast)
- [Super DataScience](https://www.superdatascience.com/podcast/)
- Description: Podcast that interviews various people in the data science industry.
- Frequency: Once every week
- [Talking Machines](https://www.thetalkingmachines.com)
- Description: Conversations with experts in the field, discussions
of industry news, and answers to questions.
- Frequency : Every other week
- [This Week in Machine Learning & AI (TWiML & AI)](https://twimlai.com/)
## Devops
- [Arrested DevOps](https://www.arresteddevops.com/)
- Description: ADO helps you understand and develop good DevOps practices.
- Frequency : Varies
- [Screaming in the Cloud](https://www.screaminginthecloud.com/)
- **Description**: Snarky take on devops topics
- **Frequency**: Weekly-ish.
## FreeBSD
- [FreeBSDNow](http://www.bsdnow.tv/)
- **Description** We love and advocate FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD and TrueOS. Our show aims to be helpful and informative for new users that want to learn about them, but still be entertaining for the people who are already pros.
- **Frequency**: Weekly (Wednesday US Eastern)
- **RSS**
- [MP3](http://feeds.feedburner.com/BsdNowMp3)
- [Video](http://feeds.feedburner.com/BsdNowMobile)
- [iTunes](http://ax.search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?entity=podcast&media=all&page=1&restrict=true&startIndex=0&term=Jupiter+Broadcasting)
## Functional Programming
- Elixir Talk ([Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/elixirtalk) | [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/elixirtalk/id1298287048))
- Description: Titillating discussion about Elixir application design and ecosystem state.
- Frequency : Twice per month
- [Elm Town](https://elmtown.audio/)
- Description: About the people making and using the Elm language.
- Frequency : Varies
- [FunctionalGeekery](https://www.functionalgeekery.com/)
- Description: All functional programming languages
- Frequency : Monthly once
- [Haskell Cast](https://www.haskellcast.com/)
- Description: Core haskell concepts
- Frequency : Monthly once
- [Lambdacast](https://soundcloud.com/lambda-cast)
- Description: Functional programming core concepts
- Frequency : Once in 2 months
- [The Elixir Fountain](https://soundcloud.com/elixirfountain)
- Description: Podcasts for news & interviews from around the @Elixirlang Community
- Frequency : Varies
## General software
- [Code](https://codepodcast.com/)
- Description: Code Podcast is about ideas that shape the way we build software
- Frequency : Monthly once
- [Code Newbie](https://www.codenewbie.org/podcast)
- Description: Stories from people on their coding journey.
- Frequency : every Monday
- [Coder Radio](http://coder.show)
- Description: A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and related technologies.
- Frequency : Weekly
- [Coding Blocks](https://www.codingblocks.net/)
- [Developer On Fire](http://developeronfire.com/episodes)
- Description: Inspiring software developers tell their stories.
- Frequency : Once or twice every week
- [Developer Tea](https://spec.fm/podcasts/developer-tea)
- [Embedded FM](https://www.embedded.fm/)
- Description: Interviews and discussions related to embedded software.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Five Nines of Downtime](https://soundcloud.com/fiveninesofdowntime)
- Description: Enterprise software development, distributed systems and whatever our guests find interesting.
- Frequency : Once every Thursday
- [FLOSS Weekly](https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly)
- Description: Interviews with members of the Open Source and Free Software community.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Giant Robots Smashing into other giant robots](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
- Frequency : Once every week
- [HAK5](https://www.hak5.org/)
- [HanselMinutes](https://hanselminutes.com/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
- Frequency : Once every week
- [MS Dev Show](https://msdevshow.com/)
- Description: A podcast for developers covering topics such as Azure/cloud, .NET, Visual Studio, Node.js, ML/AI and more! Hosted by Jason Young and Carl Schweitzer.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Programming and Performance with Cliff Click](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/programming-and-performance-with-cliff-click/id1286422919)
- [Programming Throwdown](http://www.programmingthrowdown.com/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
- Frequency: Once per month
- [Software Engineering Daily](https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/)
- Description: Podcasts on technical software topics
- Frequency : Multiple episodes every week
- [Software Engineering Radio](http://www.se-radio.net/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
- Frequency : Once every week
- [The Accidental Engineer](https://theaccidentalengineer.com/)
- Description: Software engineering career advice
- Frequency : Once every week
- [The Bike Shed](http://bikeshed.fm/)
- Description: Ruby, Rails, Javascript
- Frequency : Once every week
- [The Changelog](https://changelog.com/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
- Frequency : Once every week
- [The InfoQ Podcast](https://www.infoq.com/the-infoq-podcast)
- Description: Podcasts on technical software topics, interviewes with some of the top CTOs, engineers and technology directors.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [The raywenderlich Podcast](https://www.raywenderlich.com/rwpodcast)
- Description: discuss every aspect of app development.Primarily focusing on Apple technology.
- Frequency : Once per month
- Toolsday ([By Spec](https://spec.fm/podcasts/toolsday) | [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/toolsday/id1063765302?mt=2))
- Description:the latest in tech tools, tips, and tricks on Tuesdays at 2! (Our alliteration game is so strong).
- Frequency : Once every week
- [The New Stack](https://thenewstack.io/podcasts/)
- [The Women in Tech Show](https://thewomenintechshow.com)
- Description: Technical interviews with prominent women in tech.
- Frequency : Once every week
## Go Programming Language
- [GoTime](https://changelog.com/gotime)
- Description: Everything connected with Go Programming language
- Frequency : Once every week
## iOS
- [iPhreaks](https://devchat.tv/iphreaks)
- Description: Weekly panel discussion podcast about all things iOS programming.
- Frequency: Once every week
- [Under the Radar](https://www.relay.fm/radar)
- Description: From development and design to marketing and support, Under the Radar is all about independent app development.
- Frequency: Once every week
- [Waiting for Review](https://waitingforreview.com/)
- Description: A weekly podcast that follows the journeys of two iOS developers.
- Frequency: Once every week
## Python
- [Podcast.\_\_init\_\_](https://pythonpodcast.com/)
- Description: The Podcast About Python and the People Who Make It Great
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Python Bytes](https://pythonbytes.fm/)
- Description: Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. Python Bytes podcast delivers headlines directly to your earbuds. If you want to stay up on the Python developer news but don't have time to scour reddit, twitter, and other news sources, just subscribe and you'll get the best picks delivered weekly.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Talk Python To Me](https://talkpython.fm/)
- Description: Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy. The show covers a wide array of Python topics as well as many related topics (e.g. MongoDB, AngularJS, DevOps).
- Frequency : Once every week
## ReasonML
- [Reason Town](https://reason.town/)
- Description: A podcast about the ReasonML language
- Frequency : Approximately once a month
## Ruby/Rails
- [Ruby Rogues](https://devchat.tv/ruby-rogues)
- Description: Ruby and Rails
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Ruby on Rails Podcast](http://5by5.tv/rubyonrails)
- Description: conversation about Ruby on Rails,open source software, and the programming profession.
- Frequency : Once every month.
- [RubyTapas](https://www.rubytapas.com)
- Description: for the busy Ruby or Rails developer who is ready to reach the next level of code mastery.
- Frequency : Once every week.
- My Ruby Story ([By devchat](https://devchat.tv/my-ruby-story) | [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-ruby-story/id1237404328?mt=2))
- Description: A weekly exploration into the people who make Ruby what it is.
- Frequency : Once every week
## Kotlin
- [Talking kotlin](http://talkingkotlin.com)
- Description: Kotlin and more
- Frequency : Approximately once a month
## Java
- [Enterprise Java Newscast](http://www.enterprisejavanews.com)
- Description: covers the latest headlines in the world of enterprise software development.
- Frequency : Approximately once a month
- [Java Pub House](http://www.javapubhouse.com)
- Description: podcast talks about how to program in Java.
- Frequency : Approximately once a month
## Scala
- [Scalalaz](https://scalalaz.ru/)
- Description: Russian-speaking podcast about Scala, functional programming and software development
- Frequency : Once in 2 weeks
## Swift
- [Swift by Sundell](https://www.swiftbysundell.com/podcast/)
- Description: A show on which John Sundell & special guests from the community answer your questions about Swift development.
- Frequency: Once every week
- [Swift Coders](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/swiftcoders-weekly-interviews-with-swift-developers/id1082937962?mt=2)
- Description: Weekly interviews with Swift developers about their experience with Apple’s new open source programming language.
- Frequency: Once every week
- Swift Unwrapped ([By Spec](https://spec.fm/podcasts/swift-unwrapped) | [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/swift-unwrapped/id1209817203?mt=2))
- Description: An audio spin off of Swift Weekly Brief and discussions on the Swift programming language.
- Frequency: Once every week
## Rust programming language
- [New Rustacean](https://newrustacean.com/)
- [The Rusty Spike](https://rusty-spike.blubrry.net/)
## Security
- [Defensive Security Podcast](https://defensivesecurity.org/)
- [OWASP 24/7](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Podcast)
- [Paul's Security Weekly](https://securityweekly.com/)
- Description: All news on Security
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Risky Business](https://risky.biz/netcasts/risky-business/)
- [Security Now](https://twit.tv/shows/security-now)
- Description: Deep dive into Security concepts and news
- Frequency : Once every week
## Web development
- [Dads in Development](http://www.dadsindev.com/)
- Description: A podcast about raising children, web development, remote work, and health.
- Frequency: Approximately once a month
- Does Not Compute ([By Spec](https://spec.fm/podcasts/does-not-compute) | [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/does-not-compute/id1048731980?mt=2))
- Description: A weekly chat about the lives and workflows of modern web developers.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Front End Happy Hour](http://frontendhappyhour.com/)
- [Frontend Weekend](https://soundcloud.com/frontend-weekend)
- Description: An interview podcast with famous Russian web developers.
- Frequency : Once every week
- [Full Stack Radio](http://www.fullstackradio.com/)
- [HTTP203](https://developers.google.com/web/shows/http203/podcast/)
- Description: A podcast by Google Chrome developer advocates covering all things web.
- Frequency: Approximately once a month
- [Javascript Jabber](https://devchat.tv/js-jabber)
- [Multiplex](https://www.multiplexpodcast.com/)
- Description: General software development and devops discussion.
- Frequency: Every other week
- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com/)
- [Syntax](https://syntax.fm/)