diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cc4009f..28500c3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- [Android](#android)
- [C++](#c)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
+- [Community/Inspiration](#communityinspiration)
- [Data Science/Machine Learning](#data-sciencemachine-learning)
- [Devops](#devops)
- [Functional Programming](#functional-programming)
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
## .NET
-- [.NET Rocks](https://www.dotnetrocks.com/)
+- [.NET Rocks](https://www.dotnetrocks.com/) ([Stitcher](https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/net-rocks))
- Description: .NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness.
- Frequency: Two episodes every week
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- Description: An Android Developer Podcast
- Frequency : Weekly once or twice
## C++
- [CppCast](http://cppcast.com/)
@@ -86,6 +88,12 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- Description: Interviews with leaders and folks of the Clojure and ClojureScript community.
- Frequency : Monthly twice
+## Community/Inspiration
+- [Learn To Code With Me](https://learntocodewith.me/podcast/) ([Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/laurence-bradford) | [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/learn-to-code-with-me/id1106620664) | [Stitcher](https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/learn-to-code-with-me))
+ - Description: For aspiring techies and self-taught coders looking to transition into the tech industry.
+ - Frequency : Once a week
## Data Science/Machine Learning
@@ -167,11 +175,15 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- [Lambdacast](https://soundcloud.com/lambda-cast)
- Description: Functional programming core concepts
- Frequency : Once in 2 months
- [The Elixir Fountain](https://soundcloud.com/elixirfountain)
- Description: Podcasts for news & interviews from around the @Elixirlang Community
- Frequency : Varies
+- [CoRecursive](https://corecursive.com/)
+ - Description: Interviews with functional programming devs & researchers covering a variety of languages. Language focus is approx. 50% Scala, 50% Haskell/Idris/Everything else.
+ - Frequency : Varies
## General software
- [CaSE](http://www.case-podcast.org/)
@@ -194,6 +206,10 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- Description: Software Design Patterns, Architecture, and Best Practices.
- Frequency : Twice per month
+- [Complete Developer Podcast](http://completedeveloperpodcast.com)
+ - Description: Listen to a senior developer and a junior developer discuss topics about all aspects of software development from the highly technical, to patterns and principles, to soft skills.
+ - Frequency: Every Thursday
- [Developer On Fire](http://developeronfire.com/episodes)
- Description: Inspiring software developers tell their stories.
- Frequency : Once or twice every week
@@ -210,7 +226,7 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- [FLOSS Weekly](https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly)
- Description: Interviews with members of the Open Source and Free Software community.
- - Frequency : Once every week
+ - Frequency : Once every week
- [Giant Robots Smashing into other giant robots](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
@@ -221,7 +237,11 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- [HanselMinutes](https://hanselminutes.com/)
- Description: Anything and everything related to software
- Frequency : Once every week
+- [Junior Developer Toolbox](http://juniordevelopertoolbox.com)
+ - Description: Real talk from the trenches about everyday life as a junior developer: building, maintaining, and surviving a career in software engineering.
+ - Frequency: Every Other Week
- [MS Dev Show](https://msdevshow.com/)
- Description: A podcast for developers covering topics such as Azure/cloud, .NET, Visual Studio, Node.js, ML/AI and more! Hosted by Jason Young and Carl Schweitzer.
- Frequency : Once every week
@@ -278,6 +298,10 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- Description: Everything connected with Go Programming language
- Frequency : Once every week
+- [Go Gab](https://www.briefs.fm/go-gab)
+ - Description: Hosted by Nick Cox. A podcast about everything Go. We'll explore syntax, new libraries, its concurrency model, and what makes it unique. Anything Go-related is on the table!
+ - Frequency : Once every week
## iOS
@@ -456,12 +480,14 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers.
- Frequency: Approximately once a month
- [Javascript Jabber](https://devchat.tv/js-jabber)
- [Multiplex](https://www.multiplexpodcast.com/)
- Description: General software development and devops discussion.
- - Frequency: Every other week
+ - Frequency: Every other week
- [NodeUp](http://nodeup.com/)
- [Syntax](https://syntax.fm/)
+ - Description: A Tasty Treats Podcast for Web Developers.
+ - Frequency: Once every week
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