diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 74b3995..a0de696 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -324,6 +324,9 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers. * [Developer Tea](https://spec.fm/podcasts/developer-tea) + * **Description**: Podcast to help driven developers connect to their ultimate purpose and excel at their work so that they can positively impact the people they influence. + * **Frequency**: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday + * [Embedded FM](https://www.embedded.fm/) * **Description**: Interviews and discussions related to embedded software. @@ -344,9 +347,15 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers. * **Frequency** : Once every week * [Giant Robots Smashing into other giant robots](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/) + + * **Description**: Podcast discussing the design, development, and business of great software with a rotating cast of fellow developers, designers, and entrepreneurs. + * **Frequency** : Weekly * [HAK5](https://www.hak5.org/) + * **Description**: A podcast covering everything from open source software and network infrastructure to penetration testing. + * **Frequency**: Weekly + * [HanselMinutes](https://hanselminutes.com/) * **Description**: Anything and everything related to software @@ -379,6 +388,9 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers. * [Programming and Performance with Cliff Click](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/programming-and-performance-with-cliff-click/id1286422919) + * **Description**: Various issues with Programming, Programmers, and Computer Performance. + * **Frequency**: Weekly + * [Programming Throwdown](http://www.programmingthrowdown.com/) * **Description**: Anything and everything related to software @@ -401,6 +413,9 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers. * [Software Engineering Radio](http://www.se-radio.net/) + * **Description**: Targeted at the professional software developer, aiming to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Talks from experts from the software engineering world about the full range of topics that matter to professional developers. + * **Frequency**: Three to four times a month + * [Soft Skills Engineering](https://softskills.audio/) ([iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/soft-skills-engineering/id1091341048?mt=2) | [Overcast](https://overcast.fm/itunes1091341048/soft-skills-engineering) | [Android](https://subscribeonandroid.com/feeds.feedburner.com/SoftSkillsEngineering)) * **Description**: It takes more than great code to be a great engineer. Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly question and answer podcast where software developer hosts answer questions about all of the non-technical things that go along with being a software developer. @@ -438,6 +453,9 @@ List of podcasts which are helpful for software engineers/programmers. * [The New Stack](https://thenewstack.io/podcasts/) + * **Description**: Analysis and explanations about application development and management at scale. Roundtable discussion with technologists, analysts and journalists, interviews with practitioners, demonstrations of software and services. + * **Frequency**: Various + * [The Rabbit Hole](http://therabbithole.libsyn.com/) ([iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rabbit-hole-an-inside-look-into-software-development/id1223811385) | [Overcast](https://overcast.fm/itunes1223811385/the-rabbit-hole-an-inside-look-into-software-development) | [Android](https://subscribeonandroid.com/therabbithole.libsyn.com/rss)) * **Description**: Welcome to The Rabbit Hole, the definitive developers' podcast. If you are a software developer or technology leader looking to stay on top of the latest news in the software development world, or just want to learn actionable tactics to improve your day-to-day job performance, this podcast is for you.