library(httr) library(stringr) f <- "check.log" a <- "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36" if (!file.exists(f)) { u <- str_c( "", "briatte/awesome-network-analysis/", "master/" ) cat("Source:", u, "\n") u <- GET(u) %>% content("text") %>% str_split("\\n") %>% # so as to find [foo]: bar links unlist # total number of links t <- str_count(u, "http") %>% sum cat(t, "URLs, ") l <- c( # [foo](bar) str_extract_all(u, "\\(http(.*?)\\)") %>% lapply(str_replace_all, "^\\(|\\)$", "") %>% unlist, # [foo]: bar str_extract_all(u, "^\\[(.*)\\]: (.*)") %>% unlist %>% str_replace("^\\[(.*)\\]: (.*)", "\\2") ) stopifnot(length(l) == t) } else { cat("Source:", f, "\n") l <- readLines(f) %>% str_subset("^http") cat(length(l), "URLs, ") } l <- unique(l) %>% sort cat(length(l), "unique\n") sink(f, append = FALSE) cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": checking", length(l), "URLs\n\n") sink() for (i in l) { x <- try(GET(i, user_agent(a)) %>% status_code, silent = TRUE) if (!"try-error" %in% class(x) && x != 200) { cat("X") sink(f, append = TRUE) cat(i, "\nStatus code:", x, "\n\n") sink() } else if("try-error" %in% class(x)) { cat("?") sink(f, append = TRUE) cat(i, "\nFailed to access\n\n") sink() Sys.sleep(5) } else { cat(".") } if (!which(l == i) %% 50) cat("", length(l) - which(l == i), "left\n") } sink(f, append = TRUE) cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": done.\n") sink() cat("Found", str_count(readLines(f), "^http") %>% sum, "problems.\n")