Inspired by [Awesome Deep Learning](, [Awesome Math]( and others.
> Network of U.S. political blogs by [Adamic and Glance (2004)]( ([preprint](
-_[A Novitiate in a Period of Change: An Experimental and Case Study of Social Relationships](, by Samuel F. Sampson (unpublished PhD dissertation, 1968).
-_[Social Network Analysis. Methods and Applications](, by Stanley Wasserman and Katherine Faust (1994).
-_[The Structure and Dynamics of Networks](, edited by Mark E.J. Newman, Albert-László Barabási and Duncan J. Watts - 600 pages of classic network analysis articles (2006).
### Dissemination
> Accessible introductions aimed at non-technical audiences.
-_[Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives](, by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler (2009).
-_[Linked: The New Science of Networks](, by Albert-László Barabási - [Selected chapters online]( (2002).
-_[Network Literacy: Essential Concepts and Core ideas](, by the NetSciEd team (c.2016) - Available in several languages ([paper](
-_[Encyclopedia of Social Networks](, edited by George A. Barnett - Covers all sorts of network-related themes (many of them not formal) as well as social network analysis (2011).
-_[Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World](, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg - Full pre-publication draft ([review](; 2010).
- _[Réseaux sociaux et structures relationnelles](, by Emmanuel Lazega, in French (2014).
-_[Social Network Analysis with Applications](, by Ian McCulloh, Helen Armstrong and Anthony Johnson (2013).
-_[Social Networks: An Introduction](, by Jeroen Bruggeman ([related material](; 2008).
-_[Studying Social Networks. A Guide to Empirical Research](, by Marina Hennig _et al._ (2013).
-_[Understanding Social Networks. Theories, Concepts, and Findings](, by Charles Kadushin (2012).
-_[Graph Theory](, by John A. Bondy and Uppaluri S.R. Murty (2008).
-_[Graph Theory](, by Reinhard Diestel - Full book online, also in Chinese and German (2016).
-_[Graph Theory](, by Frank Harary - Full book online (1969).
-_[Graphs & Digraphs](, by Gary Chartrand, Linda Lesniak and Ping Zhang (2016).
- _[Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory](, by Daniel Guichard - Full book online (2016).
-_[Modern Graph Theory](, by Belá Bollobás (1998).
-_[Bayesian Networks in R with Applications in Systems Biology](, by Radhakrishnan Nagarajan, Marco Scutari and Sophie Lèbre ([website](; 2013).
-_[Bayesian Networks with Examples in R](, by Marco Scutari and Jean-Baptiste Denis ([website](; 2014).
-_[The Book of Trees. Visualizing Branches of Knowledge](, by Manuel Lima - Hundreds of beautiful tree diagrams, from all periods of history (2014).
-_[Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Networks](, edited by Dean Lusher, Johan Koskinen and Garry Robins (2013).
-_[Generalized Blockmodeling. Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences](, by Patrick Doreian, Vladimir Batagelj and Anuška Ferligoj (2004).
-_[Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization](, edited by Roberto Tamassia ([chapter proofs](; 2013).
-_[Handbuch Historische Netzwerkforschung. Grundlagen und Anwendungen](, edited by Marten Düring _et al._, in German (2016).
-_[An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling](, by Jenine K. Harris (2014).
-_[Knoten und Kanten. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Wirtschafts- und Migrationsforschung](, edited by Markus Gamper and Linda Reschke, in German (2010).
-_[Knoten und Kanten 2.0. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Medienforschung und Kulturanthropologie](, edited by Markus Gamper, Linda Reschke and Michael Schönhuth, in German (2012).
-_[Knoten und Kanten III. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Geschichts- und Politikforschung]()_, edited by Markus Gamper, Linda Reschke and Marten Düring, in German and English (2015).
-_Inferential Network Analysis_, by Skyler J. Cranmer, Bruce A. Desmarais and Jason Morgan (forthcoming).
-_[Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social Sciences](, edited by Emmanuel Lazega and Tom A.B. Snijders (2016).
-_[Multivariate Network Visualization](, edited by Andreas Kerren, Helen C. Purchase and Matthew O. Ward (2014).
-_[Network Analysis in Archaeology](, edited by Carl Knappett (2013; [review in French](
-_[Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations](, edited by Ulrik Brandes and Thomas Erlebach - Covers network centrality, clustering, blockmodels, spatial networks and more (2005).
-_[Political Networks. The Structural Perspective](, by David Knoke (1994).
-_[Social Network Analysis for Ego-Nets: Social Network Analysis for Actor-Centred Networks](, by Nick Crossley _et al._ (2015).
-_[Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks](, by Vladimir Batagelj _et al._ (2014).
-_[Algorithmic Graph Theory and Sage](, by David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, and David Phillips - Full book online (2013).
-_[Analyzing Social Networks]( (using UCINET), by Stephen P. Borgatti, Martin G. Everett and Jeffrey C. Johnson (2013).
-_[Data Science and Complex Networks: Real Case Studies with Python](, by Guido Caldarelli and Alessandro Chessa (2016).
-_[Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek](, by Wouter de Nooy, Andrej Mrvar and Vladimir Batagelj (2011; also [in Japanese]( and [in Chinese](
-_[Graph Drawing Software]( (covering many programs), edited by Michael Jünger and Petra Mutzel (2004).
-_[Introduction to Social Network Methods]( (using mostly UCINET), by Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle - Full book online (2001).
-_[Mastering Gephi Network Visualization](, by Ken Cherven (2015).
-_[Network Graph Analysis and Visualization with Gephi](, by Ken Cherven (2013).
-_[Social Network Analysis for Startups. Finding Connections on the Social Web]( (using Python), by Maksim Tsvetovat and Alexander Kouznetsov ([code](; 2011).
-_[Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R](, by Eric D. Kolaczyk and Gabor Csárdi ([R package](; 2014).
-_[Communities and Networks: Using Social Network Analysis to Rethink Urban and Community Studies](, by Katherine Giuffre (2013).
-_[Comparing Policy Networks. Labor Politics in the U.S., Germany, and Japan](, by David Knoke _et al._ (1996).
-_[The Connected Past. Challenges to Network Studies in Archaeology and History]( edited by Tom Brughmans, Anna Collar and Fiona Coward (2016; [companion website](
-_[The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science](, by Linton C. Freeman, in English and several other languages (2004; [follow-up paper, 2011](
- _[Dynamical Networks in Psychology: More Than A Pretty Picture?](, by Laura Bringmann (2016; PhD dissertation).
-_[Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks](, by Alain Barrat, Marc Barthélemy and Alessandro Vespignani (2008).
-_[Neighbor Networks. Competitive Advantage Local and Personal](, by Ronald S. Burt (2010).
-_[Network Analysis Literacy. A Practical Approach to the Analysis of Networks](, by Katharina A. Zweig (2016).
-_[Networks in Social Policy Problems](, edited by Balázs Vedres and Marco Scotti (2012).
-_[The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks](, edited by Yann Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti and Brian Rogers (2016).
- _[Policy Debates as Dynamic Networks: German Pension Politics and Privatization Discourse](, by Philip Leifeld (2016).
-_[Theories of Communication Networks](, by Peter Monge and Nosh Contractor (2003).
-_[Die Verbundenheit der Dinge. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Netze und Netzwerke [The Connectedness of Things. A Cultural History of Nets and Networks]](, by Sebastian Gießmann, in German (2014).
-_[Verdeckte soziale Netzwerke im Nationalsozialismus. Die Entstehung und Arbeitsweise von Berliner Hilfsnetzwerken für verfolgte Juden [Hidden Social Networks in National Socialism: The origins and working methods of Berlin assistance networks for persecuted Jews]](, by Marten Düring, in German (2015; [related publications]( and [video presentation in English](
- _[Visualisierung komplexer Strukturen. Grundlagen der Darstellung mehrdimensionaler Netzwerke](, by Lothar Krempel, in German.
- [PolNet - Annual Political Networks Workshops and Conference]( - Organized by the APSA Organized Section on Political Networks (PolNet).
- [NetSci - International School and Conference on Social Networks]( - Organized by the Network Science Society (NetSci).
- [Sunbelt - Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis]( - Organized by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
- [Complex Networks](, by Peter Sheridan Dodds (University of Vermont, 2016; Twitter: [@networksvox](
- [Graph Theory and Applications](, by Paul Van Dooren - Full lecture slides (Hamilton Institute, Dublin, 2009).
- [Graph Theory (Mathematics)](, by Christopher Griffin - Full lecture notes (Penn State University, 2012).
- [Network Analysis and Modeling (Computer Science)](, by Aaron Clauset - Full lecture slides and readings (University of Colorado, 2014).
- [Networks, Complexity and Its Applications (Media Arts and Sciences)](, by Cesar Hidalgo (MIT, 2011).
- [Networks, Crowds and Markets](, by David Easley, Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos ([presentation](; Cornell University via edX, 2016).
- [Network Science (Physics)](, by Albert-László Barabási, Sean Cornelius and Roberta Sinatra (Northeastern University, 2015).
- [Political Networks: Methods and Applications](, by Zeev Maoz (University of California in Davis, 2012).
- [Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis](, by Matthew O. Jackson (Stanford University via Coursera, 2015).
- [Social Network Analysis]( and [Intermediate Social Network Theory](, by Matthew J. Denny - Workshop notes and slides (2014–5).
- [The Structure of Information Networks](, by Jon Kleinberg - Links to many diverse readings (Cornell University, 2008).
- [Colorado Index of Complex Networks (ICON)]( - Large collection of networks described and indexed by Aaron Clauset's research group.
- [International Currencies 1890-1910]( - Historical data on the international connections between 45 currencies.
- [KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection]( - Includes, among other things, networks of collaboration in DBpedia and Wikipedia, GitHub ([companion handbook](
- [Norwegian Interlocking Directorate, 2002-2011]( - Two-mode and one-mode data on gender representation in Norwegian firms.
- [Philosophers Networks from Randall Collins's _The Sociology of Philosophies_](
- [SocioPatterns Datasets]( - Network data obtained through the [SocioPatterns]( sensing platform.
> Journals that are not fully open-access are marked as “gated”. Please also note that some of the publishers listed below are [deeply hurting]( scientific publishing.
-_[ARCS – Analyse de réseaux pour les sciences sociales / Network Analysis for the Social Sciences](, in English and in French ([GDR ARSHS](
- [AFS RT 26 “Réseaux sociaux”]( - Thematic Network of the French Sociological Association (AFS), in French.
- [ECPR Political Networks SG]( - Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research ([Twitter account](
- [INSNA - International Network for Social Network Analysis]( ([SOCNET mailing-list](
- [Mathematical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA)](
- [Center for Applied Network Analysis (CANA)]( - Research group based at the University of Southern California School of Medicine.
- [Channing Division of Network Medicine]( - Research division within the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
- [Complex Human Networks Reading Group (CoHN)]( - Reading list from a seminar held at MIT in 2001–2.
- [Interdependence in Governance and Policy Research Group]( - Led by Bruce A. Desmarais at Penn State University.
- [Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI)](
- [Interdisciplinary Center for Network Science and Applications (iCeNSA) at the University of Notre Dame](
- [LINKS Center for Social Network Analysis at the Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky](
- [NetSCI Lab at the Rutgers School of Communication and Information](
- [Network Dynamics Group at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania]( (Twitter: [@NDGannenberg](
- [Network Science Center at the U.S. Military Academy (USMA) in West Point]( ([blog](
- [Network Science IGERT at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)]( - Features an [NSF-funded]( graduate programme.
- [Networks, Computation, and Social Dynamics Lab]( - Headed by Carter T. Butts. Part of the [Center for Networks and Relational Analysis]( (CNRA) at the University of California in Irvine.
- [Northeastern University Center for Complex Network Research]( - Led by Albert-László Barabási.
- [Northeastern University MOBS Lab - Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems]( - Led by Alessandro Vespignani.
- [Centre for Business Network Analysis, University of Greenwich]( - Focused on economic/organisational network analysis.
- [Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest]( - Features a PhD in Network Science program.
- [Data Science Group]( - Wroclaw-based research group that studies, among many things, complex networks and other network-related topics.
- [Digital Humanities]( - Interdisciplinary group of researchers at the Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin, with many network science projects.
- [Forschungscluster der Universitäten Trier und Mainz “Gesellschaftliche Abhängigkeiten und soziale Netzwerke”](, in German.
- [GDR Analyse de réseaux en sciences humaines et sociales]( – French research group with funds to support training and workshops on network analysis for social scientists.
- [Historical Network Research (HNR)]( - Platform for scholars interested in network analysis for historical research.
- [HNR Conferences, Workshops and Other Events](
- [ANR-Lab - International Laboratory for Applied Network Research]( - Russian group based at the National Research University in Moscow.
- [Theory and Methods in Network Analysis (“TMSA”) Summer Schools](
- [Large Graphs and Networks]( - Research group at the Catholic University of Louvain ([official page](
- [MelNet Social Network Research Group, Swinburne University of Technology](
- [Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis, University of Manchester]( - Currently studies [covert networks](
- [ORIO - Observatoire des Réseaux Intra- et Inter-Organisationnels]( - A research program on networks and regulation.
- [‘Réseaux et Régulation’ Conference Cycle]( - Seminar based at Sciences Po in Paris, France.
- [SoNAR-C - Social Network Analysis Research Center, University of Italian Switzerland (USi)](
- [Topographies of Entanglements. Mapping Medieval Networks]( - Research platform based at the Austrian Academy of Sciences that focuses on applying network theory and visualisation to medieval history.
- [Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON)]( - Research and software development project located at the Australian National University.
> See also the bibliographies [by Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc]( (section on ‘_études structurales_’), [by the Historical Network Research Group](, and [by Tom Brughmans](
- [Analyse de réseaux et histoire](, in French (_Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine_, 2005).
- [Formale Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse in den Geschichtswissenschaften: Warum und Wie? [Formal Network Methods in History: Why and How?]](, in German ([preprint in English](; _Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften_, 2012).
- [From Hermeneutics to Data to Networks: Data Extraction and Network Visualization of Historical Sources]( (_Programming Historian_, 2015).
- [Graph Theory and Networks in Biology]( ([preprint](; _IET Systems Biology_, 2007).
- [Introduction à la visualisation de données : l’analyse de réseau en histoire](, in French (_Geschichte und Informatik_, 2015).
- [Introduction: où en est l'analyse de réseaux en histoire ? [Introducción: ¿en qué punto se encuentra el análisis de redes en Historia?]](, in French ([also in Spanish](; _REDES_, 2011).
- [Networks and History]( (_Complexity_, 2002).
- [Networks of Power in Archaeology]( (_Annual Review of Anthropology_, 2014).
- [Netzwerkanalyse in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Historische Netzwerkanalyse als Methode für die Erforschung von historischen Prozessen](, in German (_[Prozesse. Formen, Dynamiken, Erklärungen](, 2015).
- [The Roots and Shoots of Archaeological Network Analysis: A Citation Analysis and Review of the Archaeological Use of Formal Network Methods]( (_Archaeological Review from Cambridge_, 2014).
- [Thinking Through Networks: A Review of Formal Network Methods in Archaeology]( (_Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory_, 2013).
- [Assessing Impact and Quality from Local Dynamics of Citation Networks]( (_Journal of Informetrics_, 2012).
- [Self-Citations, Co-Authorships and Keywords: A New Approach to Scientists' Field Mobility?]( (_Scientometrics_, 2007).
- [Tradition and Innovation in Scientists' Research Strategies]( (_Annual Review of Sociology_, 2015).
- [Network Analysis: An Integrative Approach to the Structure of Psychopathology]( (_Annual Review of Clinical Psychology_, 2013).
- [Social Networks and the Spread of Infectious Diseases: the AIDS Example]( (_Social Networks_, 1985).
- [Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Networks: A Novel Paradigm of Drug Discovery. A Comprehensive Review]( - Also includes an impressive list of network analysis software (_Pharmacology & Therapeutics_, 2013).
- [A Cautionary Note on Data Inputs and Visual Outputs in Social Network Analysis (SNA)]( ([preprint][conway2014]; _British Journal of Management_, 2014).
- [Ethical Dilemmas in Social Network Research]( (special issue of _Social Networks_, 2005).
- [Ethical and Strategic Issues in Organizational Social Network Analysis]( (_The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science_, 2003).
- [A Brief History of Statistical Models for Network Analysis and Open Challenges][fienberg2012] (_Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics_, 2012).
- [Statistical Models for Social Networks]( (_Annual Review of Sociology_, 2011).
- [A Survey of Statistical Network Models]( - Book-length review ([preprint](; _Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning_, 2010).
- [A Unified View of Generative Models for Networks: Models, Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges]( ([video presentation](; [NIPS 2014 workshop]( on “[Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data](”).
- [Explorations into the Visualization of Policy Networks]( (_Journal of Theoretical Politics_, 1999).
- [Methods of Social Network Visualization]( (_Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science_, 2009; [poster version](
- [Social Networks]( (_Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization_, 2013).
> See also the bibliographies [by Eszter Hargittai](, [by Pierre François]( and [by Pierre Mercklé](
- [Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks]( (_Annual Review of Sociology_, 2001).
- [Network Analysis and Political Science]( (_Annual Review of Political Science_, 2011).
- [Network Analysis for International Relations]( (_International Organization_, 2009).
- [Networks in Social Psychology, Beginning with Kurt Lewin]( ([preprint](; _[Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining](, 2014).
- [Networks in the Understanding of Economic Behaviors]( (_Journal of Economic Perspectives_, 2014).
- [Positions and Roles]( (_[The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis](, 2011).
- [The Social and the Sexual: Networks in Contemporary Demographic Research]( (PSC Working Paper Series, 2013).
- [Social Network Analysis in the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence]( ([preprint](; _PS: Political Science and Politics_, 2011).
> A voluntarily short list of applied, epistemological and methodological articles, many of which have become classic readings in network analysis courses. Intended for highly motivated social science students with little to no prior exposure to network analysis.
- [Aux sources des grands réseaux d’interactions. Retour sur quelques propriétés déterminantes des réseaux sociaux issus de corpus documentaires](, by Pascal Cristofoli, in French - Reviews the current state of relational sociology and network analysis in light of the large-scale and online data (_Réseaux_, 2008).
- [Birds of a Feather, Or Friend of a Friend? Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Social Networks](, by Steven M. Goodreau, James A. Kitts and Martina Morris - Accessible introduction to the logic and application of exponential random graph modeling (_Demography_, 2001).
- [Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks](, by Peter S. Bearman, James Moody and Katherine Stovel - Classic example of topological network analysis applied to a network of affective and sexual ties (_American Journal of Sociology_, 2004).
- [Coauthorship and Citation Patterns in the _Physical Review_](, by Travis Martin _et al._ - Highly typical study of scientific publishing productivity and collaboration through temporal network analysis ([preprint](; _Physical Review E_, 2013).
- [The Convergence of Social and Technological Networks](, by Jon Kleinberg - Discusses small-world effects and social contagion within the context of the Internet and social media (_Communications of the ACM_, 2008).
- [Deux traditions d'analyse des reseaux sociaux](, by Michael Eve ([English version](; _Réseaux_, 2002).
- [Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies](, by Cosma R. Shalizi and Andrew C. Thomas - Makes a very important point for the analysis of network diffusion and influence (_Sociological Methods and Research_, 2011).
- [La notion de réseau complexe : du réseau comme abstraction et outil à la masse de données des réseaux sociaux en ligne](, by Alain Barrat, in French - Accessible introduction to the study of complex networks (_Communication & Organisation_, 2013).
- [Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency](,%20culture,%20and%20the%20problem%20of%20agency.pdf), by Mustafa Emirbayer and Jeff Goodwin (_American Journal of Sociology_, 1994), and [Manifesto for a Relational Sociology](, by Mustafa Emirbayer (_American Journal of Sociology_, 1997) - Sociological foundations for a science of social ties.
- [Network Theory, Plot Analysis](, by Franco Moretti - Example applications of (fictional) network analysis in literary studies (_New Left Review_, 2011).
- [Node Centrality in Weighted Networks: Generalizing Degree and Shortest Paths](, by Tore Opsahl, Filip Agneessens and John Skvoretz - Explores the generalization of network centrality and distance measures to (positively) valued graphs (_Social Networks_, 2010; [companion website](
- [Scale-Free Networks](, by Albert-László Barabási and Eric Bonabeau - Early, accessible formulation of the “networks are everywhere” argument (_Scientific American_, 2003).
- [Social Networks and Causal Inference](, by Tyler J. VanderWeele and Weihua An - Reviews the different ways in which network analysis can produce meaningful causal statements, as well as the inherent limits of network analysis for doing so (_[Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research](, 2013).
- [The Performativity of Networks](, by Kieran Healy - Network analysis meets science studies: social networks, like financial markets, are highly subject to performativity, i.e. the possibility that reality might be altered by its theoretical inquiry (_European Journal of Sociology_, 2015).
- [Revisiting the Foundations of Network Analysis](, by Carter T. Butts - On choosing the right network representation to frame a research problem.
- [Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434](, by John F. Padgett and Christopher K. Ansell - Classic analysis of power relations in the Renaissance Florentine state (_American Journal of Sociology_, 1993).
- [The Strength of Weak Ties](, by Mark Granovetter - Arch-classic example of applying network analysis to a social issue: jobseeking (_American Journal of Sociology_, 1973).
- [The Ties that Divide: A Network Analysis of the International Monetary System, 1890–1910]( (_The Journal of Economic History_, 2005) and [The Empirics of International Currencies: Network Externalities, History and Persistence]( (_The Economic Journal_, 2009), both by Marc Flandreau and Clemens Jobst - Network analysis of the foreign exchange system in the late 19th century ([data](
- [Topics in Social Network Analysis and Network Science](, by A. James O'Malley and Jukka-Pekka Onnela - 50-page introduction to network analysis, with just the right amount of detail on all aspects of it (_The Handbook of Health Services Research_, forthcoming 2017).
> For a hint of why this section of the list might be useful to some, see [Mark Round’s Map of Data Formats and Software Tools]( (2009).
> Several links in this section come from the [NetWiki Shared Code]( page, from the Cambridge Networks Network [List of Resources for Complex Network Analysis](, and from the [Software for Social Network Analysis]( page by Mark Huisman and Marijtje A.J. van Duijn. For a recent academic review on the subject, see the [Social Network Algorithms and Software]( entry of the _International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences_, 2nd edition (2015).
> See also the [Social Network Analysis Project Survey]( ([blog post](, an earlier attempt to chart social network analysis tools that links to many commercial platforms not included in this list, such as []( The Wikipedia English entry on [Social Network Analysis Software]( also links to many commercial that are often very expensive, outdated, and far from being awesome by any reasonable standard.
> Software-centric tutorials are listed below their program of choice: other tutorials are listed [in the next section](#tutorials).
- [Network Analysis with Cytoscape Tutorial]( - Illustrated through an archaeological and geographical case study (2013).
- [Discourse Network Analyzer (DNA)]( - Qualitative content analysis tool with network export facilities, written in Java with R integration.
- [IGraph/M]( - Interface to use the `igraph` library from within Mathematica, using standard Mathematica `Graph` objects.
- [Palladio]( - Web-based spatial network visualization tool by the [Humanities + Design research lab at Stanford University](
- [PARTNER - Program to Analyze, Record, and Track Networks to Enhance Relationships]( - Excel-based tool for building networks from surveys.
- [PIGALE - Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm Library and Editor]( - Windows program and C++ library to analyze planar graphs.
- [PNet]( - Simulation and estimation of (one-mode and multilevel) exponential random graph models (ERGMs), written in Java for Windows.
- [Polinode]( - Web-based platform to both analyze network data as well as collect network data via relationship-based surveys.
- [PUCK - Program for the Use and Computation of Kinship data]( - Cross-platform Java program for genealogical network analysis.
- [Radatools]( - Set of tools intended for the analysis of complex networks, built on top of [Radalib](, a library written in Ada.
- [Siena]( - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis. Formerly a Windows program, now developed as the RSiena R package.
- [SocNetV - Social Network Visualizer]( - Cross-platform program that includes a [simple Web crawler]( to construct hyperlink networks.
- [SoNIA - Social Network Image Animator]( - Tool to visualize dynamic or longitudinal network data. Formerly a [Java program]( ([example movies](, now developed as the ndtv R package.
- [SparklingGraph]( - Cross-platform tool to perform large-scale, distributed network computations with Apache Spark's GraphX module; written in Java and Scala.
- [Tulip]( - Cross-platform network analysis and visualization framework built on top of a C++ library, with plugins dedicated to specific biological and physical networks. Also available through its [Python package](
- [Uberlink]( - Software suite for online (hyperlink) network analysis, by the [VOSON]( research project.
- [VOSON System]( - Web-based software for the collection and analysis of online network data.
- [VOSON Data Provider for NodeXL]( ([quick tutorial](; to be discontinued in 2016).
- [UNISoN]( - Cross-platform program to download and visualize Usenet data. [Developed for a Masters degree](
- [VennMaker: An Actor-Centered Interactive Network Mapping Tool]( - Cross-platform Java program for ego network analysis.
- [VennMaker for Historians: Sources, Social Networks and Software]( (also available in Spanish; 2011).
- [Network Analysis with Visone Tutorial]( - Illustrated through an archaeological case study (2015).
> See also the [Awesome Algorithms]( and [Awesome Algorithm Visualization]( lists for more algorithmic awesomess.
- [ForceAtlas2]( - Force-directed layout included in Gephi ([paper](
- [Linkcomm - Link Communities in Complex Networks]( - Community detection algorithms, available in C++, Python and R.
- [MixNet - Erdös-Rényi Mixture Model for Networks]( - Community detection method, available in C++ and R.
- [vbmod: Variational Bayesian Inference for Network Modularity]( - MATLAB and Python implementations of a [Bayesian community detection algorithm](
- [weighted-modularity-LPAwbPLUS]( - Julia, MATLAB and R implementations of two algorithms to find weighted modularity in bipartite networks.
> For more awesome C / C++ content, see the [Awesome C]( and [Awesome C / C++]( lists.
- [Benchmark Graphs to Test Community Detection Algorithms]( - C++ code to generate weighted and unweighted graphs.
- [BGL - Boost Graph Library]( - C++ library that provides a generic interface to access graph structures.
- [Louvain Method]( - C++ code for the [Louvain multi-level community detection algorithm](
- [networks.tb]( - C program designed for analyzing socio-semantic networks. Runs on Linux and Mac OSX.
- [OpenOrd: Large-scale Graph Layout (formerly DrL)]( - C++ algorithm, also available as a [Gephi plugin](
- [Stanford Network Analysis Project]( - C++ general purpose network analysis and graph mining library. Available as a Python library and in Microsoft Excel via NodeXL.
- [Walktrap]( - C++ program that implements the [WalkTrap community detection algorithm](
- [d3-force: Force-directed graph layout]( using velocity Verlet integration.
- [d3-vector: Define connections between nodes as directional vectors](, consisting of angles and magnitudes.
- [greuler]( - Visualization library to build and manipulate graphs through a simple API. Powered by d3.js and [WebCola](
- [jLouvain]( - Louvain community detection for Javascript ([example](
- [Smile.jl]( - Julia wrapper for the [Smile C++ library](, which covers Bayesian networks and influence diagrams.
- [Dynamic Network Analysis in Julia](
- [Graphs.jl]( - Package to manipulate graph objects in Julia.
- [Creating Network Diagrams in Plotly from Julia](
- [JuliaGraphs]( - Suite of Julia packages for network analysis.
- [GraphVisualize.jl]( - Graph visualization built on top of [GLVisualize.jl](
- [LightGraphs.jl]( - Graph library with a focus on performance and simplicity.
- [LightGraphsExtras.jl]( - Community detection and other functionalities for the LightGraphs.jl package.
- [MatrixNetworks.jl]( - A method to handle graph/matrix/network structures.
- [NetworkFlows.jl]( - Package of network flows algorithms.
- [NetworkViz.jl]( - Package to visualize graphs produced with LightGraphs.jl, using [ThreeJS.jl](
- [Brain Connectivity Toolbox]( - Toolbox for complex-network analysis of structural and functional brain-connectivity data, with links to many related projects.
> Many items below are from [a Google spreadsheet]( by Michał Bojanowski and others.
> See also [Social Network Analysis with Python](, a 3-hour tutorial by Maksim Tsvetovat and Alex Kouznetsov given at PyCon US 2012 ([code](
> For more awesome Python packages, see the [Awesome Python]( and [Awesome Python Books]( lists.
- [hiveplot]( - Python utility for drawing networks as hive plots on matplotlib, a more comprehensive network visualization.
- [networkx]( - Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
> For more awesome R resources, see the [Awesome R]( and [Awesome R Books]( lists. See also [this Google spreadsheet]( by Ian McCulloh and others.
> To convert many different network model results into tidy data frames, see the [broom]( package. To convert many different network model results into LaTeX or HTML tables, see the [texreg]( package.
- [Bergm]( - Tools to analyse Bayesian exponential random graph models (BERGM).
- [bipartite]( - Functions to visualize bipartite networks and compute indices commonly used in ecological research.
- [blockmodeling]( - Implementats generalized blockmodeling for valued networks.
- [btergm]( - Tools to fit temporal ERGMs by bootstrapped pseudolikelihood. Also provides MCMC maximum likelihood estimation, goodness of fit for ERGMs, TERGMs, and stochastic actor-oriented models (SAOMs), and tools for the micro-level interpretation of ERGMs and TERGMs.
- [CCAS]( - Statistical model for communication networks.
- [concoR]( - Implementation of the CONCOR network blockmodeling algorithm ([blog post](
- [ContentStructure]( - Implements an extension to the [Topic-Partitioned Multinetwork Embeddings (TPME) model](
- [GERGM]( - Estimation and diagnosis of the convergence of Generalized Exponential Random Graph Models (GERGM).
- [hergm]( - Estimate and simulate hierarchical exponential-family random graph models (HERGM) with local dependence.
- [lpNet]( - Linear programming model aimed at infering biological (signalling, gene) networks.
- [NetSim]( - Simulate and combine micro-models to research their impact on the macro-features of social networks.
- [networksis]( - Tools to simulate bipartite networks/graphs with the degrees of the nodes fixed and specified.
- [PAFit]( - Nonparametric estimation of preferential attachment and node fitness in temporal complex networks.
- [PCIT]( - Implements Partial Correlation with Information Theory in order to identify meaningful correlations in weighted networks, such as gene co-expression networks.
- [qgraph]( - Tools to model and visualize psychometric networks; also aimed at weighted graphical models).
- [Network Model Selection Using qgraph 1.3]( (2014).
- [relevent]( - Tools to fit relational event models (REM).
- [rem]( - Estimate endogenous network effects in event sequences and fit relational event models (REM), which measure how networks form and evolve over time.
- [Rgraphviz]( - Support for using the Graphviz library and its DOT graph drawing language from within R.
- [SocialMediaLab]( - Tools for collecting social media data and generating networks from it ([companion website](, [github repo](
- [spectralGOF]( - Computes the spectral goodness of fit (SGOF), a measure of how well a network model explains the structure of an observed network.
- [statnet]( - The project behind many R network analysis packages ([mailing-list](, [wiki](
- [tergm]( - Fit, simulate and diagnose models for temporal exponential-family random graph models (TERGM).
- [nwcommands: Network Analysis Using Stata]( ([discussion](, [tutorials and slides](
- [GraphML]( - Comprehensive and easy-to-use file format for graphs ([handbook chapter](
- [JGraphT]( - Java graph library for graph data structures and algorithms ([example algorithms](
- [PGF/TikZ]( - [Tandem]( of vector graphics languages that can be used to draw graphs in the [LaTeX]( typesetting environment.
- [Static and Dynamic Network Visualization with R]( - Covers the igraph, network, networkD3 and ndtv packages (2015).
- [+100 herramientas para el análisis de redes sociales]( - Long list of diverse applications of network analysis, with shorts descriptions in Spanish.
- [Centrality Measures as a Signature of Roles in Rousseau’s _Les Confessions_]( - Analysis of a real-world character network.
- [Cheat Sheet: Social Network Analysis for Humanists]( - Basic notions to remember when assembling and manipulating network data.
- [Computer Technologies for the Historical Research of Intellectual Networks]( - Series of videos by historians, featuring Marten Düring and Scott Weingart.
- [Convert Between Graph Formats]( - Online service to convert from/to many different common graph formats.
- [David Knoke on Network Analysis]( - 20-minute interview that discusses the uses and benefits of network analysis, drawing upon Knoke’s research on terrorist networks.
- [Mapping the Republic of Letters]( - Research project on early-modern scholarship ([underlying software](
- [Mixed-Method Approaches to Social Network Analysis]( - Videos of a conference at the Middlesex University School of Law (2014).
- [Modeling Complex Social Networks: Challenges and Opportunities for Statistical Learning and Inference]( - Video of a seminar talk by Jennifer Neville at Purdue University (2011).
- [NetSciEd - Network Science in Education]( - International initiative aimed at improving network literacy.
- [Network Fact]( - Twitter account about networks, graph theory, and related topics.
- [Network Map of Knowledge and Art]( - DBPedia-derived networks of who-was-influenced-by-whom directed ties, using SPARQL and Gephi.
- [Network Science]( - A thematic list of Twitter accounts, curated by [Katherine Ognyanova](
- [Network Science PhDs]( - Goal: "broadcast research, opportunities, and insights among grad students studying #networkscience."
- [New Perspectives for Relational Learning]( - Videos (and more) from a workshop at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) (2015).
- [Picking Sides]( - Community detection in the political network of Middle Eastern alliances between various state and nonstate powers ([updated version](
- [Plan interactif du métro]( - Interactive visualization of the Paris metro network, drawn with d3.js, in French.
- [Social Network Analysis in DBpedia]( - Highly didactic Master’s dissertation, showing how to use SPARQL and Pajek.
- [Using Metadata to Find Paul Revere]( and [The Other Ride of Paul Revere: The Brokerage Role in the Making of the American Revolution]( - Network analysis applied to American revolutionaries.
- [Visual Complexity. An Exploration on Mapping Complex Networks]( - Tons of beautiful network and tree visualizations ([book](, also in Chinese and French).
- [Netze und Netzwerke](, in English and German - Blog on the history of network analysis, by Sebastian Gießmann ([old blog](
- [Analyzing Networks of Characters in _Love Actually_]( - Features a cluster analysis and a [Shiny app]( (using R + Shiny).
- [Character Co-Occurrences in Victor Hugo’s _Les Misérables_](, plotted as an adjacency matrix, written in Python (+ Javascript).
- [Events in the _Game of Thrones_]( and [Places in the _Game of Thrones_]( - Networked chronologies of character alliances, kills and travels in the book series, drawn with d3.js.
- [Lessons on Exponential Random Graph Modeling from _Grey’s Anatomy_ hook-ups]( (using R).
- [Network Analysis of Shakespeare’s _Macbeth_]('s-Macbeth-Network.html) (using Python).
- [The Network and Trajectories of Transitions among Sentential Co-Occurrences of Characters of Arthur Conan Doyle’s _A Study in Scarlet_]('s-A-Study-in-Scarlet-Network-&-Trajectories.html) (using Python; [code](
- [_Star Wars_ Social Networks: The Force Awakens]( - Also an example of a social network analysis written in F#.
- [Editing a Normal Science Journal in Social Science]( - Reflections on the _Social Networks_ journal by its founding editor.
- [The Emergence of Network Science]( - Video documentary, featuring Steven H. Strogatz and many others.
- [Isolated Social Networkers](, [Networks and Netwars]( and [The Inter-Disciplinary Politics of Interdisciplinary Research or, “Hey, That Was My Idea First.”]( - Series of blog posts that predate the advent of “network science” as a buzzword, but that touch upon the same issues as those now being discussed under that heading.
- [The Erdös Number Project]( - Research project on the collaborative ties and network distance between mathematicians.
- [How Small is the World, Really?]( - Discussion of “_x_ degrees of separation” small-world experiments.
- [The Oracle of Bacon]( - Based on an [online game]( that resulted in a [charity](
- [Panel: Six Degrees of Separation]( - Video of a conference at Cornell University, featuring Duncan J. Watts, Steven H. Strogatz, Jon Kleinberg and other speakers.
- [Patterns in the Ivy: The Small World of Metal]( - Example of a two-mode network analysis based on metal artists and bands.
- [Six Degrees of Francis Bacon]( - Interactive visualization of a well-documented early modern historical network.
- [Six Degrees of Separation]( - Wikipedia English entry.
- [Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks]( ([preprint](, [related code](; _Social Networks_, 2008).
- [Fitting Large Signed Two-mode Blockmodels: Problems and Prospects](
- [Generalized Blockmodeling of Two-mode Network Data]( ([preprint](
- [Working with Bipartite/Affiliation Network Data in R]( (2012).
To the extent possible under law, the authors of this list – by chronological order: [François Briatte](, [Ian McCulloh](, [Aditya Khanna](, [Manlio De Domenico](, Patrick Kaminski, [Ericka Menchen-Trevino](, [Tam-Kien Duong](, [Jeremy Foote](, [Catherine Cramer](, [Andrej Mrvar](, [Patrick Doreian](, [Vladimir Batagelj](, Eric C. Jones, Alden S. Klovdahl, [James Fairbanks](, [Danielle Varda](, [Andrew Pitts](, [Roman Bartusiak](, [Koustuv Sinha](, [Mohsen Mosleh](, [Sandro Sousa]( and [Jean-Baptiste Pressac]( – have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
Thanks to [Robert J. Ackland](, [Marc Flandreau](, [Eiko Fried](, [Wouter de Nooy](, [Katya Ognyanova](, [Camille Roth](, [Cosma Shalizi](, [Tom A.B. Snijders]( and [Tim A. Wheeler](, who helped locating some of the awesome resources featured in this list.