# Contribution Guidelines When making a pull request, please follow these guidelines: - One commit per suggestion is preferred - Commit message should follow this format: `Add some tool name` (For example, `Add cuckoo-sandbox`) [Why?](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) - Multiple commits per pull request is OK - Lists within each section are alphabetized, please keep them that way - Add sections if necessary, use existing sections if possible - Clear, concise descriptions for each link, starting with a capital, ending with a period - Use the following format: `[Item Name](homepage link) - Description.` - No duplication of tools, put them where they make the most sense - Wrap lines at ~80 chars, no trailing whitespace or unnecessary newlines - Prefer quality over quantity, only submit awesome stuff - By submitting a pull request, you agree to release your submission under the [LICENSE](LICENSE) - Indent wrapped lines even with the start of the line before ``` - That means lines wrap like this - Not like this ``` The rules above take precedence, but in case I missed something, check [the awesome guidelines](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/contributing.md) too. Properly formatted pull requests will almost always be approved faster than issues or poorly formatted pull requests, because they mean less work for me! Thanks!