# `awesome-linux-rootkits` ## :key: feature table Environment: - Kernel/User mode (or mixed) Core capabilities: - Persistency Stealth capabilities: - System logs cleaning (filtering) Hiding stuff capabilities: - Hiding of files and directories - Hiding of processes and process trees - Hiding of network connections and activity - Hiding of process accounting information (like CPU usage) Additional functions: - Keylogger - Backdoor/shell ## :see_no_evil: user mode rootkits :shit: - https://github.com/mempodippy/vlany Linux LD_PRELOAD rootkit (x86 and x86_64 architectures) :point_up: ## :hear_no_evil: kernel mode rootkits :heart: - https://github.com/f0rb1dd3n/Reptile Reptile is a LKM rootkit written for evil purposes that runs on Linux kernel 2.6.x/3.x/4.x :point_up: `backdoor` - https://github.com/QuokkaLight/rkduck rkduck - Rootkit for Linux v4 :point_up: `keylogger` `backdoor`