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Awesome Hugo

A curated list of awesome things related to Hugo. The world's fastest framework for building websites.
- Docker Image for Hugo
- Discussion Forums
- Victor Hugo (starter repo for using Webpack)
- Hugo Webpack Boilerplate
- Hugo + Gulp starter project
- Hugo Starter with Gulp Asset Pipeline, SVG Icons, partials for global components, metadata, and social.
- Hugo CLI
- Configure Hugo to Ingest into Elasticsearch
- Atlas: Hugo boilerplate
Projects using Hugo
- Madewithover.com
- Vote.gov (repo)
- Financial Times CFA Institute
- Visit Paris Region
- Tomango (repo)
- Visual Cinnamon
- Virginia.gov
- Tapfiliate
- Smallmultiples
- Datadoghq (repo)
- Hartwell Insurance
- Let's Encrypt (repo)
- Brightline Initiative
- Netlify
- Pretty Fly FPV
- Forestry.io (repo)
- Crossref
- Boris FX
- 1Password
- Smashing Magazine
- Linking Art Gallery
- Cinematt (repo)
- Boomtown Fair
- labs.usa.gov
- Forest Giant
- eSolia
- Hugo: Beyond the Defaults by Nate Finch
- Jekyll and it's alternatives from a site generation point of view by Fredrik Loch
- 6 Static Blog Generators That Aren’t Jekyll by David Turnbull, Sitepoint
- Static Site Generators are Overkill by Valeri Karpov
- Comparing Static Site Engines by Brian Rinaldi at SFHTML5
- Major Release for Hugo by Steve Francia
- Hugo, another performance perspective by Fredrik Loch
- Moving from jekyll to Hugo by Fredrik Loch
- Making Content Editors and Web Developers Happy Again by Code.Makery
- Deploying Static Sites to CloudFront by James Turk
- Static Websites with Hugo on Google Cloud Storage by Moxie Input/Output
- How To Use NPM As A Build Tool With Hugo - The Codestead by Isaac Gregson
- Bleve Search for Hugo Sites by Bleve
- Hugo on Netlify — Insanely Fast Deploys by Netlify
- Why Hugo? A static site generator optimized for performance by Rick Cogley, eSolia
- Static Site E-Commerce (part 3): Integrating Snipcart with Hugo by Snipcart
- Static sites go all Hollywood by Phil Hawksworth
- Hands on Experience with Hugo as a Static Site Generator by Thomas Peham, Usersnap
- Hugo Continuous Integration with Wercker and Bitbucket by Aerobatic
- How To Install and Use Hugo, a Static Site Generator, on Ubuntu 14.04 by Justin Ellingwood
- Static Website Generators Reviewed: Jekyll, Middleman, Roots, Hugo by Mathias Biilmann, Smashing Magazine
- The World’s Greatest (Free) Static Site Builders / Generators by Vienna.html
- Deploy your blog to github pages automatically using Hugo and Travis by Roman Coedo
- How to host Hugo static website generator on AWS Lambda by Ilya Bezdelev
- Implementing blog theme bells and whistles in Hugo: pagination, pages, related posts, and tag lists by Justin Dunham
- Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow by Thomas Peham, Sitepoint
- Working with Hugo's Internal Partial Templates: twitter-cards by Brendan Quinn
- Minify Hugo Generated HTML · Ratson
- Tips and tricks for building a theme in Hugo by Jeff McMorris
- Switching to Aerobatic Static Site Hosting by Ryan Brown, Serverless Code
- Leverage shortcodes in Hugo by Julio Pescador
- A reactive serverless cms for the technology blog · Razorfish Technology Blog by Razorfish
- How to use Data Files in Hugo: an example by Peter Y. Chuang
- Considerations when converting from WordPress.com to Hugo by Elmar Klausmeier
- Limitations of Hugo's Date Format Templating by Paul Heinlein
- Better TeX math typesetting in Hugo by Lincoln
- Moving to a static site by David Yates
- Convert an Existing Site into Hugo by Katrina Owen
- AWS Lambda Static Site Generator Plugins - Alestic.com by Eric Hammond
- Hosting Hugo on GitLab by Bryan Klein
- HugoPhotoSwipe by Gertjan van den Burg
- Serve static websites with Caddy web server by Peter Y. Chuang
- How to show related posts in Hugo by Peter Y. Chuang
- Choose Hugo Over Jekyll - habd.as by Josh Habdas
- NPM scripts for building and deploying Hugo sites by Aerobatic
- NPM scripts for building and deploying Hugo sites by Aerobatic
- Deploy a Hugo site to Aerobatic with CircleCI by Aerobatic
- Hugo dateFormat by GoHugoHQ
- Them's Good Broth! | Adding Isso Comments To Hugo by Stíobhart Matulevicz
- An Example of a Static Site with a Dynamic Calendar · Raymond Camden by Raymond Camden
- Zero to HTTP/2 with AWS and Hugo - habd.as by Josh Habdas
- How to create a first-letter indexed list by GoHugoHQ
- Activity Calendar Partial by GoHugoHQ
- How to schedule posts for static site generators (Jekyll, Hugo, Phenomic etc.) by David Wells
- Compare date strings in hugo by GoHugoHQ
- Installing bleeding edge Hugo + Goorgeous by Kaushal Modi
- Go offline! Service Worker and Hugo by gohugohq
- Autolinking shortcode through articles by GoHugoHQ
- Twitter cards partials for Hugo by GoHugoHQ
- Enabling offline usage of a Hugo site (PWA) by Michel Racic
- Go static: 5 reasons to try JAMstack on your next project. by Tom Bennet, Builtvisible
- Dealing with version conflicts between Hugo and Netlify by Adam Wills
- Hugo .Scratch explained by Régis Philibert
- Hugo Easy Gallery by Li-Wen Yip
- Getting Hugo running on Netlify by Richard Littauer
- Hugulp, a Hugo + Gulp toolchain by Juan B. Rodriguez
- Replacing Disqus with Github Comments by Don Williamson
- Converting WordPress Export File to Hugo by Elmar Klausmeier
- Migrate from Octopress to Hugo by Sergey Pisarenko
- Creating a JSON Feed for Hugo by Raymond Camden
- Delaying Disqus comments to save (a ton of) requests by Igor Kulman
- HBuild, Test, And Deploy Statically Generated Websites With Hugo by Ricardo Feliciano, CircleCI
- Migrating from Jekyll+Github Pages to Hugo+Netlify by Sara Soueidan
- Deploying Hugo on Bluemix by Ryan Tiffany, dev.to
- Building a JAMstack site with Hugo and Azure Functions by Henrik Lau Eriksson
- Switching to Hugo from Nikola by Sadanand Singh
- Embed your typeform on Hugo sites by Typeform
- Automating Static Website Deployment, Part 1 by AlphaGeek
- A Gentle Introduction to Creating a Minimal Hugo Site by Arun Ravindran
- Generating Comments on Static Sites with Staticman by tosbourn
- Implementing a Series in Hugo by Joe Sacher
- Hugo Hosting with KeyCDN by KeyCDN
- Hugo Templates for WordPress Designers by Leon Barnard, Treehouse Blog
- Awesome Hugo Boilerplates by Josh Habdas
- Hugo and Madoko in a Custom Docker Image for GitLab CI/CD by Brian Klein
- Notes about migrating to Hugo by Fatih Arslan
- Hugo Translator by Régis Philibert
- Hugo + Staticman: Nested Replies and E-mail Notifications by Dan C Williams
- Hugo Web Development Workflow on Windows by Ashwin Narayan
- How to build custom Hugo pagination by Glenn McComb
- Hugo Page Resources by Régis Philibert
- How to setup automatic Hugo website generation and deployment with Git by Víctor Adrián
- Hugo vs Jekyll: Benchmarked by Chris Macrae, Forestry.io
- Content Groups in Hugo for Google Analytics by Bruno Amaral
- Hugo: Leaf and Branch Bundles by Kaushal Modi
- Client side searching for Hugo.io with Fuse.js by Eddie Webb
- Using Python, Webtask.io, Stripe, and Hugo for charity Fundraising pages by Bryan Klein
- Better Relationships in Hugo by Régis Philibert
- Hugo Snippets and Code Examples by Julian Knight
- Subscription form for Hugo with FlowXO and Mailgun by Krister Viirsaar
- Build a JSON API With Hugo's Custom Output Formats by Régis Philibert, Forestry
- Hugo, Python and Sheets, Oh My! by Bryan Klein
- How to move from Medium to static hosting with Jekyll or Hugo by Matt Sherman
- Enhance Your Hugo JSON API Using Custom Output Formats and Netlify Redirects by Régis Philibert, Forestry.io
- Create a blog using pre-built Serverless Components and Hugo by Rupak Ganguly
- How to cache-bust and concatenate JS and SASS files with Hugo in 2018 by Ben Bozzay
- How to use Hugo template variables in SCSS files (in 2018) by Ben Bozzay
- Hugo Pipes' Revolution by Régis Philibert
- Hugo tips: How to create author pages by Irene Morente, Netlify
- Gatsby vs Hugo, a detailed comparison by Developer Davo
- Why I keep Hugo in my Repository and How I Update it with Python by Bryan Klien
- How I migrated this website articles from Jekyll to Hugo by Marcelo Canina
- Hugo Multilingual Part 2: Strings localization by Régis Philibert
- WordPress to Static Site Generator (Hugo) Migration and Deployment by Phong Huynh
- Installing Hugo and Hosting on OpenBSD server by Neeraj