Awesome Hugo
A curated list of awesome things related to Hugo. The world's fastest framework for building websites.
- Docker Image for Hugo
- Discussion Forums
- Victor Hugo (starter repo for using Webpack)
- Hugo Webpack Boilerplate
- Hugo + Gulp starter project
- Hugo Starter with Gulp Asset Pipeline, SVG Icons, partials for global components, metadata, and social.
- Hugo CLI
- Configure Hugo to Ingest into Elasticsearch
- Atlas: Hugo boilerplate
Projects using Hugo
- (repo)
- Financial Times CFA Institute
- Visit Paris Region
- Tomango (repo)
- Visual Cinnamon
- Tapfiliate
- Smallmultiples
- Datadoghq (repo)
- Hartwell Insurance
- Let's Encrypt (repo)
- Brightline Initiative
- Netlify
- Pretty Fly FPV
- (repo)
- Crossref
- Boris FX
- 1Password
- Smashing Magazine
- Linking Art Gallery
- Cinematt (repo)
- Boomtown Fair
- Forest Giant
- eSolia
WordPress to Static Site Generator (Hugo) Migration and Deployment by Phong Huynh
Hugo Multilingual Part 2: Strings localization by Régis Philibert
How I migrated this website articles from Jekyll to Hugo by Marcelo Canina
Why I keep Hugo in my Repository and How I Update it with Python by Bryan Klien
Gatsby vs Hugo, a detailed comparison by Developer Davo
Hugo tips: How to create author pages by Irene Morente, Netlify
Hugo Pipes' Revolution by Régis Philibert
How to use Hugo template variables in SCSS files (in 2018) by Ben Bozzay
How to cache-bust and concatenate JS and SASS files with Hugo in 2018 by Ben Bozzay
Create a blog using pre-built Serverless Components and Hugo by Rupak Ganguly
Enhance Your Hugo JSON API Using Custom Output Formats and Netlify Redirects by Régis Philibert,
How to move from Medium to static hosting with Jekyll or Hugo by Matt Sherman
Hugo, Python and Sheets, Oh My! by Bryan Klein
Build a JSON API With Hugo's Custom Output Formats by Régis Philibert, Forestry
Subscription form for Hugo with FlowXO and Mailgun by Krister Viirsaar
Hugo Snippets and Code Examples by Julian Knight
Better Relationships in Hugo by Régis Philibert
Using Python,, Stripe, and Hugo for charity Fundraising pages by Bryan Klein
Client side searching for with Fuse.js by Eddie Webb
Hugo: Leaf and Branch Bundles by Kaushal Modi
Content Groups in Hugo for Google Analytics by Bruno Amaral
Hugo vs Jekyll: Benchmarked by Chris Macrae,
How to setup automatic Hugo website generation and deployment with Git by Víctor Adrián
Hugo Page Resources by Régis Philibert
How to build custom Hugo pagination by Glenn McComb
Hugo Web Development Workflow on Windows by Ashwin Narayan
Hugo + Staticman: Nested Replies and E-mail Notifications by Dan C Williams
Hugo Translator by Régis Philibert
Notes about migrating to Hugo by Fatih Arslan
Hugo and Madoko in a Custom Docker Image for GitLab CI/CD by Brian Klein
Awesome Hugo Boilerplates by Josh Habdas
Hugo Templates for WordPress Designers by Leon Barnard, Treehouse Blog
Hugo Hosting with KeyCDN by KeyCDN
Implementing a Series in Hugo by Joe Sacher
Generating Comments on Static Sites with Staticman by tosbourn
A Gentle Introduction to Creating a Minimal Hugo Site by Arun Ravindran
Automating Static Website Deployment, Part 1 by AlphaGeek
Embed your typeform on Hugo sites by Typeform
Switching to Hugo from Nikola by Sadanand Singh
Building a JAMstack site with Hugo and Azure Functions by Henrik Lau Eriksson
Deploying Hugo on Bluemix by Ryan Tiffany,
Migrating from Jekyll+Github Pages to Hugo+Netlify by Sara Soueidan
HBuild, Test, And Deploy Statically Generated Websites With Hugo by Ricardo Feliciano, CircleCI
Delaying Disqus comments to save (a ton of) requests by Igor Kulman
Creating a JSON Feed for Hugo by Raymond Camden
Migrate from Octopress to Hugo by Sergey Pisarenko
Converting WordPress Export File to Hugo by Elmar Klausmeier
Replacing Disqus with Github Comments by Don Williamson
Hugulp, a Hugo + Gulp toolchain by Juan B. Rodriguez
Getting Hugo running on Netlify by Richard Littauer
Hugo Easy Gallery by Li-Wen Yip
Hugo .Scratch explained by Régis Philibert
Dealing with version conflicts between Hugo and Netlify by Adam Wills
Go static: 5 reasons to try JAMstack on your next project. by Tom Bennet, Builtvisible
Enabling offline usage of a Hugo site (PWA) by Michel Racic
Twitter cards partials for Hugo by GoHugoHQ
Autolinking shortcode through articles by GoHugoHQ
Go offline! Service Worker and Hugo by gohugohq
Installing bleeding edge Hugo + Goorgeous by Kaushal Modi
Compare date strings in hugo by GoHugoHQ
How to schedule posts for static site generators (Jekyll, Hugo, Phenomic etc.) by David Wells
Activity Calendar Partial by GoHugoHQ
How to create a first-letter indexed list by GoHugoHQ
Zero to HTTP/2 with AWS and Hugo - by Josh Habdas
An Example of a Static Site with a Dynamic Calendar · Raymond Camden by Raymond Camden
Them's Good Broth! | Adding Isso Comments To Hugo by Stíobhart Matulevicz
Hugo dateFormat by GoHugoHQ
Deploy a Hugo site to Aerobatic with CircleCI by Aerobatic
NPM scripts for building and deploying Hugo sites by Aerobatic
NPM scripts for building and deploying Hugo sites by Aerobatic
Choose Hugo Over Jekyll - by Josh Habdas
How to show related posts in Hugo by Peter Y. Chuang
Serve static websites with Caddy web server by Peter Y. Chuang
HugoPhotoSwipe by Gertjan van den Burg
Hosting Hugo on GitLab by Bryan Klein
AWS Lambda Static Site Generator Plugins - by Eric Hammond
Convert an Existing Site into Hugo by Katrina Owen
Moving to a static site by David Yates
Better TeX math typesetting in Hugo by Lincoln
Limitations of Hugo's Date Format Templating by Paul Heinlein
Considerations when converting from to Hugo by Elmar Klausmeier
How to use Data Files in Hugo: an example by Peter Y. Chuang
A reactive serverless cms for the technology blog · Razorfish Technology Blog by Razorfish
Leverage shortcodes in Hugo by Julio Pescador
Switching to Aerobatic Static Site Hosting by Ryan Brown, Serverless Code
Tips and tricks for building a theme in Hugo by Jeff McMorris
Working with Hugo's Internal Partial Templates: twitter-cards by Brendan Quinn
Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow by Thomas Peham, Sitepoint
Implementing blog theme bells and whistles in Hugo: pagination, pages, related posts, and tag lists by Justin Dunham
How to host Hugo static website generator on AWS Lambda by Ilya Bezdelev
Deploy your blog to github pages automatically using Hugo and Travis by Roman Coedo
The World’s Greatest (Free) Static Site Builders / Generators by Vienna.html
Static Website Generators Reviewed: Jekyll, Middleman, Roots, Hugo by Mathias Biilmann, Smashing Magazine
How To Install and Use Hugo, a Static Site Generator, on Ubuntu 14.04 by Justin Ellingwood
Hugo Continuous Integration with Wercker and Bitbucket by Aerobatic
Hands on Experience with Hugo as a Static Site Generator by Thomas Peham, Usersnap
Static sites go all Hollywood by Phil Hawksworth
Static Site E-Commerce (part 3): Integrating Snipcart with Hugo by Snipcart
Why Hugo? A static site generator optimized for performance by Rick Cogley, eSolia
Hugo on Netlify — Insanely Fast Deploys by Netlify
Bleve Search for Hugo Sites by Bleve
How To Use NPM As A Build Tool With Hugo - The Codestead by Isaac Gregson
Static Websites with Hugo on Google Cloud Storage by Moxie Input/Output
Deploying Static Sites to CloudFront by James Turk
Making Content Editors and Web Developers Happy Again by Code.Makery
Moving from jekyll to Hugo by Fredrik Loch
Hugo, another performance perspective by Fredrik Loch
Major Release for Hugo by Steve Francia
Comparing Static Site Engines by Brian Rinaldi at SFHTML5
Static Site Generators are Overkill by Valeri Karpov
6 Static Blog Generators That Aren’t Jekyll by David Turnbull, Sitepoint
Jekyll and it's alternatives from a site generation point of view by Fredrik Loch
Hugo: Beyond the Defaults by Nate Finch