A curated list of awesome honeypots, plus related components and much more, divided into categories such as Web, services, and others, with a focus on free and open source projects.
There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the [guide](CONTRIBUTING.md).
Discover more awesome lists at [sindresorhus/awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome).
- [Express honeypot](https://github.com/christophe77/express-honeypot) - RFI & LFI honeypot using nodeJS and express.
- [EoHoneypotBundle](https://github.com/eymengunay/EoHoneypotBundle) - Honeypot type for Symfony2 forms.
- [Glastopf](https://github.com/mushorg/glastopf) - Web Application Honeypot.
- [Google Hack Honeypot](http://ghh.sourceforge.net) - Designed to provide reconnaissance against attackers that use search engines as a hacking tool against your resources.
- [HellPot](https://github.com/yunginnanet/HellPot) - Honeypot that tries to crash the bots and clients that visit it's location.
- [Servletpot](https://github.com/schmalle/servletpot) - Web application Honeypot.
- [Shadow Daemon](https://shadowd.zecure.org/overview/introduction/) - Modular Web Application Firewall / High-Interaction Honeypot for PHP, Perl, and Python apps.
- [StrutsHoneypot](https://github.com/Cymmetria/StrutsHoneypot) - Struts Apache 2 based honeypot as well as a detection module for Apache 2 servers.
- [WebTrap](https://github.com/IllusiveNetworks-Labs/WebTrap) - Designed to create deceptive webpages to deceive and redirect attackers away from real websites.
- [modpot](https://github.com/referefref/modpot) - Modpot is a modular web application honeypot framework and management application written in Golang and making use of gin framework.
- [tomcat-manager-honeypot](https://github.com/helospark/tomcat-manager-honeypot) - Honeypot that mimics Tomcat manager endpoints. Logs requests and saves attacker's WAR file for later study.
- [Cloud Active Defense](https://github.com/SAP/cloud-active-defense?tab=readme-ov-file) - Cloud active defense lets you deploy decoys right into your cloud applications, putting adversaries into a dilemma: to hack or not to hack?
- [honeydb] (https://honeydb.io/downloads) - Multi-service honeypot that is easy to deploy and configure. Can be configured to send interaction data to to HoneyDB's centralized collectors for access via REST API.
- [pyrdp](https://github.com/gosecure/pyrdp) - RDP man-in-the-middle and library for Python 3 with the ability to watch connections live or after the fact.
- [WebLogic honeypot](https://github.com/Cymmetria/weblogic_honeypot) - Low interaction honeypot to detect CVE-2017-10271 in the Oracle WebLogic Server component of Oracle Fusion Middleware.
- [WhiteFace Honeypot](https://github.com/csirtgadgets/csirtg-honeypot) - Twisted based honeypot for WhiteFace.
- [GasPot](https://github.com/sjhilt/GasPot) - Veeder Root Gaurdian AST, common in the oil and gas industry.
- [SCADA honeynet](http://scadahoneynet.sourceforge.net) - Building Honeypots for Industrial Networks.
- [gridpot](https://github.com/sk4ld/gridpot) - Open source tools for realistic-behaving electric grid honeynets.
- [scada-honeynet](http://www.digitalbond.com/blog/2007/07/24/scada-honeynet-article-in-infragard-publication/) - Mimics many of the services from a popular PLC and better helps SCADA researchers understand potential risks of exposed control system devices.
- [Masscanned](https://github.com/ivre/masscanned) - Let's be scanned. A low-interaction honeypot focused on network scanners and bots. It integrates very well with IVRE to build a self-hosted alternative to GreyNoise.
- [NOVA](https://github.com/DataSoft/Nova) - Uses honeypots as detectors, looks like a complete system.
- [OpenFlow Honeypot (OFPot)](https://github.com/upa/ofpot) - Redirects traffic for unused IPs to a honeypot, built on POX.
- [OpenCanary](https://github.com/thinkst/opencanary) - Modular and decentralised honeypot daemon that runs several canary versions of services that alerts when a service is (ab)used.
- [ciscoasa_honeypot](https://github.com/cymmetria/ciscoasa_honeypot) A low interaction honeypot for the Cisco ASA component capable of detecting CVE-2018-0101, a DoS and remote code execution vulnerability.
- [miniprint](https://github.com/sa7mon/miniprint) - A medium interaction printer honeypot.
- [Hale](https://github.com/pjlantz/Hale) - Botnet command and control monitor.
- [dnsMole](https://code.google.com/archive/p/dns-mole/) - Analyses DNS traffic and potentionaly detect botnet command and control server activity, along with infected hosts.
- [ipv6-attack-detector](https://github.com/mzweilin/ipv6-attack-detector/) - Google Summer of Code 2012 project, supported by The Honeynet Project organization.
- [Kippo-Malware](https://bruteforcelab.com/kippo-malware) - Python script that will download all malicious files stored as URLs in a Kippo SSH honeypot database.
- [Community Honey Network](https://communityhoneynetwork.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) - CHN aims to make deployments honeypots and honeypot management tools easy and flexible. The default deployment method uses Docker Compose and Docker to deploy with a few simple commands.
- [Modern Honey Network](https://github.com/threatstream/mhn) - Multi-snort and honeypot sensor management, uses a network of VMs, small footprint SNORT installations, stealthy dionaeas, and a centralized server for management.
- [LogAnon](http://code.google.com/archive/p/loganon/) - Log anonymization library that helps having anonymous logs consistent between logs and network captures.
- [Honeymole](https://web.archive.org/web/20100326040550/http://www.honeynet.org.pt:80/index.php/HoneyMole) - Deploy multiple sensors that redirect traffic to a centralized collection of honeypots.
- [Sysdig](https://sysdig.com/opensource/) - Open source, system-level exploration allows one to capture system state and activity from a running GNU/Linux instance, then save, filter, and analyze the results.
- [Fibratus](https://github.com/rabbitstack/fibratus) - Tool for exploration and tracing of the Windows kernel.
- [Kippo2MySQL](https://bruteforcelab.com/kippo2mysql) - Extracts some very basic stats from Kippo’s text-based log files and inserts them in a MySQL database.
- [Kippo2ElasticSearch](https://bruteforcelab.com/kippo2elasticsearch) - Python script to transfer data from a Kippo SSH honeypot MySQL database to an ElasticSearch instance (server or cluster).
- [Passive Network Audit Framework (pnaf)](https://github.com/jusafing/pnaf) - Framework that combines multiple passive and automated analysis techniques in order to provide a security assessment of network platforms.
- [Honeyperl](https://sourceforge.net/projects/honeyperl/) - Honeypot software based in Perl with plugins developed for many functions like : wingates, telnet, squid, smtp, etc.
- [T-Pot](https://github.com/dtag-dev-sec/tpotce) - All in one honeypot appliance from telecom provider T-Mobile
- [Artillery](https://github.com/trustedsec/artillery/) - Open-source blue team tool designed to protect Linux and Windows operating systems through multiple methods.
- [Bait and Switch](http://baitnswitch.sourceforge.net) - Redirects all hostile traffic to a honeypot that is partially mirroring your production system.
- [Bifrozt](https://github.com/Ziemeck/bifrozt-ansible) - Automatic deploy bifrozt with ansible.
- [Conpot](http://conpot.org/) - Low interactive server side Industrial Control Systems honeypot.
- [HoneyWRT](https://github.com/CanadianJeff/honeywrt) - Low interaction Python honeypot designed to mimic services or ports that might get targeted by attackers.
- [Honeyd](https://github.com/provos/honeyd) - See [honeyd tools](#honeyd-tools).
- [Honeysink](http://www.honeynet.org/node/773) - Open source network sinkhole that provides a mechanism for detection and prevention of malicious traffic on a given network.
- [KFSensor](http://www.keyfocus.net/kfsensor/) - Windows based honeypot Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
- [LaBrea](http://labrea.sourceforge.net/labrea-info.html) - Takes over unused IP addresses, and creates virtual servers that are attractive to worms, hackers, and other denizens of the Internet.
- [MTPot](https://github.com/Cymmetria/MTPot) - Open Source Telnet Honeypot, focused on Mirai malware.
- [honeymail](https://github.com/sec51/honeymail) - SMTP honeypot written in Golang.
- [honeytrap](https://github.com/tillmannw/honeytrap) - Low-interaction honeypot and network security tool written to catch attacks against TCP and UDP services.
- [imap-honey](https://github.com/yvesago/imap-honey) - IMAP honeypot written in Golang.
- [mwcollectd](https://www.openhub.net/p/mwcollectd) - Versatile malware collection daemon, uniting the best features of nepenthes and honeytrap.
- [potd](https://github.com/lnslbrty/potd) - Highly scalable low- to medium-interaction SSH/TCP honeypot designed for OpenWrt/IoT devices leveraging several Linux kernel features, such as namespaces, seccomp and thread capabilities.
- [portlurker](https://github.com/bartnv/portlurker) - Port listener in Rust with protocol guessing and safe string display.
- [slipm-honeypot](https://github.com/rshipp/slipm-honeypot) - Simple low-interaction port monitoring honeypot.
- [telnet-iot-honeypot](https://github.com/Phype/telnet-iot-honeypot) - Python telnet honeypot for catching botnet binaries.
- [telnetlogger](https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/telnetlogger) - Telnet honeypot designed to track the Mirai botnet.
- [YALIH (Yet Another Low Interaction Honeyclient)](https://github.com/Masood-M/yalih) - Low-interaction client honeypot designed to detect malicious websites through signature, anomaly, and pattern matching techniques.
- [HonSSH](https://github.com/tnich/honssh) - Logs all SSH communications between a client and server.
- [HUDINX](https://github.com/Cryptix720/HUDINX) - Tiny interaction SSH honeypot engineered in Python to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.
- [Kippo](https://github.com/desaster/kippo) - Medium interaction SSH honeypot.
- [Kippo_JunOS](https://github.com/gregcmartin/Kippo_JunOS) - Kippo configured to be a backdoored netscreen.
- [Kojoney2](https://github.com/madirish/kojoney2) - Low interaction SSH honeypot written in Python and based on Kojoney by Jose Antonio Coret.
- [Kojoney](http://kojoney.sourceforge.net/) - Python-based Low interaction honeypot that emulates an SSH server implemented with Twisted Conch.
- [Longitudinal Analysis of SSH Cowrie Honeypot Logs](https://github.com/deroux/longitudinal-analysis-cowrie) - Python based command line tool to analyze cowrie logs over time.
- [ssh-honeypot](https://github.com/droberson/ssh-honeypot) - Fake sshd that logs IP addresses, usernames, and passwords.
- [ssh-honeypot](https://github.com/amv42/sshd-honeypot) - Modified version of the OpenSSH deamon that forwards commands to Cowrie where all commands are interpreted and returned.
- [ssh-honeypotd](https://github.com/sjinks/ssh-honeypotd) - Low-interaction SSH honeypot written in C.
- [sshForShits](https://github.com/traetox/sshForShits) - Framework for a high interaction SSH honeypot.
- [sshesame](https://github.com/jaksi/sshesame) - Fake SSH server that lets everyone in and logs their activity.
- [Mail::SMTP::Honeypot](https://metacpan.org/pod/release/MIKER/Mail-SMTP-Honeypot-0.11/Honeypot.pm) - Perl module that appears to provide the functionality of a standard SMTP server.
- [Mailoney](https://github.com/awhitehatter/mailoney) - SMTP honeypot, Open Relay, Cred Harvester written in python.
- [SendMeSpamIDS.py](https://github.com/johestephan/VerySimpleHoneypot) - Simple SMTP fetch all IDS and analyzer.
- [Shiva](https://github.com/shiva-spampot/shiva) - Spam Honeypot with Intelligent Virtual Analyzer.
- [Shiva The Spam Honeypot Tips And Tricks For Getting It Up And Running](https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/shiva-the-spam-honeypot-tips-and-tricks-for-getting-it-up-and-running/)
- [Docker honeynet](https://github.com/sreinhardt/Docker-Honeynet) - Several Honeynet tools set up for Docker containers.
- [Dockerized Thug](https://hub.docker.com/r/honeynet/thug/) - Dockerized [Thug](https://github.com/buffer/thug) to analyze malicious web content.
- [Dockerpot](https://github.com/mrschyte/dockerpot) - Docker based honeypot.
- [Manuka](https://github.com/andrewmichaelsmith/manuka) - Docker based honeypot (Dionaea and Kippo).
- [honey_ports](https://github.com/run41/honey_ports) - Very simple but effective docker deployed honeypot to detect port scanning in your environment.
- [mhn-core-docker](https://github.com/MattCarothers/mhn-core-docker) - Core elements of the Modern Honey Network implemented in Docker.
- [CanaryTokens](https://github.com/thinkst/canarytokens) - Self-hostable honeytoken generator and reporting dashboard; demo version available at [CanaryTokens.org](https://canarytokens.org/generate).
- [Honeybits](https://github.com/0x4D31/honeybits) - Simple tool designed to enhance the effectiveness of your traps by spreading breadcrumbs and honeytokens across your production servers and workstations to lure the attacker toward your honeypots.
- [Honeyλ (HoneyLambda)](https://github.com/0x4D31/honeylambda) - Simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor URL honeytokens, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
- [dcept](https://github.com/secureworks/dcept) - Tool for deploying and detecting use of Active Directory honeytokens.
- [honeyku](https://github.com/0x4D31/honeyku) - Heroku-based web honeypot that can be used to create and monitor fake HTTP endpoints (i.e. honeytokens).
- [RFISandbox](https://monkey.org/~jose/software/rfi-sandbox/) - PHP 5.x script sandbox built on top of [funcall](https://pecl.php.net/package/funcall).
- [dorothy2](https://github.com/m4rco-/dorothy2) - Malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby.
- [imalse](https://github.com/hbhzwj/imalse) - Integrated MALware Simulator and Emulator.
- [libemu](https://github.com/buffer/libemu) - Shellcode emulation library, useful for shellcode detection.
- [Hybrid Analysis](https://www.hybrid-analysis.com) - Free malware analysis service powered by Payload Security that detects and analyzes unknown threats using a unique Hybrid Analysis technology.
- [Joebox Cloud](https://jbxcloud.joesecurity.org/login) - Analyzes the behavior of malicious files including PEs, PDFs, DOCs, PPTs, XLSs, APKs, URLs and MachOs on Windows, Android and Mac OS X for suspicious activities.
- [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/) - Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, and automatically share them with the security community.
- [malwr.com](https://malwr.com/) - Free malware analysis service and community.
- [IVRE](https://github.com/ivre/ivre) - Network recon framework, published by @cea-sec &@ANSSI-FR. Build your own, self-hosted and fully-controlled alternatives to Criminalip / Shodan / ZoomEye / Censys and GreyNoise, run your Passive DNS service, collect and analyse network intelligence from your sensors, and much more!
- [Dionaea and EC2 in 20 Minutes](http://andrewmichaelsmith.com/2012/03/dionaea-honeypot-on-ec2-in-20-minutes/) - Tutorial on setting up Dionaea on an EC2 instance.
- [Using a Raspberry Pi honeypot to contribute data to DShield/ISC](https://isc.sans.edu/diary/22680) - The Raspberry Pi based system will allow us to maintain one code base that will make it easier to collect rich logs beyond firewall logs.
- [honeypotpi](https://github.com/free5ty1e/honeypotpi) - Script for turning a Raspberry Pi into a HoneyPot Pi.