Animations: Trimmed out the Flipper animations.
folder on your Flipper should now be managed by you! Copy this folder (RM Select) or this folder (RM minimal) if you don't want to do the work but want more animations. -
- Rename the minimal animation file to see it, or RM select if you have copied over the RM select animations.
Not all of these animations are here, some are here
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Rick Roll, Matrix & Swim animations (By qqMajiKpp)], [Rukamon 2x and Agumon animations (By Syrius)], [Mew (By Arkaivos)], [Eye of the Flipper (By Kuronons)], [Shodan (By qqMajiKpp)], [Sirene & The Witch (By Haseo)], [Dino & A New Hope (By Haseo)], [Earth Arcadia (By Kuronons)], [Kuronons Black Flags Collection (21 Animations)(By Kuronons)], [D.Va (By Haseo)], [GITS (By Haseo)], [Slayers (By qqMajiKpp)], [P0liwhirl (By Panzer00Z)], [RogueMaster CFW Animation (By Kuronons)], [Nyan Cat (By Haseo)], [L (By Kuronons)], [Laughing Man (By Kuronons)], [B0ws3r (By Haseo)], [Kuronons Black Flags Collection VOL 2 (9 Animations)(By Kuronons)], [Thanks for all the fish (By qqMajiKpp)], [OCP, Skynet and Weyland (By Kuronons)], [Mario (By Haseo)], [Umbrella (By Haseo)], [Trioptimum (By qqMajiKpp)], [Tyrell & Cyberdyne (By Kuronons)], [Allen & Maha (By Haseo)], [Starfield (By qqMajiKpp)], [DJ (By ut1s)], [Fireplace (By Friend of xMasterX)], [Akira & Mad Scientist (By qqMajiKpp)], [Shar!ngan (By Haseo)], [Lions Roar (By qqMajiKpp)], [0ne Pi3ce (By Haseo)], [Calcifier & Last Unicorn (By NeonKodama)], [Jiji Milk (By NeonKodama)], [Halloween, Hexadecimal, Init D Water, Kam3Ham3Ha, Kirbs, Kirbs Confused, M3gamanZ3r0 Battle, OP G3ar 4, Z3lda 0h & Zelda R3ady (By RogueMaster)], [Rekall (By Kuronons)], [Stick Fight (By Sasquach)], [G0ku, Lufy & Mug1wara (By Haseo)], [Tardi5 (By RogueMaster)] & [80s (By Haseo)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [School Days, Whistper of the Heart and The Legend of Zelda (By stop_oxy]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Rogue Master Custom Firmware (By Sasquach)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Veemon (By felix-two-tone)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [G0ku (By Sasquach)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Aika Zer0, Aika Zer0 2, Kaz0ku Haha & P3ach Run (By RogueMaster)] (hidden)
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [CloudG0ku (By Sasquach)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [BulmFlash, G0ku Pat Pat and Sail0rM00n (By RogueMaster)] (hidden)
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [ChiChi, G0ku Pew and R0shi (By RogueMaster)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Narut0 (By Sasquach)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Blaster (By Sasquach)]
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [Flipper City (By Svaarich)]
Unleashed PR feature[animation]: purple rain animation #111 (By wotori)
Assets: Includes New Dolphin Animations: [D1g1talRa1n (By Sasquach)]
Too many animations to list at this point... please see the folder name for the original authors...
Links of interest : FLIPPER GRAPHICS - Custom Animation Makers
Talking-Sasquach by himself aka Skizzophrenic
FlipperZero Custom Animations by Charles The Great aka DoobTheGoober
FlipperZeroWallpaper - CyberPunk Edgerunner project by HexxedBitHeadz aka Aromak
WR3NCH's Anims by Wr3nch aka R3ggie
Unleashed Custom Animations (New_year, Halloween, FlipperCity, Fireplace & FlipperMustache) by Svarich (@svaarich)
flipper-zero-animations by Pheonixyyz aka PYX (hosted by UberGuidoZ)
Flipperzero Animations by SynthetikSpace aka Space
animations by topbilin aka Ned_Flanders
flipper-zero-animations by mnenkov aka DAIM_SANN
flipper-sl-animations by SkyLoungeZero aka platz
Links of interest : FLIPPER GRAPHICS - Tutorials, Tools & Applications
Flipper Zero Animation Process - Google doc, by Talking-Sasquach
LAB401 academy : Custom animations on your Flipper zero! Everything you need to know. YouTube video, by Talking-Sasquash
Zip2Animation - Python tool for FZ animations, by DoobTheGoober :
» renames the png files in order from a zip file
» Creates a basic meta file with a straight forward animation frame order -
Flipper Zero Animation Manager - Awesome app (Linux, Win, Mac) by Ooggle :
» Preview animations on PC (from .png or .bm files)
» Create manifest.txt with desired values
» Compile .png folder directly to .bm one (instant !!) -
RogueMaster's All Animations Pack (includes most of animations found in "Custom Animation Makers" links + a consequent bunch of unlisted ones)