Awesome Flipper Zero

A collection of Awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.

Awesome Powered by dolphins Approved by Lurat Hack the planet

👋 New to Flipper Zero? Got questions?
Check out the FAQ Document

🚫 Not affiliated with
Flipper Devices Inc.

## Databases & Dumps - [`UberGuidoZ Playground` Large collection of files, documentation, and dumps of all kinds.]( - [`Flipper-IRDB` Many IR dumps for various appliances.]( - [`FlipperZero-TouchTunes` Dumps of TouchTune's remote.]( - [`Flipper Maker` Generate Flipper Zero files on the fly.]( - [`FlipperAmiibo` Bank vault of Amiibos to Flipper's format.]( - [`FlipperMusicRTTTL` Collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player.]( - [`flipper-music-files` Much smaller collection of musics for FlipperZero Music Player.]( - [`Generic BadUSB Payloads` Hak5 Duckyscript payloads.]( - [`Flipper BadUSB Payloads` Collection of payloads formatted to work on the Flipper Zero.]( - [`FlipperZero-Goodies` Intercom keys, scripts, etc.]( - [`T119 bruteforcer` Triggers Retekess T119 restaurant pagers.]( - [`flipperzero-bruteforce` Generate `.sub` files to brute force subghz OOK.]( ## Applications & Plugins
OwO whats this?
This section will be succeeded by
Aquarium once SD-Card apps are released.
- [`Flipper-Plugin-Tutorial` Building a Custom "Hello world" plugin.]( - [`Spectrum analyzer` Sub-GHz frequency spectrum analyzer.]( - [`Tetris` A rudimentary Tetris game.]( - [`Flappy Bird` The name says it all.]( - [`Mouse jiggler` Keeps PC screens on by acting as a moving mouse.]( - [`floopper-bloopper` LD#47 Game.]( - [`NRF24 & Mousejacking` PoC NRF24 library and mousejack exploitation app.]( - [`UPC-A Barcode Generator` Can be used to create any UPC-A barcode.]( - [`Sentry Safe` Plugin that can open any Sentry Safe and Master Lock electronic safe without entering pin code.]( - [`Dec/Hex Converter` Small "real time" decimal/hexadecimal converter.]( - [`MultiConverter` Multi-unit converter that can be easily expanded with new units and conversion methods.]( - [`bpm-tapper` Tap along to a song to measure beats per minute.]( - [`Metronome` Musical metronome.]( ## Firmwares & Tweaks
Hey you!
🔰 Click here for a feature
comparison of these firmwares!
- [`Unleashed` Frequency-unlocked firmware with rolling codes support & community plugins.]( - [`RogueMaster` Unleashed + Official FW fork with assorted community plugins, tweaks, & games.]( - [`v1nc flipper zero firmware` Unleashed fork with support for different Duckyscript keyboard layouts & community plugins]( - [`Wetox` Very similar to the official branch, with a few small tweaks.]( - [`Muddled Forks` Less-active firmware modifications.]( - [`OpenHaystack BLE mod` Very old PoC that makes Flipper behave like an AirTag.]( ## Modules & Cases - [`FlipperZero-Hardware` 3D-Printable cases with custom iButton interface.]( - [`Flipper Zero Cases` 3D-Printable case & cover models.]( - [`FlipperZero-Protoboards-Kicad` KiCad prototype boards.]( - [`Pelican case` Big case to hold Flipper and USB.]( - [`Hard case` Smaller than pelican case, but still bulky.]( - [`WiFi Module v1 Case` Small cover for the WiFi dev board.]( - [`Flipper screen protector` An alternative screen protector for Flipper.]( - [`WiFi Scanner Module` Scans for WiFi networks via a custom Wemos module board.]( - [`WiFi Scanner Module Flasher` Web flasher for module firmware above.]( - [`WiFi DSTIKE Deauther` Preforms WiFi deauth attacks via a custom ESP8266 module board.]( - [`WiFi Deauther Module Flasher` Web flasher for module firmware above.]( - [`Skadis holder` Flipper Zero holder for Ikea Skadis.]( - [`Flipper Zero Boards` ESP32 and NRF24 daughterboards for the Flipper.]( - [`Flipper Zero Car Mount` Uses foam from the original box.]( - [`Soft TPU cover` Similar to the official silicone case.]( ## Off-device & Debugging - [`OOK to .sub` Python script to generate Flipper RAW .sub files from OOK bitstreams.]( - [`csv2ir` Script to convert IRDB CSV's to Flipper .ir files.]( - [`flipperzero-sesproject` Segger Embedded Studio project.]( - [`FlipperScripts` Modify the state and level of your dolphin.]( - [`Viewing system logs` Dump system logs to serial CLI.]( - [`AmiiboFlipperConverter` Script that converts Amiibo's to Flipper format.]( - [`CLI Tools` Python scripts to screenshot/stream screen.]( - [`Flipper File Toolbox` Scripts for generating Flipper data files.]( - [`Marauder for Wifi Dev Board` See Flipper.bin in Releases by JustCallMeKoko.]( - [`VertProntoIR2FlipperIR` Converts Vert Pronto IR codes to Flipper format.]( - [`FlippMibo` Yet another Amiibo to Flipper conversion script.]( - [`mfkey32v2` MFC key recovery reader attack.]( - [`Fztea` Connect to your Flipper's UI over serial or make it accessible via SSH.]( - [`pyFlipper` Unofficial CLI wrapper writter in Python]( - [`SUB Plotters / comparers` Python package to plot and compare multiple .sub files.]( - [`ClassicConverted` Converts Mifare Classic binary files to Flipper.]( - [`musicxml2fmf` Converts MusicXML files to Flipper Music Format.]( ## Notes & References
Important notice.
⚠️ The Flipper team recently changed
how the firmware is built. Some docs
and tutorials may be outdated!
- [`Official battery self-repair guide` How to troubleshoot battery issues.]( - [`Official firmware recovery guide` How to troubleshoot firmware issues.]( - [`FZ Firmware Comparisons` Comparison of custom firmwares listed in this repo.]( - [`Flipper Zero Hacking 101` Guides with screenshots, files, and general help.]( - [`Reset forgotten PIN` How to reset your device's PIN code.]( - [`Atmanos Flipper Software Docs` Flipper development tutorials and information.]( - [`Flipper Zero GPIO Pinout` Official GPIO pinouts.]( - [`Add-on Modules GPIO Pinouts` ESP32, ESP8266, ESP32-CAM, ESP32-WROOM, NRF24]( - [`Firmware roadmap` Official stock firmware roadmap.]( - [`Flipper Zero SW&HW keynote` (OUTDATED) Hardware & software architecture document.]( - [`Unofficial Community Wiki` To help consolidate all things Flipper (official and unofficial).]( - [`Flipper Zero disassembly guide` Difficulty: Moderate, Time: 8-15 Minutes.]( - [`Alternative disassembly video` Third-party video for disassembling the Flipper.]( - [`ESP32 Marauder on WiFi dev board` Portable WiFi/Bluetooth pentesting.]( - [`ESP32 Marauder guide video` Companion video for the above link.]( - [`Flipper Skylanders` How to read a Skylanders figure with Flipper.](

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Why so many umerged pull requests? If there's multiple small pull requests open at the same time, I'll often merge them together as a single update. Due to the way GitHub works, I'm unable to mark them as merged when I do this. To compensate, I include the contributors as co-authors on the commit, and mention the Pull Request ID's as part of the update message.