Flipper Zero firmware differences

:: Last updated Oct 30 2023. ::

This document maintains a list of differences between various forks of the Flipper Zero firmware.

Jump to: Official Unleashed RogueMaster Xtreme Xvirus SquachWare v1nc Wetox MuddledBox Summary (TL;DR)

✅ Official flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware

🔓 Unleashed DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware

💫 RogueMaster RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins

💋 Xtreme Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware

❌Xvirus Xvirus-Team/xvirus-firmware

🌲 SquachWare skizzophrenic/SquachWare-CFW

⌨ v1nc v1nc/flipperzero-firmware

🎩 Wetox wetox-team/flipperzero-firmware

📦 MuddledBox MuddledBox/flipperzero-firmware

📝 Summary (TL;DR)