diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4e3d05db..f680c7e9 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ - [`Sentry Safe` Plugin that can open any Sentry Safe and Master Lock electronic safe without entering pin code.](https://github.com/H4ckd4ddy/flipperzero-sentry-safe-plugin) - [`Dec/Hex Converter` Small "real time" decimal/hexadecimal converter.](https://github.com/theisolinearchip/flipperzero_stuff/tree/main/applications/dec_hex_converter) - [`MultiConverter` Multi-unit converter that can be easily expanded with new units and conversion methods.](https://github.com/theisolinearchip/flipperzero_stuff/tree/main/applications/multi_converter) +- [`bpm-tapper` Tap along to a song to measure beats per minute.](https://github.com/panki27/bpm-tapper) ## Firmwares & Tweaks