<imgsrc="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8518150/179464273-7927420c-b60a-48ab-9eb9-d69b563c0a0b.png"align="center"alt="Flipper Zero FAQ"title="Flipper Zero FAQ">
<tr><thcolspan="8">Table of Contents</th></tr>
<td><ahref="#nfc--rfid">NFC & RFID</a></td>
<td>WiFi board</td>
## Preamble
- *This is a community FAQ. Please consider also reading the [Official docs](https://docs.flipperzero.one/).*
- *This FAQ is still being worked on, and contributions are welcome.*
- *If your question isn't answered here, **SEARCH** the [Discord](https://flipperzero.one/discord) and check pinned messages before asking there.*
It's an [Awesome List](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/main/awesome.md) that I ([djsime1](https://dj.je)) created shortly after receiving Lurat, my lovely dolphin sidekick.
Perferably, open a [Pull Request](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request) with your changes, or use one of the methods in the next question to contact me.
### I found a mistake, broken link, or something else. What should I do?
Open a [new discussion](https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/discussions/new) on this repo, Message me on Discord ([`@DJ#9822`](https://discord.gg/9rduBhctJ6)), Telegram ([`djsime1`](https://t.me/djsime1)), or email me ().
- It should be a reputable brand (Like SanDisk, Sony, etc.) because often cheaper cards don't fully support the communication protocol Flipper uses.
- The card should have a capacity between 4 and 64 GB, but an 8 GB card is MORE than enough.
- After inserting the card, use the Flipper's setting menu to format (clear) and test the card.
- Before ejecting the card, unmount it via the Settings menu to ensure data isn't corrupted.
- Note: You might need a paperclip or similar object to push the SD card in and out of the device.
- Read the [official documentation](https://docs.flipperzero.one/basics/sd-card) for more information!
### How do I install databases and dumps?
Make sure there's a working MicroSD card in the device first by following the steps above.
Once you download the dump, you can use qFlipper or the Flipper mobile app to transfer them. If you're transfering a large file or many at once, you can also eject the SD card from Flipper and insert it in your computer for faster transfers.
- In qFlipper: Plug your device in, go to the file browser tab, navigate into the SD card, and drop files in their corresponding folders (The folder names are similar to the file extensions).
- For mobile apps: Make sure you're connected via Bluetooth, save the file to the app's archive, and synchronize it back to the device.
- For plugging the SD card into your PC, drop files in their corresponding folders (The folder names are similar to the file extensions).
### How do I install applications and plugins?
The links listed in this repo can't be installed as easily as drag-and-drop.
Most of them have to be manually merged into the firmware and fully recompiled. (Documentation coming soon)
As for ELF/FAP's, they're in a very early stage of development and require a special version of the firmware to be installed. I DO NOT recommend using them until they are officially merged into the main firmware.
*If you're really insistent, install the firmware from [this comment](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/1387#issuecomment-1182470778), place the `.elf` or `.fap` file in the `apps` directory on the SD card (create it if necessary), and use the ELF loader application to run them.*
### How do I write my own applications/plugins/firmware?
### How do I install custom firmwares?
First, ask yourself if you really need to. Sure, it might be fun to break out of Sub-GHz transmission restrictions, but how often are you actually going to do that? Is it really worth breaking the law?
After you've ignored the previous sentences, make sure there's a working MicroSD card in your Flipper and head over to the repository of your perferred firmware. Look for releases and find the `.dfu` file or updater package (typically a `.tar` or `.zip` file, always contains a file named `update.fuf`).
- If you only have a `.dfu`, it can be installed using the "Install from file" option in qFlipper. Select the file and begin the installation.
- If you have an updater package, extract and transfer the folder (not the original archive file) to the `update` folder on the SD card (create if needed). Once transferred, go to the idle screen of the Flipper, press down to access the file browser, then left to view all folders. From there, open the `update` folder (typically at the bottom of the list) and find the folder you just transferred. Lastly, select the file named `update` and choose "Run in app" to install the firmware.
If there was no pre-compiled update file/package, you'll have to build the firmware yourself. See the next question for details.
For more information, read the [official documentation](https://docs.flipperzero.one/basics/firmware-update).
### Can I make my own Flipper instead of buying one?
Probably not. While the firwmare and schematics are mostly public, actually sourcing the components is extremely difficult. Multiple core pieces, such as the screen, were specficially produced to be used in Flipper manufacturing.
### How do I get a black-case Flipper?
This is no longer possible, they were Kickstarter-backer exclusives.
### How do I invert the screen/change backlight color/change case cover, etc.
These are all hardware mods, inaccessible to the average user. Look up/ask around on how to do them.
### Will there be future hardware revisions?
[Not for the Flipper Zero.](https://discord.com/channels/740930220399525928/746304505879986267/1001167062728720395) While there are concepts for a [Flipper One](https://flipperzero.one/one), there is not any timeline for release.
### How do I identify which type of card/tag I have?
To determine the protocol (NFC, RFID, or iClass/PicoPass) you'll need to attempt reading in each corresponding app. If nothing works, check the tag/card for any markings or indications. As a last resort, take a picture and ask in the [Flipper Discord server](https://flipperzero.one/discord).
### How do I identify which type of NFC tag I have?