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synced 2025-03-07 22:46:41 -05:00
Awesome Docker
A curated list of Docker resources
Inspired by @sindresorhus' awesome
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Please, help organize these resources so that they are easy to find and understand for new comers. See how to Contribute
This list is not exhaustive (nor is it meant to be) but can probably help you get up and running faster.
- Useful Articles
- Main Resources
- General Articles
- Good Tips
- Optimizing Images
- Service Discovery
- Security
- Performances
- Other
- Books
- Dev
- Slides
- Videos
- Interesting Twitter Accounts
Useful Articles
Main Resources
- Docker Weekly Huge resource
- Century Links Labs
- Valuable Docker Links Very complete
- Docker Ecosystem (Mind Map) <--- MUST SEE
- Blog of @jpetazzo
- Blog of @progrium
- Blog of @jwilder
General Articles
- Getting Started with Docker by @fideloper -- Servers For Hackers is valuable resource. At some point, every programmer finds themselves needing to know their way around a server.
- How to Use Docker on OS X: The Missing Guide
- Docker for (Java) Developers
- Deploying NGINX with Docker
Good Tips
- GUI Apps with Docker by @fgrehm
- Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker by @jwilder
- Using NSEnter with Boot2Docker
- A Simple Way to Dockerize Applications by @jwilder
- Building good docker images by @jbergknoff
Optimizing Images
- Create the smallest possible Docker container
- Creating a Docker image from your code
- Optimizing Docker Images
- How to Optimize Your Dockerfile by @tutumcloud
- Building Docker Images for Static Go Binaries by @kelseyhightower
- Squashing Docker Images by @jwilder
- Dockerfile Golf (or optimizing the Docker build process)
Service Discovery
- @progrium Service Discovery articles series:
- Consul Service Discovery with Docker
- Understanding Modern Service Discovery with Docker
- Automatic Docker Service Announcement with Registrator
- Performance Analysis of Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Distrubuted JMeter testing using Docker
- nsinit: per-container resource monitoring of Docker containers on RHEL/Fedora
- Presentation: Docker and JBoss - the perfect combination
- Vidéo
- Slides
- Code source
- Docker Book by James Turnbul (@kartar)
Continous Integration / Continous Delivery
Hosting for repositories (registries)
- Docker Hub (provided by Docker Inc.)
- Quay.io (part of CoreOS) - Secure hosting for private Docker repositories
- Reesd - Private Docker repositories and redundant storage service by @noteed
Hosting for containers (Paying Services $$$)
- Orchard (part of Docker Inc) - Get a Docker host in the cloud, instantly.
- StackDock - Docker hosting on blazing fast dedicated infrastructure
- Tutum - Simple hosting for your Docker containers.
Dev Tools
- Fig (Fast, isolated development environments using Docker) -- http://www.fig.sh
- Shutit (a tool for building and maintaining complex Docker deployments) by @ianmiell
- Sandstorm (Personal Cloud Sandbox /!\ uses LXC, not docker, but it's so nice) -- https://sandstorm.io/
- ns-enter (no more ssh, enter name spaces of container) by @jpetazzo
- Squid-in-a-can (in case of proxy problem) by @jpetazzo
- docker-gen (Generate files from docker container meta-data) by @jwilder
- dockerize (Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers) by @jwilder
- registrator (Service registry bridge for Docker) by @progrium
- Boot2Docker (docker for OSX and Windows) -- http://boot2docker.io/
- OctoHost (Simple web focused Docker based mini-PaaS server. git push to deploy your websites as needed) by @octohost
Useful Images
- Base Image by @phusion
- Busybox (with either
or Ubuntu'sbusybox-static
) by @jpetazzo - Busybox (with
) by @progrium - DockerFile Example by @komljen
- OpenWRT by @zoobab
- Phusion Docker Hub Account
Storing Images
- Docker Registry (Registry server for Docker (hosting/delivering of repositories and images))
- Docker Registry Web (A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration) by @atc-
Running Containers
- Shipyard (Composable Docker Management) -- http://shipyard-project.com/
- Panamax (Docker Management for Humans) -- http://panamax.io/
- Flynn (A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS)) -- https://flynn.io/
- Deis (Your PaaS, your rules) -- http://deis.io/
- Gaudi (Gaudi allows to share multi-component applications, based on Docker, Go, and YAM) -- http://gaudi.io/
- CoreOS (Linux for Massive Server Deployments) -- https://coreos.com/
- Dokku (Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash) by @progrium
- dokku-alt (Dokku fork with Dockerfile support, database plugins, ACL and more)
- cAdvisor (Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers)
- Ansible - manage docker containers
- Launch Docker container on Mesos (Docker plus Mesosphere provides an easy way to automate and scale deployment of containers in a production environment.)
- Marathon (Marathon is a private PaaS built on Mesos. It automatically handles hardware or software failures and ensures that an app is "always on".)
Service Discovery
- docker-consul by @progrium
- etcd: A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
Main Account
- Docker Youtube Account
- CenturyLink Labs Docker Interviews
- YLD Event Conference about containers!!! @YLDio
Useful videos
- Orchestrating Docker containers in production using Fig (7:11)
- Development Environments with Fig by Aanand Prasad (17:58)
- Docker in Production by @jpetazzo (36:05)
- Docker: How to Use Your Own Private Registry (15:01)
- Contributing to Docker by Andrew "Tianon" Page (InfoSiftr) (34:31)
- Performance Analysis of Docker - Jeremy Eder (1:36:58)
- Docker and SELinux by Daniel Walsh from Red Hat (40:23)
- Immutable Infrastructure with Docker and EC2 by Michael Bryzek (Gilt) (42:04)
- Ansible and Docker HP (32:38)
- Run Any App on Mesos on Any Infrastructure Using Docker (17:44)
Interesting Twitter Accounts
- Solomon Hykes Founder of Docker
- Gabriel Monroy Creator of Deis
- Jérôme Petazzoni Docker Developer
- Michael Crosby Docker Developer
- James Turnbull Author of Docker Book
- Jeff Lindsay Design-minded software architect
A curated list of Docker resources and projects
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