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- awesome_bot README.md --white-list wiki/Installing,slideshare,awesome-docker.svg,edit/master,sindresorhus/awesome,ashmckenzie,shortcircuit.net.au,photo777.org,adrianmouat,redhat,viget,meros,toedter,datadoghq,amazon.cn,blog.codeship.com,swarm-v-fleet,amazon.com,blogs.splunk.com,docs.mesosphere.com,containership.io,gliderlabs.com,twistlock.com,shipyard-project.com,dashboard.tutum.co,vimeo.com,docs.microsoft.com,eclipse.org,codenvy.io,gitter.im,sebgoa.blogspot.be,mindmeister.com
- awesome_bot README.md --white-list wiki/Installing,slideshare,awesome-docker.svg,edit/master,sindresorhus/awesome,ashmckenzie,shortcircuit.net.au,photo777.org,adrianmouat,redhat,viget,meros,toedter,datadoghq,amazon.cn,blog.codeship.com,swarm-v-fleet,amazon.com,blogs.splunk.com,docs.mesosphere.com,containership.io,gliderlabs.com,twistlock.com,shipyard-project.com,dashboard.tutum.co,vimeo.com,docs.microsoft.com,eclipse.org,codenvy.io,gitter.im,sebgoa.blogspot.be,mindmeister.com
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Inspired by [@sindresorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)' [awesome][sindreso
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@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ All the links are monitored and tested with [awesome_bot](https://github.com/dkh
- [Registry](#registry)
- [Development with Docker](#development-with-docker)
- [API Client](#api-client)
- [CI/CD](#cdcd)
- [CI/CD](#cicd)
- [Development Environment](#development-environment)
- [Garbage Collection](#garbage-collection)
- [Serverless](#serverless)
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ All the links are monitored and tested with [awesome_bot](https://github.com/dkh
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- [Raspberry Pi / ARM](#raspberry-pi--arm)
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# Legend
- Abandoned 💀
- Beta 🤕
- Monetized 💲
- Website 🖥
- Abandoned :skull:
- Beta :construction:
- Monetized :heavy_dollar_sign:
# What is Docker?
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ _Source:_ [What is Docker](https://www.docker.com/what-docker)
# Where to start?
* [Basics – Docker, Containers, Hypervisors, CoreOS](http://etherealmind.com/basics-docker-containers-hypervisors-coreos/)
* [Dive Into Docker: From "What is Docker?" to "Hello World"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeSD17YRijk&list=PL-v3vdeWVEsXT-u0JDQZnM90feU3NE3v8) (60:25) by [@nickjanetakis][nickjanetakis]
* [Docker Caveats](http://docker-saigon.github.io/post/Docker-Caveats/) What You Should Know About Running Docker In Production (written 11 APRIL 2016) __MUST SEE__
* [Docker Cheat Sheet][docker-cheat-sheet] by [@wsargent][wsargent] __MUST SEE__
* [Docker Containers on the Desktop][jessblog] - The **funniest way** to learn about docker by [@jessfraz][jessfraz] who also gave a [presentation][jessvid] about it @ DockerCon 2015 (Tips: checkout her [dotfiles][jessfrazdotfiles] and her [dockerfiles][jessfrazdockerfiles])
@ -101,9 +103,10 @@ _Source:_ [What is Docker](https://www.docker.com/what-docker)
* [Play With Moby](http://play-with-moby.com/) - PWM is a web based Moby playground which allows you to try different components of the platform in seconds. It gives you the experience of having a free Alpine Linux Virtual Machine in the cloud where you can build and run Moby projects and even create clusters to experiment.
# Where to start? (Windows)
* [Windows Containers Quick Start](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/) Overview of Windows containers, drilling down to Quick Starts for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
* [Windows Containers Quick Start](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/about/index) Overview of Windows containers, drilling down to Quick Starts for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
* [Build And Run Your First Docker Windows Server Container](https://blog.docker.com/2016/09/build-your-first-docker-windows-server-container/) Walkthrough installing Docker on Windows 10, building a Docker image and running a Windows container
* Video: [Windows Containers and Docker: The 101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7SG2wEyQtM) A 20-minute overview, using Docker to run PowerShell, ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET apps
* [Docker on Windows behind a firewall](https://toedter.com/2015/05/11/docker-on-windows-behind-a-firewall/) by [@kaitoedter](https://twitter.com/kaitoedter)
* [Windows Containers and Docker: The 101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7SG2wEyQtM) :movie_camera: - A 20-minute overview, using Docker to run PowerShell, ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET apps
* [A Comparative Study of Docker Engine on Windows Server vs Linux Platform](http://collabnix.com/a-comparative-study-of-docker-engine-on-windows-server-vs-linux-platform/) Comparing the feature sets and implementations of Docker on Windows and Linux
* [Docker with Microsoft SQL 2016 + ASP.NET](https://blog.alexellis.io/docker-does-sql2016-aspnet/) Demonstration running ASP.NET and SQL Server workloads in Docker
* [Running a Legacy ASP.NET App in a Windows Container](https://blog.sixeyed.com/dockerizing-nerd-dinner-part-1-running-a-legacy-asp-net-app-in-a-windows-container/) Steps for Dockerizing a legacy ASP.NET app and runnning as a Windows container
@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
### Container Composition
* [bocker](https://github.com/p8952/bocker) (1) - Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash by [p8952](https://github.com/p8952)
* [bocker](https://github.com/p8952/bocker) (1) :skull: - Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash by [p8952](https://github.com/p8952)
* [bocker](https://github.com/icy/bocker) (2) - Write Dockerfile completely in Bash. Extensible and simple. --> Reusable by [@icy](https://github.com/icy)
* [box](https://github.com/box-builder/box) - Build Dockerfile images with a mruby DSL, includes flattening and layer manipulation
* [Capitan](https://github.com/byrnedo/capitan) - Composable docker orchestration with added scripting support by [@byrnedo](https://github.com/byrnedo).
@ -142,12 +145,12 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [draw-compose](https://github.com/Alexis-benoist/draw-compose) - Utility to draw a schema of a docker compose by [@Alexis-benoist](https://github.com/Alexis-benoist)
* [elsy](https://github.com/cisco/elsy) - An opinionated, multi-language, build tool based on Docker and Docker Compose
* [habitus](https://github.com/cloud66/habitus) - A Build Flow Tool for Docker http://www.habitus.io by [@cloud66](https://github.com/cloud66)
* [Maestro](https://github.com/toscanini/maestro) - Maestro provides the ability to easily launch, orchestrate and manage mulitiple Docker containers as single unit by [@tascanini](https://github.com/toscanini)
* [percheron][percheron] - Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence by [@ashmckenzie](https://github.com/ashmckenzie)
* [Maestro](https://github.com/toscanini/maestro) :skull: - Maestro provides the ability to easily launch, orchestrate and manage mulitiple Docker containers as single unit by [@tascanini](https://github.com/toscanini)
* [percheron][percheron] :skull: - Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence by [@ashmckenzie](https://github.com/ashmckenzie)
* [rocker](https://github.com/grammarly/rocker) - Extended Dockerfile builder. Supports multiple FROMs, MOUNTS, templates, etc. by [grammarly](grammarly).
* [rocker-compose](https://github.com/grammarly/rocker-compose) - Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers. By [@grammarly](grammarly)
* [Stacker](https://github.com/stacker/stacker-cli) - Docker Compose Templates. Stacker provides an abstraction layer over Docker Compose and a better DX (developer experience).
* [Zodiac](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/zodiac) - A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. By [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [Zodiac](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/zodiac) :skull: - A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. By [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
### Deployment and Infrastructure
@ -156,16 +159,19 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [Clocker](https://github.com/brooklyncentral/clocker) - Clocker creates and manages a Docker cloud infrastructure. Clocker supports single-click deployments and runtime management of multi-node applications that run as containers distributed across multiple hosts, on both Docker and Marathon. It leverages [Calico][calico] and [Weave][weave] for networking and [Brooklyn][brooklyn] for application blueprints. By [@brooklyncentral](https://github.com/brooklyncentral)
* [Conduit](https://github.com/ehazlett/conduit) - Experimental deployment system for Docker by [@ehazlett](https://github.com/ehazlett)
* [depcon](https://github.com/gondor/depcon) - Depcon is written in Go and allows you to easily deploy Docker containers to Apache Mesos/Marathon, Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. By [@gonodr][gondor]
* [deploy](https://github.com/ttiny/deploy) 🤕 - Git and Docker deployment tool. A middle ground between simple Docker composition tools and full blown cluster orchestration by [@ttiny](https://github.com/ttiny)
* [dockit](https://github.com/humblec/dockit) 💀 - Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers! By [@humblec](https://github.com/humblec)
* [Longshoreman](https://github.com/longshoreman/longshoreman) 💀 - Longshoreman automates application deployment using Docker. Just create a Docker repository (or use a service), configure the cluster using AWS or Digital Ocean (or whatever you like) and deploy applications using a Heroku-like CLI tool. By [longshoreman](https://github.com/longshoreman)
* [deploy](https://github.com/ttiny/deploy) :skull: - Git and Docker deployment tool. A middle ground between simple Docker composition tools and full blown cluster orchestration by [@ttiny](https://github.com/ttiny)
* [dockit](https://github.com/humblec/dockit) :skull: - Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers! By [@humblec](https://github.com/humblec)
* [Grafeas](https://github.com/Grafeas/Grafeas) - A common API for metadata about containers, from image and build details to security vulnerabilities. By [Grafeas](https://github.com/Grafeas)
* [Longshoreman](https://github.com/longshoreman/longshoreman) :skull: - Longshoreman automates application deployment using Docker. Just create a Docker repository (or use a service), configure the cluster using AWS or Digital Ocean (or whatever you like) and deploy applications using a Heroku-like CLI tool. By [longshoreman](https://github.com/longshoreman)
### Monitoring
* [Axibase Collector](https://github.com/axibase/atsd-use-cases/tree/master/Solutions/docker) - Axibase Collector streams performance counters, configuration changes and lifecycle events from the Docker engine(s) into Axibase Time Series Database for roll-up dashboards and integration with upstream monitoring systems.
* [cAdvisor](https://github.com/google/cadvisor) - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. Created by [@Google](https://github.com/google)
* [Docker-Alertd](https://github.com/deltaskelta/docker-alertd) - Monitor and send alerts based on docker container resource usage/statistics
* [Docker-Flow-Monitor](https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-monitor) - Reconfigures Prometheus when a new service is updated or deployed automatically by [@vfarcic][vfarcic]
* [Docker-Fluentd][fluentd] - Docker container to Log Other Containers' Logs. One can aggregate the logs of Docker containers running on the same host using Fluentd by [@kiyoto][kiyoto]
* [Dockerana](https://github.com/dockerana/dockerana) - packaged version of Graphite and Grafana, specifically targeted at metrics from Docker.
* [Dockerana](https://github.com/dockerana/dockerana) :skull: - packaged version of Graphite and Grafana, specifically targeted at metrics from Docker.
* [Dynatrace](https://www.dynatrace.com/technologies/cloud-and-microservices/docker-monitoring/) - Monitor containerized applications without installing agents or modifying your Run commands
* [Glances](https://nicolargo.github.io/glances/) - A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python by [@nicolargo](https://github.com/nicolargo)
* [Grafana Docker Dashboard Template](https://grafana.com/dashboards/179) - A template for your Docker, Grafana and Prometheus stack [@vegasbrianc][vegasbrianc]
@ -188,12 +194,13 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [athena](https://github.com/athena-oss/athena) - An automation platform with a plugin architecture that allows you to easily create and share services.
* [blimp](https://github.com/tubesandlube/blimp) 💀 - Uses Docker Machine to easily move a container from one Docker host to another, show containers running against all of your hosts, replicate a container across multiple hosts and more by [@defermat](https://github.com/defermat) and [@schvin](https://github.com/schvin)
* [blimp](https://github.com/tubesandlube/blimp) :skull: - Uses Docker Machine to easily move a container from one Docker host to another, show containers running against all of your hosts, replicate a container across multiple hosts and more by [@defermat](https://github.com/defermat) and [@schvin](https://github.com/schvin)
* [CloudSlang](http://www.cloudslang.io/) - CloudSlang is a workflow engine to create Docker process automation
* [clusterdock](https://github.com/clusterdock/clusterdock) - Docker container orchestration to enable the testing of long-running cluster deployments
* [ContainerShip](https://github.com/containership/containership) A simple container management platform
* [Crane](https://github.com/Dataman-Cloud/crane) - Control plane based on docker built-in swarm [@Dataman-Cloud](https://github.com/Dataman-Cloud)
* [gantryd](https://github.com/DevTable/gantryd) 💀 - A framework for easy management of docker-based components across machines by [@DevTable](https://github.com/DevTable)
* [Docker Flow Swarm Listener](https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-swarm-listener) :construction: - Docker Flow Swarm Listener project is to listen to Docker Swarm events and send requests when a change occurs.. By [@vfarcic][vfarcic]
* [gantryd](https://github.com/DevTable/gantryd) :skull: - A framework for easy management of docker-based components across machines by [@DevTable](https://github.com/DevTable)
* [Haven](https://github.com/codeabovelab/haven-platform) - Haven is a simplified container management platform that integrates container, application, cluster, image, and registry managements. By [@codeabovelab](https://github.com/codeabovelab)
* [Helios](https://github.com/spotify/helios) - A simple platform for deploying and managing containers across an entire fleet of servers by [@spotify](spotify)
* [Kontena](https://github.com/kontena/kontena) - Application Containers for Masses https://www.kontena.io/
@ -201,32 +208,33 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [Mantl](https://github.com/mantl/mantl) - Mantl is a modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services
* [Marathon](https://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/docs/) - Marathon is a private PaaS built on Mesos. It automatically handles hardware or software failures and ensures that an app is "always on"
* [Mesos](https://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/docker-containerizer/) - Resource/Job scheduler for containers, VM's and physical hosts [@apache](https://mesos.apache.org/)
* [Mesosphere DC/OS 💲](https://mesosphere.com/product/) - Integrated platform for data and containers built on Apache Mesos by [@mesosphere](https://mesosphere.com)
* [Mesosphere DC/OS](https://mesosphere.com/product/) :heavy_dollar_sign: - Integrated platform for data and containers built on Apache Mesos by [@mesosphere](https://mesosphere.com)
* [Nebula](https://github.com/nebula-orchestrator) - A Docker orchestration tool designed to manage massive scale distributed clusters.
* [Nomad](https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad) - Easily deploy applications at any scale. A Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler by [@hashicorp][hashicorp]
* [Panamax](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/panamax-ui) - An open-source project that makes deploying complex containerized apps as easy as Drag-and-Drop by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs].
* [Panamax](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/panamax-ui) :skull: - An open-source project that makes deploying complex containerized apps as easy as Drag-and-Drop by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs].
* [Rancher](https://github.com/rancher/rancher) - An open source project that provides a complete platform for operating Docker in production by [@rancher][rancher].
* [Swarmpit](https://github.com/swarmpit/swarmpit) - Lightweight Docker Swarm orchestration. Swarmpit provides clean way to manage your Docker Swarm cluster with various handful features such Service management, smart search, shared access and private registries.
### PaaS
* [Atlantis](https://github.com/ooyala/atlantis) 💀 - Atlantis is an Open Source PaaS for HTTP applications built on Docker and written in Go
* [Atlantis](https://github.com/ooyala/atlantis) :skull: - Atlantis is an Open Source PaaS for HTTP applications built on Docker and written in Go
* [Convox Rack](https://github.com/convox/rack) - Convox Rack is open source PaaS built on top of expert infrastructure automation and devops best practices.
* [Dcw](https://github.com/pbertera/dcw) - Docker-compose SSH wrapper: a very poor man PaaS, exposing the docker-compose and custom-container commands defined in container labels.
* [Dokku][dokku] - Docker powered mini-Heroku that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications (originally by [@progrium][progrium])
* [Empire](https://github.com/remind101/empire) - A PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
* [Flynn](https://github.com/flynn/flynn) - A next generation open source platform as a service
* [Jelastic](https://jelastic.com/) - An advanced PaaS for developers that simplifies clustering and complex cloud deployments with powerful web UI and usage-only pricing
* [Nanobox 💲](https://github.com/nanobox-io/nanobox) - An application development platform that creates local environments that can then be deployed and scaled in the cloud.
* [Nanobox](https://github.com/nanobox-io/nanobox) :heavy_dollar_sign: - An application development platform that creates local environments that can then be deployed and scaled in the cloud.
* [OpenShift][openshift] - An open source PaaS built on [Kubernetes][kubernetes] and optimized for Dockerized app development and deployment by [Red Hat](https://www.redhat.com/)
* [Tsuru](https://github.com/tsuru/tsuru) - Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software
* [Workflow](https://github.com/deis/workflow) - The open source PaaS for Kubernetes by [Deis](https://github.com/deis). Formerly Deis v1.
### Reverse Proxy
* [docker-proxy](https://github.com/silarsis/docker-proxy) - Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container. By [@silarsis](https://github.com/silarsis)
* [docker-flow-proxy](https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy) - Reconfigures proxy every time a new service is deployed, or when a service is scaled. By [@vfarcic][vfarcic]
* [docker-proxy](https://github.com/silarsis/docker-proxy) :skull: - Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container. By [@silarsis](https://github.com/silarsis)
* [fabio](https://github.com/fabiolb/fabio) - A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul. By [@magiconair](https://github.com/magiconair) (Frank Schroeder)
* [h2o-proxy](https://github.com/zchee/h2o-proxy) - Automated H2O reverse proxy for Docker containers. An alternative to [jwilder/nginx-proxy][nginxproxy] by [@zchee](https://github.com/zchee)
* [h2o-proxy](https://github.com/zchee/h2o-proxy) :skull: - Automated H2O reverse proxy for Docker containers. An alternative to [jwilder/nginx-proxy][nginxproxy] by [@zchee](https://github.com/zchee)
* [Let's Encrypt Nginx-proxy Companion](https://github.com/JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion) - A lightweight companion container for the nginx-proxy. It allow the creation/renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates automatically. By [@JrCs](https://github.com/JrCs)
* [muguet](https://github.com/mattallty/muguet) - DNS Server & Reverse proxy for Docker environments. By [@mattallty](https://github.com/mattallty)
* [nginx-proxy][nginxproxy] - Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen by [@jwilder][jwilder]
@ -235,21 +243,24 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
### Security
* [Aqua Security 💲](https://www.aquasec.com) - Securing container-based applications from Dev to Production on any platform
* [Anchor Engine](https://github.com/anchore/anchore) - Analyze images for CVE vulnerabilities and against custom security policies by [@Anchor][anchore]
* [Anchor Cloud](https://anchore.com/cloud/) :heavy_dollar_sign: - Hosted version of Anchor Engine by [@Anchor][anchore]
* [Aqua Security](https://www.aquasec.com) :heavy_dollar_sign: - Securing container-based applications from Dev to Production on any platform
* [bane](https://github.com/jessfraz/bane) - AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers by [@jessfraz][jessfraz]
* [CIS Docker Benchmark](https://github.com/dev-sec/cis-docker-benchmark) - This [InSpec][inspec] compliance profile implement the CIS Docker 1.12.0 Benchmark in an automated way to provide security best-practice tests around Docker daemon and containers in a production environment. By [@dev-sec](https://github.com/dev-sec)
* [Clair](https://github.com/coreos/clair) - Clair is an open source project for the static analysis of vulnerabilities in appc and docker containers. By [@coreos][CoreOS]
* [docker-bench-security](https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security) - script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. By [@docker][docker]
* [notary](https://github.com/docker/notary) - a server and a client for running and interacting with trusted collections. By [@docker][docker]
* [notary](https://github.com/theupdateframework/notary) - a server and a client for running and interacting with trusted collections. By [@TUF](https://github.com/theupdateframework)
* [oscap-docker](https://github.com/OpenSCAP/openscap) - OpenSCAP provides oscap-docker tool which is used to scan Docker containers and images. By RedHat
* [Twistlock 💲](https://www.twistlock.com/) - Twistlock Security Suite detects vulnerabilities, hardens container images, and enforces security policies across the lifecycle of applications.
* [Twistlock](https://www.twistlock.com/) :heavy_dollar_sign: - Twistlock Security Suite detects vulnerabilities, hardens container images, and enforces security policies across the lifecycle of applications.
### Service Discovery
* [Docker Grand Ambassador](https://github.com/cpuguy83/docker-grand-ambassador) - This is a fully dynamic docker link ambassador. + [Article](https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/ambassador_pattern_linking/) by [@cpuguy83][cpuguy83]
* [Docker Grand Ambassador](https://github.com/cpuguy83/docker-grand-ambassador) :skull: - This is a fully dynamic docker link ambassador. + [Article](https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/ambassador_pattern_linking/) by [@cpuguy83][cpuguy83]
* [docker-consul](https://github.com/gliderlabs/docker-consul) by [@progrium][progrium]
* [etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd) - A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery by [@coreOS][coreos]
* [proxy](https://github.com/factorish/proxy) - lightweight nginx based load balancer self using service discovery provided by registrator. by [@factorish](https://github.com/factorish)
* [istio](https://github.com/istio/istio) - An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices by [@IstioMesh](istio)
* [proxy](https://github.com/factorish/proxy) :skull: - lightweight nginx based load balancer self using service discovery provided by registrator. by [@factorish](https://github.com/factorish)
* [registrator](https://github.com/gliderlabs/registrator) - Service registry bridge for Docker by [@gliderlabs][gliderlabs] and [@progrium][progrium]
### Volume Management / Data
@ -261,9 +272,9 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [Docker Machine NFS](https://github.com/adlogix/docker-machine-nfs) Activates NFS for an existing boot2docker box created through Docker Machine on OS X.
* [Local Persist](https://github.com/CWSpear/local-persist) Specify a mountpoint for your local volumes (created via `docker volume create`) so that files will always persist and so you can mount to different directories in different containers.
* [Minio](https://github.com/jelastic-jps/minio) - S3 compatible object storage server in Docker containers
* [portworx 💲](https://portworx.com) - Decentralized storage solution for persistent, shared and replicated volumes.
* [REX-Ray](https://github.com/codedellemc/rexray) Vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine to provide persistent storage for Docker containers as well as Mesos frameworks and tasks.
* [quobyte 💲](https://www.quobyte.com/) - fully fault-tolerant distributed file system with a docker volume driver
* [portworx](https://portworx.com) :heavy_dollar_sign: - Decentralized storage solution for persistent, shared and replicated volumes.
* [REX-Ray](https://github.com/thecodeteam/rexray) Vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine to provide persistent storage for Docker containers as well as Mesos frameworks and tasks. By[@Dell](https://github.com/thecodeteam)
* [quobyte](https://www.quobyte.com/) :heavy_dollar_sign: - fully fault-tolerant distributed file system with a docker volume driver
### User Interface
@ -271,8 +282,10 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
*Native desktop applications for managing and montoring docker hosts and clusters*
* [Captain](https://getcaptain.co/) - Manage containers from the MacOSX menu bar by [@RickWong](https://github.com/rickwong)
* [DockStation](https://github.com/DockStation/dockstation) - A developer centric UI to configure, monitor, and manage services and containers [@dock_station](https://twitter.com/dock_station)
* [Dockeron](https://github.com/dockeron/dockeron) - A project built on Electron + Vue.js for Docker on desktop. [@fluency03](https://github.com/fluency03)
* [Lifeboat](https://github.com/jplhomer/lifeboat) - An easy way to launch Docker projects with a graphical interface on your Mac. [@jplhomer](https://github.com/jplhomer)
#### Terminal
@ -282,7 +295,7 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [dockercraft](https://github.com/docker/dockercraft) - Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft by [@docker][docker]
* [docker.el](https://github.com/Silex/docker.el) Manage docker from Emacs by [Silex](https://github.com/Silex)
* [dockerfile-mode](https://github.com/spotify/dockerfile-mode) An emacs mode for handling Dockerfiles by [spotify][spotify]
* [Docker-mon](https://github.com/icecrime/docker-mon) 💀 - Console-based Docker monitoring by [@icecrime](https://github.com/icecrime)
* [Docker-mon](https://github.com/icecrime/docker-mon) :skull: - Console-based Docker monitoring by [@icecrime](https://github.com/icecrime)
* [dockersql](https://github.com/crosbymichael/dockersql) - A command line interface to query Docker using SQL by [@crosbymichael][crosbymichael]
* [dockly](https://github.com/lirantal/dockly) - An interactive shell UI for managing Docker containers by [@lirantal](https://github.com/lirantal)
* [docker-ls](https://github.com/mayflower/docker-ls) - CLI tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries by [@mayflower](https://github.com/mayflower)
@ -301,7 +314,7 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [Docker Registry UI](https://github.com/atcol/docker-registry-ui) - A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration by [@atc-](https://github.com/atcol)
* [docker-registry-web](https://github.com/mkuchin/docker-registry-web) - Web UI, authentication service and event recorder for private docker registry v2 by [@mkuchin](https://github.com/mkuchin)
* [docker-swarm-visualizer](https://github.com/dockersamples/docker-swarm-visualizer) - Visualizes Docker services on a Docker Swarm (for running demos).
* [dockering-on-rails](https://github.com/Electrofenster/dockerding-on-rails) - Simple Web-Interface for Docker with a lot of features by [@Electrofenster](https://github.com/Electrofenster/)
* [dockering-on-rails](https://github.com/Electrofenster/dockerding-on-rails) :skull: - Simple Web-Interface for Docker with a lot of features by [@Electrofenster](https://github.com/Electrofenster/)
* [OctoLinker](https://github.com/OctoLinker/browser-extension) - A browser extension for GitHub that makes the image name in a `Dockerfile` clickable and redirect you to the related Docker Hub page.
* [Portainer](https://github.com/portainer/portainer) - A lightweight management UI for managing your Docker hosts or Docker Swarm clusters by [@portainer](https://github.com/portainer)
* [Portus](https://github.com/SUSE/Portus) - Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2) by [@SUSE](https://github.com/SUSE)
@ -338,31 +351,34 @@ Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with c
* [docker-replay](https://github.com/bcicen/docker-replay) - Generate `docker run`command and options from running containers. By [bcicen](https://github.com/bcicen)
* [DockerSlim](https://github.com/docker-slim/docker-slim) shrinks fat Docker images creating the smallest possible images.
* [Dockly](https://github.com/swipely/dockly) - Dockly is a gem made to ease the pain of packaging an application in Docker by [@swipely](https://github.com/swipely/)
* [dockramp](https://github.com/jlhawn/dockramp) - Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder by [@jlhawn](https://github.com/jlhawn)
* [dockramp](https://github.com/jlhawn/dockramp) :skull: - Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder by [@jlhawn](https://github.com/jlhawn)
* [flyimg](http://flyimg.io/) - Docker image resizing, cropping, and compression on the fly.
* [MicroBadger][microbadger] - Analyze the contents of images and add metadata labels
* [packer](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/docker.html) - Hashicorp tool to build machine images including docker image integrated with configuration management tools like chef, puppet, ansible
* [portainer](https://github.com/duedil-ltd/portainer) - Apache Mesos framework for building Docker images by [@duedil-ltd](https://github.com/duedil-ltd)
* [SkinnyWhale](https://github.com/djosephsen/skinnywhale) Skinnywhale helps you make smaller (as in megabytes) Docker containers.
* [runlike](https://github.com/lavie/runlike) 🚧 - Generate `docker run`command and options from running containers by [@lavie](https://github.com/lavie)
* [SkinnyWhale](https://github.com/djosephsen/skinnywhale) :skull: - Skinnywhale helps you make smaller (as in megabytes) Docker containers.
* [Whales](https://github.com/Gueils/whales) - A tool to automatically dockerize your applications by [@icalialabs](https://github.com/IcaliaLabs).
### Dockerfile
* [chaperone-docker](https://github.com/garywiz/chaperone-docker) - A set of images using the Chaperone process manager, including a lean Alpine image, LAMP, LEMP, and bare-bones base kits.
* [Collection of Dockerfiles](https://github.com/crosbymichael/Dockerfiles) by [@crosbymichael][crosbymichael]
* [Collection of Dockerfiles 2](https://github.com/pandrew/dockerfiles) by [@pandrew][pandrew]
* [Collection of Dockerfiles 3](https://github.com/vimagick/dockerfiles) by [@vimagick][vimagick]
* [Collection of Dockerfiles 4](https://github.com/ondrejmo/Dockerfiles) by [@ondrejmo][ondrejmo]
* [Collection of Dockerfiles 5](https://github.com/arun-gupta/docker-images) by [@arun-gupta][arun-gupta]
* [Docker Compose Example](https://github.com/llitfkitfk/docker-compose-demo) by [@llitfkitfk](https://github.com/llitfkitfk)
* [Dockerfile Project](http://dockerfile.github.io/) : Trusted Automated Docker Builds. Dockerfile Project maintains a central repository of Dockerfile for various popular open source software services runnable on a Docker container.
* [Dockerfile Example](https://github.com/komljen/dockerfile-examples) by [@komljen](https://github.com/komljen)
* [Dockerfile Example 2](https://github.com/kstaken/dockerfile-examples) by [@kstaken](https://github.com/kstaken)
* [Dockerfile Generator](http://jrruethe.github.io/blog/2015/09/20/dockerfile-generator/)
* [Vektorcloud](https://github.com/vektorcloud) - A collection of minimal, Alpine-based Docker images
Examples by: [@crosbymichael](https://github.com/crosbymichael/Dockerfiles)
### Linter
* [dockfmt](https://github.com/jessfraz/dockfmt) 🤕 - Dockerfile formatter and parser by [@jessfraz][jessfraz]
* [dockfmt](https://github.com/jessfraz/dockfmt) :construction: - Dockerfile formatter and parser by [@jessfraz][jessfraz]
* [dockerfile_lint](https://github.com/projectatomic/dockerfile_lint) - A rule-based 'linter' for Dockerfiles by [@redhataccess](https://github.com/redhataccess)
* [Hadolint](https://github.com/lukasmartinelli/hadolint) - A Dockerfile linter written in Haskell by [@lukasmartinelli](https://github.com/lukasmartinelli)
* [Whale-linter](https://github.com/jeromepin/whale-linter) - A simple and small Dockerfile linter written in Python3+ without dependencies by [@jeromepin](https://github.com/jeromepin)
@ -376,11 +392,13 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Azure Container Registry](https://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/services/container-registry/) Manage a Docker private registry as a first-class Azure resource
* [CargoOS](https://github.com/RedCoolBeans/cargos-buildroot) - A bare essential OS for running the Docker Engine on bare metal or Cloud. By [@RedCoolBeans](https://github.com/RedCoolBeans)
* [Cycle.io](https://cycle.io/) Bare-metal container hosting.
* [Docket](https://github.com/netvarun/docket) :skull: - Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent by [@netvarun](https://github.com/netvarun/)
* [Docket](https://github.com/netvarun/docket) - Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent by [@netvarun](https://github.com/netvarun/)
* [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) provided by Docker Inc.
* [Docker Registry v2][distribution] - The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content
* [Europa :heavy_dollar_sign:](https://github.com/Distelli/europa) - Private docker registry with support for image pipelines and webhooks. By [@Distelli](https://github.com/Distelli)
* [GCE Container Registry](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/) Fast, private Docker image storage on Google Cloud Platform
* [GitLab Container Registry](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/container_registry.html) - Repositories focused on using it images in GitLab CI
* [Private Docker Registry :heavy_dollar_sign:](https://private-docker-registry.com) - Dedicated Conainer Registry Service with unlimited private repositories, users, teams, namespaces together with enterprise grade authentication LDAP/AD/OAuth/SAML.
* [Quay.io](https://quay.io/) (part of CoreOS) - Secure hosting for private Docker repositories
* [Rescoyl](https://github.com/noteed/rescoyl) - Private Docker registry (free and open source) by [@noteed][noteed]
* [Sonatype Nexus](https://www.sonatype.com/nexus-repository-oss) - Repository with Universal Support, also for Docker images
@ -393,6 +411,7 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [ahab](https://github.com/instacart/ahab) - Docker event handling with Python by [@instacart](https://github.com/instacart)
* [Docker Client for JVM](https://github.com/gesellix/docker-client) - A Docker remote api client library for the JVM, written in Groovy by [@gesellix][gesellix]
* [Docker Client TypeScript](https://gitlab.com/masaeedu/docker-client) - Docker API client for JavaScript, automatically generated from Swagger API definition from moby repository. By [@masaeedu](https://github.com/masaeedu)
* [docker-it-scala](https://github.com/whisklabs/docker-it-scala) - Docker integration testing kit with Scala by [@whisklabs](https://github.com/whisklabs)
* [docker-maven-plugin (1)](https://github.com/spotify/docker-maven-plugin) - A Maven plugin for building and pushing Docker images by [@spotify][spotify]
* [docker-maven-plugin (2)](https://github.com/fabric8io/docker-maven-plugin) - A Maven plugin for running and creating Docker images by [@fabric8io](https://github.com/fabric8io)
@ -403,7 +422,7 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [go-dockerclient](https://github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/) - Go HTTP client for the Docker remote API by [@fsouza](https://github.com/fsouza/)
* [Gradle Docker plugin](https://github.com/gesellix/gradle-docker-plugin) - A Docker remote api plugin for Gradle by [@gesellix][gesellix]
* [libcompose](https://github.com/docker/libcompose) - Go library for Docker Compose.
* [powerstrip](https://github.com/clusterhq/powerstrip) - A tool for prototyping Docker extensions by [@clusterhq](https://github.com/clusterhq)
* [powerstrip](https://github.com/clusterhq/powerstrip) :skull: - A tool for prototyping Docker extensions by [@clusterhq](https://github.com/clusterhq)
* [sbt-docker](https://github.com/marcuslonnberg/sbt-docker) - Create Docker images directly from sbt by [@marcuslonnberg](https://github.com/marcuslonnberg)
* [sbt-docker-compose](https://github.com/Tapad/sbt-docker-compose) - Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt by [@kurtkopchik](https://github.com/kurtkopchik/)
@ -427,17 +446,18 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Binci](https://github.com/binci/binci) - Containerize your development workflow. (formerly DevLab by [@TechnologyAdvice](https://github.com/TechnologyAdvice))
* [Boot2Docker](https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker) - Docker for OSX and Windows
* [construi](https://github.com/lstephen/construi) - Run your builds inside a Docker defined environment by [@lstephen](https://github.com/lstephen)
* [Devstep](https://github.com/fgrehm/devstep) - Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks by [@fgrehm][fgrehm]
* [Devstep](https://github.com/fgrehm/devstep) :skull: - Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks by [@fgrehm][fgrehm]
* [Dinghy](https://github.com/codekitchen/dinghy) - An alternative way to use Docker on Mac OS X using Docker Machine with virtualbox, vmware, xhyve or parallels
* [DLite](https://github.com/nlf/dlite) - Simplest way to use Docker on OSX, no VM needed. By [@nlf](https://github.com/nlf)
* [Docker-Arch](https://github.com/ph3nol/docker-arch) - Generate Web/CLI projects Dockerized development environments, from 1 simple YAML file. By [@Ph3nol](https://github.com/ph3nol)
* [docker-vm](https://github.com/shyiko/docker-vm) - Simple and transparent alternative to boot2docker (backed by Vagrant) by [@shyiko](https://github.com/shyiko)
* [Docker osx dev](https://github.com/brikis98/docker-osx-dev) - A productive development environment with Docker on OS X by [@brikis98](https://github.com/brikis98)
* [Docker-sync](http://docker-sync.io/) - Drastically improves performance ([50-70x](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync/wiki/4.-Performance)) when using Docker for development on Mac OS X/Windows and Linux while sharing code to the container. By [@EugenMayer](https://github.com/EugenMayer)
* [Dusty](http://dusty.gc.com/) - Managed Docker development environments on OS X
* [Eclipse Che](http://www.eclipse.org/che/) - Developer workspace server with Docker runtimes, cloud IDE, next-generation Eclipse IDE
* [forward2docker](https://github.com/bsideup/forward2docker) - Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM by [@bsideup](https://github.com/bsideup)
* [forward2docker](https://github.com/bsideup/forward2docker) :skull: - Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM by [@bsideup](https://github.com/bsideup)
* [Vagga](https://github.com/tailhook/vagga) - Vagga is a containerisation tool without daemons. It is a fully-userspace container engine inspired by Vagrant and Docker, specialized for development environments by [@tailhook](https://github.com/tailhook/)
* [Vessel](https://github.com/awvessel/vessel) - Automates the setup & use of dockerized development environments by [@awvessel](https://github.com/awvessel)
* [Vessel](https://github.com/awvessel/vessel) :skull: - Automates the setup & use of dockerized development environments by [@awvessel](https://github.com/awvessel)
### Garbage Collection
@ -445,22 +465,22 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Docker Clean](https://github.com/zzrotdesign/docker-clean) - A script that cleans Docker containers, images and volumes by [@zzrotdesign](https://github.com/zzrotdesign)
* [docker-garby](https://github.com/konstruktoid/docker-garby) - Docker garbage collection script by [@konstruktoid](https://github.com/konstruktoid).
* [docker-gc](https://github.com/spotify/docker-gc) - A cron job that will delete old stopped containers and unused images by [@spotify][spotify]
* [sherdock](https://github.com/rancher/sherdock) - Automatic GC of images based on regexp by [@rancher][rancher]
* [sherdock](https://github.com/rancher/sherdock) :skull: - Automatic GC of images based on regexp by [@rancher][rancher]
### Serverless
* [AMP](https://github.com/appcelerator/amp) - The open source unified CaaS/FaaS platform for Docker, batteries included. By [@Appcelerator](https://github.com/appcelerator/)
* [Apache OpenWhisk](https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk) - a serverless, open source cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale. By [@apache](https://github.com/apache)
* [Docker-Lambda](https://github.com/lambci/docker-lambda) - Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment. By [@lamb-ci](https://github.com/lambci)
* [FaaS](https://github.com/alexellis/faas) - Docker Serverless/Functions as a Service (on Docker Swarm). By [@alexellis](https://github.com/alexellis/)
* [Funker](https://github.com/bfirsh/funker-example-voting-app) - Functions as Docker containers example voting app. By [@bfirsh](https://github.com/bfirsh)
* [IronFunctions](https://github.com/iron-io/functions) - The serverless microservices platform FaaS (Funcitons as a Service) which uses Docker containers to run Any language or AWS Lambda functions
* [OpenFaaS](https://github.com/openfaas/faas) - A complete serverless functions framework for Docker and Kubernetes. By [OpenFaaS](https://github.com/openfaas)
* [SCAR](https://github.com/grycap/scar) - Serverless Container-aware Architectures (SCAR) is a serverless framework that allows easy deployment and execution of containers (e.g. Docker) in Serverless environments (e.g. Lambda) by [@grycap](https://github.com/grycap)
### Testing
* [dgoss](https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/tree/master/extras/dgoss) - A fast YAML based tool for validating docker containers.
* [Dockunit](https://github.com/dockunit/platform) - Docker based integration tests. A simple Node based utility for running Docker based unit tests. By [@dockunit](https://github.com/dockunit)
* [Dockunit](https://github.com/dockunit/platform) :skull: - Docker based integration tests. A simple Node based utility for running Docker based unit tests. By [@dockunit](https://github.com/dockunit)
* [DockerSpec](https://github.com/zuazo/dockerspec) - A small Ruby Gem to run RSpec and Serverspec, Infrataster and Capybara tests against Dockerfiles or Docker images easily. By [@zuazo](https://github.com/zuazo)
* [Pumba](https://github.com/gaia-adm/pumba) - Chaos testing tool for Docker. Can be deployed on kubernetes and CoreOS cluster. By [@gaia](https://github.com/gaia-adm)
* [InSpec][inspec] - InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure with a human- and machine-readable language for specifying compliance, security and policy requirements. By [@chef](https://github.com/chef)
@ -468,13 +488,12 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
### Wrappers
* [Ansible](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/docker_container_module.html) - Manage the life cycle of Docker containers. By RedHat
* [Azk](http://www.azk.io/) - Orchestrate development enviornments on your local machine by [@azukiapp](https://github.com/azukiapp)
* [Beluga](https://github.com/cortexmedia/Beluga) - CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. By [@cortextmedia](https://github.com/cortexmedia)
* [Azk](https://github.com/azukiapp/azk) - Orchestrate development enviornments on your local machine by [@azukiapp](https://github.com/azukiapp)
* [Beluga](https://github.com/cortexmedia/Beluga) :skull: - CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. By [@cortextmedia](https://github.com/cortexmedia)
* [dexec](https://github.com/docker-exec/dexec) - Command line interface written in Go for running code with Docker Exec images.
* [docker-do](https://github.com/benzaita/docker-do) - hassle-free docker run, like `env` but for docker by [@benzaita](https://github.com/benzaita)
* [Dray](https://github.com/CenturyLinkLabs/dray) - An engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows by [@CenturyLinkLabs][CenturyLinkLabs]
* [FuGu](https://github.com/mattes/fugu) - Docker run wrapper without orchestration by [@mattes](https://github.com/mattes)
* [runlike](https://github.com/lavie/runlike) - Given an existing docker container, prints the command line necessary to run a copy of it by [lavie](https://github.com/lavie)
* [SaltStack Docker module](https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.dockerng.html#module-salt.modules.dockerng) - SaltStack Docker module
* [Shutit](http://ianmiell.github.io/shutit/) - Tool for building and maintaining complex Docker deployments by [@ianmiell][ianmiell]
* [subuser](http://subuser.org) - Makes it easy to securely and portably run graphical desktop applications in Docker
@ -483,7 +502,7 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [udocker](https://github.com/indigo-dc/udocker) - A tool to execute simple docker containers in batch or interactive systems without root privileges by [@inidigo-dc](https://github.com/indigo-dc)
## Services based on Docker (💲)
## Services based on Docker (:heavy_dollar_sign:)
### CI Services
@ -542,11 +561,10 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Blog](https://blog.jessfraz.com/) of [@jessfraz][jessfraz]
* [Container solutions](http://container-solutions.com/blog/)
* [Container42](http://container42.com/)
* [Cloud Native Landscape](https://github.com/cncf/landscape)
* [Docker Cheat Sheet](http://docker.jens-piegsa.com) by [@JensPiegsa][JensPiegsa] *(updated for Docker 1.13)*
* [Docker Cheat Sheet](https://github.com/eon01/DockerCheatSheet) by [@eon01](https://github.com/eon01)
* [Docker Cheat Sheet][docker-cheat-sheet] by [@wsargent][wsargent] __MUST SEE__
* [Docker Ecosystem](http://comp.photo777.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Docker-ecosystem-8.5.1.pdf) (PDF) __MUST SEE__ find it on [blog](http://comp.photo777.org/docker-ecosystem/) by Bryzgalov Peter.
* [Docker Ecosystem](https://www.mindmeister.com/389671722/docker-ecosystem) (Mind Map) __MUST SEE__
* [Docker Kubernetes Lab Handbook](https://github.com/xiaopeng163/docker-k8s-lab)
* [Docker Printable Refcard][docker-quick-ref] by [@dimonomid][dimonomid]
* [Docker vs. VMs? Combining Both for Cloud Portability Nirvana](https://www.rightscale.com/blog/cloud-management-best-practices/docker-vs-vms-combining-both-cloud-portability-nirvana)
@ -563,6 +581,8 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [ToolsOfTheTrade](https://github.com/cjbarber/ToolsOfTheTrade) a list of SaaS and On premise applications by [@cjbarber](https://github.com/cjbarber)
## Good Tips
* [50+ Docker related tips, tricks and tutorials](https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/tag/docker) by [@nickjanetakis][nickjanetakis]
* [10 Things Not To Forget Before Deploying Docker In Production](https://www.slideshare.net/rightscale/docker-meetup-40826948)
* [24 random docker tips](https://csabapalfi.github.io/random-docker-tips/) by [@csabapalfi](https://github.com/csabapalfi)
* [6 Million Ways To Log In Docker](https://www.slideshare.net/raychaser/6-million-ways-to-log-in-docker-nyc-docker-meetup-12172014) by [@raychaser](https://twitter.com/raychaser)
@ -572,11 +592,9 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Container Best Practices](http://docs.projectatomic.io/container-best-practices/) - Red Hat's Project Atomic created a Container Best Practices guide which applies to everything and is updated regurlary.
* [Dealing with linked containers dependency in docker-compose](http://brunorocha.org/python/dealing-with-linked-containers-dependency-in-docker-compose.html) by [@rochacbruno](https://github.com/rochacbruno)
* [Docker CIFS – How to Mount CIFS as a Docker Volume](https://backdrift.org/docker-cifs-howto-mount-cifs-volume-docker-container)
* [Docker on Windows behind a firewall](https://toedter.com/2015/05/11/docker-on-windows-behind-a-firewall/) by [@kaitoedter](https://twitter.com/kaitoedter)
* [Docker Tips](http://www.mervine.net/notes/docker-tips) by [@jmervine](https://github.com/jmervine)
* [Dockerfile Generator](http://jrruethe.github.io/blog/2015/09/20/dockerfile-generator/) (ruby script)
* [Don't Repeat Yourself with Anchors, Aliases and Extensions in Docker Compose Files](https://medium.com/@kinghuang/docker-compose-anchors-aliases-extensions-a1e4105d70bd) by [@King Chung Huang](https://github.com/kinghuang)
* [GUI Apps with Docker](http://fabiorehm.com/blog/2014/09/11/running-gui-apps-with-docker/) by [@fgrehm][fgrehm]
* [Kubernetes Cheatsheet](http://k8s.info/cs.html) - A great resource for managing your Kubernetes installation
* [Migration from VMs to Containers](https://blog.jelastic.com/2016/10/11/migration-from-vms-to-containers/) - Decomposition of legacy Java EE applications using containers
* [Nginx Proxy for Docker](https://blog.danivovich.com/2015/07/09/nginx-proxy-for-docker-containers/) (written 9 JUL 2015)
* [Production Meteor and Node Using Docker, Part I](https://projectricochet.com/blog/production-meteor-and-node-using-docker-part-i) by [@projectricochet](https://github.com/projectricochet)
@ -585,6 +603,12 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Running Production Hadoop Clusters in Docker Containers](https://conferences.oreilly.com/strata/big-data-conference-ca-2015/public/schedule/detail/38521)
* [Using NSEnter with Boot2Docker](https://ro14nd.de/NSEnter-with-Boot2Docker)
## Raspberry Pi & ARM
* [Docker Pirates ARMed with explosive stuff](http://blog.hypriot.com/) Huge resource on clustering, swarm, docker, pre-installed image for SD card on Raspberry Pi
* [Get Docker up and running on the RaspberryPi in three steps](https://github.com/umiddelb/armhf/wiki/Get-Docker-up-and-running-on-the-RaspberryPi-%28ARMv6%29-in-three-steps)
* [git push docker containers to linux devices](https://resin.io/) Modern DevOps for IoT, leveraging git and Docker.
* [Installing, running, using Docker on armhf (ARMv7) devices](https://github.com/umiddelb/armhf/wiki/Installing,-running,-using-docker-on-armhf-(ARMv7)-devices)
## Security
@ -601,21 +625,8 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
* [Tuning Docker with the newest security enhancements](https://opensource.com/business/15/3/docker-security-tuning)
* [Understanding Docker security and best practices](https://blog.docker.com/2015/05/understanding-docker-security-and-best-practices/) (written 5 MAY 2015)
## Raspberry Pi & ARM
* [Docker Pirates ARMed with explosive stuff](http://blog.hypriot.com/) Huge resource on clustering, swarm, docker, pre-installed image for SD card on Raspberry Pi
* [Get Docker up and running on the RaspberryPi in three steps](https://github.com/umiddelb/armhf/wiki/Get-Docker-up-and-running-on-the-RaspberryPi-%28ARMv6%29-in-three-steps)
* [git push docker containers to linux devices](https://resin.io/) Modern DevOps for IoT, leveraging git and Docker.
* [Installing, running, using Docker on armhf (ARMv7) devices](https://github.com/umiddelb/armhf/wiki/Installing,-running,-using-docker-on-armhf-(ARMv7)-devices)
## Videos
# Videos
## Main Account
* [Docker Youtube Account](https://www.youtube.com/user/dockerrun)
* [CenturyLink Labs Docker Interviews](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_q4Fk7SVBCIjyuCBFBItXnzGI3qBa2L1)
* [Container Camp](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvksXSnLqIVM_uFB7xyrsSg/videos) Conference about *containers*!!! [@containercamp](https://twitter.com/containercamp)
* [Quoi d'neuf Docker](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOAhkxpryr_BKybt9wIw-NQ/videos) **FRENCH** chronique vidéo sur Youtube proposant de courtes vidéos (maximum 15 minutes) sur la thématique "Docker et son écosystème" [Site Web](http://www.quoidneufdocker.xyz/)
## Useful videos
* [Contributing to Docker by Andrew "Tianon" Page (InfoSiftr)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jwo8-1HYYg) (34:31)
* [Deploying and scaling applications with Docker, Swarm, and a tiny bit of Python magic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpHMTR7P2Ms) (3:11:06) by [@jpetazzo][jpetazzo]
* [Docker and SELinux by Daniel Walsh from Red Hat ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWGFqMuEHdw) (40:23)
@ -652,6 +663,7 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
[ahmetalpbalkan]: https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan
[alpine]: https://github.com/gliderlabs/docker-alpine
[anchore]: https://github.com/anchore
[arun-gupta]: https://github.com/arun-gupta
[blockbridge]: https://github.com/blockbridge
[brooklyn]: http://brooklyn.apache.org/
@ -696,6 +708,7 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
[loggingDocker]: https://vimeo.com/123341629
[microbadger]: https://microbadger.com
[nginxproxy]: https://github.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy
[nickjanetakis]: https://twitter.com/nickjanetakis
[noteed]: https://github.com/noteed
[ondrejmo]: https://github.com/ondrejmo
[openshift]: https://www.openshift.org/
@ -712,6 +725,7 @@ Services to securely store your Docker images.
[spotify]: https://github.com/spotify
[spm]: https://github.com/sematext/sematext-agent-docker
[vegasbrianc]: https://github.com/vegasbrianc
[vfarcic]: https://github.com/vfarcic
[vimagick]: https://github.com/vimagick
[weave]: https://github.com/weaveworks/weave
[wsargent]: https://github.com/wsargent
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