* [AKASHA](http://akasha.world): A Next-Generation Social Media Network. Powered by the Ethereum world computer. Embedded into the Inter-Planetary File System.
* [I2P](https://geti2p.net): Anonymous network, exposing a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other.
* [WebTorrent Desktop](https://webtorrent.io/desktop): WebTorrent Desktop is for streaming torrents. It connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers.
* [webcat](https://github.com/mafintosh/webcat): P2P pipe across the web using webrtc that uses Github private/public key for authentication and a signalhub for discovery. Can send text, or files.
* [ZeroNet](https://zeronet.io/): Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network. Uncensored, no hosting costs, always accessible.
* [Bitcoin](https://bitcoin.org): Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 5 years, you should know about Bitcoin.
* [Ethereum](https://ethereum.org): Decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.
* [Zcash](https://z.cash/): Permission-less financial system employing zero-knowledge security.
* [Cryptosphere](https://cryptosphere.io): Open-source P2P web application platform for decentralized, privacy-preserving software which keeps users in control of their own content.
* [Solid](https://solid.mit.edu): A proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles.