# Awesome Decentralized Web [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) A curated list about the decentralized web technologies. ### Blockchain infrastructure * [Blockstack](https://blockstack.org/) - a platform for application development with built in decentralized DNS. * [Ethereum](https://ethereum.org/) - "a distributed answer to HTTP POST" - it's a blockcahin-based platform for decentralized app development. * [Namecoin](https://namecoin.info/) - a replacement for the existing domain name system that registers identities on a blockchain, rather than a centralized DNS authority. * [Zcash](https://z.cash/) - a cryptocurrency built for total privacy. Zcash encrypts transactions so that they can be validated while still private. * [Filecoin](https://filecoin.io/) - a decentralized storage network based on IPFS, powered by a blockchain and a native token. * [Backfeed](http://backfeed.cc/) - a technology to enable decentralized and user-owned governance and reputation management for a community. * [Curated list of Blockchain and Crytocurrency Resources in general](https://github.com/McFrankline/Blockchain-stuff) * [OpenTimeStamps](https://opentimestamps.org/) - OpenTimestamps aims to be a standard format for blockchain timestamping. ### Communication * [BitMessage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitmessage) - anonymous encrypted message broadcasting. * [Matrix](https://matrix.org/) - an open standard for decentralised persistent communication over IP. Matrix wants to connect together all the various communication services and make them interoperate. * [Solid](https://solid.mit.edu/) - a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles. * [LevelNews](https://levelnews.org/) - a leftist news aggregator designed for an open web, and dedicated to journalism without censorship. * [Interledger](https://interledger.org/) - it interconnects disparate cryptocurrencies and financial systems. * [Ricochet](https://ricochet.im/) - completely anonymous and potentially metadata-free chat ### Databases * [BigchainDB](https://www.bigchaindb.com/) - a scalable database that layers blockchain technology over decentralized data. * [IPDB](https://ipdb.foundation/) - a federated database network built on BigchainDB and IPFS. It is maintained by a network of caretakers around the world, at least half of which are nonprofits. ### Data Storage and Sharing * [BitTorrent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent) - Protocol for distributed file sharing * [WebRTC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC) - W3C drafted standard for browser-to-browser data transfer. * [WebTorrent](https://webtorrent.io/) - an in-browser torrenting that works without requiring users to install anything extra. * [DAT Project](http://dat-data.com/) - a torrent-based public data storage, versioning, and sharing aimed at scientists, or anyone else with data. * [IPFS](https://ipfs.io/) - or InterPlanetary File System, is a distributed file storage system that aims to replace HTTP. * [Tahoe-LAFS](https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs) - a private, encrypted file storage system that decentralizes data across multiple servers. * [CacheP2P](http://www.cachep2p.com/) - a distributed caching platform. * [Wikipediap2p](https://www.wikipediap2p.org/) - a p2p version of wikipedia. * [Cryptosphere](https://cryptosphere.io/) - an open-source P2P web application platform for decentralized, privacy-preserving software. * [Filecoin](http://filecoin.io/) - Filecoin is a data storage network and electronic currency based on Bitcoin. * [OnionShare](https://onionshare.org/) - hosts the selected files as a hidden service on the user's computer ### Decentralized web * [ZeroNet](https://zeronet.io/) - a peer-to-peer web built on the Bitcoin blockchain for addressing, and identity and Namecoin for .bit domains. * [Freenet](https://freenetproject.org/)- a network aimed at activists and people living in repressive regimes. It uses a web of trust in high security mode, which allows users on the network to be effectively undetectable. * [MaidSafe](http://maidsafe.net/) - a soon-to-be-released decentralized internet and app infrastructure which rewards users for participating in the network. * [Samizdat](http://samizdat.childrenofmay.org/) - Samizdat is a platform for the self-hosted, peer-to-peer, cryptographically-secured internet. * [I2P](https://geti2p.net/) - Anonymous network with hidden services. * [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) - Anonymous network proxy. ### Marketplaces * [OpenBazaar](https://openbazaar.org/) - Marketplace, with store fronts and moderators. ### Microblogging * [mastodon](https://mastodon.social) - Decentralized alternative to twitter, with servers federation. * [trsst](http://www.trsst.com/) - looks and feels like twitter but encrypted and anonymized and decentralized and only you hold the keys. * [Tahrir](http://tahrirproject.org/) - looks and feels like twitter but encrypted and anonymized and decentralized and only you hold the keys. * [Twister](http://twister.net.co/) - a fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols. ### Misc * [Mediachain](http://www.mediachain.io/) - a media library built on IPFS that makes it easy to publish, track, and discover creative work. * [IPWB](https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb) - an interplanetary wayback machine. * [Onename](https://onename.com/) - a global database for people, companies, websites and more. * [StrongLink](https://github.com/btrask/stronglink) - a searchable, syncable, content-addressable notetaking system * [instant.io](https://instant.io/) - Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent. * [bitnation.co](https://bitnation.co) - the World’s First Virtual Nation – A Blockchain Jurisdiction. * [magic-wormhole](https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole) - Get things from one computer to another, safely. * [ferment](https://github.com/mmckegg/ferment) - Peer-to-peer audio publishing and streaming application. * [beaker](https://beakerbrowser.com/) - Beaker is a Peer-to-Peer Web Browser, made for users to run applications independently of hosts. * [git-ssb](https://github.com/clehner/git-ssb) - Decentralized git repo hosting and issue tracking on secure-scuttlebutt. * [Bit451](https://github.com/Bit451/Bit451) - Decentralized / distributed anonymous p2p media network. YouTube meets BitTorrent meets Bitcoin. ## Credits: - [Decentralized Web Summit](http://www.decentralizedweb.net/) - [Mouse Reeve](https://blog.mousereeve.com/technologies-of-the-decentralized-web-summit/) ## License [![CC4](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)