# Awesome Decentralized Web [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome)
A curated list about the decentralized web technologies.
### Blockchain infrastructure
* [Blockstack](https://blockstack.org/) - a platform for application development with built in decentralized DNS.
* [Ethereum](https://ethereum.org/) - "a distributed answer to HTTP POST" - it's a blockcahin-based platform for decentralized app development.
* [Namecoin](https://namecoin.info/) - a replacement for the existing domain name system that registers identities on a blockchain, rather than a centralized DNS authority.
* [Zcash](https://z.cash/) - a cryptocurrency built for total privacy. Zcash encrypts transactions so that they can be validated while still private.
* [Backfeed](http://backfeed.cc/) - a technology to enable decentralized and user-owned governance and reputation management for a community.
* [Matrix](https://matrix.org/) - an open standard for decentralised persistent communication over IP. Matrix wants to connect together all the various communication services and make them interoperate.
* [Solid](https://solid.mit.edu/) - a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles.
* [BigchainDB](https://www.bigchaindb.com/) - a scalable database that layers blockchain technology over decentralized data.
* [IPDB](https://ipdb.foundation/) - a federated database network built on BigchainDB and IPFS. It is maintained by a network of caretakers around the world, at least half of which are nonprofits.
* [ZeroNet](https://zeronet.io/) - a peer-to-peer web built on the Bitcoin blockchain for addressing, and identity and Namecoin for .bit domains.
* [Freenet](https://freenetproject.org/)- a network aimed at activists and people living in repressive regimes. It uses a web of trust in high security mode, which allows users on the network to be effectively undetectable.
* [MaidSafe](http://maidsafe.net/) - a soon-to-be-released decentralized internet and app infrastructure which rewards users for participating in the network.
* [Twister](http://twister.net.co/) - a fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols.