[Cybersecurity blue teams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_team_(computer_security)) are groups of individuals who identify security flaws in information technology systems, verify the effectiveness of security measures, and monitor the systems to ensure that implemented defensive measures remain effective in the future. While not exclusive, this list is heavily biased towards [Free Software](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) projects and against proprietary products or corporate services. For offensive TTPs, please see [awesome-pentest](https://github.com/meitar/awesome-pentest).
Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♥ welcome. (✿◕‿◕). Please check the [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details. This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
- [Ansible Lockdown](https://ansiblelockdown.io/) - Curated collection of information security themed Ansible roles that are both vetted and actively maintained.
- [Dev-Sec.io](https://dev-sec.io/) - Server hardening framework providing Ansible, Chef, and Puppet implementations of various baseline security configurations.
- [DShell](https://github.com/USArmyResearchLab/Dshell) - Extensible network forensic analysis framework written in Python that enables rapid development of plugins to support the dissection of network packet captures.
- [MultiScanner](https://github.com/mitre/multiscanner) - File analysis framework written in Python that assists in evaluating a set of files by automatically running a suite of tools against them and aggregating the output.
- [python-stix2](https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-python-stix2) - Python APIs for serializing and de-serializing Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) JSON content, plus higher-level APIs for common tasks.
- [Checkov](https://www.checkov.io/) - Static analysis for Terraform (infrastructure as code) to help detect CIS policy violations and prevent cloud security misconfiguration.
- [GPG Sync](https://github.com/firstlookmedia/gpgsync) - Centralize and automate OpenPGP public key distribution, revocation, and updates amongst all members of an organization or team.
- [Cilium](https://cilium.io/) - Open source software for transparently securing the network connectivity between application services deployed using Linux container management platforms like Docker and Kubernetes.
- [Git Secrets](https://github.com/awslabs/git-secrets) - Prevents you from committing passwords and other sensitive information to a git repository.
- [Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) - Tool for securely accessing secrets such as API keys, passwords, or certificates through a unified interface.
- [git-crypt](https://www.agwa.name/projects/git-crypt/) - Transparent file encryption in git; files which you choose to protect are encrypted when committed, and decrypted when checked out.
- [SonarQube](https://sonarqube.org) - Continuous inspection tool that provides detailed reports during automated testing and alerts on newly introduced security vulnerabilities.
- [Egalito](https://egalito.org/) - Binary recompiler and instrumentation framework that can fully disassemble, transform, and regenerate ordinary Linux binaries designed for binary hardening and security research.
- [CanaryTokens](https://github.com/thinkst/canarytokens) - Self-hostable honeytoken generator and reporting dashboard; demo version available at [CanaryTokens.org](https://canarytokens.org/).
- [Endlessh](https://github.com/skeeto/endlessh) - SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner.
- [LaBrea](http://labrea.sourceforge.net/labrea-info.html) - Program that answers ARP requests for unused IP space, creating the appearance of fake machines that answer further requests very slowly in order to slow down scanners, worms, etcetera.
- [Artillery](https://github.com/BinaryDefense/artillery) - Combination honeypot, filesystem monitor, and alerting system designed to protect Linux and Windows operating systems.
- [OpenSCAP Base](https://www.open-scap.org/tools/openscap-base/) - Both a library and a command line tool (`oscap`) used to evaluate a system against SCAP baseline profiles to report on the security posture of the scanned system(s).
- [Firejail](https://firejail.wordpress.com/) - SUID program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf.
- [TheHive](https://thehive-project.org/) - Scalable, free Security Incident Response Platform designed to make life easier for SOCs, CSIRTs, and CERTs, featuring tight integration with MISP.
- [threat_note](https://github.com/defpoint/threat_note) - Web application built by Defense Point Security to allow security researchers the ability to add and retrieve indicators related to their research.
- [AutoMacTC](https://github.com/CrowdStrike/automactc) - Modular, automated forensic triage collection framework designed to access various forensic artifacts on macOS, parse them, and present them in formats viable for analysis.
- [ir-rescue](https://github.com/diogo-fernan/ir-rescue) - Windows Batch script and a Unix Bash script to comprehensively collect host forensic data during incident response.
- [Margarita Shotgun](https://github.com/ThreatResponse/margaritashotgun) - Command line utility (that works with or without Amazon EC2 instances) to parallelize remote memory acquisition.
- [CimSweep](https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/CimSweep) - Suite of CIM/WMI-based tools enabling remote incident response and hunting operations across all versions of Windows.
- [GRR Rapid Response](https://github.com/google/grr) - Incident response framework focused on remote live forensics consisting of a Python agent installed on assets and Python-based server infrastructure enabling analysts to quickly triage attacks and perform analysis remotely.
- [Hunting ELK (HELK)](https://github.com/Cyb3rWard0g/HELK) - All-in-one Free Software threat hunting stack based on Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kafka, and Kibana with various built-in integrations for analytics including Jupyter Notebook.
- [MozDef](https://github.com/mozilla/MozDef) - Automate the security incident handling process and facilitate the real-time activities of incident handlers.
- [PSHunt](https://github.com/Infocyte/PSHunt) - PowerShell module designed to scan remote endpoints for indicators of compromise or survey them for more comprehensive information related to state of those systems.
- [PSRecon](https://github.com/gfoss/PSRecon) - PSHunt-like tool for analyzing remote Windows systems that also produces a self-contained HTML report of its findings.
- [rastrea2r](https://github.com/rastrea2r/rastrea2r) - Multi-platform tool for triaging suspected IOCs on many endpoints simultaneously and that integrates with antivirus consoles.
- [Redline](https://www.fireeye.com/services/freeware/redline.html) - Freeware endpoint auditing and analysis tool that provides host-based investigative capabilities, offered by FireEye, Inc.
- [ChopShop](https://github.com/MITRECND/chopshop) - Framework to aid analysts in the creation and execution of pynids-based decoders and detectors of APT tradecraft.
- [Moloch](https://github.com/aol/moloch) - Augments your current security infrastructure to store and index network traffic in standard PCAP format, providing fast, indexed access.
- [Suricata](https://suricata-ids.org/) - Free, cross-platform, IDS/IPS with on- and off-line analysis modes and deep packet inspection capabilities that is also scriptable with Lua.
- [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org) - Free and open-source packet analyzer useful for network troubleshooting or forensic netflow analysis.
- [netsniff-ng](http://netsniff-ng.org/) - Free and fast GNU/Linux networking toolkit with numerous utilities such as a connection tracking tool (`flowtop`), traffic generator (`trafgen`), and autonomous system (AS) trace route utility (`astraceroute`).
- [Computer Aided Investigative Environment (CAINE)](https://caine-live.net/) - Italian GNU/Linux live distribution that pre-packages numerous digital forensics and evidence collection tools.
- [Security Onion](https://securityonion.net/) - Free and open source GNU/Linux distribution for intrusion detection, enterprise security monitoring, and log management.
- [CertSpotter](https://github.com/SSLMate/certspotter) - Certificate Transparency log monitor from SSLMate that alerts you when a SSL/TLS certificate is issued for one of your domains.
- [Gophish](https://getgophish.com/) - Powerful, open-source phishing framework that makes it easy to test your organization's exposure to phishing.
- [King Phisher](https://github.com/securestate/king-phisher) - Tool for testing and promoting user awareness by simulating real world phishing attacks.
- [NotifySecurity](https://github.com/certsocietegenerale/NotifySecurity) - Outlook add-in used to help your users to report suspicious e-mails to security teams.
- [Phishing Intelligence Engine (PIE)](https://github.com/LogRhythm-Labs/PIE) - Framework that will assist with the detection and response to phishing attacks.
- [Swordphish](https://github.com/certsocietegenerale/swordphish-awareness) - Platform allowing to create and manage (fake) phishing campaigns intended to train people in identifying suspicious mails.
- [phishing_catcher](https://github.com/x0rz/phishing_catcher) - Configurable script to watch for issuances of suspicious TLS certificates by domain name in the Certificate Transparency Log (CTL) using the [CertStream](https://certstream.calidog.io/) service.
- [DumpsterFire](https://github.com/TryCatchHCF/DumpsterFire) - Modular, menu-driven, cross-platform tool for building repeatable, time-delayed, distributed security events for Blue Team drills and sensor/alert mapping.
- [Network Flight Simulator (`flightsim`)](https://github.com/alphasoc/flightsim) - Utility to generate malicious network traffic and help security teams evaluate security controls and audit their network visibility.
- [RedHunt OS](https://github.com/redhuntlabs/RedHunt-OS) - Ubuntu-based Open Virtual Appliance (`.ova`) preconfigured with several threat emulation tools as well as a defender's toolkit.
- [AlienVault OSSIM](https://www.alienvault.com/open-threat-exchange/projects) - Single-server open source SIEM platform featuring asset discovery, asset inventorying, behavioral monitoring, and event correlation, driven by AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX).
- [Prelude SIEM OSS](https://www.prelude-siem.org/) - Open source, agentless SIEM with a long history and several commercial variants featuring security event collection, normalization, and alerting from arbitrary log input and numerous popular monitoring tools.
- [Icinga](https://icinga.com/) - Modular redesign of Nagios with pluggable user interfaces and an expanded set of data connectors, collectors, and reporting tools.
- [Locust](https://locust.io/) - Open source load testing tool in which you can define user behaviour with Python code and swarm your system with millions of simultaneous users.
- [Nagios](https://nagios.org) - Popular network and service monitoring solution and reporting platform.
- [OpenNMS](https://opennms.org/) - Free and feature-rich networking monitoring system supporting multiple configurations, a variety of alerting mechanisms (email, XMPP, SMS), and numerous data collection methods (SNMP, HTTP, JDBC, etc).
- [osquery](https://github.com/facebook/osquery) - Operating system instrumentation framework for macOS, Windows, and Linux, exposing the OS as a high-performance relational database that can be queried with a SQL-like syntax.
- [Active Directory Control Paths](https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/AD-control-paths) - Visualize and graph Active Directory permission configs ("control relations") to audit questions such as "Who can read the CEO's email?" and similar.
- [DATA](https://github.com/hadojae/DATA) - Credential phish analysis and automation tool that can acccept suspected phishing URLs directly or trigger on observed network traffic containing such a URL.
- [Forager](https://github.com/opensourcesec/Forager) - Multi-threaded threat intelligence gathering built with Python3 featuring simple text-based configuration and data storage for ease of use and data portability.
- [GRASSMARLIN](https://github.com/nsacyber/GRASSMARLIN) - Provides IP network situational awareness of industrial control systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) by passively mapping, accounting for, and reporting on your ICS/SCADA network topology and endpoints.
- [Malware Information Sharing Platform and Threat Sharing (MISP)](https://misp-project.org/) - Open source software solution for collecting, storing, distributing and sharing cyber security indicators.
- [ThreatIngestor](https://github.com/InQuest/ThreatIngestor) - Extendable tool to extract and aggregate IOCs from threat feeds including Twitter, RSS feeds, or other sources.
- [OnionBalance](https://onionbalance.readthedocs.io/) - Provides load-balancing while also making Onion services more resilient and reliable by eliminating single points-of-failure.
- [Vanguards](https://github.com/mikeperry-tor/vanguards) - Version 3 Onion service guard discovery attack mitigation script (intended for eventual inclusion in Tor core).
- [Certbot](https://certbot.eff.org/) - Free tool to automate the issuance and renewal of TLS certificates from the [LetsEncrypt Root CA](https://letsencrypt.org/) with plugins that configure various Web and e-mail server software.
- [Tor](https://torproject.org/) - Censorship circumvention and anonymizing overlay network providing distributed, cryptographically verified name services (`.onion` domains) to enhance publisher privacy and service availability.
- [Stronghold](https://github.com/alichtman/stronghold) - Easily configure macOS security settings from the terminal.
- [macOS Fortress](https://github.com/essandess/macOS-Fortress) - Automated configuration of kernel-level, OS-level, and client-level security features including privatizing proxying and anti-virus scanning for macOS.
See also [awesome-windows#security](https://github.com/Awesome-Windows/Awesome#security) and [awesome-windows-domain-hardening](https://github.com/PaulSec/awesome-windows-domain-hardening).
- [NotRuler](https://github.com/sensepost/notruler) - Detect both client-side rules and VBScript enabled forms used by the [Ruler](https://github.com/sensepost/ruler) attack tool when attempting to compromise a Microsoft Exchange server.
- [Sigcheck](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sigcheck) - Audit a Windows host's root certificate store against Microsoft's [Certificate Trust List (CTL)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/SecCrypto/certificate-trust-list-overview).
- [Sticky Keys Slayer](https://github.com/linuz/Sticky-Keys-Slayer) - Establishes a Windows RDP session from a list of hostnames and scans for accessibility tools backdoors, alerting if one is discovered.
- [Windows Secure Host Baseline](https://github.com/nsacyber/Windows-Secure-Host-Baseline) - Group Policy objects, compliance checks, and configuration tools that provide an automated and flexible approach for securely deploying and maintaining the latest releases of Windows 10.