diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2cd1b46..809e012 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -450,6 +450,7 @@ encryption library providing MD5, SHA1, SHA2 hashing and HMAC functionality, as ### Web-tools - [Boxentriq](https://www.boxentriq.com/code-breaking) - Easy to use tools for analysis and code-breaking of the most frequent ciphers, including Vigenère, Beaufort, Keyed Caesar, Transposition Ciphers, etc. +- [Crypto Puzzles](http://rupp.de/crypto_puzzles/crypto_puzzles_web.py) - Crypto Puzzles provides a bunch of functions for encryption and stegonagraphy as brain teasers, to get kids interessted in cryptography. ᵺ ⌶ 💲 ℹ️ ى ɉ ᶙ 💰 ኘ 🍩 ₦ € モ ᚸ ㏂ 🆊 ᇉ. Code availabe on Github. - [Cryptolab](http://manansingh.github.io/Cryptolab-Offline/cryptolab.html) - is a set of cryptography related tools. - [CrypTool](http://www.cryptool-online.org/) - Great variety of ciphers, encryption methods and analysis tools are introduced, often together with illustrated examples. - [CyberChef](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/) - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression, and data analysis.