- [An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography](http://www.math.brown.edu/~jhs/MathCryptoHome.html) - is an introduction to modern cryptography.
- [Crypto101](https://www.crypto101.io/) - Crypto 101 is an introductory course on cryptography.
- [Cryptography Engineering](https://www.schneier.com/books/cryptography_engineering/) - Learn to build cryptographic protocols that work in the real world.
- [Handbook of Applied Cryptography](http://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/index.html) - This book is intended as a reference for professional cryptographers.
- [Introduction to Modern Cryptography](http://www.cs.umd.edu/~jkatz/imc.html) - is an introductory-level treatment of cryptography written from a modern, computer science perspective.
- [OpenSSL Cookbook](https://www.feistyduck.com/library/openssl-cookbook/) - The book about OpenSSL.
- [Security Engineering](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/book.html) - There is an extraordinary textbook written by Ross Anderson, professor of computer security at University of Cambridge.
- [The Cryptoparty Handbook](https://unglue.it/work/141611/) - This book provides a comprehensive guide to the various topics of the computer and internet security.
- [pandect](https://github.com/xsc/pandect) - Fast and easy-to-use Message Digest, Checksum and HMAC library for Clojure.
### Common Lisp
- [crypto-shortcuts](https://github.com/Shinmera/crypto-shortcuts) - Collection of common cryptography functions.
- [ironclad](http://method-combination.net/lisp/ironclad/) - Collection of common crypto shortcuts.
- [trivial-ssh](https://github.com/eudoxia0/trivial-ssh) - an SSH client library for Common Lisp (Built on libssh2)
### Delphi
- [DelphiEncryptionCompendium](https://github.com/winkelsdorf/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases) - Cryptographic library for Delphi.
- [LockBox](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tplockbox/) - LockBox 3 is a Delphi library for cryptography.
- [SynCrypto](https://github.com/synopse/mORMot/blob/master/SynCrypto.pas) - Fast cryptographic routines (hashing and cypher), implementing AES, XOR, RC4, ADLER32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 algorithms, optimized for speed.
- [TForge](https://bitbucket.org/sergworks/tforge) - TForge is open-source crypto library written in Delphi, compatible with FPC.
### Elixir
- [cipher](https://github.com/rubencaro/cipher) - Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries.
- [cloak](https://github.com/danielberkompas/cloak) - Cloak makes it easy to use encryption with Ecto.
- [comeonin](https://github.com/elixircnx/comeonin) - Password authorization (bcrypt) library for Elixir.
- [elixir-rsa](https://github.com/trapped/elixir-rsa) - `public_key` cryptography wrapper for Elixir.
- [elixir_tea](https://github.com/keichan34/elixir_tea) - TEA implementation in Elixir.
- [ex_crypto](https://github.com/ntrepid8/ex_crypto) - Elixir wrapper for Erlang `crypto` and `public_key` modules. Provides sensible defaults for many crypto functions to make them easier to use.
- [exgpg](https://github.com/rozap/exgpg) - Use gpg from Elixir.
- [pot](https://github.com/yuce/pot) - Erlang library for generating one time passwords compatible with Google Authenticator.
- [siphash-elixir](https://github.com/zackehh/siphash-elixir) - Elixir implementation of the SipHash hash family.
### Go
- [crypto](https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/) - Official Website Resources.
- [cryptojs](https://github.com/gwjjeff/cryptojs) - Provide standard and secure cryptographic algorithms for NodeJS.
- [javascript-crypto-library](https://github.com/clipperz/javascript-crypto-library) - The JavaScript Crypto Library provides web developers with an extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions.
- [JShashes](https://github.com/h2non/jshashes) - Fast and dependency-free cryptographic hashing library for node.js and browsers (supports MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, HMAC)
- [Bouncy Castle](https://www.bouncycastle.org/java.html) - All-purpose cryptographic library. JCA provider, wide range of functions from basic helpers to PGP/SMIME operations.
- [Google Keyczar](https://github.com/google/keyczar) - Easy to use, yet safe encryption framework with key versioning.
- [ring](https://github.com/briansmith/ring) - Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust & BoringSSL's cryptography primitives.
- [rust-crypto](https://github.com/DaGenix/rust-crypto) - a (mostly) pure-Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms.
- [rust-openssl](https://github.com/sfackler/rust-openssl) - OpenSSL bindings for Rust.
- [sodiumoxide](https://github.com/dnaq/sodiumoxide) - Sodium Oxide: Fast cryptographic library for Rust (bindings to libsodium).
- [suruga](https://github.com/klutzy/suruga) - TLS 1.2 implementation in Rust.
- [webpki](https://github.com/briansmith/webpki) - Web PKI TLS X.509 certificate validation in Rust.
### Scala
- [scrypto](https://github.com/ScorexProject/scrypto) - Cryptographic primitives for Scala.
### Swift
- [CryptoSwift](https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift) - Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language.
- [IDZSwiftCommonCrypto](https://github.com/iosdevzone/IDZSwiftCommonCrypto) - a wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift.
- [OpenSSL](https://github.com/Zewo/OpenSSL) - Swift OpenSSL for OS X and Linux.
- [SweetHMAC](https://github.com/jancassio/SweetHMAC) - a tiny and easy to use Swift class to encrypt strings using HMAC algorithms.
- [Swift-Sodium](https://github.com/jedisct1/swift-sodium) - Swift interface to the Sodium library for common crypto operations for iOS and OS X.
- [SwiftSSL](https://github.com/SwiftP2P/SwiftSSL) - an Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift.
## Contributing
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/sobolevn/awesome-cryptography/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) first.
## License
`awesome-cryptography` by sobolevn
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
`awesome-cryptography` has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to `awesome-cryptography`.
You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.