diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d569928..69be960 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ Courses
- [Hack the Kernel](https://www.ops-class.org/) **Introduction to Operating Systems** *SUNY University at Buffalo, NY*
- This course is an introduction to operating system design and implementation. We study operating systems because they are examples of mature and elegant solutions to a difficult design problem: how to safely and efficiently share system resources and provide abstractions useful to applications.
- For the processor, memory, and disks, we discuss how the operating system allocates each resource and explore the design and implementation of related abstractions. We also establish techniques for testing and improving system performance and introduce the idea of hardware virtualization. Programming assignments provide hands-on experience with implementing core operating system components in a realistic development environment. Course by [Dr.Geoffrey Challen](https://blue.cse.buffalo.edu/people/gwa/)
- [Syllabus](https://www.ops-class.org/courses/buffalo/CSE421_Spring2016/)
- [Slides](https://www.ops-class.org/slides/)
- [Video lectures](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE6LEE8y2Jp-kbEcVR2W3vfx0Pdca0BD3)