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+# Contribution Guidelines
+Before contributing to this repository, please ensure you are adhering to the following general guidelines. Further, if you are submitting a new prompt to the repository, be sure you are also following the prompt-specific guidelines. These checks will ensure that your contributions can be easily integrated into the main repository, without any headache for the owners.
+## General Guidelines
+The following guidelines should be followed when making any open-source contributions:
+- [ ] Contributions should be made via a pull request to the main repository from a personal fork.
+- [ ] Pull requests should be accompanied by a descriptive title and detailed explanation.
+- [ ] Submit all pull requests to the repository's main branch.
+- [ ] Before submitting a pull request, ensure additions/edits are aligned with the overall repo organization.
+- [ ] Be sure changes are compatible with the repository's license.
+- [ ] In case of conflicts, provide helpful explanations regarding your proposed changes so that they can be approved by repo owners.
+## New Prompt Guidelines
+To add a new prompt to this repository, a contributor should take the following steps (in their personal fork):
+1. Create and test the new prompt.
+ - See the [README](https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts/blob/main/README.md) for guidance on how to write effective prompts.
+ - Ensure prompts generate intended results and can be used by other users to replicate those results.
+2. Add the prompt to `README.md` using the following markdown template:
+ `## Prompt Title`
+ `Contributed by: [@github_username](https://github.com/github_profile)`
+ `> prompt content`
+ - Note: If your prompt was generated by ChatGPT, append `Generated by ChatGPT` to the "Contributed by" line.
+3. Add the prompt to `prompts.csv`.
+ - Put the prompt title in the `act` column, and the prompt itself in the `prompt` column.
+4. Submit a pull request on the repository's main branch.
+ - If possible, provide some documentation of how you tested your prompt and the kinds of results you received.
+ - Be sure to include a detailed title and description.
+### New Prompt Checklist:
+- [ ] I've confirmed the prompt works well
+- [ ] I've added `Contributed by: [@yourusername](https://github.com/yourusername)`
+- [ ] I've added to the README.md
+- [ ] I've added to the `prompts.csv`
+ - [ ] Escaped quotes by double-quoting them
+ - [ ] Removed "Act as" from the title on CSV
+Please ensure these requirements are met before submitting a pull request.