diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3a0463d..2d284e0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -94,6 +94,28 @@ The _unofficial_ ChatGPT desktop application provides a convenient way to access --- +## Prompting libraries & tools + +- [YiVal](https://github.com/YiVal/YiVal) — Evaluate and Evolve: YiVal is an open-source GenAI-Ops tool for tuning and evaluating prompts, configurations, and model parameters using customizable datasets, evaluation methods, and improvement strategies. +- [Guidance](https://github.com/microsoft/guidance) — A handy-looking Python library from Microsoft that uses Handlebars templating to interleave generation, prompting, and logical control. +- [LangChain](https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain) — A popular Python/JavaScript library for chaining sequences of language model prompts. +- [FLAML (A Fast Library for Automated Machine Learning & Tuning)](https://microsoft.github.io/FLAML/docs/Getting-Started/): A Python library for automating selection of models, hyperparameters, and other tunable choices. +- [Chainlit](https://docs.chainlit.io/overview) — A Python library for making chatbot interfaces. +- [Guardrails.ai](https://shreyar.github.io/guardrails/) — A Python library for validating outputs and retrying failures. Still in alpha, so expect sharp edges and bugs. +- [Semantic Kernel](https://github.com/microsoft/semantic-kernel) — A Python/C#/Java library from Microsoft that supports prompt templating, function chaining, vectorized memory, and intelligent planning. +- [Prompttools](https://github.com/hegelai/prompttools) — Open-source Python tools for testing and evaluating models, vector DBs, and prompts. +- [Outlines](https://github.com/normal-computing/outlines) — A Python library that provides a domain-specific language to simplify prompting and constrain generation. +- [Promptify](https://github.com/promptslab/Promptify) — A small Python library for using language models to perform NLP tasks. +- [Scale Spellbook](https://scale.com/spellbook) — A paid product for building, comparing, and shipping language model apps. +- [PromptPerfect](https://promptperfect.jina.ai/prompts) — A paid product for testing and improving prompts. +- [Weights & Biases](https://wandb.ai/site/solutions/llmops) — A paid product for tracking model training and prompt engineering experiments. +- [OpenAI Evals](https://github.com/openai/evals) — An open-source library for evaluating task performance of language models and prompts. +- [LlamaIndex](https://github.com/jerryjliu/llama_index) — A Python library for augmenting LLM apps with data. +- [Arthur Shield](https://www.arthur.ai/get-started) — A paid product for detecting toxicity, hallucination, prompt injection, etc. +- [LMQL](https://lmql.ai) — A programming language for LLM interaction with support for typed prompting, control flow, constraints, and tools. + +--- + # Prompts ## ChatGPT SEO prompts