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@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
公开密钥算法总是要基于一个数学上的难题。比如RSA 依据的是:给定两个素数p、q 很容易相乘得到n,而对n进行因式分解却相对困难。那椭圆曲线上有什么难题呢?
![Trapdoor function](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/Trapdoor_permutation.svg/300px-Trapdoor_permutation.svg.png)
K=kG [其中 K,G为Ep(a,b)上的点,k为小于n(n是点G的阶)的整数]
@ -99,3 +101,5 @@ B可以每次都到CA的网站上(或者什么别的官方途径)获得CA的
1. [数字签名是什么?](http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2011/08/what_is_a_digital_signature.html)
2. [比特币背后的密码学原理](https://www.jianshu.com/p/225ff9439132)
3. [《区块链原理设计与应用》第5章:密码学与安全技术](https://github.com/yjjnls/books/blob/master/block%20chain/%E5%8C%BA%E5%9D%97%E9%93%BE%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86%E3%80%81%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1%E4%B8%8E%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8.pdf)
4. [Secure Hash Algorithms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Hash_Algorithms)
5. [Digital Signature Algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Signature_Algorithm)
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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@ -5,12 +5,107 @@ The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that
<font color=#0099ff size=3>**This is not a simple collection of Internet resources, but verified and organized data ensuring it's really suitable for your learning process and uesful for your development and application.**</font>
Majority of the contents will be written in Chinese, English will also be included.
The repository will be continually updated.
## Contents
- [Awesome Blockchain](#awesome-blockchain-awesomehttpsgithubcomyjjnlsawesome-blockchain)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) & Answers](#frequently-asked-questions-faqs--answers)
- [Basic Introduction](#basic-introduction)
- [Further Extesnsion](#further-extesnsion)
- [Books](#books)
- [Talk Notes](#talk-notes)
- [Development Tutorial](#development-tutorial)
- [BitCoin](#bitcoin)
- [Ethereum](#ethereum)
- [Fabric](#fabric)
- [Releated Tools](#releated-tools)
- [Solidity](#solidity)
- [truffle](#truffle)
- [web3.js](#web3js)
- [Projects and Applications](#projects-and-applications)
- [Monero](#monero)
- [IOTA](#iota)
- [EOS](#eos)
- [IFPS](#ifps)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
## Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) & Answers
**Q: What's a Blockchain?**
A: A blockchain is a distributed database with a list (that is, chain) of records (that is, blocks) linked and secured by
digital fingerprints (that is, cryptho hashes).
Example from [`blockchain.rb`](https://github.com/openblockchains/awesome-blockchains/blob/master/blockchain.rb/blockchain.rb):
@timestamp = 1637-09-15 20:52:38,
@data = "Genesis",
@previous_hash = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
@hash = "edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b">,
@timestamp = 1637-09-15 21:02:38,
@data = "Transaction Data...",
@previous_hash = "edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b",
@hash = "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743">,
@timestamp = 1637-09-15 21:12:38,
@data = "Transaction Data......",
@previous_hash = "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743",
@hash = "be50017ee4bbcb33844b3dc2b7c4e476d46569b5df5762d14ceba9355f0a85f4">,
**Q: What's a Hash? What's a (One-Way) Crypto(graphic) Hash Digest Checksum**?
A: A hash e.g. `eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743`
is a small digest checksum calculated
with a one-way crypto(graphic) hash digest checksum function
e.g. SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256 Bits)
from the data. Example from [`blockchain.rb`](blockchain.rb/blockchain.rb):
def calc_hash
sha = Digest::SHA256.new
sha.update( @timestamp.to_s + @previous_hash + @data )
sha.hexdigest ## returns "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743"
A blockchain uses
- the block timestamp (e.g. `1637-09-15 20:52:38`) and
- the hash from the previous block (e.g. `edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b`) and finally
- the block data (e.g. `Transaction Data...`)
to calculate the new hash digest checksum, that is, the hash
e.g. `be50017ee4bbcb33844b3dc2b7c4e476d46569b5df5762d14ceba9355f0a85f4`.
**Q: What's a Merkle Tree?**
A: A Merkle tree is a hash tree named after Ralph Merkle who patented the concept in 1979
(the patent expired in 2002). A hash tree is a generalization of hash lists or hash chains where every leaf node (in the tree) is labelled with a data block and every non-leaf node (in the tree)
is labelled with the crypto(graphic) hash of the labels of its child nodes. For more see the [Merkle tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree) Wikipedia Article.
Note: By adding crypto(graphic) hash functions you can "merkelize" any data structure.
**Q: What's a Merkelized DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)?**
A: It's a blockchain secured by crypto(graphic) hashes that uses a directed acyclic graph data structure (instead of linear "classic" linked list).
Note: Git uses merkelized dag (directed acyclic graph)s for its blockchains.
**Q: Is the Git Repo a Blockchain?**
A: Yes, every branch in the git repo is a blockchain.
The "classic" Satoshi-blockchain is like a git repo with a single master branch (only).
## Basic Introduction
@ -19,6 +114,7 @@ The repository will be continually updated.
* [账户与交易模型](./Basic/account.md)
- [ ] 比特币基础知识
- [ ] 以太坊基础知识
- [ ] 链上治理
- [ ] 数字交易所基础知识
- [ ] 应用与思考
* [数字货币排行](https://coinmarketcap.com/)
@ -28,6 +124,145 @@ The repository will be continually updated.
* [区块链技术指南](https://yeasy.gitbooks.io/blockchain_guide/content/)
* [区块链原理、设计与应用](https://github.com/yjjnls/books/blob/master/block%20chain/%E5%8C%BA%E5%9D%97%E9%93%BE%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86%E3%80%81%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1%E4%B8%8E%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8.pdf)
* [区块链 从数字货币到信用社会](https://github.com/yjjnls/books/blob/master/block%20chain/%E5%8C%BA%E5%9D%97%E9%93%BE%20%E4%BB%8E%E6%95%B0%E5%AD%97%E8%B4%A7%E5%B8%81%E5%88%B0%E4%BF%A1%E7%94%A8%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A.pdf)
* [**Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum & Smart Contracts**](https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/table-of-contents/) by David Gerard, London, 2017 --
_What is a bitcoin? ++
The Bitcoin ideology ++
The incredible promises of Bitcoin! ++
Early Bitcoin: the rise to the first bubble ++
How Bitcoin mining centralised ++
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? ++
Spending bitcoins in 2017 ++
Trading bitcoins in 2017: the second crypto bubble ++
Altcoins ++
Smart contracts, stupid humans ++
Business bafflegab, but on the Blockchain ++
Case study: Why you can’t put the music industry on a blockchain_
* [**Mastering Bitcoin - Programming the Open Blockchain**](https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/second_edition/ch09.asciidoc) 2nd Edition,
by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, 2017 - FREE (Online Source Version) --
_What Is Bitcoin? ++
How Bitcoin Works ++
Bitcoin Core: The Reference Implementation ++
Keys, Addresses ++
Wallets ++
Transactions ++
Advanced Transactions and Scripting ++
The Bitcoin Network ++
The Blockchain ++
Mining and Consensus ++
Bitcoin Security ++
Blockchain Applications_
* [**Programming Blockchains in Ruby from Scratch Step-by-Step Starting w/ Crypto Hashes... ( Beta / Rough Draft )**](https://github.com/yukimotopress/programming-blockchains-step-by-step)
by Gerald Bauer et al, 2018 - FREE (Online Version) --
_(Crypto) Hash ++
(Crypto) Block ++
(Crypto) Block with Proof-of-Work ++
Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! ++
Blockchain Broken? ++
Timestamping ++
Mining, Mining, Mining - What's Your Hash Rate? ++
Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin ++
(Crypto) Block with Transactions (Tx)_
* [**Programming Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains in Ruby ( Beta / Rough Draft )**](http://yukimotopress.github.io/blockchains)
by Gerald Bauer et al, 2018 - FREE (Online Version) @ Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf --
_Digital $$$ Alchemy - What's a Blockchain? -
How-To Turn Digital Bits Into $$$ or €€€? •
Decentralize Payments. Decentralize Transactions. Decentralize Blockchains. •
The Proof of the Pudding is ... The Bitcoin (BTC) Blockchain(s)
Building Blockchains from Scratch -
A Blockchain in Ruby in 20 Lines! A Blockchain is a Data Structure •
What about Proof-of-Work? What about Consensus? •
Find the Lucky Number - Nonce == Number Used Once
Adding Transactions -
The World's Worst Database - Bitcoin Blockchain Mining •
Tulips on the Blockchain! Adding Transactions
Blockchain Lite -
Basic Blocks •
Proof-of-Work Blocks •
Merkle Tree -
Build Your Own Crypto Hash Trees; Grow Your Own Money on Trees •
What's a Merkle Tree? •
Central Bank -
Run Your Own Federated Central Bank Nodes on the Blockchain Peer-to-Peer over HTTP •
Inside Mining - Printing Cryptos, Cryptos, Cryptos on the Blockchain
Awesome Crypto
Case Studies - Dutch Gulden • Shilling • CryptoKitties (and CryptoCopycats)_
* [**Blockchain for Dummies, IBM Limited Edition**](https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/what-is-blockchain.html) by Manav Gupta, 2017 - FREE (Digital Download w/ Email) --
_Grasping Blockchain Fundamentals ++
Taking a Look at How Blockchain Works ++
Propelling Business with Blockchains ++
Blockchain in Action: Use Cases ++
Hyperledger, a Linux Foundation Project ++
Ten Steps to Your First Blockchain application_
* [**Get Rich Quick "Business Blockchain" Bible - The Secrets of Free Easy Money**](https://github.com/bitsblocks/get-rich-quick-bible), 2018 - FREE --
_Step 1: Sell hot air. How? ++
Step 2: Pump up your tokens. How? ++
Step 3: Revolutionize the World. How?_
* [**Mastering Ethereum - Building Contract Services and Decentralized Apps on the Blockchain**](https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook) -
by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood, 2018 - FREE (Online Source Version)
_What is Ethereum ++
Introduction ++
Ethereum Clients ++
Ethereum Testnets ++
Keys and Addresses ++
Wallets ++
Transactions ++
Contract Services ++
Tokens ++
Oracles ++
Accounting & Gas ++
EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) ++
Consensus ++
DevP2P (Peer-To-Peer) Protocol ++
Dev Tools and Frameworks ++
Decentralized Apps ++
Ethereum Standards (EIPs/ERCs)_
* [**Building Decentralized Apps on the Ethereum Blockchain**](https://www.manning.com/books/building-ethereum-dapps) by Roberto Infante, 2018 - FREE chapter 1 --
_Understanding decentralized applications ++
The Ethereum blockchain ++
Building contract services in (JavaScript-like) Solidity ++
Running contract services on the Ethereum blockchain ++
Developing Ethereum Decentralized apps with Truffle ++
Best design and security practice_
* [**Best of Bitcoin Maximalist - Scammers, Morons, Clowns, Shills & BagHODLers - Inside The New New Crypto Ponzi Economics**](https://github.com/bitsblocks/bitcoin-maximalist), 2018 - FREE
* [**Crypto Facts - Decentralize Payments - Efficient, Low Cost, Fair, Clean - True or False?**](https://github.com/bitsblocks/crypto-facts), 2018 - FREE
* [**IslandCoin White Paper - A Pen and Paper Cash System - How to Run a Blockchain on a Deserted Island**](https://github.com/bitsblocks/islandcoin-whitepaper)
by Tal Kol --
_Motivation ++
Consensus ++
Transaction and Block Specification -
Transaction format •
Block format •
Genesis block ++
### Talk Notes
- [**Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! - Build Your Own Blockchains in JavaScript from Zero (Scratch)**](https://github.com/geraldb/talks/blob/master/blockchain.md) by Gerald Bauer, Vienna.js, September 2017
- [**Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! - Build Your Own Blockchains in Ruby from Zero (Scratch)**](https://github.com/geraldb/talks/blob/master/blockchain_ruby.md) by Gerald Bauer, Vienna.rb, Dezember 2017
- [**Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger -- Inside (Hyper) Ledger Lite - Add Transactions One Block at a Time and Balance the Accounts (Books)**](https://github.com/geraldb/talks/blob/master/hyperledger.md) by Gerald Bauer, Hyperledger Vienna, March 2018
- [**Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! - Build Your Own Blockchains in Go from Zero (Scratch)**](https://github.com/geraldb/talks/blob/master/blockchain_go.md) by Gerald Bauer, Vienna.go, April 2018
## Development Tutorial
### [BitCoin](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin)
Reference in New Issue
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