2018-10-27 00:24:29 +08:00
2018-12-11 23:49:05 +08:00
- [IOTA ](#iota )
- [Blogs & Sites ](#blogs--sites )
- [Articles ](#articles )
- [Videos ](#videos )
- [Wallets ](#wallets )
- [Tools ](#tools )
- [Developers ](#developers )
- [Official by the IOTA Foundation ](#official-by-the-iota-foundation )
- [Non Official ](#non-official )
- [Libraries ](#libraries )
- [Managment ](#managment )
- [Payment ](#payment )
- [Deployment ](#deployment )
- [Other ](#other )
2018-10-27 00:24:29 +08:00
## Blogs & Sites
*Blogs & Sites about IOTA*
* [IOTA Blog ](https://blog.iota.org ) - Official Blog of IOTA
* [All About IOTA ](https://aboutiota.info/ ) - All About IOTA
* [IOTA Support ](http://www.iotasupport.com ) - IOTA Support - Your guide to the world of IOTA
* [The Tangler ](http://www.tangleblog.com ) - No Bells And Whistles, Just Information
* [IOTA Stack Exchange ](https://iota.stackexchange.com/ ) - IOTA Stack Exchange
* [IOTA Steemit Trending ](https://steemit.com/trending/iota ) - IOTA Steemit
* [TrustedIoTAlliance ](https://www.trustediot.org ) - Securing IoT products with Blockchain.
* [IOTA Tips ](http://www.iota.tips ) - IOTA Tips
* [IOTA News ](http://iota.news ) - IOTA News
* [レオンハルトジャパン公式BLOG ](http://lhj.hatenablog.jp/entry/iota ) - IOTA 日本語情報サイト
## Articles
*Articles about IOTA*
* [IOTA Development Roadmap ](https://blog.iota.org/iota-development-roadmap-74741f37ed01 ) - IOTA Development Roadmap
* [insights.ubuntu.com ](https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/02/20/iota-iot-revolutionized-with-a-ledger/ ) - IOTA: IoT revolutionised with a ledger
* [blog.iota.org ](https://blog.iota.org/automating-machine-transactions-and-building-trust-in-the-4th-industrial-revolution-d3219a157396 ) - Automating Machine Transactions and Building Trust in the 4th Industrial Revolution
* [satoshiwatch.com ](https://satoshiwatch.com/coins/iota/in-depth/iota-the-winner-takes/ ) - The Winner Takes it All
* [Crypto Judgement ](https://medium.com/@cryptojudgement/iota-promise-of-a-bright-crypto-future-6b7517349e32 ) - IOTA: Promise of a bright crypto-future
* [energycentral.com ](https://medium.com/@ercwl/iota-is-centralized-6289246e7b4d ) - Genuine Peer-to-Peer Processing Makes IOTA Tangle What Bitcoin Blockchains Should Be
* [constellationr.com ](https://www.constellationr.com/blog-news/blockchain-or-distributed-ledger-defining-requirement-not-technology-0 ) - Blockchain or Distributed Ledger? Defining the requirement, not the technology
* [IOTA Ecosystem Fund ](https://blog.iota.org/iota-ecosystem-fund-2-million-f6ade6a4d8ba ) - IOTA Ecosystem Fund ($2 million)
## Videos
*Videos about IOTA*
* [What is IOTA? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj9j_a_ACB4 ) - IOTA - What is IOTA? What is the tangle technology? The Bitcoin killer?
* [Boxmining ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwEp5cexTJE ) - What is IOTA in a Nutshell
* [Ivan on Tech ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Y4KykzCaI ) - IOTA and Machine to Machine Economy | Programmer explains
* [Introducing IOTA ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBGFIQPZR6A ) - Introducing IOTA - new crypto
* [Next Generation Blockchain ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbhkao9Lobk ) - IOTA - Next Generation Blockchain
* [New Crypto ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn64REtS2gY ) - New Crypto IOTA
* [Discover IOTA ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h09z2N0MtuQ ) - Discover IOTA
* [General Overview for Beginners ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2azqzNKERMY ) - General Overview for Beginners
* [This is IOTA ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyVLq13WfsE ) - This is IOTA
* [IOTA - The Next Level ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM_XhH6N2zc ) - IOTA - The Next Level
* [What is IOT? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S64s3GrZlSM ) - What is IOT?
* [How it works: The IOT ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSIPNhOiMoE ) - How it works: The IOT
* [Welcome to the IOTA universe ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5sEevHBLN8 ) - Welcome to the IOTA universe
* [IOTA coin ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUNkglQhC8Y ) - IOTA coin
* [IOTA ecosystem fund ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RLIIKr4CQY ) - IOTA ecosystem fund
## Wallets
*IOTA Wallets*
* [Trinity Wallet ](https://github.com/iotaledger/trinity-wallet ) - IOTA - Trinity Wallet (Desktop and Mobile)
## Tools
*3rd party tools on IOTA*
* [Tangle Blox ](https://tangle.blox.pm ) - IOTA Tangle
* [IOTA Tools ](http://iota.tools ) - IOTA tools
* [IOTA Price ](http://iotaprice.com ) - IOTA Price
* [IOTA Cool ](http://iota.cool ) - IOTA cool tools
* [IOTA Balance Lookup ](http://iotabalance.com/ ) - Minimalist IOTA Balance Lookup
* [tangler.org ](http://tangler.org/ ) - IOTA Tangle Explorer
* [codebuffet.co ](https://iota.codebuffet.co/ ) - IOTA Tangle Explorer
* [iotasear.ch ](https://iotasear.ch ) - IOTA Tangle Explorer
* [thetangle.org ](https://thetangle.org/ ) - IOTA Tangle Explorer
## Developers
*Links to developing IOTA Applications*
### Official by the IOTA Foundation
* [Documentation ](https://iota.readme.io/v1.1.0/docs ) - Documentation of IOTA
* [The IOTA Developer Hub ](https://iota.readme.io ) - The IOTA Developer Hub
* [Get Started with IOTA ](https://learn.iota.org ) - The best way to learn more about IOTA through interactive developer tutorials
* [The IOTA Developer Hub ](https://dev.iota.org ) - Start Developing with IOTA
* [iota.lib.csharp ](https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.lib.csharp ) - Iota.Lib.Csharp
* [iota.lib.py ](https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.lib.py ) - PyOTA: The IOTA Python API Library
* [iota.lib.js ](https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.lib.js ) - IOTA Javascript Library
* [iota.rs ](https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.rs ) - IOTA implementation ( rust )
* [iota.lib.go ](https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.lib.go ) - gIOTA: The IOTA Go API Library
* [iota.lib.java ](https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.lib.java ) - JOTA library is a simple Java wrapper around IOTA
* [curl.lib.js ](https://github.com/iotaledger/curl.lib.js ) - IOTA Proof-of-Work algorithm ported to Javascript to work in WebGL2-enabled browsers
### Non Official
#### Libraries
* [.NET library ](https://github.com/Borlay/Borlay.Iota.Library ) - .NET library written in C#
* [IOTA C++ library ](https://github.com/thibault-martinez/iota.lib.cpp ) A IRI client library in C++ for IRI
* [IOTA address utilities ](https://github.com/pRizz/IOTA-Address-Utilities ) A library to working with IOTA addresses
* [IOTA C Library ](https://github.com/th0br0/iota.lib.c ) A C library to generate seeds, addresses etc.
#### Managment
* [IOTA peer manager ](https://github.com/akashgoswami/ipm ) - A peer (neighbors) management WebUI for IRI
* [Open IOTA ](https://github.com/pRizz/open-iota ) A open tangle explorer web app
* [IOTA Search ](https://github.com/eukaryote31/iotasearch ) A web app for exploring addresses, transactions etc.
* [IOTA dashboard ](https://github.com/lsquires/iota-dashboard ) A tangle visualiser
* [IOTA transaction spammer ](https://github.com/pRizz/iota-transaction-spammer-webapp ) A web app transaction spammer
* [IOTA Reattacher ](https://github.com/normpad/IOTA-Reattacher ) A app which finds valid transactions and reattach them
* [IOTA full-node CLI ](https://github.com/nazarimilad/iota-node ) A CLI to manage a full-node
#### Payment
* [PayIOTA ](https://github.com/lacicloud/payiota ) A IOTA pay-gateway for PHP
#### Deployment
* [Docker IRI full-node ](https://github.com/bluedigits/iota-node ) A dockerized full-node
* [IRI playbook ](https://github.com/nuriel77/iri-playbook ) A ansible playbook to setup a IRI full-node
#### Other
* [Bolero ](https://github.com/SemkoDev/bolero.fun ) A cross-platform full-node
* [CarrIOTA Nelson ](https://github.com/SemkoDev/nelson.cli ) Neighbor discovery for a IRI full-node
* [IOTAtipbot ](https://github.com/normpad/iotatipbot ) A tip bot for reddit
* [Tanglestash ](https://github.com/loehnertz/Tanglestash ) An algorithm to persist any file onto the tangle of IOTA
* [Iota-Auth ](https://github.com/thedewpoint/iotauth ) 2FA built on the Iota Tangle
* [Iota-Basic ](https://github.com/thedewpoint/iota-basic ) Basic implementation of Iota api allowing easy interactions with the network (in progress)
* [Iota-Prom-Exporter ](https://github.com/crholliday/iota-prom-exporter ) Prometheus exporter for IOTA Metrics and associated Grafana dashboard
* [TangleID ](https://github.com/TangleID/TangleID ) Secure self-sovereign identity built on IOTA/Tangle