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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
# Awesome Bash [](https://awesome.re)
> A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.
In addition to this list, you should read the list [awesome-shell](https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell). It is a curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. You may also want to check [awesome-zsh](https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins) or [awesome-fish](https://github.com/bucaran/awesome-fish). If you are looking for more lists, check [sindresorhus/awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome).
## Books and Resources
- [The Bash-Hackers Wiki](https://web.archive.org/web/20230406205817/https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/) - Human-readable documentation of any kind about GNU Bash.
- [Bash beginner's mistakes](https://web.archive.org/web/20230330234404/https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/newbie_traps) - List of Bash beginner mistakes (by the Bash-Hackers Wiki).
- [Bash Guide](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide) - A bash guide for beginners (by Lhunath).
- [Bash FAQ](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ) - Answers most of your questions (by Lhunath).
- [Bash Pitfalls](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls) - Lists the common pitfalls beginners fall into, and how to avoid them.
- [Bash manual](http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/) - Bourne-Again Shell manual.
- [Bash FAQ](http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/FAQ) (by [Chet Ramey](http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/))
- [Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide](http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/) - An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting.
- [Bash Guide for Beginners](http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/) - Bash guide for beginners (by Machtelt Garrels).
- [Bash Programming - Intro/How-to](http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html#toc)
- [bash-handbook](https://github.com/denysdovhan/bash-handbook) - A handbook for those who want to learn Bash without diving in too deeply.
- [Google's Shell Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html) - Reasonable advice about code style.
- [Sobell's Book](http://www.sobell.com/CR3/index.html) - A practical guide to commands, editors, and shell programming.
- [WikiBooks: Bash Shell Scripting](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Bash_Shell_Scripting)
- [Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)](http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/)
- [learnyoubash](https://github.com/denysdovhan/learnyoubash) - An interactive workshopper which will teach you how to use the terminal and write your the first Bash script.
- [Defensive BASH Programming](https://web.archive.org/web/20180917174959/http://www.kfirlavi.com/blog/2012/11/14/defensive-bash-programming) - Methods to defend your programs from breaking as well as keeping the code tidy and clean.
- [Pure Bash Bible](https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible) - A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- [explainshell](https://explainshell.com) - A website that breaks down and explains shell (Bash) commands (including their flags and options).
- [Safe ways to do things in bash](https://github.com/anordal/shellharden/blob/master/how_to_do_things_safely_in_bash.md) - How to do things safely in Bash.
## Command-Line Productivity
*Search, bookmarks, multiplexing, and other tools that make your terminal experience more productive.*
- [aliases](https://github.com/sebglazebrook/aliases) - Contextual, dynamic, organized aliases for the bash shell.
- [bashhub](https://github.com/rcaloras/bashhub-client) - Bash history in the cloud. Indexed and searchable :cloud:.
- [bashhub-server](https://github.com/nicksherron/bashhub-server) - Privately hosted open source bashhub server.
- [bashmarks](https://github.com/huyng/bashmarks) - Directory bookmarks for the shell.
- [ble.sh](https://github.com/akinomyoga/ble.sh) - User-friendly and feature rich readline replacement, with syntax highlighting, better command completion, and improved multi-line editing.
- [commacd](https://github.com/shyiko/commacd) - A faster way to move around in Bash.
- [has](https://github.com/kdabir/has) - `has` helps you check presence of various command line tools and their versions on path.
- [hstr](https://github.com/dvorka/hstr) - Bash History Suggest Box.
- [qfc](https://github.com/pindexis/qfc) - File-completion widget for Bash and Zsh.
- [sshrc](https://github.com/cdown/sshrc) - Bring your .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. with you when you SSH.
- [utility-bash-scripts](https://github.com/aviaryan/utility-bash-scripts) - Useful bash scripts to do automatable tasks with a single command.
- [zoxide](https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide) - A better way to navigate your filesystem. Written in Rust, cross-shell, and much faster than other autojumpers.
## Customization
*Custom prompts, color themes, etc.*
- [aphrodite-terminal-theme](https://github.com/win0err/aphrodite-terminal-theme) - Minimalistic theme (prompt) for sexy terminals.
- [bash-git-prompt](https://github.com/magicmonty/bash-git-prompt) - An informative and fancy Bash prompt for Git users.
- [bash-powerline](https://github.com/riobard/bash-powerline) - Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script.
- [bashstrap](https://github.com/barryclark/bashstrap) - A quick way to spruce up macOS terminal.
- [git-prompt](https://github.com/lvv/git-prompt) - Bash prompt with Git, SVN and HG modules.
- [gittify](https://github.com/momeni/gittify) - A colorful Bash prompt + customized Git aliases.
- [liquidprompt](https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt) - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh.
- [LS_COLORS](https://github.com/trapd00r/LS_COLORS) - A collection of LS_COLORS definitions.
- [mysql-colorize](https://github.com/horosgrisa/mysql-colorize.bash) - Colorization for mysql comand-line client.
- [oh-my-git](https://github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git) - An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh.
- [progress-bar.sh](https://github.com/edouard-lopez/progress-bar.sh) - Simple & sexy progressbar for `bash`, give it a duration and it will do the rest.
- [sexy-bash-prompt](https://github.com/twolfson/sexy-bash-prompt) - Bash prompt with colors, Git statuses, and Git branches.
- [bash-sensible](https://github.com/mrzool/bash-sensible) - An attempt at saner Bash defaults.
## Data
*Tools for working with data.*
- [BigBash](https://github.com/zalando/bigbash) - Open-source converter that generates a bash one-liner from an SQL Select query, no database necessary.
## For Developers
*Command-line development, version control, and deployment.*
- [bocker](https://github.com/p8952/bocker) - Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash.
- [git-sh](https://github.com/rtomayko/git-sh) - A customized Bash environment suitable for Git work.
- [mkdkr](https://github.com/rosineygp/mkdkr) - Make + Docker + Shell = CI Pipeline.
## Downloading and Serving
*Self-hosted, lightweight servers and networking tools written in shell scripts.*
- [balls](https://github.com/jneen/balls) - Bash on Balls.
- [bashttpd](https://github.com/avleen/bashttpd) - A web server written in Bash.
- [sherver](https://github.com/remileduc/sherver) - Pure Bash lightweight web server.
- [httpd.sh](https://github.com/cemeyer/httpd.sh) - A trivial web server in bash, using ctypes.sh.
- [Bash-web-server](https://github.com/dzove855/Bash-web-server) - A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc.
- [bash-stack](https://github.com/cgsdev0/bash-stack) - modern web framework in bash.
- [Dropbox-Uploader](https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader) - Dropbox Uploader is a Bash script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox.
- [ngincat](https://github.com/jaburns/ngincat) - Tiny Bash HTTP server using netcat.
- [xiringuito](https://github.com/ivanilves/xiringuito) - SSH-based VPN for poors.
## Applications
*Command line-based applications or command line access to existing services.*
- [bashblog](https://github.com/cfenollosa/bashblog) - A Bash script that handles blog posting.
- [pushbullet-bash](https://github.com/Red5d/pushbullet-bash) - Bash interface to the PushBullet API.
- [todo.sh](https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt-cli) - A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
- [cheapci](https://github.com/ianmiell/cheapci) - A continuous integration framework implemented in bash.
## Games
*All work and no play is a cruddy way to spend your day.*
- [bash2048](https://github.com/mydzor/bash2048) - Bash implementation of 2048 game.
- [minesweeper](https://github.com/feherke/Bash-script/tree/master/minesweeper) - Bash implementation of minesweeper.
- [wordle](https://gist.github.com/huytd/6a1a6a7b34a0d0abcac00b47e3d01513) - Wordle in less than 50 lines of Bash.
## Website
- [Bash One-Liners](http://www.bashoneliners.com/) - A collection of practical or just pure awesome bash one-liners ([repos](https://github.com/janosgyerik/bashoneliners) by @[janosgyerik](https://github.com/janosgyerik)).
- [commandlinefu](http://www.commandlinefu.com/) - A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands.
## Shell Package Management
*Tools for managing multiple shell configurations.*
- [bash-it](https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it) - A community Bash framework.
- [basher](https://github.com/basherpm/basher) - A package manager for shell scripts.
- [bpkg](https://github.com/bpkg/bpkg) - A lightweight bash package manager.
- [homeshick](https://github.com/andsens/homeshick) - Git dotfile synchronizer written in Bash.
## Shell Script Development
*Tools for writing, improving, or organizing Bash or other shell scripts*
- [ansi](https://github.com/fidian/ansi) - ANSI escape codes in pure bash - change text color, position the cursor, much more.
- [argbash](https://github.com/matejak/argbash) - Bash argument parsing code generator.
- [assert.sh](https://github.com/lehmannro/assert.sh) - Bash unit testing framework.
- [async-bash](https://github.com/zombieleet/async-bash) - Implementation of async functions in bash.
- [bats](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core) - Bash Automated Testing System.
- [bash3boilerplate](https://github.com/kvz/bash3boilerplate) - Templates to write better Bash scripts.
- [bashful](https://github.com/jmcantrell/bashful) - A collection of libraries to simplify writing Bash scripts.
- [bashify](https://github.com/zombieleet/bashify) - Few helper functions in bash (especially string manipulation functions).
- [bashing](https://github.com/xsc/bashing) - Smashing Bash into Pieces - Bash framework for creating command line tools.
- [bashly](https://github.com/DannyBen/bashly) - Bash command line framework and CLI generator.
- [bashmanager](https://github.com/lingtalfi/bashmanager) - Mini bash framework for creating command line tools.
- [Bashmatic](https://github.com/kigster/bashmatic) - An easy to use DSL library for building BASH-based tooling & installers (900+ functions).
- [bunit](https://github.com/rafritts/bunit) - A unit testing framework for Bash scripts.
- [Bash Infinity](https://github.com/niieani/bash-oo-framework) - A modern boilerplate / framework / standard library for bash.
- [bash-modules](https://github.com/vlisivka/bash-modules) - A collection of modules for unofficial strict mode.
- [bash_unit](https://github.com/pgrange/bash_unit) - Bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals.
- [bashunit](https://github.com/TypedDevs/bashunit) - A simple testing library for bash scripts.
- [mo](https://github.com/tests-always-included/mo) - Mustache templates in pure bash.
- [semver_bash](https://github.com/cloudflare/semver_bash) - Semantic Versioning in Bash.
- [shellcheck](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) - A static analysis tool for shell scripts.
- [shellharden](https://github.com/anordal/shellharden) - The corrective bash syntax highlighter.
- [shfmt](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) - Format bash programs.
- [shunit2](https://github.com/kward/shunit2) - A unit test framework for Bash scripts with a flavour of JUnit/PyUnit.
- [DevOps-Bash-tools](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools) - 750+ DevOps Shell Scripts and Advanced Bash environment.
- [modernish](https://github.com/modernish/modernish) - Library with various features for shell scripting.
## Just for fun
- [pokeget](https://github.com/talwat/pokeget) - Displays sprites of pokemon in the terminal.
## Community
- [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bash) - Bash tag on Stack Overflow.
- [/r/bash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bash) - A subreddit dedicated to bash scripting.
- [/r/commandline](https://www.reddit.com/r/commandline) - For anything regarding the command line, in any operating system.
- [#bash](https://web.libera.chat/?nick=Guest&#bash) - IRC channel on Libera.Chat. The main contributors of the BashGuide, BashFAQ, BashPitfalls and ShellCheck hang around there.
## Other Awesome Lists
Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in [awesome-awesome](https://github.com/emijrp/awesome-awesome) and [awesome-awesomeness](https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness).
## Contribute
Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines](contributing.md) first.
## License
To the extent possible under law, aloisdg has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
@ -4,16 +4,45 @@ Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](c
Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Make sure you take care of this
- And this as well
- And don't forget to check this
## App to be submitted
Thank you for your suggestions!
Note, however, that not everything will be considered. The aim of the list is to provide a concise set of awesome Bash scripts and resources. This means that suggestions should, where applicable:
- Use or refer to Bash directly (i.e. there are more appropriate Awesome Lists tracking general CLI tools).
- Do one thing and do it well.
- Have a free and open source license.
- Be easy to install.
- Be well documented.
- Have a decently active community and engaged ownership.
## Pull Request Style
#### Ground Rules
- No duplicates.
- Individual pull request for each suggestion.
- For source code repositories:
- The repository is older than 90 days.
- The repository has more than 50 stars.
- For non-source resource lins:
- Include links to positive discussions indicating this resource has a strong, positive community backing, e.g. a [Reddit](https://reddit.com/), [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/), [Lobster](https://lobste.rs/), or similiar post.
#### Formatting & Style
- The pull request shall be titled: `Add ITEM_NAME`.
- The item is added at the bottom of the relevant category.
- Use the following format: `[ITEM_NAME](LINK) - DESCRIPTION.`
- Description starts with a capital and ends with a full stop (period).
- Try to keep it short and concise.
- No trailing whitespace.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
### Other Pull Requests
Pull requests that introduce new categories or improve the readme are always welcome! In that case feel free to disregard the given structure above.
### Updating your PR
A lot of times, making a PR adhere to the standards above can be difficult. If the maintainers notice anything that we'd like changed, we'll ask you to edit your PR before we merge it. There's no need to open a new PR, just edit the existing one. If you're not sure how to do that, [here is a guide](https://github.com/RichardLitt/knowledge/blob/master/github/amending-a-commit-guide.md) on the different ways you can update your PR so that we can merge it.
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
# Awesome Bash [](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome)
> A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.
*Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing.*
In addition of this list, you should read the list [awesome-shell](https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell). It is a curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. You may also want to check [awesome-zsh](https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins) or [awesome-fish](https://github.com/bucaran/awesome-fish). If you are looking for more lists, check [awesome-link](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome).
## Books and Resources
- [The Bash-Hackers Wiki](http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/doku.php) - Human-readable documentation of any kind about GNU Bash
- [Bash beginner's mistakes](http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/newbie_traps) (by the Bash-Hackers Wiki)
- [Bash Guide](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide) - A bash guide for beginners. (by Lhunath)
- [Bash FAQ](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ) - Answers most of your questions (by Lhunath)
- [Bash Pitfalls](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls) - Lists the common pitfalls beginners fall into, and how to avoid them
- [Bash manual](http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/) - Bourne-Again SHell manual
- [Bash FAQ](http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/FAQ) (by [Chet Ramey](http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/))
- [Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide](http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/) - An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting
- [Bash Guide for Beginners](http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/) (by Machtelt Garrels)
- [Bash Programming - Intro/How-to](http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html#toc)
- [bash-handbook](https://github.com/denysdovhan/bash-handbook) - A handbook for those who want to learn Bash without diving in too deeply
- [Google's Shell Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/shell.xml) - Reasonable advice about code style
- [Sobell's Book](http://www.sobell.com/CR3/index.html) - A practical guide to commands, editors, and shell programming
- [WikiBooks: Bash Shell Scripting](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Bash_Shell_Scripting)
- [Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)](http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/)
- [learnyoubash](https://github.com/denysdovhan/learnyoubash) - An interactive workshopper which will learn you how to use the terminal and write your the first Bash script.
- [Defensive BASH Programming](http://www.kfirlavi.com/blog/2012/11/14/defensive-bash-programming/) - Methods to defend your programs from breaking as well as keeping the code tidy and clean.
- [Pure Bash Bible](https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible) - A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
## Command-Line Productivity
*Search, bookmarks, multiplexing, and other tools that make your terminal experience more productive.*
- [aliases](https://github.com/sebglazebrook/aliases) - Contextual, dynamic, organized aliases for the bash shell
- [bashhub](https://github.com/rcaloras/bashhub-client) - :cloud: Bash history in the cloud. Indexed and searchable.
- [bashmarks](https://github.com/huyng/bashmarks) - Directory bookmarks for the shell
- [commacd](https://github.com/shyiko/commacd) - A faster way to move around in Bash
- [has](https://github.com/kdabir/has) - `has` helps you check presence of various command line tools and their versions on path
- [hstr](https://github.com/dvorka/hstr) - Bash History Suggest Box
- [qfc](https://github.com/pindexis/qfc) - File-completion widget for Bash and Zsh
- [sshrc](https://github.com/Russell91/sshrc) - Bring your .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. with you when you SSH
- [utility-bash-scripts](https://github.com/aviaryan/utility-bash-scripts) - Useful bash scripts to do automatable tasks with a single command
## Customization
*Custom prompts, color themes, etc.*
- [bash-git-prompt](https://github.com/magicmonty/bash-git-prompt) - An informative and fancy Bash prompt for Git users
- [bash-powerline](https://github.com/riobard/bash-powerline) - Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script
- [bashstrap](https://github.com/barryclark/bashstrap) - A quick way to spruce up OSX terminal
- [git-prompt](https://github.com/lvv/git-prompt) - Bash prompt with Git, SVN and HG modules
- [gittify](https://github.com/momeni/gittify) - A colorful Bash prompt + customized Git aliases
- [liquidprompt](https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt) - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh
- [mysql-colorize](https://github.com/horosgrisa/mysql-colorize.bash) - Colorization for mysql comand-line client
- [oh-my-git](https://github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git) - An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh
- [progress-bar.sh](https://github.com/edouard-lopez/progress-bar.sh) - Simple & sexy progressbar for `bash`, give it a duration and it will do the rest .
- [sexy-bash-prompt](https://github.com/twolfson/sexy-bash-prompt) - Bash prompt with colors, Git statuses, and Git branches
- [bash-sensible](https://github.com/mrzool/bash-sensible) - An attempt at saner Bash defaults
## Data
*Tools for working with data.*
- [BigBash](https://github.com/zalando/bigbash) - Open-source converter that generates a bash one-liner from an SQL Select query, no database necessary
## For Developers
*Command-line development, version control, and deployment.*
- [bocker](https://github.com/p8952/bocker) - Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash
- [git-sh](https://github.com/rtomayko/git-sh) - A customized Bash environment suitable for Git work
## Downloading and Serving
*Self-hosted, lightweight servers and networking tools written in shell scripts.*
- [balls](https://github.com/jneen/balls) - Bash on Balls
- [bashttpd](https://github.com/avleen/bashttpd) - A web server written in Bash
- [Dropbox-Uploader](https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader) - Dropbox Uploader is a Bash script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox
- [ngincat](https://github.com/jaburns/ngincat) - Tiny Bash HTTP server using netcat
- [xiringuito](https://github.com/ivanilves/xiringuito) - SSH-based VPN for poors
## Applications
*Command line-based applications or command line access to existing services.*
- [bashblog](https://github.com/cfenollosa/bashblog) - A Bash script that handles blog posting
- [pushbullet-bash](https://github.com/Red5d/pushbullet-bash) - Bash interface to the PushBullet API
- [todo.sh](https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt-cli) - A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file
- [cheapci](https://github.com/ianmiell/cheapci) - A continuous integration framework implemented in bash
## Games
*All work and no play is a cruddy way to spend your day.*
- [bash2048](https://github.com/mydzor/bash2048) - Bash implementation of 2048 game
- [minesweeper](https://github.com/feherke/Bash-script/tree/master/minesweeper) - Bash implementation of minesweeper
- [solitaire](https://opensource-usability.blogspot.com/2016/10/solitaire-in-bash-script.html) - Bash implementation of solitaire
## Website
- [Bash One-Liners](http://www.bashoneliners.com/) - A collection of practical or just pure awesome bash one-liners ([repos](https://github.com/janosgyerik/bashoneliners) by @[janosgyerik](https://github.com/janosgyerik))
- [commandlinefu](http://www.commandlinefu.com/) - A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands
## Shell Package Management
*Tools for managing multiple shell configurations.*
- [bash-it](https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it) - A community Bash framework
- [basher](https://github.com/basherpm/basher) - A package manager for shell scripts
- [bpkg](https://github.com/bpkg/bpkg) - A lightweight bash package manager
- [homeshick](https://github.com/andsens/homeshick) - Git dotfile synchronizer written in Bash
## Shell Script Development
*Tools for writing, improving, or organizing Bash or other shell scripts*
- [ansi](https://github.com/fidian/ansi) - ANSI escape codes in pure bash - change text color, position the cursor, much more
- [argbash](https://github.com/matejak/argbash) - Bash argument parsing code generator
- [assert.sh](https://github.com/lehmannro/assert.sh) - Bash unit testing framework
- [BashScriptTestingLibrary](https://github.com/rafritts/BashScriptTestingLibrary) - A unit testing framework for Bash scripts
- [bash3boilerplate](https://github.com/kvz/bash3boilerplate) - Templates to write better Bash scripts
- [bashful](https://github.com/jmcantrell/bashful) - A collection of libraries to simplify writing Bash scripts
- [bashmanager](https://github.com/lingtalfi/bashmanager) - mini bash framework for creating command line tools
- [bats](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats) - Bash Automated Testing System
- [bash_unit](https://github.com/pgrange/bash_unit) - bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals
- [mo](https://github.com/tests-always-included/mo) - Mustache templates in pure bash
- [semver_bash](https://github.com/cloudflare/semver_bash) - Semantic Versioning in Bash
- [shfmt](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) - Format bash programs
- [shunit2](https://github.com/kward/shunit2) - A unit test framework for Bash scripts with a flavour of JUnit/PyUnit
- [bashing](https://github.com/xsc/bashing) - Smashing Bash into Pieces - Bash framework for creating command line tools
## Community
- [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bash) - Bash tag on Stack Overflow
- [/r/Bash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bash) - A subreddit dedicated to bash scripting
- [/r/CommandLine](https://www.reddit.com/r/commandline) - for anything regarding the command line, in any operating system
- [#bash](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bash) - IRC channel on freenode. The main contributors of the BashGuide, BashFAQ, BashPitfalls and ShellCheck hang around there
# Other Awesome Lists
Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in [awesome-awesome](https://github.com/emijrp/awesome-awesome) and [awesome-awesomeness](https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness).
## Contribute
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## License
To the extent possible under law, aloisdg has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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