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2020-08-14 18:39:47 +01:00
# [awesome-apisec](https://github.com/arainho/awesome-apisec)
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
**A collection of awesome API Security tools and resources.**
2020-08-14 18:25:03 +01:00
## Awesome Repositories
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:25:03 +01:00
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2020-08-14 18:35:55 +01:00
[awesome-security-apis](https://github.com/jaegeral/security-apis)| A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in security
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
## Tools
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
---- | ----
2020-08-14 18:32:38 +01:00
[Arjun](https://github.com/s0md3v/Arjun) | HTTP parameter discovery suite
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
[fuzzapi](https://github.com/Fuzzapi/fuzzapi)| Fuzzapi is a tool used for REST API pentesting and uses API_Fuzzer gem
[kiterunner](https://github.com/assetnote/kiterunner)| Contextual Content Discovery Tool
[MindAPI](https://github.com/dsopas/MindAPI)| Organize your API security assessment by using MindAPI
[Astra](https://github.com/flipkart-incubator/Astra) | Automated Security Testing For REST API's
[Automatic API Attack Tool](https://github.com/imperva/automatic-api-attack-tool) | Imperva's customizable API attack tool takes an API specification as an input, generates and runs attacks that are based on it as an output.
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
## Cheatsheets
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
---- | ----
[REST Security Cheat Sheet](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/REST_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html) | REST Security - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
[REST Assessment Cheat Sheet](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/REST_Assessment_Cheat_Sheet.html) | REST Assessment - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
[OWASP API Security Top 10](https://apisecurity.io/encyclopedia/content/owasp-api-security-top-10-cheat-sheet-a4.pdf) | 42Crunch - OWASP API Security Top 10
[GraphQL Cheat Sheet](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/GraphQL_Cheat_Sheet.html) | GraphQL - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
[Microservices Security Cheat Sheet](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Microservices_security.html) | Microservices - OWASP Security Cheat Sheet
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
## Wiki's / Encyclopedias / GitBook's
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
---- | ----
[API Security Encyclopedia](https://apisecurity.io/encyclopedia/content/api-security-encyclopedia.htm) | APIsecurity.io - API Security Encyclopedia
[Web API Pentesting](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting/pentesting-web/web-api-pentesting) | HackTricks - Web API Pentesting
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
2020-08-14 18:28:53 +01:00
## Checklist
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:28:53 +01:00
---- | ----
2020-08-14 18:36:22 +01:00
[API-Security-Checklist](https://github.com/shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist) | Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
## Training / Labs
Name | Description
2021-03-07 00:24:26 +00:00
---- | ----
[Kontra - OWASP Top 10 for API](https://application.security/free/owasp-top-10-API) | Is a series of free interactive application security training modules that teach developers how to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in their web API endpoints.
2021-05-14 09:11:47 +01:00
[Pentesting Lab: vAPI](https://github.com/roottusk/vapi) | vAPI is Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable PHP Interface that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios in the means of Exercises.
## Enumeration / Scanning
Name | Description
---- | ----
[Burp Enumeration](https://portswigger.net/support/using-burp-to-enumerate-a-rest-api) | Using Burp to Enumerate a REST API
[ZAP Scanning](https://www.zaproxy.org/blog/2017-06-19-scanning-apis-with-zap/) | Scanning APIs with ZAP
## Fuzzing / SecLists
Name | Description
---- | ----
[List of API endpoints & objects](https://gist.github.com/yassineaboukir/8e12adefbd505ef704674ad6ad48743d) | A list of 3203 common API endpoints and objects designed for fuzzing.
[SecLists for API's web-content discovery](https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/tree/master/Discovery/Web-Content/api) | It is a collection of web content discovery lists for APIs used during security assessments.
[GraphQL SecList](https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/blob/master/Discovery/Web-Content/graphql.txt) | It's a GraphQL list used during security assessments, collected in one place.
## Deliberately vulnerable APIs
Name | Description
---- | ----
[crAPI](https://github.com/OWASP/crAPI) | completely ridiculous API (crAPI)
[VAmPI](https://github.com/erev0s/VAmPI)| Vulnerable REST API with OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for APIs
[dvws-node](https://github.com/snoopysecurity/dvws-node) | Damn Vulnerable Web Service is a vulnerable web service/API/application that can be used to learn webservices/API vulnerabilities.
[DamnVulnerableMicroServices](https://github.com/ne0z/DamnVulnerableMicroServices) | This is vulnerable microservice written in many language to demonstrating OWASP API Top Security Risk (under development)
[Damn-Vulnerable-GraphQL-Application](https://github.com/dolevf/Damn-Vulnerable-GraphQL-Application)| Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application is an intentionally vulnerable implementation of Facebook's GraphQL technology, to learn and practice GraphQL Security.
2020-08-16 21:59:16 +01:00
## Presentations / Videos
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:32:38 +01:00
---- | ----
[API hacking for Inexperienced hacker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqmyAxfGV9c) | API hacking for the Actually Pretty Inexperienced hacker with Katie Paxton-Fear - OWASP DevSlop
2020-08-14 18:32:38 +01:00
[pentesting-rest-apis](https://www.slideshare.net/OWASPdelhi/pentesting-rest-apis-by-gaurang-bhatnagar) | Pentesting Rest API's by :- Gaurang Bhatnagar
2020-08-14 18:33:51 +01:00
[Securing your APIs](https://owasp.org/www-chapter-singapore/assets/presos/Securing_your_APIs_-_OWASP_API_Top_10_2019,_Real-life_Case.pdf) | “How Secure are you APIs?” - Securing your APIs: OWASP API Top 10 2019, Case Study and Demo
2020-08-16 21:59:16 +01:00
[api-security-testing-for-hackers](https://www.bugcrowd.com/resources/webinars/api-security-testing-for-hackers) | API Security Testing For Hackers
[bad-api-hapi-hackers](https://www.bugcrowd.com/resources/webinars/bad-api-hapi-hackers)| Bad API, hAPI Hackers!
2020-08-19 22:14:21 +01:00
[disclosing-information-via-your-apis](https://www.bugcrowd.com/resources/webinars/hidden-in-plain-site-disclosing-information-via-your-apis/) | Hidden in Plain Site: Disclosing Information via Your APIs
2020-08-17 15:26:40 +01:00
[rest-in-peace-abusing-graphql](https://www.bugcrowd.com/resources/webinars/rest-in-peace-abusing-graphql-to-attack-underlying-infrastructure) | REST in Peace: Abusing GraphQL to Attack Underlying Infrastructure
2020-08-14 18:32:38 +01:00
## Podcasts
Podcast | Description
---- | ----
[Podcast: Hacking APIs](https://forallsecure.com/blog/the-hacker-mind-podcast-hacking-apis) | The Hacker Mind Podcast: Hacking APIs
## Projects
2021-05-14 09:13:04 +01:00
Project | Description
2021-05-14 09:14:20 +01:00
---- | ----
[owasp api security project](https://owasp.org/www-project-api-security/) | OWASP API Security Project - API Security Top 10
2021-05-14 09:13:04 +01:00
## Newsletters
Newsletter | Description
2021-05-14 09:14:20 +01:00
---- | ----
2021-05-14 09:11:47 +01:00
[api security articles](https://apisecurity.io/#newsletter1) | API Security Articles - The Latest API Security News, Vulnerabilities & Best Practices
## Other useful resources
Name | Description
2020-08-14 18:18:44 +01:00
---- | ----
2020-09-20 01:20:46 +01:00
[31-days-of-API-Security-Tips](https://github.com/smodnix/31-days-of-API-Security-Tips) | This challenge is Inon Shkedy's 31 days API Security Tips.
2020-08-14 18:25:03 +01:00
[Awesome REST](https://github.com/marmelab/awesome-rest) | A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance. Feel free to contribute to this on-going list.
2020-08-14 18:27:46 +01:00
[How to design a REST API ](https://blog.octo.com/en/design-a-rest-api) | How to design a REST API? - Full guide tackling security, pagination, filtering, versioning, partial answers, CORS, etc.
[API Penetration Testing](https://blog.securelayer7.net/api-penetration-testing-with-owasp-2017-test-cases) | API Penetration Testing with OWASP 2017 Test Cases
2020-08-14 18:39:01 +01:00
[api-security-testing-how-to-hack](https://smartbear.com/blog/test-and-monitor/api-security-testing-how-to-hack-an-api-part-1/)| API Security Testing How to Hack an API and Get Away with It (Part 1 of 3)
[GraphQL penetration testing](https://blog.yeswehack.com/yeswerhackers/how-exploit-graphql-endpoint-bug-bounty/) | How to exploit GraphQL endpoint: introspection, query, mutations & tools