# Awesome Ansible [![Awesome](https://awesome.re/badge.svg)](https://awesome.re) > A collaborative curated list of awesome Ansible resources, tools, Roles, tutorials and other related stuff. Ansible is an open source toolkit, written in Python, it is used for Configuration Management, Application Deployment, Continuous Delivery, IT infrastructure automation and automation in general. ## Contents - [Official resources](#official-resources) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Books](#books) - [Videos](#videos) - [Tools](#tools) - [Blogposts and opinions](#blogposts-and-opinions) - [Playbooks and Roles](#playbooks-and-roles) - [Uncategorized](#uncategorized) ## Official resources > Official Resources by and for Ansible. - [Ansible Site](https://www.ansible.com/) - Ansible Company Site. - [Latest Ansible Documentation](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/index.html) - Latest user guide and documentation for Ansible. - [Ansible Galaxy Website](https://galaxy.ansible.com/) - Official Repository and community site for Ansible Roles. - [Ansible Blog](https://www.ansible.com/blog) - Official Ansible Blog. ## Tutorials > Tutorials and Courses to learn Ansible. - [Ansible Tutorials on DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tags/ansible?subtype=tutorial) - Some basic tutorials on DigitalOcean.com. - [Ansible Tutorial by leucos](https://github.com/leucos/ansible-tuto) - 12 Step Tutorial for Ansible. - [Programming Community Curated Resources for learning Ansible](https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-ansible) - A list of recommended resources. - [Ansible TopTechSkills.com Tutorial Series on Ansible](https://www.toptechskills.com/ansible-tutorials-courses/) - Tutorials on how to Install and use Ansible. ## Books > Books about Ansible. - [Ansible for DevOps](https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/) - Great Ansible Book, Free sample can be read [here](https://leanpub.com/ansible-for-devops/read_sample). ## Videos - [Ansible YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPJo5UY1KsP7J1BuHmiWNzQ) - Official Ansible YouTube channel. - [Introduction to Ansible](https://youtu.be/iVWmbStE1MM) - Introduction to Ansible by Cloud Academy. - [Ansible TopTechSkills.com Tutorial Series on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMyOob-UkeytIleCbMlFfCzaunOh27hm6) - Video Tutorials on Ansible. ## Tools > Tools for and using Ansible. - [Ansible Tower](https://www.ansible.com/products/tower) - Ansible Tower by Red Hat helps you scale IT automation, manage complex deployments and speed productivity. Extend the power of Ansible to your entire team. - [AWX](https://github.com/ansible/awx) - AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is the upstream project for Tower, a commercial derivative of AWX. - [Ansible Lint](https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint) - Checks Playbooks for best practices and behavior that could potentially be improved. - [Ansible Later](https://github.com/xoxys/ansible-later) - Another best practice scanner. Checks Playbooks and Roles for best practices and behavior that could potentially be improved. - [Ansible Doctor](https://github.com/xoxys/ansible-doctor) - Simple annotation like documentation generator for Ansible roles based on Jinja2 templates. - [Ansible cmdb](https://github.com/fboender/ansible-cmdb) - Takes the output of Ansible's fact gathering and converts it into a static HTML page. - [ARA, Ansible Run Analysis](https://github.com/ansible-community/ara) - ARA records Ansible Playbook runs and makes the recorded data available and intuitive for users and systems. - [Mitogen for Ansible](https://mitogen.networkgenomics.com/ansible_detailed.html) - Speed up Ansible substantially with Mitogen. - [Molecule](https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) - Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles. - [Packer Ansible Provisioner](https://packer.io/docs/provisioners/ansible-local.html ) - This Provisioner can be used to automate VM Image Creation via Packer with Ansible. - [Excel Ansible Inventory](https://github.com/KeyboardInterrupt/ansible_xlsx_inventory) - Turn any Excel Spreadsheet into an Ansible Inventory. ## Blogposts and opinions > Best Practices and other Opinions on Ansible. - [Ansible (Real Life) Good Practices](https://reinteractive.com/posts/167-ansible-real-life-good-practices) - Best practice guidelines. - [Testing Ansible Roles Against Windows with Test-Kitchen](https://hodgkins.io/testing-ansible-roles-windows-test-kitchen) - Using Test-Kitchen with Ansible to apply playbooks to Windows machines and test them with [Pester](https://github.com/pester/Pester/). - [Ansible Best Practices by AndiDog](https://andidog.de/blog/2017-04-24-ansible-best-practices) - Practices covering many aspects of an Ansible setup, including hints to support different environments (testing, staging, production). ## Playbooks and Roles > Awesome Production ready Playbooks and Roles to get you up and running. - [Ansible Vagrant Examples by geerlingguy](https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-vagrant-examples) - Ansible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs. - [Ansible playbook for Linux machine setup](https://github.com/olivomarco/my-ansible-linux-setup) - Ansible playbook for setting up a self-updating, hardened Debian/Ubuntu machine with Docker daemon. - [System Hardening Framework/Roles](https://galaxy.ansible.com/dev-sec/) - These Roles help you harden your Linux Based OS as well as MySQl, NginX and SSH Server/Services. - [T.A.D.S. boilerplate](https://github.com/Thomvaill/tads-boilerplate) - Provision and deploy a Docker Swarm cluster to development environment and to production. Infrastructure as Code and DevOps best practices. - [Openstack Ansible](https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible) - Ansible Playbooks for deploying [OpenStack](https://www.openstack.org/). - [DebOps](https://docs.debops.org/en/master/) - A extensive collection of Debian based Ansible Playbooks. ## Uncategorized > Ansible related Stuff that does not fit one of the other Categories. - [terraform.py](https://github.com/mantl/terraform.py) - Ansible dynamic inventory script for parsing Terraform state files.