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## Awesome Actions [](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome)
> A curated list of awesome things related to [Github Actions](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js).
> A curated list of awesome things related to [Github Actions](https://github.com/features/actions).
Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Universal Vue.js Applications.
With GitHub Actions you can automate your workflow from idea to production.
## Contents
- [Official Resources](#official-resources)
- [Community](#community)
- [Modules](#modules)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Mention of Nuxt.js](#mention-of-nuxtjs)
- [Showcase](#showcase)
- [Community Resources](#community-resources)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Blogs](#blogs)
- [Books](#books)
- [Starter Template](#starter-template)
- [Official Examples](#official-examples)
- [Projects Using Nuxt.js](#projects-using-nuxtjs)
### Official Resources
- [Official Guide](https://nuxtjs.org/guide)
- [API Reference](https://nuxtjs.org/api)
- [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js)
- [Release Notes](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/releases)
- [Official Site](https://github.com/features/actions)
- [Documentation](https://developer.github.com/actions/)
- [Official Actions Collection](https://github.com/actions)
### Community
### Community Resources
- [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9jj5YMzo-HsyM6WG9Q_Lg)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/nuxt_js)
- [Gitter Chat Room](https://gitter.im/nuxt/nuxt.js)
- [Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/VApZF5W)
### Modules
#### Official
- [PWA](https://github.com/nuxt-community/pwa-module) - ⚡ Supercharge Nuxt with a heavily tested, updated and stable PWA solution.
- [Axios](https://github.com/nuxt-community/axios-module) - Secure and easy Axios integration with Nuxt.js.
- [Apollo](https://github.com/nuxt-community/apollo-module) - Nuxt.js module to use vue-apollo (integrates graphql-tag loader to parse .gql & .graphql files).
- [Auth](https://github.com/nuxt-community/auth-module) - Authentication module for Nuxt.js.
- [Dotenv](https://github.com/nuxt-community/dotenv-module) - Loads your .env file into your application context.
- [Google-analytics](https://github.com/nuxt-community/analytics-module) - Google Analytics integration for Nuxt.js with vue-analytics.
- [Sitemap](https://github.com/nuxt-community/sitemap-module) - Automatically generate or serve dynamic `sitemap.xml` for Nuxt.js projects.
- [Nuxtent](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxtent-module) - Seamlessly use content files in your Nuxt.js sites.
- [Blog](https://github.com/nuxt-community/blog-module) - Create a blog with Nuxt.
- [Router](https://github.com/nuxt-community/router-module) - Nuxt.js module to use router.js instead of pages/ directory.
- [OAuth](https://github.com/samtgarson/nuxt-oauth) - Simple OAuth2 integration for your Nuxt app.
- [Sentry](https://github.com/nuxt-community/sentry-module) - Enables error logging through [Sentry](https://sentry.io).
- [Webpack Monitor](https://github.com/nuxt-community/webpackmonitor-module) - Monitor nuxt webpack optimization metrics using [webpackmonitor](https://github.com/webpackmonitor/webpackmonitor).
- [AdSense](https://github.com/nuxt-community/adsense-module) - Google AdSense integration for Nuxt.js.
- [Vuetify](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/vuetify) - Material Component Framework.
- [Browserconfig](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/browserconfig) - Adds XML browser configuration support.
- [Bulma](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/bulma) - Leverage bulma CSS.
- [Component-cache](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/component-cache) - vue-server-renderer has built-in support for component-level caching. This module automatically adds a LRU cache to project.
- [Font-awesome](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/font-awesome) - Leverage Font Awesome the iconic font and CSS toolkit.
- [Font-awesome 5](https://github.com/Qonfucius/nuxt-fontawesome) - Use fontawesome 5 as a nuxtJS module.
- [Google-tag-manager](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/google-tag-manager) - Add Google Tag Manager (GTM) to your nuxt.js application. This plugins automatically sends first page and route change events to GTM.
- [Localtunnel](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/localtunnel) - Localtunnel exposes your localhost to the world for easy testing and sharing! No need to mess with DNS or deploy just to have others test out your changes.
- [Markdownit](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/markdownit) - Using markdownit-loader and markdown-it.
- [Toast](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/toast) - Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for Nuxt.js using vue-toasted.
- [Vendor](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/vendor) - This awesome little modules creates junction symlinks from nodule_modules into static/vendor so you can directly serve node modules inside web. Useful for runtime dependencies.
- [Yandex-metrika](https://github.com/nuxt-community/modules/tree/master/packages/yandex-metrika) - Add Yandex Metrika to your nuxt.js application.
- [Feed](https://github.com/nuxt-community/feed-module) - Add RSS, ATOM and JSON feeds to your application.
- [Redirect](https://github.com/nuxt-community/redirect-module) - Simplify setting up correct URL redirection with NuxtJS. No more cumbersome redirects!
- [I18n](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxt-i18n) - Add i18n capabilities to your Nuxt project.
- [Separate Env](https://github.com/nuxt-community/separate-env-module) - Tear apart your variables and split them up for client/server bundle!
#### Community
- [Xui](https://github.com/MetaCorp/xui-module) - Light module to help design websites with Nuxt.
- [WP-API](https://github.com/yashha/wp-nuxt) - Easy WordPress Api [WP-API](https://github.com/WP-API/node-wpapi) integration for you Nuxt app.
- [BootstrapVue](https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/#nuxt-js) - Bootstrap v4 components and grid system for Nuxt.js.
- [SocialMeta](https://github.com/AlekseyPleshkov/nuxt-social-meta) - Generate meta-tags for social network - Facebook and Twitter.
- [Vue Material](https://github.com/vaso2/nuxt-vue-material) - Vue Material framework integration with Nuxt.
- [Simple Line Icons](https://github.com/vaso2/nuxt-simple-line-icons) - Simple Line Icons for Nuxt.
- [nuxt-sass-resources-loader](https://github.com/anteriovieira/nuxt-sass-resources-loader) - SASS resources (e.g. variables, mixins etc.) module for NuxtJs.
- [laravel-nuxt](https://github.com/skyrpex/laravel-nuxt-js) - Build a SPA with Laravel and Nuxt.
- [cookie-universal-nuxt](https://github.com/microcipcip/cookie-universal/tree/master/packages/cookie-universal-nuxt) - Universal cookie plugin for Nuxt, perfect for SSR.
- [Buefy](https://github.com/buefy/nuxt-buefy) - Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma for Nuxt.
- [Font Awesome 5](https://github.com/vaso2/nuxt-fontawesome) - Alternative module for Fontawesome 5 integration with ES6 imports and tree shaking.
- [Matomo](https://github.com/pimlie/nuxt-matomo) - Matomo/Piwik integration for Nuxt.
- [RealFaviconGenerator Icons](https://github.com/pimlie/nuxt-rfg-icon) - Automatically generate favicons and app icons using RealFaviconGenerator.net's api.
- [Nuxt Validate](https://github.com/lewyuburi/nuxt-validate) Simple Nuxt input validation module using vee-validate.
- [nuxt-bulma-slim](https://github.com/mustardamus/nuxt-bulma-slim) - Module to automatically make a slim Bulma build of used features.
- [Nuxt7](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxt7) - Framework7-Vue Nuxt integration.
- [Leaflet.js](https://github.com/schlunsen/nuxt-leaflet) - Leaflet.js integration for Nuxt.
- [Nuxt Express](https://github.com/uptownhr/nuxt-express-module) - Express module for Nuxt (hot reload).
- [Vue.js Warehouse](https://github.com/bazzite/vue-warehouse) - Cross-browser storage for Vue.js and Nuxt.js, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on Store.js.
- [nuxt-ts-module](https://github.com/chanlito/nuxt-ts-module) - Tiny module to use TypesScript within Nuxt.js application.
- [nuxt-typescript](https://github.com/wagerfield/nuxt-typescript) - Lightening fast type checking and linting with TypeScript and TSLint.
- [nurdism/nuxtjs-electron](https://github.com/nurdism/nuxtjs-electron) - Utility module that helps you work with electron inside nuxt.
- [nuxt-babel](https://github.com/wemake-services/nuxt-babel) - Use normal `.babelrc` file with your Nuxt app.
- [nuxt-imagemin](https://github.com/wemake-services/nuxt-imagemin) - Nuxt module to minify your images. Works with: `png`, `jpeg`, `gif`, and `svg`.
- [nuxt-neo](https://github.com/ezypeeze/nuxt-neo) - Create your middleware api using a universal access point approach from your vue pages.
- [nuxt-mq](https://github.com/vanhoofmaarten/nuxt-mq) - vue-mq module for Nuxt.js.
- [kenticocloud-nuxt-module](https://github.com/Domitnator/kenticocloud-nuxt-module) - Add Kentico Cloud super power to your nuxt app.
- [nuxt-client-init-module](https://github.com/potato4d/nuxt-client-init-module) - Provide client version of nuxtServerInit.
- [Nuxt Webpack Dashboard](https://github.com/paulgv/nuxt-webpackdashboard) - Webpack Dashboard integration for Nuxt.
- [Nuxt Vuex Router Sync](https://github.com/paulgv/nuxt-vuex-router-sync) - [vuex-router-sync](https://github.com/vuejs/vuex-router-sync) integration for Nuxt.
- [nuxt-rollbar-module](https://github.com/zevran/nuxt-rollbar-module) - Rollbar module for NuxtJS.
- [Nuxt Image Loader Module](https://github.com/reallifedigital/nuxt-image-loader-module) -
A Nuxt module to automatically resize, rotate, blur, watermark and crop images.
- [Nuxt-Storage](https://github.com/mazipan/nuxt-storage) - Utilities for easy read and write browser's storage in Nuxt.js project.
- [nuxt-svg-loader](https://github.com/Developmint/nuxt-svg-loader) - Load your SVGs as you'd load your Vue components.
### Tools
- [nuxt-community/nuxt-generate-cluster](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxt-generate-cluster) - Multi-threaded generator command for nuxt.js.
- [acidjazz/aeonian](https://github.com/acidjazz/aeonian) - Automate the deployment of your Nuxt.js project on AWS S3 + CloudFront.
### Mention of Nuxt.js
- [Evan You - State of Vue | VueConf 2017](https://youtu.be/lG0Ys-2d4MA?t=9m25s)
- [Sean Larkin - (Webpack) Code splitting patterns in Vue.js | VueConf 2017](https://youtu.be/rn97hCNQsKI?t=12m20s)
- [Sarah Drasner - Animating Vue | VueConf 2017](https://youtu.be/gJDyhmL9O_E?t=23m48s)
- [Addy Osmani - Production Progressive Web Apps With JavaScript Frameworks | Google I/O '17](https://youtu.be/aCMbSyngXB4?t=34m45s)
- [Guillermo Rauch - Static and Dynamic Next.js | JSHeroes 2017](https://youtu.be/lLNJsuXB4CI?t=36m50s)
### Showcase
- [homefinder.com](https://homefinder.com) - A nation-wide real estate portal in the US. Find or or sell your home on HomeFinder!
- [www.gamevix.com](https://www.gamevix.com/) - GameVix: Swap Video Game Discs - Spend much LESS 💰, play much MOAR 🎮! (Nuxt.js + Vuetify.js).
- [netsells.co.uk](https://netsells.co.uk/) - Web agency website based on Nuxt.js powered by a Laravel backend.
- [yineo.fr](https://yineo.fr/) - Freelance website based on Nuxt.js.
- [conf.vuejs.org](https://conf.vuejs.org) - Official Vue.js Conf 2017 website.
- [vuejsradar.com](http://www.vuejsradar.com/) - Vue.js blog and newsletter.
- [nuxtjs.org](https://nuxtjs.org) - Nuxt.js documentation website.
- [binbytes.com](https://www.binbytes.com) - Web & Mobile application development agency website based on Nuxt.js powered by a Laravel backend.
- [pro.ekiten.jp](https://pro.ekiten.jp) - Japanese matching website for professionals based on Nuxt.js powered by a Go backend on ECS.
- [homepinr.com](https://homepinr.com) - Dutch platform to show interest in houses.
- [incassolink.nl](https://incassolink.nl) - Search for a dept collection agency that suits your needs.
- [LibCrowds](https://github.com/LibCrowds/libcrowds) - Crowdsourcing platform built with Nuxt.js.
- [ZenEstate](https://bitbucket.org/timotheeHub/zenestate-client) - Singapore-based real estate agent search engine based on Nuxt.js.
- [travelme.jp](https://travelme.jp/articles/) - Website in Japan introducing a lot of travel articles.
- [tipe.io](https://tipe.io) - Meta CMS that allows you to create and manage your content with GraphQL or REST API.
- [BR Podcast](https://www.br.de/mediathek/podcast) - Podcast-Directory of the german broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk.
- [opportunitiis.com](https://www.opportunitiis.com/) - Tech industry based job listing site with Nuxt(PWA) application instances backed by Python(Flask) APIs.
- [Laboratório IMEC](https://www.laboratorioimec.com.br) - IMEC Pharmacy Website - Made in NuxtJS + WP-API.
- [Koala](https://au.koala.com) - Ecommerce Progressive Web Application made with Nuxt.js on top of Shopify.
- [Lichter.io](https://lichter.io) - Open-source portfolio website based on Nuxt.js and TailwindCSS.
- [sinitic.ai](https://www.sinitic.ai) - Web platform for building multilingual business chatbots.
- [Cygames Research](https://research.cygames.co.jp/) - Research website for Tokyo-based game company Cygames.
- [K-Beauty: Perfect Skin in 10 Steps](https://kbeauty.nigelbeauty.com/) - Korean skincare landing page by [jake101](https://jake101.com/).
- [Preisatlas](https://www.homeday.de/preisatlas/de-DE) - Real-tech (real estate) project, explore property prices for entire Germany - Project built with NuxtJS + Google Maps + Rest API.
- [Bunk](https://www.bunkhistory.org/) - Unique view for connecting topics and events to their context in American history (Nuxt.js + Rest API).
- [Data Science Institute, UVA](https://dsi.virginia.edu/) - Primary web expression for this pan-University institute (Nuxt.js + Drupal-powered Rest API).
- [Yearbook 2016–2017, Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, UVA](https://batten-yearbook.darden.virginia.edu/) - Static annual report.
- [MODULE-5.com](https://module-5.com/en/) - Industrial company site with portfolio, i18n.
- [academind.com](https://academind.com) - Online Education Site built with Nuxt.js (and teaching Nuxt.js!).
- [Holadu.com](https://holadu.com) - Holadu | Find events near you.
- [Cambridge Epigenetix](https://cambridge-epigenetix.com/) - Cambridge Epigenetix is pioneering the development and application of novel epigenetics-based diagnostics and therapeutics that will revolutionise the way we detect and treat disease.
- [Developmint.de](https://developmint.de/?ref=awesome-nuxt) - Company page built with NuxtJS and TailwindCSS, including i18n, meta/og-tags and more!
- [Maestromusic.today](https://maestromusic.today) - Classical music platform built with NuxtJS and WordPress REST API.
- [Path to Product](https://www.pathtoproduct.com) - Product management job board built with Nuxt, Rails API, and deployed to Netlify.
- [Teak & Twine](https://www.teakandtwine.com) - Custom e-commerce site built on Nuxt with a RESTful Laravel backend.
- [Parkmaven](https://parkmaven.com/?ref=awesome-nuxt) - Frontend for an online parking management platform, built on Nuxt + Adonis.js, powered by a Laravel API.
- [VuePeople](https://vuepeople.org) - VuePeople lists and connects Vue.JS developers around the world. Built with Nuxt + Axios, Proxy and Analytics module, on top of Django Rest Framework
- [Y-Verge](https://yverge.com) - Company website built with NuxtJS and all pages generated statically.
- [Bael Theme](https://bael-theme.jake101.com) - Free Nuxt.js-based blog template that [deploys to Netlify](http://templates.netlify.com/template/nuxt-bael-blog-template/) in one click. The backend runs on Netlify CMS and includes a serverless function for email newsletter sign up.
- [Cotabox](https://cotabox.com.br) - The commercial platform for supply chain and B2B sell's.
- [Deligram](https://www.deligram.com/) - Bangladesh based e-commerce website.
- [Cute never dies](https://cuteneverdies.com/) - Original mask design web shop. Integrates with Stripe's API.
- [beCamp](https://be.camp) - Open source website for a community-organized tech conference in Charlottesville, VA.
- [CrossFit 701](https://crossfit701.com) - Custom website designed with Nuxt and using [vue-observe-visibility](https://github.com/Akryum/vue-observe-visibility) plugin to create nice transitions and animations.
- [BTZhai](https://www.btzhai.top/) - Fast and modern torrent search engine, built on ElasticSearch + NuxtJS + Nuxt-i18n + SpringBoot. Searches and downloads the latest and hottest resources around the world!
- [Blogram](https://blogram.me) - Iranian microblogging platform.
- [Nunziella Design Portfolio](https://nunziellasalluce.com) - Digital Designer portfolio made with Nuxt.js and WordPress REST API.
- [Portfolio of Jenil Gogari - Computational Designer](https://jgog.in) - Crafted using Chota, Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Simple Icons. Typeface is Inter UI.
- [thesettlement.co.nz](https://thesettlement.co.nz) - Co Working Startup Based in Wellington, New Zealand. Developed with Vue.js & Nuxt.js.
- [COM-ENT Annual Report](http://www.communicationetentreprise.com/rapportannuel2017/) - COM-ENT Digital annual report. COM-ENT is a professionnal association for communication agencies and freelancers. Static site generated with Nuxt.js.
- [Amundi Annual Report](http://rapportannuel.amundi.com/fr/) - Amundi 1027 Digital annual report. Amundi is a french asset management company. Static site generated with Nuxt.js.
### Tutorials
- [A Tutorial to Bundle Cockpit CMS & Nuxt.js in a full JAMstack](https://snipcart.com/blog/cockpit-cms-tutorial-nuxtjs)
- [Simple Server Side Rendering, Routing, and Page Transitions with Nuxt.js](https://css-tricks.com/simple-server-side-rendering-routing-page-transitions-nuxt-js/)
- [Nuxt.js: A Universal Vue.js Application Framework](https://www.sitepoint.com/nuxt-js-universal-vue-js/)
- [Building a Personal Site with Nuxt.js](https://medium.com/@kenrogers/building-a-personal-site-with-nuxt-js-96e5703079)
- [Debugging Nuxt.js with Visual Studio Code](https://medium.com/@marshallswain/debugging-nuxt-js-with-visual-studio-code-724920140b8f)
- [Build Vue.js Apps with the Vue-CLI and Nuxt.js](https://egghead.io/lessons/vue-build-vue-js-apps-with-the-vue-cli-and-nuxt-js)
- [Build a Vue.js Website in 4 Steps](https://hackernoon.com/build-a-vue-js-website-in-4-steps-56dc5db8012b)
- [Role Based Authorization for your Vue.js and Nuxt.js Applications Using vue-kindergarten](https://medium.com/@JiriChara/role-based-authorization-for-your-vue-js-and-nuxt-js-applications-using-vue-kindergarten-fd483e013ec5)
- [Create and publish a Nuxt.js powered website on Github pages](https://hackernoon.com/create-and-publish-a-nuxt-powered-website-on-github-pages-3e922dfa7372)
- [Introduction To Server Rendered Vue.js Apps With Nuxt](https://medium.com/codingthesmartway-com-blog/introduction-to-server-rendered-vue-js-apps-with-nuxt-91dbfd80795a)
- [Simple Server Side Rendering, Routing, and Page Transitions with Nuxt](https://css-tricks.com/simple-server-side-rendering-routing-page-transitions-nuxt-js/)
- [Vue 基于 NUXT 的 SSR](http://orangexc.xyz/2016/12/27/Vue-nuxt-based-ssr)
- [深入 NUXT,看看一条命令行的背后到底发生了什么](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000008114613)
- [用 nuxt 开发部署一个 v2ex](http://orangexc.xyz/2017/06/19/N2ex)
- [Integrate Vue InstantSearch with Nuxt.js for server side rendered search with Algolia](https://community.algolia.com/vue-instantsearch/advanced/integrate-with-nuxt.html)
- [Handling server side rendering and SEO with nuxt.js](https://medium.com/@devlob/handling-server-side-rendering-and-seo-with-nuxt-js-fa8a2b0ae2ee)
- [Create a static site in 15 minutes or less using Vue/Nuxt and Netlify](https://codeburst.io/create-a-static-site-in-15-minutes-or-less-using-vue-js-e4e2a9945ee6)
- [A complete tutorial of Nuxt.js in Spanish 🇪🇸](https://github.com/i62navpm/Tutorial-Nuxt)
- [How to use a headless CMS with Nuxt](https://www.storyblok.com/tp/headless-cms-nuxtjs)
- [Using Nuxt with Firebase and Firebase Auth](https://ohdoylerules.com/web/nuxt-firebase-starter/)
- [Create and deploy a Nuxt.js application on Clever-Cloud in a few moments](https://medium.com/@k33g_org/create-and-deploy-a-nuxt-js-application-on-clever-cloud-in-a-few-moments-47474059d849)
- [The complete guide to build a full blown multilanguage website with Nuxt.js](https://www.storyblok.com/tp/nuxt-js-multilanguage-website-tutorial)
- [What Nuxt.js Is All About](https://academind.com/learn/vue-js/nuxt-js-tutorial-introduction/)
- [Create Awesome Vue.js Apps With Nuxt.js](https://school.programwitherik.com/p/create-awesome-vue-js-apps-with-nuxt-js)
- [Send Emails through Nuxt.js](https://blog.lichter.io/posts/sending-emails-through-nuxtjs?ref=awesome-nuxt)
- [Change the Nuxt.js server error page](https://blog.lichter.io/posts/change-the-nuxtjs-server-error-page?ref=awesome-nuxt)
- [Use Nuxt.js with Brotli compression](https://blog.lichter.io/posts/nuxtjs-on-brotli?ref=awesome-nuxt)
- [Cooking a Deliveroo clone with Nuxt (Vue.js), GraphQL, Strapi and Stripe - 🏗️ Setup (part 1/7)](https://blog.strapi.io/cooking-a-deliveroo-clone-with-nuxt-vue-js-graphql-strapi-and-stripe-setup-part-1-7/)
- [Firebase Server-Side Render Vue Apps with Nuxt.js (Server-side Rendering with JavaScript Frameworks)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYUWsjUxxUQ)
- [Firebase Measuring Vue SSR Performance with Nuxt.js (Server-side Rendering with JavaScript Frameworks)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5XX2lruhxs)
- [How to build a shop with Nuxt, Storyblok and Snipcart](https://www.storyblok.com/tp/how-to-build-a-shop-with-nuxt-storyblok-and-snipcart)
- [Implementing Authentication in a Nuxt.js App](https://scotch.io/tutorials/implementing-authentication-in-nuxtjs-app)
- [Learn NUXT 2 by Example - A Crash Course for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkrbIFZz_IM)
- [Quickly Building RESTful UI’s in NuxtJS](https://itnext.io/quickly-building-restful-uis-in-nuxtjs-782bce539440)
- [Introducing GitHub Actions](https://css-tricks.com/introducing-github-actions/)
### Blogs
- [blog.Lichter.io](https://blog.lichter.io/?ref=awesome-nuxt)
### Books
- [Nuxt.js beginners guide(Japanese)](https://github.com/potato4d/nuxt-beginners-guide) - Japan's first book that corresponds to Nuxt.js v2 and focuses on deep content(published by C&R Institute, author: HANATANI Takuma<[@potato4d](https://github.com/potato4d)>).
- [Nuxt tech book(Japanese)](https://potato4d.booth.pm/items/824745)
### Starter Template
- [nuxt-community/adonuxt](https://github.com/nuxt-community/adonuxt-template) - Starter template for Nuxt.js with AdonisJS.
- [nuxt-community/starter](https://github.com/nuxt-community/starter-template) - Nuxt.js starter project template.
- [nuxt-community/express](https://github.com/nuxt-community/express-template) - Starter template for Nuxt.js with Express.
- [nuxt-community/koa](https://github.com/nuxt-community/koa-template) - Starter template for Nuxt.js with KoaJS.
- [nuxt-community/electron](https://github.com/nuxt-community/electron-template) - Electron starter with nuxt.js.
- [nuxt-community/pwa](https://github.com/nuxt-community/pwa-template) - PWA template for vue-cli based on the starter template.
- [nuxt-community/typescript](https://github.com/nuxt-community/typescript-template) - Typescript starter with Nuxt.js.
- [vueniverse](https://github.com/rlindskog/vueniverse) - Vueniverse is a full-stack JavaScript starter project.
- [liyanlong/nuxt-egg](https://github.com/liyanlong/nuxt-egg) - Nuxt.js + Egg FrameWork.
- [nuxt-community/micro](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxt-micro-template) - Starter Template for Nuxt.js with [Micro](https://github.com/zeit/micro) instead of Express.
- [nuxt-community/module-template](https://github.com/nuxt-community/module-template) - Starter template for Nuxt.js Modules.
- [nuxt-community/nuxtent-template](https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxtent-template) - Starter template for content heavy sites.
- [cretueusebiu/laravel-nuxt](https://github.com/cretueusebiu/laravel-nuxt) - Nuxt.js + Laravel starter template with examples.
- [nekdolan/express-hot](https://github.com/nekdolan/express-template-hot) - Starter template based on express-template using hot reload.
- [vuetifyjs/nuxt](https://github.com/vuetifyjs/nuxt) - Nuxt.js + Vuetify.js starter project template.
- [ckgrafico/frontend-boilerplates](https://github.com/CKGrafico/Frontend-Boilerplates/tree/nuxt-dev) - Frontend Boilerplate using Nuxtjs + TypeScript + SASS + Some Frontend good practises.
- [nurdism/electron-nuxt-boilerplate](https://github.com/nurdism/electron-nuxt-boilerplate) - Electron application boilerplate based on nuxt for rapid application development.
- [wemake-vue-template](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-vue-template) - Bleeding edge `vue` + `nuxt` template focused on code quality and developer happiness. Including meaningful docs, `flow`, and `jest`.
- [galvez/nuxpress](https://github.com/galvez/nuxpress) - A Markdown blogging engine and boilerplate written in Nuxt.js
- [baisheng/nuxt-thinkjs3](https://github.com/baisheng/nuxt-thinkjs3) - Nuxt.js + Thinkjs FrameWork.
- [kavalcante/nuxt-element-apollo](https://github.com/kavalcante/nuxt-element-apollo) - Nuxt.js + Element (with custom Theme) + Apollo.
- [mandaputtra/nuxtbulma-starter](https://github.com/mandaputtra/nuxtbulma-starter) - Nuxt.js + Bulma project scafolding.
- [woodgates/feathers-nuxt](https://github.com/woodgates/feathers-nuxt) - Implementation of nuxt 1.4.2 with full template feathers 3.2.1 (expressjs, socket.io, hooks, etc).
- [bitkris-dev/bolide-nuxt-template](https://github.com/bitkris-dev/bolide-nuxt-template) - Question-based template (CSS framework choice + preinstalled modules).
### Docker
- [mrsunshine/docker-nuxt](https://github.com/mrsunshine/docker-nuxt) - Docker image to build and run a Nuxt application in production mode.
### Official Examples
- [Hello World](https://hello-world.nuxtjs.org/)
- [Starter](https://starter.nuxtjs.org/)
- [TODO MVC](https://todomvc.nuxtjs.org/)
- [Auth0](https://auth0.nuxtjs.org/)
- [Middleware](https://nuxtjs.org/guide/routing#middleware/)
- [Internationalization (i18n)](https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/fr/)
- [Hackernews](https://github.com/nuxt/hackernews)
### Projects Using Nuxt.js
- [sum.cumo](https://www.sumcumo.com/en) - sum.cumo® is a strongly growing, innovative company from Hamburg and as such the implementation partner of choice for corporate digitalization in the insurance and lotto industries.
- [element-43](https://element-43.com/) - Element43 is an all-in-one site to track the markets, your industry jobs, trading, you name it.
- [gustavo](https://github.com/eggplanetio/gustavo) - Headless blogging platform built atop Nuxt & Gist.
- [surmon.me](https://github.com/surmon-china/surmon.me) - SSR web application(blog) built with Nuxt.js for nodepress.
- [n2ex](https://github.com/OrangeXC/n2ex) - Web app of v2ex built with Nuxt.
- [ammobin.ca](https://github.com/ammobinDOTca/ammobin-client) - Meta search site for ammo prices in Canada.
- [fleisch-online.kaufen](https://www.fleisch-online.kaufen) - Portal about where to buy good meat online, including a personal blog.
- [front end intelligence](https://news.awesomes.cn/) - Website where you can fetch the front end news.
- [BitcoinNEWS.blog](https://bitcoinnews.blog) - Proudly created a web-portal with Nuxt.js & Vue.js about Bitcoin and cryptotechnology.
- [Hare](https://github.com/clarkdo/hare) - 🐇 Application boilerplate based on Vue.js 2.x, Koa 2.x, Element-UI and Nuxt.js.
- [State of the ÐApps](https://www.stateofthedapps.com) - The curated collection of projects built on Ethereum.
- [Tipe](https://tipe.io) - Next Generation API-first CMS. Create your content with powerful editing tools and access it from anywhere with a GraphQL or REST API.
- [Rewind 2017](https://www.lexpress.mu/2017) - Retrospective website by the publications of the leading press agency in Mauritius, La Sentinelle Ltd.
- [thalitajacinda.com](http://thalitajacinda.com/) - Personal website of a minimalist lifestyle influencer.
- [2017 Rausch Family Christmas Card](https://awayken.github.io/2017-christmas-card/) - [@awayken](https://github.com/awayken) makes a digital Christmas card every year, and 2017's was built using Nuxt.js.
- [moso.io](https://moso.io) - Personal, open-source SSR portfolio by [@moso](https://github.com/moso) built with Nuxt.js, and styled with Material Design.
- [VueBlog](https://github.com/wmui/vueblog) - Blog system [@wmui](https://github.com/wmui).
- [dominique-haas.fr](https://dominique-haas.fr) - Personal website & blog built with Nuxt.js, Bulma & GraphQL.
- [emoji.ovh](https://emoji.ovh) - Search, 👆️ Click & Paste your Emojis. Built with Nuxt.js, Algolia, Bulma.
- [PWA Builder](https://github.com/pwa-builder/manifoldjs-site/tree/dev) - Generate your Progressive Web App.
- [Colle McVoy](https://www.collemcvoy.com/) - Agency website built using Nuxt & Craft CMS.
- [Back Market](https://www.backmarket.fr) - E-commerce website, the #1 marketplace of refurbished product.
- [kevinpeters.net](https://github.com/igeligel/personal-site) - Personal site & blog built as PWA with custom styling.
- [5se7en.com](https://github.com/se7en-1992/5se7en.com) - 5se7en's Personal website. Built with Nuxt.js,express,vuex.
- [charlyzenger.ch](https://charlyzenger.ch/) - Corporate website. Built with Nuxt.js, vue-i18n, custom routes and TweenMax.
- [buefy-shop](https://buefy-shop.now.sh/) - Sample shop, open source, built with Nuxt, Stripe, Firebase, Bulma and Serverless Functions.
- [DBAdventure](https://github.com/DBAdventure/web) - Simple PHP and VueJs game where players embody a Dragon Ball character.
- [NuxtDoc by Storyblok](https://github.com/storyblok/nuxtdoc) - The setup to build beautiful documentation with Nuxt and Storyblok deployed on Netlify for everyone - for Free.
- [wandsworth.town](https://wandsworth.town) - Wandsworth Town Business Improvement District (BID) puts businesses at the heart of what we do; shaping the future of Wandsworth Town.
- [antilophia.com](https://antilophia.com) - Antilophia offers a boutique luxury travel service, delivering carefully crafted travel experiences within Africa & the Indian Ocean and Latin America & the Caribbean.
- [renka.de](https://renka.de) - Agency website built with Nuxt and WordPress.
- [santihans.com](https://santihans.com) - Next-level communications agency for tomorrow's digital experiences. Website built with Nuxt and Tipe.io.
- [alainperrier.me](https://alainperrier.me) - Personal SSR and PWA portfolio by [@alainperrier](https://github.com/alainperrier/portfolio-2018/) built with Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Laravel and TailwindCSS.
- [MONO](https://mono-1.com) - Agency website built with Nuxt and Craft CMS.
- [axure-broker.ch](https://axure-broker.ch/) - Corporate website. Built with Nuxt.js, vue-i18n, TweenMax and SVG morphing.
- [thegaelicpoint.ie](https://thegaelicpoint.ie/) - Sports analytics tool for gaelic football data. Built with Vuetify and Nuxt.
- [nuxt-elm](https://github.com/EasyTuan/nuxt-elm/) - Full-stack open source project based on vue2 + nuxt.[Performance demonstration](https://elm.caibowen.net/).
- [mistretta.ch](https://mistretta.ch/) - Creative corporate website for a Swiss Coiffure. Built with Nuxt.js, vue-i18n and GSAP.
> Please don't hesitate to make a PR if you have more resources to share.
## License
> Please don't hesitate to make a PR if you have more resources to share. Check out contributing.md for more information
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