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synced 2025-03-23 06:16:32 -04:00
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@ -57,24 +57,24 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<h4>Herramienta de paráfrasis - El mejor paráfrasis gratuito en línea - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>La herramienta de paráfrasis de WordFixerBot es la herramienta perfecta para ayudarte a reformular de forma rápida y precisa cualquier texto, frase, artículo, párrafo, artículo o documento. ¡Empieza ahora y haz que tu escritura destaque!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<h4>La única generación de código basada en IA lista para producción</h4>
<p>Jovu: la única plataforma de IA que convierte las ideas en código listo para producción en 4 minutos. Automatiza el desarrollo de tus aplicaciones de backend, garantizando la coherencia, la previsibilidad y el cumplimiento de los más altos estándares con un código diseñado para escalar.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>Crea el currículum perfecto, con un poco de ayuda de la IA</h4>
<p>No necesitas ser un redactor de currículums profesional para crear rápida y fácilmente un currículum que refleje con precisión tu experiencia laboral. El creador de currículums personalizable con IA de Huntr te ayudará a crear un currículum bien escrito y apto para ATS que te ayude a conseguir más entrevistas.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<h4>Herramienta de paráfrasis - El mejor paráfrasis gratuito en línea - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>La herramienta de paráfrasis de WordFixerBot es la herramienta perfecta para ayudarte a reformular de forma rápida y precisa cualquier texto, frase, artículo, párrafo, artículo o documento. ¡Empieza ahora y haz que tu escritura destaque!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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@ -132,17 +132,33 @@
- 🕸 [Diseño web](#diseño-web)
- ✍️ [Asistente de Redacción](#asistente-de-redacción)
## Últimas incorporaciones a la colección AI
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
### Bliro
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-bliro.webp" alt="Bliro">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/bliro?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
#### La mejor herramienta de intercambio de rostros en línea 100% gratuita.
Nuestra herramienta de intercambio de rostros con IA facilita el intercambio de rostros sin problemas, ya sea que te pongas gafas de sol o navegues con una iluminación complicada. No deja ningún rastro de edición, lo que garantiza un resultado realista.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/free-face-swap?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -231,22 +247,6 @@ Artefacts.ai proporciona a los usuarios modelos del AIGC, herramientas de diseñ
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### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-azizhazim.webp" alt="AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI">
#### Ayudante de tareas con IA - Ayudante de tareas con IA de Apex Vision AI - Apex Vision AI
Nuestra extensión AI Homework Helper para Chrome ayuda a los estudiantes universitarios a gestionar fácilmente los deberes y cuestionarios de opción múltiple al proporcionar respuestas instantáneas y precisas.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/ai-homework-helper-apex-vision-ai?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Cuentas y finanzas
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | Solution mobile de création et de vente d'autocollants basée sur l'IA #1</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI est ta meilleure solution pour créer et vendre des autocollants alimentés par l'IA directement depuis ton appareil mobile. Transforme n'importe quel lieu en un atelier d'autocollants dynamique. Avec seulement deux tablettes et une imprimante, tu peux commencer à vendre des autocollants personnalisés en quelques minutes. Notre plateforme est conçue pour gérer ton activité d'autocollants IA à tout moment et en tout lieu.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<h4>Rédigez le CV parfait avec l''aide de l''IA</h4>
<p>Tu n''as pas besoin d''être une rédactrice de CV professionnelle pour créer rapidement et facilement un CV qui reflète fidèlement ton expérience professionnelle. Le générateur de CV IA personnalisable de Hunter t''aidera à rédiger un CV bien rédigé et adapté aux ATS afin de décrocher plus d''entretiens.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
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@ -132,17 +132,33 @@
- 🕸 [Création de sites web](#création-de-sites-web)
- ✍️ [Assistante d''écriture](#assistante-d''écriture)
## Derniers ajouts à la collection AI
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
### Bliro
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-bliro.webp" alt="Bliro">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/bliro?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
#### Le meilleur outil d'échange de visages en ligne 100 % gratuit.
Notre outil d'échange de visages basé sur l'IA permet d'échanger facilement des visages, qu'il s'agisse d'ajouter des lunettes de soleil ou de naviguer dans des conditions d'éclairage difficiles. Il ne laisse aucune trace de montage, ce qui garantit un résultat réaliste.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/free-face-swap?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -231,22 +247,6 @@ Artefacts.ai fournit aux utilisateurs des modèles AIGC de haute qualité, des o
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### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-azizhazim.webp" alt="AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI">
#### Aide aux devoirs IA - Aide aux devoirs Apex Vision AI AI - Apex Vision AI
Notre extension AI Homework Helper pour Chrome aide les étudiants à gérer facilement leurs devoirs à choix multiples et les questionnaires en fournissant des réponses précises et instantanées.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/ai-homework-helper-apex-vision-ai?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Comptabilité et Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>AIApply: नौकरी खोजने वालों के लिए AI टूल, ताकि बेहतरीन एप्लीकेशन तैयार किया जा सके</h4>
<p>AIApply AI टूल का एक डायनामिक सूट है, जिसे नौकरी तलाशने वालों को सशक्त बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। यह नौकरी की आवेदन प्रक्रिया को आसान बनाता है, रिज़्यूमे की गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाता है, साक्षात्कारों के लिए तैयार करता है और करियर के सबसे अच्छे अवसरों की पहचान करता है। AIApply नौकरी खोजने की रणनीतियों को वैयक्तिकृत करता है, यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि यूज़र प्रतिस्पर्धी बाज़ारों में अलग दिखें। यह उन लोगों के लिए ज़रूरी टूल है जो AI की मदद से अपने करियर की राह में तेज़ी लाना चाहते हैं।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें AiApply</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 मोबाइल, एआई-संचालित स्टिकर डिज़ाइन और सेल्स सॉल्यूशन</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI सीधे अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस से AI-संचालित स्टिकर बनाने और बेचने का तुम्हारा प्रमुख समाधान है। किसी भी स्थान को एक जीवंत स्टिकर वर्कशॉप में ट्रांसफ़ॉर्म करें। सिर्फ़ दो टैबलेट और एक प्रिंटर की मदद से, तुम मिनटों में बनाए गए कस्टम स्टिकर बेचना शुरू कर सकते हो। हमारा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म तुम्हारे AI स्टिकर का कारोबार, कभी भी, कहीं भी चलाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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@ -132,17 +132,33 @@
- 🕸 [वेब डिजाइन](#वेब-डिजाइन)
- ✍️ [लेखन सहायक](#लेखन-सहायक)
## एआई संग्रह में नवीनतम परिवर्धन
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
### Bliro
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-bliro.webp" alt="Bliro">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/bliro?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
#### सबसे अच्छा 100% मुफ़्त ऑनलाइन फ़ेस स्वैपिंग टूल।
हमारा AI फ़ेस स्वैपर टूल आसानी से चेहरों को स्वैप करना आसान बनाता है, चाहे तुम धूप का चश्मा लगा रहे हो या ट्रिकी लाइटिंग नेविगेट कर रहे हो। यह संपादन का कोई निशान नहीं छोड़ता है, जिससे वास्तविक परिणाम सुनिश्चित होता है।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/free-face-swap?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
@ -231,22 +247,6 @@ Artefacts.ai यूज़र को उच्च गुणवत्ता वा
<br />
### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-azizhazim.webp" alt="AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI">
#### एआई होमवर्क हेल्पर - एपेक्स विज़न एआई होमवर्क हेल्पर - एपेक्स विज़न एआई
हमारा AI Homework Helper Chrome एक्सटेंशन कॉलेज के छात्रों को तुरंत, सटीक उत्तर देकर बहुविकल्पीय होमवर्क और क्विज़ को आसानी से हैंडल करने में मदद करता है।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/ai-homework-helper-apex-vision-ai?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## लेखा और वित्त
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -67,26 +67,24 @@ Translations:
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<h4>Craft the perfect resume, with a little help from AI</h4>
<p>You don’t need to be a professional resume writer to quickly and easily create a resume that accurately reflects your work experience. Huntr’s customizable AI Resume Builder will help you craft a well-written, ATS-friendly resume to help you land more interviews.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<h4>Corporate Headshots AI: Revolutionizing Corporate Portraits with AI</h4>
<p>Experience the future of professional photography with www.corporateHeadshots.ai. Our AI-driven platform transforms your selfies into elegant, corporate-standard headshots, making professional imagery accessible and effortless for everyone, everywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>Land your ideal job with our job application AI. Automatically apply to hundreds of engineering jobs every week! Join ApplyPass to get 100 free applications.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass is an AI-powered job search tool that gets you more job interviews. ApplyPass submits 200-400 tailored job applications on your behalf every month. This tool offers the first 100 job applications for free.
ApplyPass.com has generated thousands of interviews for engineers, with an average response rate that''s 40% higher than the industry average.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with ApplyPass</b></a>
<h4>Craft the perfect resume, with a little help from AI</h4>
<p>You don’t need to be a professional resume writer to quickly and easily create a resume that accurately reflects your work experience. Huntr’s customizable AI Resume Builder will help you craft a well-written, ATS-friendly resume to help you land more interviews.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
@ -144,6 +142,24 @@ ApplyPass.com has generated thousands of interviews for engineers, with an avera
- 🕸 [Web Design](#web-design)
- ✍️ [Writing Assistant](#writing-assistant)
## Latest Additions to AI Collection
### Bliro
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-bliro.webp" alt="Bliro">
#### World's 1st Bot-Free AI Meeting Assistant
An AI Meeting Notes automation tool that transcribes and summarizes your conversations, online or offline, without sending any bots in the meeting.
Or rather, without even recording them!
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/bliro?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
@ -243,22 +259,6 @@ Artefacts.ai provides users with top-quality AIGC models, design tools, model re
<br />
### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-azizhazim.webp" alt="AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI">
#### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
Our AI Homework Helper Chrome extension helps college students easily handle multiple-choice homework and quizzes by providing instant, accurate answers.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/ai-homework-helper-apex-vision-ai?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Accounting & Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -57,30 +57,24 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Мобильное решение для дизайна и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI — это ваше лучшее решение для создания и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта прямо с вашего мобильного устройства. Превратите любое место в яркую мастерскую по стикерам. Имея всего два планшета и принтер, вы можете начать продавать наклейки, изготовленные на заказ, за считанные минуты. Наша платформа предназначена для ведения бизнеса по производству наклеек с искусственным интеллектом в любое время и в любом месте.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<h4>Искусственный интеллект Corporate Headshots: революция в корпоративных портретах с помощью искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>Откройте для себя будущее профессиональной фотографии с www.CorporateHeadshots.ai. Наша платформа на базе искусственного интеллекта превращает ваши селфи в элегантные снимки головы, соответствующие корпоративным стандартам, делая профессиональные снимки доступными и удобными для всех и везде.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
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<div align="center">
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>Настраиваемый чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом, работающий круглосуточно и без выходных</h4>
<p>Chat Data — это платформа чат-ботов с искусственным интеллектом, предлагающая гибкую настройку бэкенда и интерфейса. Создавайте чат-ботов, используя свою базу знаний, настраиваемые конечные точки или модели Chat Data. Настройте интерфейс чат-бота и выберите белую маркировку. Дополнительные функции включают эскалацию онлайн-чата в стандартных или профессиональных тарифных планах.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Chat Data</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Мобильное решение для дизайна и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI — это ваше лучшее решение для создания и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта прямо с вашего мобильного устройства. Превратите любое место в яркую мастерскую по стикерам. Имея всего два планшета и принтер, вы можете начать продавать наклейки, изготовленные на заказ, за считанные минуты. Наша платформа предназначена для ведения бизнеса по производству наклеек с искусственным интеллектом в любое время и в любом месте.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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@ -138,17 +132,33 @@
- 🕸 [Веб-дизайн](#веб-дизайн)
- ✍️ [Помощник по письму](#помощник-по-письму)
## Последние дополнения к коллекции AI
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
### Bliro
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-bliro.webp" alt="Bliro">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/bliro?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
#### Лучший 100% бесплатный онлайн-инструмент для замены лица.
Наш инструмент для замены лиц с искусственным интеллектом позволяет легко менять лица независимо от того, используете ли вы солнцезащитные очки или ориентируетесь в сложном освещении. Он не оставляет следов редактирования и обеспечивает реалистичный результат.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/free-face-swap?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -237,22 +247,6 @@ Artefacts.ai предоставляет пользователям высоко
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### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-azizhazim.webp" alt="AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI">
#### Помощник по выполнению домашних заданий с искусственным интеллектом - помощник по выполнению домашних заданий Apex Vision AI AI - Apex Vision AI
Наше расширение AI Homework Helper для Chrome помогает студентам колледжей легко выполнять домашние задания и тесты с несколькими вариантами ответов, предоставляя мгновенные и точные ответы.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/ai-homework-helper-apex-vision-ai?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Бухгалтерский учет и финансы
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -57,30 +57,26 @@
<div align="center">
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>全天候自定义 AI 聊天机器人加上实时聊天升级</h4>
<p>Chat Data 是一个 AI 聊天机器人平台,提供灵活的后端和前端自定义。使用您的知识库、自定义终端节点或聊天数据的模型创建聊天机器人。自定义聊天机器人界面并选择白色标签。其他功能包括标准或专业计划中的实时聊天升级。
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Chat Data</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 移动、人工智能驱动的贴纸设计和销售解决方案</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI 是直接从移动设备创建和销售人工智能贴纸的首选解决方案。将任何地点变成充满活力的贴纸工作室。只需两台平板电脑和一台打印机,您就可以开始销售几分钟内制作的定制贴纸。我们的平台旨在随时随地经营您的AI贴纸业务。</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>在 AI 的帮助下制作完美的简历</h4>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<h4>借助我们的求职AI找到理想的工作。每周自动申请数百个工程职位!加入 ApplyPass 获得 100 个免费应用程序。</h4>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 ApplyPass</b></a>
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@ -138,17 +134,33 @@
- 🕸 [网页设计](#网页设计)
- ✍️ [写作助理](#写作助理)
## AI 合集的最新补充
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
### Bliro
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-bliro.webp" alt="Bliro">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/bliro?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Free Face Swap
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-free-face-swap.webp" alt="Free Face Swap">
#### 最好的100%免费在线人脸交换工具。
无论您是要添加太阳镜还是要在棘手的灯光下导航,我们的 AI 人脸交换工具都可以轻松无缝地交换人脸。它不留下任何编辑痕迹,确保了逼真的结果。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/free-face-swap?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -237,22 +249,6 @@ Artefacts.ai 为用户提供高质量的 AIGC 模型、设计工具、模型资
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### AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-azizhazim.webp" alt="AI Homework Helper - Apex Vision AI">
#### AI 作业助手-Apex Vision AI AI 作业助手-Apex Vision AI
我们的人工智能作业助手 Chrome 扩展程序通过提供即时、准确的答案,帮助大学生轻松处理多项选择题的作业和测验。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/ai-homework-helper-apex-vision-ai?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## 会计与金融
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
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