mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 02:46:06 -04:00
add VikingPic
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@ -57,30 +57,26 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | Solución #1 móvil de diseño y venta de pegatinas basada en IA</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI es tu mejor solución para crear y vender pegatinas con IA directamente desde tu dispositivo móvil. Transforma cualquier lugar en un vibrante taller de pegatinas. Con solo dos tabletas y una impresora, puedes empezar a vender pegatinas personalizadas hechas en cuestión de minutos. Nuestra plataforma está diseñada para gestionar tu negocio de pegatinas de IA en cualquier momento y lugar.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Comience con StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<h4>Inteligencia artificial de fotos corporativas: revolucionando los retratos corporativos con la IA</h4>
<p>Vive el futuro de la fotografía profesional con www.CorporateHeadshots.ai. Nuestra plataforma basada en la IA transforma tus selfies en fotos elegantes y estándar corporativas, lo que hace que las imágenes profesionales sean accesibles y fáciles para todos, en todas partes.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>Chatbot de IA personalizado las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, más escalación</h4>
<p>Chat Data es una plataforma de chatbots de IA que ofrece una personalización flexible de backend y frontend. Crea chatbots con tu base de conocimientos, puntos finales personalizados o los modelos de Chat Data. Personaliza la interfaz del chatbot y opta por la etiqueta blanca. Las funciones adicionales incluyen la escalación del chat en vivo en los planes estándar o profesionales.
<h4>Consigue tu trabajo ideal con nuestra IA de solicitudes de empleo. ¡Solicita automáticamente cientos de trabajos de ingeniería cada semana! Únete a ApplyPass para conseguir 100 aplicaciones gratuitas.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass es una herramienta de búsqueda de empleo basada en la inteligencia artificial que te permite conseguir más entrevistas de trabajo. ApplyPass presenta entre 200 y 400 solicitudes de empleo personalizadas en tu nombre cada mes. Esta herramienta ofrece las 100 primeras solicitudes de empleo de forma gratuita.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Chat Data</b></a>
ApplyPass.com ha generado miles de entrevistas para ingenieros, con una tasa de respuesta media un 40% superior a la media del sector.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Comience con ApplyPass</b></a>
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@ -138,6 +134,22 @@
- 🕸 [Diseño web](#diseño-web)
- ✍️ [Asistente de Redacción](#asistente-de-redacción)
## Últimas incorporaciones a la colección AI
### VikingPic
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-vikingpic.webp" alt="VikingPic">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/vikingpic?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### GPTZero AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-gptzero-ai.webp" alt="GPTZero AI">
@ -271,22 +283,6 @@ Paso 4: La herramienta debería reemplazar el texto del nuevo idioma en el mismo
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### Holiwise
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-holiwise.webp" alt="Holiwise">
#### Holiwise es una herramienta impulsada por la IA diseñada para ayudar a planificar los viajes
Holiwise está aquí para ayudarte desde el principio del proceso de planificación del viaje. Puedes encontrar el destino de viaje perfecto según tus preferencias y adaptar tu itinerario a tus necesidades. Puedes invitar a tus amigos a planificar tu viaje juntos.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/holiwise?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Cuentas y finanzas
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -3403,6 +3399,22 @@ Albus, una plataforma de inteligencia artificial que aprovecha la potencia de Ch
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### guidde
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-guidde.webp" alt="guidde">
#### Cree mágicamente material de capacitación impresionante, notas de características, SOP, guías de incorporación, guías prácticas, preguntas frecuentes con IA.
guidde es la plataforma de inteligencia artificial generativa para empresas que ayuda a su equipo a crear documentación en video 11 veces más rápido.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/guidde?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### airops
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-airops.webp" alt="airops">
@ -3469,22 +3481,6 @@ Próximamente en 2023: Bardeen presenta una IA innovadora para automatizar los f
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### AutoPredict
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-autopredict.webp" alt="AutoPredict">
#### Predicción automática: predice cuánto durará tu coche
AutoPredict es la primera aplicación que utiliza inteligencia artificial para predecir cuánto durará un coche. Al analizar más de 100 millones de puntos de datos, AutoPredict ofrece una estimación precisa de la vida útil del coche.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/autopredict?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
[See All 🧞♂️ Organización y Automatización Applications on AI Collection](https://thataicollection.com/es/categories/organization-and-automation?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -57,30 +57,26 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>Chatbot IA personnalisé 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, et escalade du chat en direct</h4>
<p>Chat Data est une plateforme de chatbot basée sur l'IA qui permet de personnaliser de manière flexible le backend et le frontend. Créez des chatbots à l'aide de ta base de connaissances, de points de terminaison personnalisés ou des modèles de Chat Data. Personnalise l'interface du chatbot et opte pour la marque blanche. Les fonctionnalités supplémentaires incluent l'escalade du chat en direct dans les forfaits standard ou professionnels.
<h4>Décroche le poste idéal grâce à notre IA pour les candidatures. Postulez automatiquement à des centaines de postes d''ingénieur chaque semaine ! Abonne ApplyPass pour bénéficier de 100 candidatures gratuites.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass est un outil de recherche d''emploi basé sur l''IA qui te permet d''obtenir plus d''entretiens d''embauche. ApplyPass soumet 200 à 400 candidatures personnalisées en ton nom chaque mois. Cet outil propose les 100 premières demandes d''emploi gratuitement.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Chat Data</b></a>
ApplyPass.com a généré des milliers d''entretiens pour des ingénieurs, avec un taux de réponse moyen supérieur de 40 % à la moyenne du secteur.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec ApplyPass</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>Corporate Headshots AI : révolutionner les portraits d''entreprise grâce à l''IA</h4>
<p>Découvrez le futur de la photographie professionnelle sur www.CorporateHeadshots.ai. Notre plateforme pilotée par l''IA transforme tes selfies en portraits élégants, conformes aux normes de l''entreprise, rendant ainsi les images professionnelles accessibles et faciles à utiliser pour tous, où que ce soit.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<h4>Outil de paraphrase - Meilleur paraphraser gratuit en ligne - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>L''outil de paraphrase de WordFixerBot est l''outil idéal pour t''aider à reformuler rapidement et précisément tous les textes, phrases, articles, paragraphes, articles ou documents. Commence dès maintenant et fais en sorte que ton écriture se démarque !</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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@ -138,6 +134,22 @@
- 🕸 [Création de sites web](#création-de-sites-web)
- ✍️ [Assistante d''écriture](#assistante-d''écriture)
## Derniers ajouts à la collection AI
### VikingPic
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-vikingpic.webp" alt="VikingPic">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/vikingpic?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### GPTZero AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-gptzero-ai.webp" alt="GPTZero AI">
@ -271,22 +283,6 @@ C'est vraiment facile à utiliser.
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### Holiwise
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-holiwise.webp" alt="Holiwise">
#### Holiwise est un outil basé sur l'IA conçu pour vous aider à planifier vos voyages
Holiwise est là pour t'aider dès le début du processus de planification de voyage. Tu peux trouver la destination de voyage idéale en fonction de tes préférences et adapter ton itinéraire en fonction de tes besoins. Tu peux inviter tes amis à planifier ton voyage ensemble.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/holiwise?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Comptabilité et Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -3404,6 +3400,22 @@ Albus est une plateforme d''IA qui tire parti de la puissance de ChatGPT pour ai
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### guidde
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-guidde.webp" alt="guidde">
#### Créez magiquement de superbes supports de formation, des notes de fonctionnalités, des SOP, des guides d''intégration, des guides pratiques, des FAQ avec l''IA.
guidde est la plateforme d''IA générative pour les entreprises qui aide votre équipe à créer une documentation vidéo 11 fois plus rapidement.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/guidde?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### airops
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-airops.webp" alt="airops">
@ -3470,22 +3482,6 @@ Mem est le premier espace de travail au monde alimenté par l''IA qui vous est p
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### AutoPredict
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-autopredict.webp" alt="AutoPredict">
#### Autopredict - Prédis la durée de vie de ta voiture
AutoPredict est la première application qui utilise l''intelligence artificielle pour prédire la durée de vie d''une voiture. En analysant plus de 100 millions de points de données, AutoPredict donne une estimation précise de la durée de vie de ta voiture.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/autopredict?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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[See All 🧞♂️ Organisation & Automatisation Applications on AI Collection](https://thataicollection.com/fr/categories/organization-and-automation?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -56,18 +56,6 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 मोबाइल, एआई-संचालित स्टिकर डिज़ाइन और सेल्स सॉल्यूशन</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI सीधे अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस से AI-संचालित स्टिकर बनाने और बेचने का तुम्हारा प्रमुख समाधान है। किसी भी स्थान को एक जीवंत स्टिकर वर्कशॉप में ट्रांसफ़ॉर्म करें। सिर्फ़ दो टैबलेट और एक प्रिंटर की मदद से, तुम मिनटों में बनाए गए कस्टम स्टिकर बेचना शुरू कर सकते हो। हमारा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म तुम्हारे AI स्टिकर का कारोबार, कभी भी, कहीं भी चलाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
@ -80,6 +68,18 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 मोबाइल, एआई-संचालित स्टिकर डिज़ाइन और सेल्स सॉल्यूशन</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI सीधे अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस से AI-संचालित स्टिकर बनाने और बेचने का तुम्हारा प्रमुख समाधान है। किसी भी स्थान को एक जीवंत स्टिकर वर्कशॉप में ट्रांसफ़ॉर्म करें। सिर्फ़ दो टैबलेट और एक प्रिंटर की मदद से, तुम मिनटों में बनाए गए कस्टम स्टिकर बेचना शुरू कर सकते हो। हमारा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म तुम्हारे AI स्टिकर का कारोबार, कभी भी, कहीं भी चलाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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### एआई संग्रह पर प्रदर्शित अद्भुत एआई अनुप्रयोगों की एक चुनिंदा सूची
@ -132,6 +132,22 @@
- 🕸 [वेब डिजाइन](#वेब-डिजाइन)
- ✍️ [लेखन सहायक](#लेखन-सहायक)
## एआई संग्रह में नवीनतम परिवर्धन
### VikingPic
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-vikingpic.webp" alt="VikingPic">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/vikingpic?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### GPTZero AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-gptzero-ai.webp" alt="GPTZero AI">
@ -265,22 +281,6 @@ YouTube शॉर्ट्स
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### Holiwise
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-holiwise.webp" alt="Holiwise">
#### होलीवाइज़ एआई-संचालित उपकरण है, जिसे यात्रा की योजना बनाने में मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है
यात्रा की प्लानिंग की प्रक्रिया की शुरुआत से ही तुम्हारी मदद करने के लिए होलीवाइज़ मौजूद है। तुम्हेंं अपनी पसंद के आधार पर यात्रा के लिए उपयुक्त गंतव्य मिल सकता है और अपनी ज़रूरतों के हिसाब से अपने यात्रा कार्यक्रम को तैयार किया जा सकता है। तुम अपने दोस्तों को साथ मिलकर अपनी यात्रा की योजना बनाने के लिए आमंत्रित कर सकते हो।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/holiwise?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## लेखा और वित्त
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -3398,6 +3398,22 @@ Albus एक AI प्लेटफ़ॉर्म है जो मानव स
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### guidde
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-guidde.webp" alt="guidde">
#### जादुई रूप से आश्चर्यजनक प्रशिक्षण मीटरियल, फीचर नोट्स, एसओपी, ऑनबोर्डिंग गाइड, हाउ-टू गाइड, एआई के साथ अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न बनाएं।
guidde व्यवसाय के लिए जनरेटिव AI प्लेटफ़ॉर्म है जो आपकी टीम को 11 गुना तेज़ी से वीडियो दस्तावेज़ बनाने में मदद करता है।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/guidde?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### airops
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-airops.webp" alt="airops">
@ -3464,22 +3480,6 @@ LLM-संचालित वर्कफ़्लोज़, टूल और
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### AutoPredict
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-autopredict.webp" alt="AutoPredict">
#### ऑटोप्रेडिक्ट - भविष्यवाणी करो कि तुम्हारी कार कितने समय तक चलेगी
AutoPredict वह पहला ऐप है जो आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस का इस्तेमाल करके यह पता लगाता है कि कार कितनी देर तक चलेगी। 100 मिलियन से ज़्यादा डेटा पॉइंट का विश्लेषण करने पर AutoPredict तुम्हारी कार की जिंदगी का सटीक अनुमान लगाता है।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/autopredict?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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[See All 🧞♂️ संगठन और स्वचालन Applications on AI Collection](https://thataicollection.com/hi/categories/organization-and-automation?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ Translations:
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Mobile, AI-Powered Sticker Design and Sales Solution</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI is your premier solution for creating and selling AI-powered stickers directly from your mobile device. Transform any location into a vibrant sticker workshop. With just two tablets and a printer, you can start selling custom stickers made in minutes. Our platform is designed to run your AI sticker business anytime, anywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
@ -84,18 +96,6 @@ Translations:
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>Craft the perfect resume, with a little help from AI</h4>
<p>You don’t need to be a professional resume writer to quickly and easily create a resume that accurately reflects your work experience. Huntr’s customizable AI Resume Builder will help you craft a well-written, ATS-friendly resume to help you land more interviews.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
### A hand-picked list of awesome AI applications featured on AI Collection
@ -148,6 +148,32 @@ Translations:
- 🕸 [Web Design](#web-design)
- ✍️ [Writing Assistant](#writing-assistant)
## Latest Additions to AI Collection
### VikingPic
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-vikingpic.webp" alt="VikingPic">
#### Become a Viking
upload an image of your face and
receive AI generated pictures of yourself as a viking
in 5 min via email
For Viking Enthusiasts
Unleash Your Inner Viking: Transform into a Warrior of the North Today
Upload your image and get into the Viking mood.
Drinking mead with Odin in Valhalla is just a click away.
For Friends & Family
See yourself as a Viking. Find out what you would look like if you were born in the Viking Age. Dwell amongst the nordic myths and heroes of old. Great for social media content.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/vikingpic?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### GPTZero AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-gptzero-ai.webp" alt="GPTZero AI">
@ -281,22 +307,6 @@ Step 4: The tool should replaces the text in the new language in the same place
<br />
### Holiwise
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-holiwise.webp" alt="Holiwise">
#### Holiwise is an AI-powered tool designed to assist in travel planning
Holiwise is here to help you from the very beginning of the travel planning process. You can find the perfect travel destination based on your preferences and tailor your itinerary to the very needs you have. You can invite your friends to plan your trip together.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/holiwise?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Accounting & Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -3414,6 +3424,22 @@ Albus an AI platform that leverages the power of ChatGPT to assist HR employees
<br />
### guidde
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-guidde.webp" alt="guidde">
#### Magically Create Stunning Training Meterial, Feature Notes, SOPs, Onboarding Guides, How-to Guides, FAQs With AI.
guidde is the generative AI platform for business that helps your team create video documentation 11x faster.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/guidde?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### airops
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-airops.webp" alt="airops">
@ -3480,22 +3506,6 @@ Coming in 2023 – Bardeen is introducing breakthrough AI to automate manual wor
<br />
### AutoPredict
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-autopredict.webp" alt="AutoPredict">
#### Autopredict - Predict How Long Your Car Will Last
AutoPredict is the first app that uses artificial intelligence to predict how long a car will last. By analysing over 100 million data points AutoPredict gives an accurate estimate of your car''s life.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/autopredict?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
[See All 🧞♂️ Organization & Automation Applications on AI Collection](https://thataicollection.com/en/categories/organization-and-automation?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -57,26 +57,30 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>Найдите идеальную работу с помощью нашего искусственного интеллекта для подачи заявлений о приеме на работу. Каждую неделю автоматически подавайте заявки на сотни инженерных вакансий! Присоединяйтесь к ApplyPass, чтобы получить 100 бесплатных заявок.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass — это инструмент для поиска работы на базе искусственного интеллекта, который позволяет проводить больше собеседований. ApplyPass ежемесячно подает 200-400 индивидуальных заявлений о приеме на работу от вашего имени. Этот инструмент предлагает первые 100 заявок на работу бесплатно.
ApplyPass.com провел тысячи интервью для инженеров, средний процент ответов на которые на 40% выше, чем в среднем по отрасли.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с ApplyPass</b></a>
<h4>Создайте идеальное резюме с небольшой помощью искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>Вам не нужно быть профессиональным составителем резюме, чтобы быстро и легко составить резюме, точно отражающее ваш опыт работы. Настраиваемый конструктор резюме Huntr с искусственным интеллектом поможет вам составить хорошо написанное резюме, удобное для использования ATS, и поможет вам пройти больше собеседований.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Мобильное решение для дизайна и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI — это ваше лучшее решение для создания и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта прямо с вашего мобильного устройства. Превратите любое место в яркую мастерскую по стикерам. Имея всего два планшета и принтер, вы можете начать продавать наклейки, изготовленные на заказ, за считанные минуты. Наша платформа предназначена для ведения бизнеса по производству наклеек с искусственным интеллектом в любое время и в любом месте.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<h4>Настраиваемый чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом, работающий круглосуточно и без выходных</h4>
<p>Chat Data — это платформа чат-ботов с искусственным интеллектом, предлагающая гибкую настройку бэкенда и интерфейса. Создавайте чат-ботов, используя свою базу знаний, настраиваемые конечные точки или модели Chat Data. Настройте интерфейс чат-бота и выберите белую маркировку. Дополнительные функции включают эскалацию онлайн-чата в стандартных или профессиональных тарифных планах.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Chat Data</b></a>
<br />
@ -134,6 +138,22 @@ ApplyPass.com провел тысячи интервью для инженеро
- 🕸 [Веб-дизайн](#веб-дизайн)
- ✍️ [Помощник по письму](#помощник-по-письму)
## Последние дополнения к коллекции AI
### VikingPic
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-vikingpic.webp" alt="VikingPic">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/vikingpic?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### GPTZero AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-gptzero-ai.webp" alt="GPTZero AI">
@ -267,22 +287,6 @@ tikTok
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### Holiwise
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-holiwise.webp" alt="Holiwise">
#### Holiwise — это инструмент на базе искусственного интеллекта, предназначенный для помощи в планировании путешествий
Holiwise здесь, чтобы помочь вам с самого начала процесса планирования путешествия. Вы можете найти идеальное место для путешествия, исходя из ваших предпочтений, и адаптировать свой маршрут к вашим потребностям. Вы можете пригласить друзей спланировать свое путешествие вместе.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/holiwise?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Бухгалтерский учет и финансы
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -3400,6 +3404,22 @@ Albus — платформа искусственного интеллекта,
<br />
### guidde
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-guidde.webp" alt="guidde">
#### Волшебно создавайте потрясающие учебные материалы, примечания к функциям, СОП, руководства по адаптации, практические руководства, часто задаваемые вопросы с помощью ИИ.
guidde — это платформа генеративного искусственного интеллекта для бизнеса, которая помогает вашей команде создавать видеодокументацию в 11 раз быстрее.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/guidde?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### airops
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-airops.webp" alt="airops">
@ -3466,22 +3486,6 @@ Mem — это первое в мире рабочее пространство
<br />
### AutoPredict
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-autopredict.webp" alt="AutoPredict">
#### Автопрогноз - предскажите, как долго прослужит ваш автомобиль
AutoPredict — первое приложение, использующее искусственный интеллект для прогнозирования срока службы автомобиля. Анализируя более 100 миллионов точек данных, AutoPredict дает точную оценку срока службы вашего автомобиля.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/autopredict?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
[See All 🧞♂️ Организация и автоматизация Applications on AI Collection](https://thataicollection.com/ru/categories/organization-and-automation?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -57,12 +57,12 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<p>WordFixerBot 的释义工具是帮助您快速准确地改写任何文本、句子、文章、段落、论文或文档的完美工具。立即开始,让你的写作脱颖而出!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<h4>在 AI 的帮助下制作完美的简历</h4>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
@ -132,6 +132,22 @@
- 🕸 [网页设计](#网页设计)
- ✍️ [写作助理](#写作助理)
## AI 合集的最新补充
### VikingPic
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-vikingpic.webp" alt="VikingPic">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/vikingpic?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### GPTZero AI
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-gptzero-ai.webp" alt="GPTZero AI">
@ -265,22 +281,6 @@ instagram 卷轴
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### Holiwise
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-holiwise.webp" alt="Holiwise">
#### Holiwise 是一款人工智能驱动的工具,旨在协助制定旅行计划
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/holiwise?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## 会计与金融
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -3398,6 +3398,22 @@ Albus 是一个人工智能平台,它利用 ChatGPT 的力量来帮助人力
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### guidde
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-guidde.webp" alt="guidde">
#### 神奇地创建令人惊叹的培训材料、功能说明、SOP、入职指南、操作指南、AI 常见问题解答。
guidde 是用于业务的生成式 AI 平台,可帮助您的团队将创建视频文档的速度提高 11 倍。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/guidde?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### airops
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-airops.webp" alt="airops">
@ -3464,22 +3480,6 @@ Mem 是世界上第一个由人工智能驱动的个性化工作空间。放大
<br />
### AutoPredict
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-autopredict.webp" alt="AutoPredict">
#### 自动预测-预测您的汽车能持续多久
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/autopredict?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
[See All 🧞♂️ 组织与自动化 Applications on AI Collection](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/categories/organization-and-automation?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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