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synced 2025-03-29 00:58:01 -04:00
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@ -45,44 +45,36 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>Chatbot de IA personalizado las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, más escalación</h4>
<p>Chat Data es una plataforma de chatbots de IA que ofrece una personalización flexible de backend y frontend. Crea chatbots con tu base de conocimientos, puntos finales personalizados o los modelos de Chat Data. Personaliza la interfaz del chatbot y opta por la etiqueta blanca. Las funciones adicionales incluyen la escalación del chat en vivo en los planes estándar o profesionales.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Chat Data</b></a>
<h4>Herramienta de paráfrasis - El mejor paráfrasis gratuito en línea - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>La herramienta de paráfrasis de WordFixerBot es la herramienta perfecta para ayudarte a reformular de forma rápida y precisa cualquier texto, frase, artículo, párrafo, artículo o documento. ¡Empieza ahora y haz que tu escritura destaque!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>Consigue tu trabajo ideal con nuestra IA de solicitudes de empleo. ¡Solicita automáticamente cientos de trabajos de ingeniería cada semana! Únete a ApplyPass para conseguir 100 aplicaciones gratuitas.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass es una herramienta de búsqueda de empleo basada en la inteligencia artificial que te permite conseguir más entrevistas de trabajo. ApplyPass presenta entre 200 y 400 solicitudes de empleo personalizadas en tu nombre cada mes. Esta herramienta ofrece las 100 primeras solicitudes de empleo de forma gratuita.
ApplyPass.com ha generado miles de entrevistas para ingenieros, con una tasa de respuesta media un 40% superior a la media del sector.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Comience con ApplyPass</b></a>
<h4>Crea el currículum perfecto, con un poco de ayuda de la IA</h4>
<p>No necesitas ser un redactor de currículums profesional para crear rápida y fácilmente un currículum que refleje con precisión tu experiencia laboral. El creador de currículums personalizable con IA de Huntr te ayudará a crear un currículum bien escrito y apto para ATS que te ayude a conseguir más entrevistas.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<h4>AIApply: herramientas de inteligencia artificial para que los solicitantes de empleo creen la aplicación perfecta</h4>
<p>AIApply es un conjunto dinámico de herramientas de IA diseñado para ayudar a los solicitantes de empleo. Agiliza el proceso de solicitud de empleo, mejora la calidad del currículum, prepara para las entrevistas e identifica las oportunidades profesionales óptimas. AIApply personaliza las estrategias de búsqueda de empleo y garantiza que los usuarios destaquen en los mercados competitivos. Es una herramienta esencial para cualquiera que quiera acelerar su trayectoria profesional con el poder de la IA.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Comience con AiApply</b></a>
<h4>Inteligencia artificial de fotos corporativas: revolucionando los retratos corporativos con la IA</h4>
<p>Vive el futuro de la fotografía profesional con www.CorporateHeadshots.ai. Nuestra plataforma basada en la IA transforma tus selfies en fotos elegantes y estándar corporativas, lo que hace que las imágenes profesionales sean accesibles y fáciles para todos, en todas partes.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
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@ -140,17 +132,33 @@ ApplyPass.com ha generado miles de entrevistas para ingenieros, con una tasa de
- 🕸 [Diseño web](#diseño-web)
- ✍️ [Asistente de Redacción](#asistente-de-redacción)
## Últimas incorporaciones a la colección AI
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
### College Tools
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-joaquin.webp" alt="College Tools">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/college-tools?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
#### Nuestra herramienta Humanize AI Text es una herramienta gratuita y fiable para convertir texto en texto de IA humanizado en línea.
te ayuda a convertir el texto de la IA en texto humano para evitar la detección de la IA, escribe con confianza ahora y elimina la detección de la IA fácilmente.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/humanizar-texto-de-ia?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -238,28 +246,6 @@ PicPicAI: mejorador de fotos, eliminador de fondos, eliminación de objetos, gen
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### TranslateSRT.online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-translatesrt-online.webp" alt="TranslateSRT.online">
#### TranslateSRT es una herramienta online que te ayuda a traducir archivos de subtítulos (.SRT) mediante la IA.
Traducción precisa y coherente con el estilo de los subtítulos: películas, redes sociales o series.
Usa la potencia de la IA para conseguir traducciones profesionales a varios idiomas para los subtítulos en .SRT.
Traduce archivos.SRT manteniendo los tiempos de marcado y subtítulos tal como están en el archivo original.
Consigue subtítulos en inglés, francés, español o en varios otros idiomas populares para obtener contenido poco común.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/translatesrt-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Cuentas y finanzas
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -56,6 +56,18 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | Solution mobile de création et de vente d'autocollants basée sur l'IA #1</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI est ta meilleure solution pour créer et vendre des autocollants alimentés par l'IA directement depuis ton appareil mobile. Transforme n'importe quel lieu en un atelier d'autocollants dynamique. Avec seulement deux tablettes et une imprimante, tu peux commencer à vendre des autocollants personnalisés en quelques minutes. Notre plateforme est conçue pour gérer ton activité d'autocollants IA à tout moment et en tout lieu.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
@ -70,18 +82,6 @@ ApplyPass.com a généré des milliers d''entretiens pour des ingénieurs, avec
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<h4>Corporate Headshots AI : révolutionner les portraits d''entreprise grâce à l''IA</h4>
<p>Découvrez le futur de la photographie professionnelle sur www.CorporateHeadshots.ai. Notre plateforme pilotée par l''IA transforme tes selfies en portraits élégants, conformes aux normes de l''entreprise, rendant ainsi les images professionnelles accessibles et faciles à utiliser pour tous, où que ce soit.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
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### Une liste triée sur le volet d'applications d'IA géniales présentées sur AI Collection
@ -134,17 +134,33 @@ ApplyPass.com a généré des milliers d''entretiens pour des ingénieurs, avec
- 🕸 [Création de sites web](#création-de-sites-web)
- ✍️ [Assistante d''écriture](#assistante-d''écriture)
## Derniers ajouts à la collection AI
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
### College Tools
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-joaquin.webp" alt="College Tools">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/college-tools?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
#### Notre outil Humanize AI Text est un outil gratuit et fiable pour convertir du texte en texte IA humanisé en ligne.
t'aide à convertir du texte IA en texte humain pour éviter d'être détecté par l'IA. Écrivez en toute confiance dès maintenant et éliminez facilement la détection de l'IA !
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/humanizar-texto-de-ia?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -232,28 +248,6 @@ PicPicai : retouche photo, suppression d'arrière-plan, suppression d'objets, g
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### TranslateSRT.online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-translatesrt-online.webp" alt="TranslateSRT.online">
#### TranslatesRT est un outil en ligne qui t'aide à traduire des fichiers de sous-titres (.SRT) à l'aide de l'IA.
Traduction précise et cohérente pour les sous-titres : films, réseaux sociaux ou séries.
Utilise la puissance de l'IA pour obtenir des traductions professionnelles en plusieurs langues pour les sous-titres .SRT.
Traduit les fichiers .SRT en conservant le balisage et le minutage des sous-titres tels qu'ils sont dans le fichier d'origine.
Sous-titrez-vous en anglais, en français, en espagnol ou dans d'autres langues populaires pour les contenus rares.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/translatesrt-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Comptabilité et Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -44,6 +44,30 @@
<h5>ऊपर उठाता है</h5>
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 मोबाइल, एआई-संचालित स्टिकर डिज़ाइन और सेल्स सॉल्यूशन</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI सीधे अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस से AI-संचालित स्टिकर बनाने और बेचने का तुम्हारा प्रमुख समाधान है। किसी भी स्थान को एक जीवंत स्टिकर वर्कशॉप में ट्रांसफ़ॉर्म करें। सिर्फ़ दो टैबलेट और एक प्रिंटर की मदद से, तुम मिनटों में बनाए गए कस्टम स्टिकर बेचना शुरू कर सकते हो। हमारा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म तुम्हारे AI स्टिकर का कारोबार, कभी भी, कहीं भी चलाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<h4>एकमात्र प्रॉडक्शन-तैयार AI-संचालित कोड जनरेशन</h4>
<p>जोवू: एकमात्र AI प्लेटफ़ॉर्म, जो 4 मिनट में आइडिया को प्रोडक्शन-रेडी कोड में बदल देता है। अपने बैकएंड अनुप्रयोगों के डेवलपमेंट को स्वचालित करें, ताकि बड़े पैमाने पर बनाए गए कोड के साथ निरंतरता, पूर्वानुमान और उच्चतम मानकों का पालन किया जा सके।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
@ -58,30 +82,6 @@ ApplyPass.com ने इंजीनियरों के लिए हज़
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>AI की थोड़ी मदद से, एकदम सही रिज़्यूमे तैयार करें</h4>
<p>तुम्हेंं जल्दी और आसानी से ऐसा रिज्यूम बनाने के लिए, जो तुम्हारे काम के अनुभव को सटीक रूप से दर्शाता हो, एक पेशेवर रेज़्यूमे लेखक होने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। हंटर का कस्टमाइज़ किया जा सकने वाला AI रिज्यूमे बिल्डर तुम्हेंं और इंटरव्यू देने में मदद करने के लिए एक अच्छी तरह से लिखा हुआ, एटीएस-अनुकूल रिज्यूमे तैयार करने में मदद करेगा।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>पैराफ़्रेसिंग टूल - सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुफ़्त ऑनलाइन पैराफ़्रेज़र - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>WordFixerBot का पैराफ़्रेसिंग टूल किसी भी टेक्स्ट, वाक्य, लेख, पैराग्राफ, पेपर या दस्तावेज़ों को तुरंत और सटीक तरीके से फिर से लिखने में तुम्हारी मदद करने के लिए एकदम सही टूल है। अभी शुरू करो और अपने लेखन को सबसे अलग बनाओ!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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### एआई संग्रह पर प्रदर्शित अद्भुत एआई अनुप्रयोगों की एक चुनिंदा सूची
@ -134,17 +134,33 @@ ApplyPass.com ने इंजीनियरों के लिए हज़
- 🕸 [वेब डिजाइन](#वेब-डिजाइन)
- ✍️ [लेखन सहायक](#लेखन-सहायक)
## एआई संग्रह में नवीनतम परिवर्धन
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
### College Tools
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-joaquin.webp" alt="College Tools">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/college-tools?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
#### हमारा ह्यूमनाइज़ एआई टेक्स्ट टेक्स्ट को मानवीय बनाने के लिए टेक्स्ट को ऑनलाइन परिवर्तित करने का एक मुफ़्त और विश्वसनीय टूल है।
AI का पता लगाने से बचने के लिए AI टेक्स्ट को ह्यूमन टेक्स्ट में बदलने में तुम्हारी मदद करता है, अब आत्मविश्वास के साथ लिखता है और AI डिटेक्शन को आसानी से खत्म करता है!
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/humanizar-texto-de-ia?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -232,28 +248,6 @@ PicPicAI: फोटो एन्हांसर, बैकग्राउंड
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### TranslateSRT.online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-translatesrt-online.webp" alt="TranslateSRT.online">
#### TranslateSRT एक ऑनलाइन टूल है जो तुम्हेंं AI का इस्तेमाल करके सबटाइटल फ़ाइलों (.SRT) का अनुवाद करने में मदद करता है।
सबटाइटल के लिए सटीक और स्टाइल के अनुरूप अनुवाद: फ़िल्में, सोशल मीडिया या सीरीज़।
.SRT सबटाइटल के लिए कई भाषाओं में पेशेवर अनुवाद पाने के लिए Power of AI का इस्तेमाल करें।
मार्कअप और सबटाइटल टाइमिंग को मूल फ़ाइल की तरह रखते हुए .SRT फ़ाइलों का ट्रांसलेट करें।
दुर्लभ सामग्री के लिए अंग्रेज़ी, फ़्रेंच, स्पैनिश या कई अन्य लोकप्रिय भाषाओं में सबटाइटल पाओ।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/translatesrt-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## लेखा और वित्त
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -55,42 +55,36 @@ Translations:
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<h4>24/7 Custom AI chatbot Plus Live Chat Escalation</h4>
<p>Chat Data is an AI chatbot platform offering flexible backend and frontend customization. Create chatbots using your knowledge base, custom endpoints, or Chat Data's models. Customize the chatbot interface and opt for white labeling. Additional features include Live Chat escalation in standard or professional plans.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Chat Data</b></a>
<h4>AIApply: AI tools for Jobseekers to craft the perfect application</h4>
<p>AIApply is a dynamic suite of AI tools designed to empower jobseekers. It streamlines the job application process, enhances resume quality, preps for interviews, and identifies optimal career opportunities. AIApply personalizes job search strategies, ensuring users stand out in competitive markets. It''s an essential tool for anyone looking to accelerate their career path with the power of AI.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with AiApply</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>Corporate Headshots AI: Revolutionizing Corporate Portraits with AI</h4>
<p>Experience the future of professional photography with www.corporateHeadshots.ai. Our AI-driven platform transforms your selfies into elegant, corporate-standard headshots, making professional imagery accessible and effortless for everyone, everywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<h4>Paraphrasing Tool - Best Free Online Paraphraser - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>WordfixerBot''s Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect tool to help you quickly and accurately rephrase any texts, sentences, articles, paragraphs, papers, or documents. Get started now and make your writing stand out!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Mobile, AI-Powered Sticker Design and Sales Solution</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI is your premier solution for creating and selling AI-powered stickers directly from your mobile device. Transform any location into a vibrant sticker workshop. With just two tablets and a printer, you can start selling custom stickers made in minutes. Our platform is designed to run your AI sticker business anytime, anywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<h4>Craft the perfect resume, with a little help from AI</h4>
<p>You don’t need to be a professional resume writer to quickly and easily create a resume that accurately reflects your work experience. Huntr’s customizable AI Resume Builder will help you craft a well-written, ATS-friendly resume to help you land more interviews.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
@ -148,6 +142,29 @@ Translations:
- 🕸 [Web Design](#web-design)
- ✍️ [Writing Assistant](#writing-assistant)
## Latest Additions to AI Collection
### College Tools
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-joaquin.webp" alt="College Tools">
#### Homework Solver by College Tools- Instant, Expert Homework Help
Homework Solver that integrates with any website or learning management system.
Click, Relax & Excel: Your Stress-Free Quiz Solution
College Tools, the ultimate LMS-integrated exam assistant. Our software utilizes advanced AI algorithms to deliver accurate quiz and homework solutions with AI, giving you more time to focus on understanding the material and achieving your academic goals.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/college-tools?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
@ -246,28 +263,6 @@ PicPicAI: Photo Enhancer, Background Remover, Remove Objects, HairStyles Generat
<br />
### TranslateSRT.online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-translatesrt-online.webp" alt="TranslateSRT.online">
#### TranslateSRT is an online tool that helps you to translate subtitle files (.SRT) using AI.
Accurate and style-consistent translation for subtitles: movies, social media or series.
Use power of AI to get professional translations for multiple languages for .SRT subtitles.
Translate .SRT files keeping markup and subtitle timings just as they are in the original file.
Get subtitles in English, French, Spanish or a number of other popular languages for rare content.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/translatesrt-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Accounting & Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -44,18 +44,6 @@
<h5>Лучшие подборки</h5>
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>Создайте идеальное резюме с небольшой помощью искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>Вам не нужно быть профессиональным составителем резюме, чтобы быстро и легко составить резюме, точно отражающее ваш опыт работы. Настраиваемый конструктор резюме Huntr с искусственным интеллектом поможет вам составить хорошо написанное резюме, удобное для использования ATS, и поможет вам пройти больше собеседований.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
@ -69,12 +57,26 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>Единственная готовая к производству генерация кода на основе искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>Jovu: единственная платформа искусственного интеллекта, превращающая идеи в готовый к производству код за 4 минуты. Автоматизируйте разработку серверных приложений, обеспечивая согласованность, предсказуемость и соответствие самым высоким стандартам с помощью масштабируемого кода.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Мобильное решение для дизайна и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI — это ваше лучшее решение для создания и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта прямо с вашего мобильного устройства. Превратите любое место в яркую мастерскую по стикерам. Имея всего два планшета и принтер, вы можете начать продавать наклейки, изготовленные на заказ, за считанные минуты. Наша платформа предназначена для ведения бизнеса по производству наклеек с искусственным интеллектом в любое время и в любом месте.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>Найдите идеальную работу с помощью нашего искусственного интеллекта для подачи заявлений о приеме на работу. Каждую неделю автоматически подавайте заявки на сотни инженерных вакансий! Присоединяйтесь к ApplyPass, чтобы получить 100 бесплатных заявок.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass — это инструмент для поиска работы на базе искусственного интеллекта, который позволяет проводить больше собеседований. ApplyPass ежемесячно подает 200-400 индивидуальных заявлений о приеме на работу от вашего имени. Этот инструмент предлагает первые 100 заявок на работу бесплатно.
ApplyPass.com провел тысячи интервью для инженеров, средний процент ответов на которые на 40% выше, чем в среднем по отрасли.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с ApplyPass</b></a>
<br />
@ -132,17 +134,33 @@
- 🕸 [Веб-дизайн](#веб-дизайн)
- ✍️ [Помощник по письму](#помощник-по-письму)
## Последние дополнения к коллекции AI
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
### College Tools
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-joaquin.webp" alt="College Tools">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/college-tools?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
#### Наш Humanize AI Text — это бесплатный и надежный инструмент для преобразования текста в гуманизированный текст AI в Интернете.
помогает преобразовывать текст с искусственным интеллектом в текст, написанный человеком, чтобы избежать обнаружения искусственного интеллекта. Пишите уверенно и легко устраняйте обнаружение искусственного интеллекта!
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/humanizar-texto-de-ia?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
@ -230,28 +248,6 @@ PicPicai: средство улучшения фотографий, средст
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### TranslateSRT.online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-translatesrt-online.webp" alt="TranslateSRT.online">
#### TranslatesRT — это онлайн-инструмент, который помогает переводить файлы субтитров (.SRT) с помощью искусственного интеллекта.
Точный и стильный перевод субтитров: фильмов, социальных сетей или сериалов.
Используйте возможности искусственного интеллекта, чтобы профессионально переводить субтитры.SRT на несколько языков.
Переводите файлы с расширением.SRT, сохраняя время разметки и субтитров так же, как и в исходном файле.
Получайте субтитры на английском, французском, испанском или ряде других популярных языков для редкого контента.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/translatesrt-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Бухгалтерский учет и финансы
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -44,30 +44,6 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<p>AIApply是一套动态的人工智能工具,旨在增强求职者的能力。它简化了求职流程,提高了简历质量,为面试做准备,并确定了最佳的职业机会。AIApply 个性化求职策略,确保用户在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。对于任何希望借助人工智能的力量加快职业道路的人来说,它都是一个必不可少的工具。</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 AiApply</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<h4>唯一一款支持量产的 AI 驱动的代码生成</h4>
<p>Jovu:唯一一个在 4 分钟内将想法转化为生产就绪代码的人工智能平台。使用可扩展的代码实现后端应用程序开发自动化,确保一致性、可预测性并遵守最高标准。</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
@ -80,6 +56,36 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<h4>全天候自定义 AI 聊天机器人加上实时聊天升级</h4>
<p>Chat Data 是一个 AI 聊天机器人平台,提供灵活的后端和前端自定义。使用您的知识库、自定义终端节点或聊天数据的模型创建聊天机器人。自定义聊天机器人界面并选择白色标签。其他功能包括标准或专业计划中的实时聊天升级。
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Chat Data</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<h4>企业头像 AI:用 AI 彻底改变企业画像</h4>
<p>通过 www.corporateHeadshots.ai 体验专业摄影的未来。我们的人工智能驱动平台可将您的自拍照转换为优雅的企业标准头像,让所有人随时随地都能轻松访问专业图像。</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<br />
### AI Collection 中精选的精彩 AI 应用程序列表
@ -132,17 +138,33 @@
- 🕸 [网页设计](#网页设计)
- ✍️ [写作助理](#写作助理)
## AI 合集的最新补充
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
### College Tools
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-joaquin.webp" alt="College Tools">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/college-tools?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Humanizar texto de IA
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-humanizar-texto-de-ia.webp" alt="Humanizar texto de IA">
#### 我们的 Humanize AI Text 是一款免费可靠的工具,用于在线将文本转换为人性化人工智能文本。
帮助您将 AI 文本转换为人工文本,以避免 AI 检测,立即放心书写并轻松消除 AI 检测!
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/humanizar-texto-de-ia?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -230,28 +252,6 @@ PicpicAI: 照片增强器、背景去除器、移除对象、发型生成器、
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### TranslateSRT.online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-translatesrt-online.webp" alt="TranslateSRT.online">
#### TranslateSRT是一款在线工具,可帮助你使用人工智能翻译字幕文件(.SRT)。
利用人工智能的力量获得 .SRT 字幕的多种语言的专业翻译。
翻译 .SRT 文件,保持标注和字幕时间与原始文件中的相同。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/translatesrt-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## 会计与金融
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
Reference in New Issue
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