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synced 2025-03-10 07:59:28 -04:00
@ -59,18 +59,6 @@ Seleccione y descargue sus favoritos de sus resultados: no se pueden distinguir
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<h4>Crea el currículum perfecto, con un poco de ayuda de la IA</h4>
<p>No necesitas ser un redactor de currículums profesional para crear rápida y fácilmente un currículum que refleje con precisión tu experiencia laboral. El creador de currículums personalizable con IA de Huntr te ayudará a crear un currículum bien escrito y apto para ATS que te ayude a conseguir más entrevistas.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<br />
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
@ -83,6 +71,20 @@ Seleccione y descargue sus favoritos de sus resultados: no se pueden distinguir
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>Consigue tu trabajo ideal con nuestra IA de solicitudes de empleo. ¡Solicita automáticamente cientos de trabajos de ingeniería cada semana! Únete a ApplyPass para conseguir 100 aplicaciones gratuitas.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass es una herramienta de búsqueda de empleo basada en la inteligencia artificial que te permite conseguir más entrevistas de trabajo. ApplyPass presenta entre 200 y 400 solicitudes de empleo personalizadas en tu nombre cada mes. Esta herramienta ofrece las 100 primeras solicitudes de empleo de forma gratuita.
ApplyPass.com ha generado miles de entrevistas para ingenieros, con una tasa de respuesta media un 40% superior a la media del sector.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Comience con ApplyPass</b></a>
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### Una lista cuidadosamente seleccionada de increíbles aplicaciones de IA incluidas en AI Collection
@ -135,17 +137,33 @@ Seleccione y descargue sus favoritos de sus resultados: no se pueden distinguir
- 🕸 [Diseño web](#diseño-web)
- ✍️ [Asistente de Redacción](#asistente-de-redacción)
## Últimas incorporaciones a la colección AI
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
### AmigoChat
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-amigochat.webp" alt="AmigoChat">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/amigochat?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
#### Siguiente: Copiloto de conocimientos de IA, consigue ideas 10 veces más rápido
Nex utiliza una IA de última generación para generar conclusiones y esquemas para cualquier artículo o vídeo de YouTube, destacando las citas importantes
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/nex-ai-knowledge-copilot?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
@ -236,22 +254,6 @@ Transforma fácilmente tus fotos en vídeos de baile impresionantes y dinámicos
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### MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights.webp" alt="MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights">
#### Descubre las últimas tendencias, noticias e información sobre el mundo de las monedas MEME y las criptomonedas. Meme Is Game ofrece la guía definitiva para navegar en este nuevo y emocionante mercado.
Descubre las mejores y más nuevas monedas de memes en MEME is Game, con información impulsada por la IA. Mantente informado con las últimas tendencias, reseñas y análisis de IA de las principales monedas de memes, incluidas las nuevas monedas de memes y las mejores monedas de memes.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Cuentas y finanzas
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -60,24 +60,26 @@ Sélectionnez et téléchargez vos favoris à partir de vos résultats : ils so
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-huntr-ai-resume-builder.webp" alt="Huntr AI Resume Builder" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>Rédigez le CV parfait avec l''aide de l''IA</h4>
<p>Tu n''as pas besoin d''être une rédactrice de CV professionnelle pour créer rapidement et facilement un CV qui reflète fidèlement ton expérience professionnelle. Le générateur de CV IA personnalisable de Hunter t''aidera à rédiger un CV bien rédigé et adapté aux ATS afin de décrocher plus d''entretiens.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | Solution mobile de création et de vente d'autocollants basée sur l'IA #1</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI est ta meilleure solution pour créer et vendre des autocollants alimentés par l'IA directement depuis ton appareil mobile. Transforme n'importe quel lieu en un atelier d'autocollants dynamique. Avec seulement deux tablettes et une imprimante, tu peux commencer à vendre des autocollants personnalisés en quelques minutes. Notre plateforme est conçue pour gérer ton activité d'autocollants IA à tout moment et en tout lieu.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>La seule génération de code basée sur l'IA prête pour la production</h4>
<p>Jovu : la seule plateforme d'IA qui transforme les idées en code prêt à être produit en 4 minutes. Automatisez le développement de tes applications dorsales, en garantissant la cohérence, la prévisibilité et le respect des normes les plus strictes grâce à un code conçu pour évoluer.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
<h4>Décroche le poste idéal grâce à notre IA pour les candidatures. Postulez automatiquement à des centaines de postes d''ingénieur chaque semaine ! Abonne ApplyPass pour bénéficier de 100 candidatures gratuites.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass est un outil de recherche d''emploi basé sur l''IA qui te permet d''obtenir plus d''entretiens d''embauche. ApplyPass soumet 200 à 400 candidatures personnalisées en ton nom chaque mois. Cet outil propose les 100 premières demandes d''emploi gratuitement.
ApplyPass.com a généré des milliers d''entretiens pour des ingénieurs, avec un taux de réponse moyen supérieur de 40 % à la moyenne du secteur.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec ApplyPass</b></a>
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@ -135,17 +137,33 @@ Sélectionnez et téléchargez vos favoris à partir de vos résultats : ils so
- 🕸 [Création de sites web](#création-de-sites-web)
- ✍️ [Assistante d''écriture](#assistante-d''écriture)
## Derniers ajouts à la collection AI
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
### AmigoChat
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-amigochat.webp" alt="AmigoChat">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/amigochat?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
#### Suivant : AI Knowledge Copilot, trouve des idées 10 fois plus vite
Nex utilise une IA de pointe pour générer des points à retenir et des plans pour n'importe quel article ou vidéo YouTube, en mettant en évidence les citations importantes
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/nex-ai-knowledge-copilot?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
@ -236,22 +254,6 @@ Transforme facilement tes photos en vidéos de danse dynamiques et époustouflan
<br />
### MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights.webp" alt="MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights">
#### Découvrez les dernières tendances, actualités et informations sur le monde des pièces MEME et des cryptomonnaies. Meme Is Game est le guide ultime pour naviguer sur ce nouveau marché passionnant.
Découvrez les nouvelles et les meilleures pièces mèmes sur MEME is Game, qui proposent des informations basées sur l'IA. Restez informée des dernières tendances, des critiques et des analyses d'IA des meilleures pièces mèmes, y compris Hot New Meme Coins et Best Meme Coins.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## Comptabilité et Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -60,24 +60,30 @@
<div align="center">
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<h4>पैराफ़्रेसिंग टूल - सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुफ़्त ऑनलाइन पैराफ़्रेज़र - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>WordFixerBot का पैराफ़्रेसिंग टूल किसी भी टेक्स्ट, वाक्य, लेख, पैराग्राफ, पेपर या दस्तावेज़ों को तुरंत और सटीक तरीके से फिर से लिखने में तुम्हारी मदद करने के लिए एकदम सही टूल है। अभी शुरू करो और अपने लेखन को सबसे अलग बनाओ!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<h4>24/7 कस्टम AI चैटबोट और लाइव चैट एस्केलेशन</h4>
<p>चैट डेटा एक AI चैटबॉट प्लेटफ़ॉर्म है, जो सुविधाजनक बैकएंड और फ़्रंटएंड कस्टमाइज़ेशन की सुविधा देता है। अपने नॉलेज बेस, कस्टम एंडपॉइंट या चैट डेटा के मॉडल का इस्तेमाल करके चैटबॉट बनाएं। चैटबोट इंटरफ़ेस को कस्टमाइज़ करें और वाइट लेबलिंग का विकल्प चुनें। अतिरिक्त सुविधाओं में स्टैण्डर्ड या प्रोफ़ेशनल प्लान में लाइव चैट एस्केलेशन शामिल है।
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Chat Data</b></a>
<br />
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<h4>कॉर्पोरेट हेडशॉट्स AI: AI के साथ कॉर्पोरेट पोर्ट्रेट्स में क्रांति लाना</h4>
<p>www.CorporateHeadshots.ai के साथ प्रोफ़ेशनल फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी के भविष्य का अनुभव करें। हमारा एआई-चालित प्लेटफ़ॉर्म तुम्हारी सेल्फी को सुंदर, कॉर्पोरेट-मानक हेडशॉट में बदल देता है, जिससे पेशेवर तस्वीरें हर किसी के लिए, हर जगह सुलभ और आसान हो जाती हैं।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<h4>एकमात्र प्रॉडक्शन-तैयार AI-संचालित कोड जनरेशन</h4>
<p>जोवू: एकमात्र AI प्लेटफ़ॉर्म, जो 4 मिनट में आइडिया को प्रोडक्शन-रेडी कोड में बदल देता है। अपने बैकएंड अनुप्रयोगों के डेवलपमेंट को स्वचालित करें, ताकि बड़े पैमाने पर बनाए गए कोड के साथ निरंतरता, पूर्वानुमान और उच्चतम मानकों का पालन किया जा सके।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
<br />
@ -135,17 +141,33 @@
- 🕸 [वेब डिजाइन](#वेब-डिजाइन)
- ✍️ [लेखन सहायक](#लेखन-सहायक)
## एआई संग्रह में नवीनतम परिवर्धन
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
### AmigoChat
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-amigochat.webp" alt="AmigoChat">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/amigochat?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
#### अगला: AI नॉलेज को-पायलट, आइडिया 10X तेज़ी से पाओ
नेक्स महत्वपूर्ण उद्धरणों को हाइलाइट करते हुए, किसी भी लेख या YouTube वीडियो के लिए जानकारी और रूपरेखा तैयार करने के लिए अत्याधुनिक AI का उपयोग करता है
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/nex-ai-knowledge-copilot?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
@ -236,22 +258,6 @@ AI फ़िल्टर की मदद से अपनी तस्वीरो
<br />
### MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights.webp" alt="MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights">
#### MEME कॉइन्स और क्रिप्टोकरेंसी की दुनिया के सबसे नए रुझान, समाचार और जानकारी के बारे में जानें। मेमे इज़ गेम इस रोमांचक नए बाज़ार में नेविगेट करने के लिए बेहतरीन गाइड प्रदान करता है।
मेमे इज गेम में सबसे नए और सबसे अच्छे मेम कॉइन खोजें, जिसमें एआई-संचालित जानकारी शामिल है। टॉप मेम कॉइन्स के नए ट्रेंड्स, समीक्षाओं और AI विश्लेषणों से अवगत रहें, जिनमें हॉट न्यू मेम कॉइन्स और सबसे अच्छे मेम कॉइन्स शामिल हैं।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
<br />
## लेखा और वित्त
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -70,24 +70,24 @@ Select and download your favorites from your results—they''re indistinguishabl
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>Corporate Headshots AI: Revolutionizing Corporate Portraits with AI</h4>
<p>Experience the future of professional photography with www.corporateHeadshots.ai. Our AI-driven platform transforms your selfies into elegant, corporate-standard headshots, making professional imagery accessible and effortless for everyone, everywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<h4>Paraphrasing Tool - Best Free Online Paraphraser - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>WordfixerBot''s Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect tool to help you quickly and accurately rephrase any texts, sentences, articles, paragraphs, papers, or documents. Get started now and make your writing stand out!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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<div align="center">
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<h4>AIApply: AI tools for Jobseekers to craft the perfect application</h4>
<p>AIApply is a dynamic suite of AI tools designed to empower jobseekers. It streamlines the job application process, enhances resume quality, preps for interviews, and identifies optimal career opportunities. AIApply personalizes job search strategies, ensuring users stand out in competitive markets. It''s an essential tool for anyone looking to accelerate their career path with the power of AI.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with AiApply</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Mobile, AI-Powered Sticker Design and Sales Solution</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI is your premier solution for creating and selling AI-powered stickers directly from your mobile device. Transform any location into a vibrant sticker workshop. With just two tablets and a printer, you can start selling custom stickers made in minutes. Our platform is designed to run your AI sticker business anytime, anywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<br />
@ -145,6 +145,22 @@ Select and download your favorites from your results—they''re indistinguishabl
- 🕸 [Web Design](#web-design)
- ✍️ [Writing Assistant](#writing-assistant)
## Latest Additions to AI Collection
### AmigoChat
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-amigochat.webp" alt="AmigoChat">
#### AmigoChat is an AI GPT chat service for free.
AmigoChat is an innovative AI-powered friend, an advanced conversational platform designed to provide quick and efficient answers. AmigoChat offers users more flexibility, diverse conversational capabilities, and a unique sense of humor that sets it apart from other AI chatbots like ChatGPT.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/amigochat?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
@ -246,22 +262,6 @@ Easily transform your photos into stunning, dynamic dance videos for free online
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### MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights.webp" alt="MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights">
#### Discover the latest trends, news, and insights on the world of MEME Coins and cryptocurrencies. Meme Is Game provides the ultimate guide to navigating this exciting new market.
Discover the newest and best meme coins at MEME is Game, featuring AI-powered insights. Stay informed with the latest trends, reviews, and AI analyses of top meme coins, including Hot New Meme Coins and Best Meme Coins.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Accounting & Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -59,18 +59,6 @@
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<h4>AiApply: инструменты искусственного интеллекта для соискателей работы для создания идеального приложения</h4>
<p>AiApply — это динамичный набор инструментов искусственного интеллекта, разработанный для расширения возможностей лиц, ищущих работу. Он упрощает процесс подачи заявления о приеме на работу, повышает качество резюме, готовит к собеседованиям и определяет оптимальные карьерные возможности. AiApply персонализирует стратегии поиска работы, обеспечивая пользователям возможность выделиться на конкурентных рынках. Это важный инструмент для всех, кто хочет ускорить свой карьерный рост с помощью искусственного интел</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с AiApply</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
@ -85,6 +73,18 @@ ApplyPass.com провел тысячи интервью для инженеро
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>Инструмент для перефразирования - лучший бесплатный онлайн-парафразировщик - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>Инструмент перефразирования WordFixerBot — идеальный инструмент, который поможет вам быстро и точно перефразировать любые тексты, предложения, статьи, абзацы, статьи или документы. Начните прямо сейчас и сделайте свой текст незабываемым!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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### Тщательно подобранный список потрясающих приложений искусственного интеллекта, представленных в AI Collection.
@ -137,17 +137,33 @@ ApplyPass.com провел тысячи интервью для инженеро
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## Последние дополнения к коллекции AI
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
### AmigoChat
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-amigochat.webp" alt="AmigoChat">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/amigochat?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
#### Далее: Второй пилот AI Knowledge, получайте идеи в 10 раз быстрее
Nex использует передовой искусственный интеллект для создания выводов и контуров для любой статьи или видео на YouTube, выделяя важные цитаты
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/nex-ai-knowledge-copilot?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -238,22 +254,6 @@ HireBase.org — это система поиска работы, которая
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### MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights.webp" alt="MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights">
#### Ознакомьтесь с последними тенденциями, новостями и аналитикой мира монет MEME и криптовалют. Meme Is Game представляет собой полное руководство по навигации по этому захватывающему новому рынку.
Откройте для себя новейшие и лучшие монеты для мемов в MEME is Game, в которых представлены аналитические данные на основе искусственного интеллекта. Будьте в курсе последних тенденций, обзоров и анализов лучших мем-монет, включая самые популярные мем-монеты и лучшие мем-монеты.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Бухгалтерский учет и финансы
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@
<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 移动、人工智能驱动的贴纸设计和销售解决方案</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI 是直接从移动设备创建和销售人工智能贴纸的首选解决方案。将任何地点变成充满活力的贴纸工作室。只需两台平板电脑和一台打印机,您就可以开始销售几分钟内制作的定制贴纸。我们的平台旨在随时随地经营您的AI贴纸业务。</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<p>WordFixerBot 的释义工具是帮助您快速准确地改写任何文本、句子、文章、段落、论文或文档的完美工具。立即开始,让你的写作脱颖而出!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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@ -135,17 +135,33 @@
- 🕸 [网页设计](#网页设计)
- ✍️ [写作助理](#写作助理)
## AI 合集的最新补充
### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
### AmigoChat
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-amigochat.webp" alt="AmigoChat">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/amigochat?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-nex-ai-knowledge-copilot.webp" alt="Nex : AI Knowledge Copilot">
#### 下一页:人工智能知识副驾驶,以10倍的速度获得创意
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/nex-ai-knowledge-copilot?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -236,22 +252,6 @@ Hirebase.org是一个求职引擎,它可以从互联网上抓取公司网站
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### MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights.webp" alt="MEME Is Game - Best Meme Coins with AI Insights">
#### 了解有关 MEME 硬币和加密货币世界的最新趋势、新闻和见解。Meme Is Game 为驾驭这个令人兴奋的新市场提供了终极指南。
在 MEME is Game 探索最新最好的模因币,其中包含人工智能驱动的见解。随时了解热门模因币的最新趋势、评论和人工智能分析,包括热门新模因币和最佳模因币。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/meme-is-game-best-meme-coins-with-ai-insights?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## 会计与金融
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
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