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@ -60,24 +60,30 @@ Seleccione y descargue sus favoritos de sus resultados: no se pueden distinguir
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<h4>Herramienta de paráfrasis - El mejor paráfrasis gratuito en línea - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>La herramienta de paráfrasis de WordFixerBot es la herramienta perfecta para ayudarte a reformular de forma rápida y precisa cualquier texto, frase, artículo, párrafo, artículo o documento. ¡Empieza ahora y haz que tu escritura destaque!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<h4>Chatbot de IA personalizado las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, más escalación</h4>
<p>Chat Data es una plataforma de chatbots de IA que ofrece una personalización flexible de backend y frontend. Crea chatbots con tu base de conocimientos, puntos finales personalizados o los modelos de Chat Data. Personaliza la interfaz del chatbot y opta por la etiqueta blanca. Las funciones adicionales incluyen la escalación del chat en vivo en los planes estándar o profesionales.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Chat Data</b></a>
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<h4>AIApply: herramientas de inteligencia artificial para que los solicitantes de empleo creen la aplicación perfecta</h4>
<p>AIApply es un conjunto dinámico de herramientas de IA diseñado para ayudar a los solicitantes de empleo. Agiliza el proceso de solicitud de empleo, mejora la calidad del currículum, prepara para las entrevistas e identifica las oportunidades profesionales óptimas. AIApply personaliza las estrategias de búsqueda de empleo y garantiza que los usuarios destaquen en los mercados competitivos. Es una herramienta esencial para cualquiera que quiera acelerar su trayectoria profesional con el poder de la IA.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Comience con AiApply</b></a>
<h4>La única generación de código basada en IA lista para producción</h4>
<p>Jovu: la única plataforma de IA que convierte las ideas en código listo para producción en 4 minutos. Automatiza el desarrollo de tus aplicaciones de backend, garantizando la coherencia, la previsibilidad y el cumplimiento de los más altos estándares con un código diseñado para escalar.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>Comience con Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
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@ -135,17 +141,33 @@ Seleccione y descargue sus favoritos de sus resultados: no se pueden distinguir
- 🕸 [Diseño web](#diseño-web)
- ✍️ [Asistente de Redacción](#asistente-de-redacción)
## Últimas incorporaciones a la colección AI
### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
### AI Filter
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-ai-filter.webp" alt="AI Filter">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/ai-filter?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
#### VeggieAI.Dance: crea vídeos de baile de IA con Veggie AI gratis en línea
Transforma fácilmente tus fotos en vídeos de baile impresionantes y dinámicos de forma gratuita en línea con Veggie AI, que utiliza tecnología de IA de última generación para vídeos realistas.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -232,22 +254,6 @@ Parafrasear es el acto de reafirmar las ideas o el significado de un texto con d
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### Salesably
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-salesably.webp" alt="Salesably">
#### Entrenamiento de ventas impulsado por la IA para mejorar la comunicación
Salesably.ai es una plataforma de capacitación de ventas diseñada para reforzar las habilidades clave y las conductas ganadoras a fin de aumentar el rendimiento de tu equipo de ventas. Con nuestro asesoramiento basado en la IA y nuestros conocimientos personalizados, tus representantes cerrarán negocios más rápido, superarán los objetivos e impulsarán el crecimiento de los ingresos.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/es/application/salesably?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Cuentas y finanzas
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -60,24 +60,26 @@ Sélectionnez et téléchargez vos favoris à partir de vos résultats : ils so
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-applypass.webp" alt="ApplyPass" border="0"/>
<h4>Outil de paraphrase - Meilleur paraphraser gratuit en ligne - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>L''outil de paraphrase de WordFixerBot est l''outil idéal pour t''aider à reformuler rapidement et précisément tous les textes, phrases, articles, paragraphes, articles ou documents. Commence dès maintenant et fais en sorte que ton écriture se démarque !</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<h4>Décroche le poste idéal grâce à notre IA pour les candidatures. Postulez automatiquement à des centaines de postes d''ingénieur chaque semaine ! Abonne ApplyPass pour bénéficier de 100 candidatures gratuites.</h4>
<p>ApplyPass est un outil de recherche d''emploi basé sur l''IA qui te permet d''obtenir plus d''entretiens d''embauche. ApplyPass soumet 200 à 400 candidatures personnalisées en ton nom chaque mois. Cet outil propose les 100 premières demandes d''emploi gratuitement.
ApplyPass.com a généré des milliers d''entretiens pour des ingénieurs, avec un taux de réponse moyen supérieur de 40 % à la moyenne du secteur.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/applypass" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec ApplyPass</b></a>
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-aiapply.webp" alt="AiApply" border="0"/>
<h4>Corporate Headshots AI : révolutionner les portraits d''entreprise grâce à l''IA</h4>
<p>Découvrez le futur de la photographie professionnelle sur www.CorporateHeadshots.ai. Notre plateforme pilotée par l''IA transforme tes selfies en portraits élégants, conformes aux normes de l''entreprise, rendant ainsi les images professionnelles accessibles et faciles à utiliser pour tous, où que ce soit.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<h4>AIApply : outils d''IA permettant aux demandeurs d''emploi de créer la candidature parfaite</h4>
<p>AIApply est une suite dynamique d''outils d''IA conçus pour donner plus de moyens aux demandeurs d''emploi. Il rationalise le processus de candidature, améliore la qualité des CV, prépare les entretiens et identifie les meilleures opportunités de carrière. AIApply personnalise les stratégies de recherche d''emploi afin de permettre aux utilisateurs de se démarquer sur les marchés concurrentiels. C''est un outil essentiel pour tous ceux qui souhaitent accélérer leur carrière grâce à la puissance de l''IA.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Démarrer avec AiApply</b></a>
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@ -135,17 +137,33 @@ Sélectionnez et téléchargez vos favoris à partir de vos résultats : ils so
- 🕸 [Création de sites web](#création-de-sites-web)
- ✍️ [Assistante d''écriture](#assistante-d''écriture)
## Derniers ajouts à la collection AI
### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
### AI Filter
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-ai-filter.webp" alt="AI Filter">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/ai-filter?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
#### VeggieAI.Dance : crée des vidéos de danse IA avec Veggie AI gratuitement en ligne
Transforme facilement tes photos en vidéos de danse dynamiques et époustouflantes, gratuitement en ligne avec Veggie AI, qui utilise une technologie d'intelligence artificielle de pointe pour créer des vidéos réalistes.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -232,22 +250,6 @@ La paraphrase consiste à reformuler les idées ou le sens d'un texte en utilisa
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### Salesably
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-salesably.webp" alt="Salesably">
#### Coaching commercial piloté par l'IA pour améliorer la communication
Salesably.ai est une plateforme d'aide à la vente conçue pour renforcer les compétences clés et les comportements gagnants afin d'améliorer les performances de ton équipe commerciale. Grâce à notre coaching piloté par l'IA et à nos informations personnalisées, tes représentants concluront des affaires plus rapidement, dépasseront les objectifs et stimuleront la croissance des revenus.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/fr/application/salesably?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Comptabilité et Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-corporate-headshots-ai.webp" alt="Corporate Headshots AI" border="0"/>
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<h4>कॉर्पोरेट हेडशॉट्स AI: AI के साथ कॉर्पोरेट पोर्ट्रेट्स में क्रांति लाना</h4>
<p>www.CorporateHeadshots.ai के साथ प्रोफ़ेशनल फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी के भविष्य का अनुभव करें। हमारा एआई-चालित प्लेटफ़ॉर्म तुम्हारी सेल्फी को सुंदर, कॉर्पोरेट-मानक हेडशॉट में बदल देता है, जिससे पेशेवर तस्वीरें हर किसी के लिए, हर जगह सुलभ और आसान हो जाती हैं।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/corporate-headshots-ai" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें Corporate Headshots AI</b></a>
<h4>AIApply: नौकरी खोजने वालों के लिए AI टूल, ताकि बेहतरीन एप्लीकेशन तैयार किया जा सके</h4>
<p>AIApply AI टूल का एक डायनामिक सूट है, जिसे नौकरी तलाशने वालों को सशक्त बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। यह नौकरी की आवेदन प्रक्रिया को आसान बनाता है, रिज़्यूमे की गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाता है, साक्षात्कारों के लिए तैयार करता है और करियर के सबसे अच्छे अवसरों की पहचान करता है। AIApply नौकरी खोजने की रणनीतियों को वैयक्तिकृत करता है, यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि यूज़र प्रतिस्पर्धी बाज़ारों में अलग दिखें। यह उन लोगों के लिए ज़रूरी टूल है जो AI की मदद से अपने करियर की राह में तेज़ी लाना चाहते हैं।</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>के साथ आरंभ करें AiApply</b></a>
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@ -135,17 +135,33 @@
- 🕸 [वेब डिजाइन](#वेब-डिजाइन)
- ✍️ [लेखन सहायक](#लेखन-सहायक)
## एआई संग्रह में नवीनतम परिवर्धन
### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
### AI Filter
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-ai-filter.webp" alt="AI Filter">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/ai-filter?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
#### VeggieAI.dance: वेजी एआई के साथ एआई डांस वीडियो बनाएं, मुफ्त ऑनलाइन
सजीव वीडियो के लिए अत्याधुनिक AI तकनीक का इस्तेमाल करके आसानी से अपनी तस्वीरों को शानदार, डायनामिक डांस वीडियो में मुफ्त में ऑनलाइन रूपांतरित करें।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -232,22 +248,6 @@ Humanizar Texto की ताकत का अनुभव करें, जो
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### Salesably
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-salesably.webp" alt="Salesably">
#### बातचीत बढ़ाने के लिए एआई-संचालित सेल्स कोचिंग
Salesably.ai सेल्स सक्षम करने का एक प्लैटफ़ॉर्म है, जिसे तुम्हारी सेल्स टीम के प्रदर्शन को बढ़ाने के लिए मुख्य कौशल और जीत के व्यवहार को बेहतर बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। हमारी एआई-संचालित कोचिंग और वैयक्तिकृत जानकारी के साथ, तुम्हारे प्रतिनिधि तेज़ी से सौदे बंद करेंगे, लक्ष्य को पार करेंगे और राजस्व में वृद्धि करेंगे।
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/hi/application/salesably?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## लेखा और वित्त
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -70,24 +70,30 @@ Select and download your favorites from your results—they''re indistinguishabl
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<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-chat-data.webp" alt="Chat Data" border="0"/>
<h4>Paraphrasing Tool - Best Free Online Paraphraser - Wordfixerbot</h4>
<p>WordfixerBot''s Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect tool to help you quickly and accurately rephrase any texts, sentences, articles, paragraphs, papers, or documents. Get started now and make your writing stand out!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Wordfixerbot</b></a>
<h4>24/7 Custom AI chatbot Plus Live Chat Escalation</h4>
<p>Chat Data is an AI chatbot platform offering flexible backend and frontend customization. Create chatbots using your knowledge base, custom endpoints, or Chat Data's models. Customize the chatbot interface and opt for white labeling. Additional features include Live Chat escalation in standard or professional plans.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Chat Data</b></a>
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<div align="center">
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-stickerit-ai.webp" alt="StickerIt.AI" border="0"/>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank" style="outline:none;border:none;">
<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-jovu-by-amplication.webp" alt="Jovu by Amplication" border="0"/>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Mobile, AI-Powered Sticker Design and Sales Solution</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI is your premier solution for creating and selling AI-powered stickers directly from your mobile device. Transform any location into a vibrant sticker workshop. With just two tablets and a printer, you can start selling custom stickers made in minutes. Our platform is designed to run your AI sticker business anytime, anywhere.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with StickerIt.AI</b></a>
<h4>The only production-ready AI-powered code generation</h4>
<p>Jovu: the only AI platform turning ideas into production-ready code in 4 mins. Automate your backend applications development, ensuring consistency, predictability, and adherence to the highest standards with code that’s built to scale.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>Get Started with Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
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@ -145,6 +151,24 @@ Select and download your favorites from your results—they''re indistinguishabl
- 🕸 [Web Design](#web-design)
- ✍️ [Writing Assistant](#writing-assistant)
## Latest Additions to AI Collection
### AI Filter
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-ai-filter.webp" alt="AI Filter">
#### AI Filter - Transform your photos with filters
Transform your photos with AI filters into anime, clay, 3D, pixel, emoji, video game, sticker, and more styles.
Register to receive 20 credits, and you can subscribe to different plans for more credits.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/ai-filter?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
@ -242,22 +266,6 @@ Paraphrasing is the act of restating a text's ideas or meaning using different w
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### Salesably
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-salesably.webp" alt="Salesably">
#### AI-driven sales coaching to enhance communication
Salesably.ai is a sales enablement platform designed to reinforce key skills and winning behaviors to increase your sales team's performance. With our AI-driven coaching and personalized insights, your reps will close deals faster, exceed targets, and drive revenue growth.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/en/application/salesably?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Accounting & Finance
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -60,30 +60,24 @@
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<h4>AiApply: инструменты искусственного интеллекта для соискателей работы для создания идеального приложения</h4>
<p>AiApply — это динамичный набор инструментов искусственного интеллекта, разработанный для расширения возможностей лиц, ищущих работу. Он упрощает процесс подачи заявления о приеме на работу, повышает качество резюме, готовит к собеседованиям и определяет оптимальные карьерные возможности. AiApply персонализирует стратегии поиска работы, обеспечивая пользователям возможность выделиться на конкурентных рынках. Это важный инструмент для всех, кто хочет ускорить свой карьерный рост с помощью искусственного интел</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/aiapply" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с AiApply</b></a>
<h4>StickerIt.AI | #1 Мобильное решение для дизайна и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>StickerIt.AI — это ваше лучшее решение для создания и продажи стикеров на базе искусственного интеллекта прямо с вашего мобильного устройства. Превратите любое место в яркую мастерскую по стикерам. Имея всего два планшета и принтер, вы можете начать продавать наклейки, изготовленные на заказ, за считанные минуты. Наша платформа предназначена для ведения бизнеса по производству наклеек с искусственным интеллектом в любое время и в любом месте.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/stickerit-ai" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с StickerIt.AI</b></a>
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<h4>Настраиваемый чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом, работающий круглосуточно и без выходных</h4>
<p>Chat Data — это платформа чат-ботов с искусственным интеллектом, предлагающая гибкую настройку бэкенда и интерфейса. Создавайте чат-ботов, используя свою базу знаний, настраиваемые конечные точки или модели Chat Data. Настройте интерфейс чат-бота и выберите белую маркировку. Дополнительные функции включают эскалацию онлайн-чата в стандартных или профессиональных тарифных планах.
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Chat Data</b></a>
<h4>Создайте идеальное резюме с небольшой помощью искусственного интеллекта</h4>
<p>Вам не нужно быть профессиональным составителем резюме, чтобы быстро и легко составить резюме, точно отражающее ваш опыт работы. Настраиваемый конструктор резюме Huntr с искусственным интеллектом поможет вам составить хорошо написанное резюме, удобное для использования ATS, и поможет вам пройти больше собеседований.</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>Начать работу с Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
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## Последние дополнения к коллекции AI
### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
### AI Filter
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-ai-filter.webp" alt="AI Filter">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/ai-filter?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
#### Veggieai.dance: создавайте танцевальные видео с искусственным интеллектом с помощью Veggie AI бесплатно онлайн
Легко превращайте свои фотографии в потрясающие динамичные танцевальные видео бесплатно онлайн с помощью Veggie AI, используя передовые технологии искусственного интеллекта для создания реалистичных видеороликов.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -238,22 +248,6 @@ Rise — это современная доска объявлений о вак
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### Salesably
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-salesably.webp" alt="Salesably">
#### Коучинг по продажам на основе искусственного интеллекта для улучшения коммуникации
Salesably.ai — это платформа для поддержки продаж, предназначенная для развития ключевых навыков и успешного поведения для повышения эффективности вашего отдела продаж. Благодаря нашему обучению на основе искусственного интеллекта и персонализированной аналитике ваши представители смогут быстрее заключать сделки, превышать целевые показатели и способствовать росту доходов.
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/ru/application/salesably?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## Бухгалтерский учет и финансы
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
@ -60,24 +60,30 @@
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<img width="400" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-wordfixerbot.webp" alt="Wordfixerbot" border="0"/>
<h4>在 AI 的帮助下制作完美的简历</h4>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/huntr-ai-resume-builder" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Huntr AI Resume Builder</b></a>
<p>WordFixerBot 的释义工具是帮助您快速准确地改写任何文本、句子、文章、段落、论文或文档的完美工具。立即开始,让你的写作脱颖而出!</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/wordfixerbot" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Wordfixerbot</b></a>
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<h4>唯一一款支持量产的 AI 驱动的代码生成</h4>
<p>Jovu:唯一一个在 4 分钟内将想法转化为生产就绪代码的人工智能平台。使用可扩展的代码实现后端应用程序开发自动化,确保一致性、可预测性并遵守最高标准。</p>
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/jovu-by-amplication" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Jovu by Amplication</b></a>
<h4>全天候自定义 AI 聊天机器人加上实时聊天升级</h4>
<p>Chat Data 是一个 AI 聊天机器人平台,提供灵活的后端和前端自定义。使用您的知识库、自定义终端节点或聊天数据的模型创建聊天机器人。自定义聊天机器人界面并选择白色标签。其他功能包括标准或专业计划中的实时聊天升级。
<a href="https://thataicollection.com/redirect/chat-data" target="_blank"><b>开始使用 Chat Data</b></a>
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- ✍️ [写作助理](#写作助理)
## AI 合集的最新补充
### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
### AI Filter
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-ai-filter.webp" alt="AI Filter">
#### null
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/ai-filter?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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### VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online.webp" alt="VeggieAI.dance: Create AI Dance Videos with Veggie AI Free Online">
#### VeggieAI.Dance:使用 Veggie AI 免费在线创建 AI 舞蹈视频
使用Veggie AI,利用尖端的人工智能技术制作逼真的视频,在线免费将照片轻松转换为精彩的动态舞蹈视频。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/veggieai-dance-create-ai-dance-videos-with-veggie-ai-free-online?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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@ -232,22 +254,6 @@ Rise是一个由现代人工智能驱动的求职板,也是科技及其他领
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### Salesably
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-salesably.webp" alt="Salesably">
#### 人工智能驱动的销售指导可增强沟通
Salesably.ai 是一个销售支持平台,旨在强化关键技能和制胜行为,从而提高销售团队的绩效。借助我们人工智能驱动的指导和个性化见解,您的代表将更快地完成交易,超额完成目标并推动收入增长。
[More Information and Pricing](https://thataicollection.com/zh-CN/application/salesably?utm_source=aicollection&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=aicollection)
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## 会计与金融
### MoneyCoach
<img align="left" width="240" src="https://cdn.thataicollection.com/screenshots/screenshot-moneycoach.webp" alt="MoneyCoach">
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